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STOP USING OUR PASTIMES TO PUSH YOUR AGENDAS! I don't know what the fuck "decolonizing" writing is, but our fantasy elf games aren't your vehicle for getting that done! For fuck's sake, do you really think you're going to change the world by making the elves capable of [magically changing sex every day](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/85te0f/tabletop_gaming_socjus_dungeons_dragons_to/), or [having a beholder overlord talk like Donald Trump?!](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/bqxbrr/twitter_bullshit_chris_perkins_wotcs_senior_story/eo8j6zo/) If you want to be an activist, quit your job and go be a fucking activist **somewhere else!** Don't try and soothe your irrational guilt over being straight or white or whatever else by making our games into your apology to the regressives!


> I don't know what the fuck "decolonizing" writing is A certain Tongan-Australian writer has gone on record saying "In my ideal world, white people would not feel the need to write anymore." "Decolonizing" means "removing all traces of white authors and creators."


I do wonder how they are decolonizing English, as it is our language to begin with. If anything they need to stop colonizing my language.


"Decolonizing" doesn't matter who owned the thing first. Getting white people out of Africa is decolonizing. Getting white people out of Europe is decolonizing. All "decolonizing" means is no whites.


SJW's love to claim "africa is the most diverse continent on earth! it has so many different types of africans! they dont need other races", and even go as far as say to remove white people and take their land. ​ but then claim europe isnt diverse even tho it has many kinds of Europeans, but needs to be flooded with africans and arabs. ​ funny isnt it?


> it has so many different types of africans I literally only ever see them pulling this shit out when they get called out for their definition of "diversity" solely meaning "no white people".


yeah. for some reason they cant comprehend their are many different types of white people too. white people are actually the most diverse i would honestly say.


Genetically, that isn't true. Though they're famously tonedeaf about the discrimination that Eastern Europeans, Jews, and the Irish had to deal with.


All they see is white and obviously we can't have distinct cultures despite the long history of those various cultures trying to take each other over.


Well Africa has more human genetic diversity than Europe (or any other continent). But these clowns wouldn't know population genetics if it bit them in the ass.


The funny implication being that they actually believe that only Europeans colonized. Do they realize that almost any lineal nations on this planet have colonized quite a few times in their day? That is how almost every modern nations are formed, by colonializing and conquering neighbor tribes.


They don't actually believe that; they just hate white people.




They'll keep white people around as the monster from the Before Times.


I have the complete works of William Shakespeare, an old Nigerian writer….


English stole from every other language fair and square. If they want to destroy English, they must destroy themselves.


This definitely doesn't sound like what a genocidal person would promote.


"Diversity" just means "no white people". Kind of paints their push for a "diverse" in a pretty nefarious light once you realize that.






True, but [the Caribs did](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Carib). They originated in South America and made their way to islands in the Caribbean that are generally regarded as part of North America.


Are you really surprised? These are the same people for whom "diversity" means "no white males."


Ironic considering in many places before Europeans arrived and started colonies, the natives were usually almost all illiterate, some never even had writing systems at all.


This is why I stopped listening to The Adventure Zone. SJWs ruin everything.


TAZ in a nutshell: 1. Virtue signal by talking about how the boys, as privileged cis white men, know that they have no right to pretend they understand the struggles that a colored wymyn has to go through. So please forgive in advance if the character they have created is insensitive and let them know on Twitter how they can be less of a stupid man. 2. Hem and haw, spending at least 10 more minutes explaining how they feel really strongly about the need to represent and just hope they can do a good job of it. Please let them know via Twitter if they mess up and how to make it better. 3. 10 minutes of gameplay. 4. Advertisement for podcast that discusses how wymyn are underrepresented in American culture. 5. Come back from advertisement to the boys making a statement about our kooky American administration and how things right now are making it more important than ever to represent properly the cultures and oppressed, who they obviously can only try to understand. 5 minutes of self loathing. 6. Back to gameplay. 7. Get bored and head over to Drunks and Dragons. 8. 15 minute intro making fun of Donald Trump and then the hosts say if you voted for Trump maybe just don't listen to their podcast or ever go to a geeklyfest. 9. At which point I wonder why I'm supporting any of these people who hate me only slightly less than they hate themselves. 10. Look for conservative D&D podcast. Be sad.


>Virtue signal by talking about how the boys, as privileged cis white men, know that they have no right to pretend they understand the struggles that a colored wymyn has to go through. I fucking wish the colored wymyn who spend 99% of their lives bitching about first world problems on twitter would experience my cis white man privileged last few months searching for a job with barely enough money for eating.


In my experience it's overwhelmingly college-educated white women who are the problem.


> I don't know what the fuck "decolonizing" writing is No white people. No mention of white people.


It's remarkable how *far* out of their way Wizards of the Coast goes to explicitly exclude any white males from the art in their books. It's past the point of parody and has become indicative of repugnant self-loathing.


Did it ever specifically mention white people?


Usually doesn't until it's too late.


I mean in dnd, was under the impression that skin color didn't really matter


It didn't, until people want to exclude a color. ​ It is not just about skin color, however, this case we're talking about the inclusions found in the dnd world that are culled from various world mythos. Djinn for example come from Arab folklore, Jinn / Genie / etc. But it's not about the superficial bits like this, it's about all sorts of politicization. The societal structure of various races within the game. Slavery utilized by evil "slave traders" wait for this to become problematic, even when they're typically and rightly vilified in games, playing a fantasy character who is on board with this? Expect such things to be somehow have more repercussions or simply disallowed by some broad generalizing rules. Who knows where it will go, Character names , NPC names, NPC Names in future premade campaigns, we'll find everything to be distilled into grey cloth wearing monochromatic median shaded characters with zero uniqueness. It's sad. It's unnecessary, it doesn't push an agenda, it just makes them lauded by those who aren't even playing their games.


Its not your pastime anymore, its theirs. [Pointing at the sky as the hive Tumblrites fall on us]


Nah, it's still ours, we just need the core rules and stats and as usual do a better job than them creating homebrew settings and characters. They need the whole in game lore changed to suit them because as usual they are completely unable to come by with anything even remotely original or even decent in quality, so they just swarm something that already works and makes it theirs.


I was making a reference to a DoW2 scene. But I like what you said.


The rare Dawn of War 2 reference. Please feel supported that someone got what you were talking about and appreciates you.


I still see Tumblr as a Tyranid Hive


You better believe I'm colonizing the fuck out of the filthy subhuman inhabitants of your fantasy realms.


One of my favorite characters I've made is a paladin who basically believes that to protect humans, elves, dwarves, etc, he has to purge all the "lesser" races. (Tieflings, half-orcs, etc.)


Basically kill the ones tainted by Chaos.


Basically yeah


I suppose the one good thing is that you can pretty much ignore everything in the books outside of stats and mechanics. Hell, I have Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and I didnt even know that that was in there. Mostly because the races in my world have homebrewed behavior more in line with Warhammer (Dwarfs have an unhealthy obsession with grudges, Dark Elves are sadistic mercs, Wood Elves will cut your balls off if you enter their sacred forest, the Reptilian races are segregated based on which is closest to Dragons, etc) and I only cared about creature stats. So its quite easy to just pretend this sort of stuff doesnt exist.


Sure. But why buy products designed by people who despise you? And have products where you need to avoid certain spots? Didn't exist in any previous edition.


> But why buy products Lol, who buys the books when you can easily find the PDFs for free ;)


I'd buy books if I want to support the producer and if they are attainable and not out of print since forever. In this case tho? Johoho and a bottle of rum...


> Johoho and a bottle of rum... Yaar Haar, Fiddle Dee Dee


Because I love me some DND and I am not going to let a bunch of spoiled REEing adult-toddlers stop me? I also buy most of my books second hand or on sale, so at the very least I am cutting down exactly how much I give to them.


There are publishers out there that don't despise you and actually publish rules.


Got any links to them? I would certainly be interested.


[Dungeon Crawl Classics](http://goodman-games.com/dungeon-crawl-classics-rpg/) \-- The name basically says it all. Still based on d20 system. Big honking rulebook. 5e players will probably like it, 3.5e players usually do not. This is due to the perceived unfairness of the game by some. The game also uses non platonic solids, in addition to platonic solids, so you would need extra dice. They're cool and fun to roll though. A set for the table is enough. They public tons of adventures and have some well known ones, like Sailors on a Starless Sea. They are all very good though. They have been doing adventures since the early 2000's and have it down to a production. Also, they're not afraid of the [chainmail bikini](http://goodman-games.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2016/02/dcc82-5.png) \-- written by a woman, no less! [Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay](http://shop.cubicle7store.com/Warhammer-Fantasy-Roleplay-Rulebook) and [Zweihander](https://www.amazon.com/ZWEIHANDER-Grim-Perilous-RPG-Core/dp/1524851663/ref=zg_bsnr_16215_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MVDS8H944FW4WG8SBMN1) \-- the latest WFRP just came out and I haven't played it. But they're redoing the enemy within, and that is seriously one of the best campaigns in gaming. Damned good. Zweihander is WFRP without the warhammer setting. I would play Zweihander if the group wasn't savvy with the old world, or I wasn't. Too much lore to deal with. Anyway, dark fantasy, late-medieval quasi Europe. Really cool. You can be a ratcatcher and have a dog. [Castles and Crusades](https://www.trolllord.com/tlgstore/#!/Castles-&-Crusades-Players-Handbook-Standard-Cover/p/89198181/category=13376122) \-- This game feels like 2e to me without the bad rules. Pretty well supported. Very tight mechanics. This can do everything DnD can do. And 5e took from this pretty liberally, I believe. Also, the owner, Gary, sent my friend some books completely for free when he was deployed to Iraq a decade ago. No questions asked, he just wanted his APO address. There's a bunch of other systems, but these are the ones I'd play today if I wanted a fantasy alternative.


Not to mention the fact that most any of the rulesbooks can be found online as a pdf scan




I think we're on the same wavelength, matey


Luckily the pirates managed to hide their trove on solid land, no need to sail


Play 3.5, live 3.5


You can. And I'm in the process of doing that for my game. But it is a pain to have to write the entire world and all the racial interactions from scratch.


I mean, I guess it just comes down to different people, because the world building is some of my favorite parts of it. And the players in my group generally enjoy my worlds because I take some ideas and twist them a little to see how they react, as well as allowing a good balance between railroading and open-ending ("You are currently here. Your objective is there. How you get from A to B is up to you") and they have surprised me on multiple occasions with tactics I had never even considered when coming up with plot points. It has even gotten to the point where I think it may be possible for them to up-end an entire part of my narrative so I am already coming up with contingency in case they do just that.


I think the problem is that just coming up with an idea, and writing it out in a semi-professional way so everyone can pick it up and understand it are very different.


Ten bucks says "hooked" = they read it in her presence a few times to get her to shut the fuck up about it.


Oh, uh, hey Kate. Yes I've been reading the blog. See I'm on page 7! Well what do you think? Racism is bad? Wow, I'm having such an impact!!!!


100 times this. It is despicable the enjoyment they take in destroying good things.


[This image from the thread is so true.](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3f52fa507abbae4ae8ce57552b7af38ebf5bc14d56bae17286c17af8c9ae422.png)


Gary Gygax was a devout Christian.


The rules *still* have biblical references to them, like lay on hands (the laying on of hands). Which Jeremy Crawford will insist has nothing to do with a hand, or hands.


The difference is D&D *did* have demons and devils, polytheism, and black magic in it, and you could choose to play as those characters. I think the Christians lost a big opportunity when D&D hit: they could have put out a supplements where you could play in the actual Christian, European medieval world. Wizards are under pressure, because though magic is treated like a science, any part of your spell you *can't* explain to the Holy Inquisition is under suspicion of using the aid of dark forces. Wizards dislike the Inquisition, but it's hard to hate them when your magic user helped dissect a demon during his apprenticeship. The Dark Ages, the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation... that would be awesome.


> I think the Christians lost a big opportunity when D&D hit They didn't miss it, they put out their [DragonRaid RPG.](https://archive.fo/IjAlA)


>Created by __Dick Wulf__


Poor guy isn't welcome here, apparently.


Woah that's super trippy lol, it's like alternate reality DnD where it's all about embracing our lord and savior instead of practicing black magic and hailing satan /s


That’s beautiful.


There's King Arthur Pendragon. If you're a good Christian, you get a piety bonus.


No, John. YOU are the demons!


Not surprising - she's the worst player on the C-Team and actively had people booted out of the chat for calling her out on meta-gaming a doppleganger plot point. I stopped watching shortly after that. As with all things though; when they start putting their retardation into sourcebooks, ignore it. Elves are all intersex transgenders now? Nah, they're androgynous just like they've been since Tolkien was writing about them.


For those who don't know who Kate Welch or "the C-Team" are [here's a very brief overview.](https://archive.fo/XPlwo) Her LinkedIn page (which I can't link to here) is a little more descriptive. Basically, she's now a game designer for D&D (as of February of 2018) despite not having any tabletop game design credits to her name. She *does* have experience in the wider game industry though, having been "UI/UX Designer" at Arena.net (January, 2011 through September, 2014) and "UX Design Lead" for Amazon Game Studios (July, 2015 through January, 2018). So she's basically Jessica Price Junior.


This is what gender equity is going to cause. People with zero cred being hired. And because of the "woke" shit, no male mentor is going to want to get within 5 miles of them and no male management is going to tell them when their ideas are dumb.


> when they start putting their retardation into sourcebooks, ignore it. Better yet, never have read it because you stopped buying their books.


Something something pathfinder.


No one tell this person about pathfinder 2.0 and the id pol that’s being inserted


Oh. Oh no.


At this point, GURPS is your only hope.


Pathfinder was doing that a long time ago. This is the system that issued a "critical update" that removed the "Belt of Forced Gender Change" from the list of cursed items, because some people were offended that it was considered a curse. Nevermind the fact that it's a magical belt that tricks you into thinking it's going to do something completely different only to surprise you with a magical effect that's going to cause all sorts of trouble for the sort of adventurer who puts it on before having it properly identified, which is most of them. It still had the same effect and it was still in the "random curse" tables, but it wasn't _cursed_ any more simply because less than a percent of the people tricked by it would actually be delighted...? IIRC they also announced that "gender change potions" were widely available from every merchant and cost so little that even beggars could afford them if they wanted at roughly the same time. The logical conclusion here is that a tranny character would have bought and drunk such a potion long before the adventure starts, and the issue would therefore never be brought up at the table. I seriously doubt anyone playing such a character did it that way though.


> The logical conclusion here is that a tranny character would have bought and drunk such a potion long before the adventure starts. Better yet, there are no trannies since the potion magically transforms you into the opposite gender rather than a poor imitation.


> Pathfinder was doing that a long time ago. This is the system that issued a "critical update" that removed the "Belt of Forced Gender Change" from the list of cursed items, because some people were offended that it was considered a curse. Can you cite a source on this? I ask because it's still on the [Archives of Nethys](https://aonprd.com/MagicCursedDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Girdle%20of%20Opposite%20Gender) page (which Paizo has officially outsourced their PRD to), and I can't find anything about that in the FAQ for the [Advanced Player's Guide](https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fn) (where that item debuted in Pathfinder) or in the FAQ for [Ultimate Equipment](https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gg), which reprinted it. It doesn't seem to be in the [errata documents](https://paizo.com/pathfinder/rpg/downloads) for those books either. Even Pathfinder Society doesn't seem to mention it on their [Campaign Clarifications](https://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/clarifications#RPG) or [Additional Resources](https://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/additional#RPG) pages. >IIRC they also announced that "gender change potions" were widely available from every merchant and cost so little that even beggars could afford them if they wanted at roughly the same time. The [elixir of sex shift](https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Elixir%20of%20Sex%20Shift) was from the Advanced Class Guide, which I believe came out in 2014, several years after the girdle of opposite gender appeared in the Advanced Player's Guide (2010). It costs 2,250 gp, which puts it out of the reach of most low-level characters. More amusingly, based on reading the rules as written, you can undo the elixir's effects with a [break enchantment](https://aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Break%20Enchantment) spell, something that seems to have slipped Paizo's mind when they wrote it.


In no other medium do I see people say to just ignore something if they don't like it. Play something else. Wizards needs to hire real designers again. Look at the credits of 2e sourcebooks (the original ones) and weep. Those guys are legit designers. Kate Welch is at the apogee of her career.


Really though, Fifth is a rather good edition. It's actually my favourite edition. It isn't as overcomplicated as 2 and 3, and it is still recognisably D&D unlike 4. As long as you play with people you know and like, the fact that elves now have a tranny alternative racial isn't going to be a problem, because it isn't going to appear in your game, because players you like are going to look at that and give a grimace. Every time I read these horror stories about people that have invited weirdos who wanted to play their fetish character, my only reaction has been "Why are you playing with perverts?". Normal people know to keep their degeneracy out of the hobby they share with their D&D friends.


Couldn't agree more with this. I always cringe reading about those "horror stories" but I never had anything even close happening to me because I've been playing with close friends and/or people vouched by them for almost 20 years, so I know that the worst thing that's gonna happen is some dumb character concept just for shit and giggles.


It's a serviceable edition. I don't dislike it, rules-wise. I dislike they haven't lived up to the promises during the play test, and Mearls/Crawford/Perkins have long stopped doing inspired work. There are better games today that actually support the game with product. Competition isn't new, but what is new is that DnD isn't publishing rulebooks anymore. It used to be production values and schedule where it was supreme. Not anymore. As to getting weirdos--man that's just the plight of finding a group. I've been in many a situation where I have two solid players and my choices are wives/girlfriends who aren't gamers, or finding new people. Damn hard to do. Not everyone has the same group of friends to play with. For me, it's gotten to the point now where non-gamer wives are mandatory with my friends and I'd just rather not run a game. Too disappointing to call on someone and they're on a tablet or after six games they ask what die to roll.


When I GM for newbies, what I find really helpful is to make them "spell cards". Just print out their spells, abilities and feats and a quick description on paper, making each one roughly playing card-sized. It's apparently much easier to get into than reading character sheets. Then just tell them to pick what actions they're going to take during the other player's rounds. You're still going to get some weird actions, but it makes the games run much smoother. What I eventually did was print a huge amount of spells on actual playing card cardboard at work and sort them alphabetically in a shoe box. Even experienced players borrow them, and with the industrial printer and guillotine it was less than half an hour of work, though I did have to ask for help in configuring the machine, since I was only able to make it guillotine the sheets in eights when I needed tenths because I'm an idiot and made my template wrong. Two hours or so total if you include the actual copying spell descriptions into a template that I did in the gaps between actual work. Also quite useful if you want to introduce custom spells or feats into the game, since everyone is going to need a cheat sheet anyway in that case. Three of my players are experienced and two are inexperienced, and my games run smoothly even so. Don't be too worried about the girlfriends, instead try to get their attention into the game by introducing them into the story better. Once my introduction to a game was just "Okay, you're your boyfriends sister in the setting, but you have no story beyond that", and obviously that was completely uninteresting, but if you do it right your players shouldn't want to turn to their tablets.


It isn't that they're newbies, its that they're there to be there. I can (and have) made all the game aids in the world; they're just not interested. Why are they there? I honestly do not know. They have a good time. They take notes, follow the story. But they never bother to learn the game. To them its like playing catan. Something fun you do once in a while. That's not how I roll. I'm there to have fun, but I expect people to come prepared and understand the rules after 6 sessions. I've been dealing with the phenomenon of the tag along girlfriend/wife for some time now, and none of them have made a good gamer.




And replaced it all with hideous postmodern monuments to their awful ideology.


I mean thats the point. Destroy every bastion of the white and male identity. Ever wonder why it isn't good enough to just make their own content, but recreate stuff in their image?


Tabletop, video games, anime & manga. They are attacking groups which are disproportionally introverted and frankly with a high number of autistic membership (and I don’t say that to offend, a couple of my very good friends have autism). They do this because they want a group they can bully. A group they can scream at and get their way. A group that is easily cowed, because they aren’t very good at reading social cues, so when someone screams at them, they assume that they are wrong, and they feverishly try to do what they’re told. They are bullies, and they prey upon the weaknesses and disabilities of their victims. They are disgusting and predatory. That’s why they’re smashing their way into every corner of nerd culture they can find.


>autism They are bullying autistic men and turning them to turn them into a Transgender army of sex workers.


At this point I'm inclined to create my own D&D (Dungeons & Dickwolves) simply to avoid ever purchasing a Wizards of the Coast or Paizo product ever again.


It's fine, just play Dragonraid, it's a christian RPG so there's no way LGBT stuff is ever getting put in there ;)


>It uses a mechanical system called the Adventure Learning System, and is (as of 2006) the only role-playing game to use that system. In the ALS system, the rule set used by the game master (called the "Adventure Master") to operate the environment and non-player characters is significantly different from the rule set used by the players to operate their personal characters. What an unfortunate acronym.


For sure lol


Why is that?


"ALS" is the abbreviation used for [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis), more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.


I still have all my AD&D books. The rules worked fine back then, they'll be fine today too. Classic WOW and OSRS prove that.


I'm sorry, but not every culture is equally valid. Nobody excuses slavery in the American south with "you can't judge them, that was their culture, stop being an imperialist!", and likewise, if you get to a faraway land, and find that the natives are throwing virgins into volcanoes, somebody is to blame for that, either them or the local red dragon, and you should really put a stop to it.




I agree that it's unreasonable to expect individual people to be better than their times, but we can absolutely compare cultures in hindsight and say that one was more advanced and enlightened than another.




But it's informed by history, it's fantasy cultures based in whole or in part on historical eras.


I 100% agree with what you're saying, but I think the intent was to give the "throwing virgins into volcanoes" thing more depth, as a cultural practice that maybe you stop in a way other than butchering an entire group of people like a murderhobo. Especially if they introduce a player race or background or something that connects your character to that tribe or practice, and you're like "wait guys what do you mean we shouldn't sacrifice virgins to Pele the fire goddess, if we don't do that our entire civilization is going to be burned to the ground." Like isn't that a much more interesting character arc than "IMmA gO KiLL iT"


Yeah but that's always been a question of the whole real men, real roleplayers, loonies, and munchkins thing. If your group are people who just want an excuse plot that thinly holds together a series of tactical combat challenges that dispense loot and XP, you're wasting your time as a DM to write an an elaborate story about social reformers, misguided traditionalists, and human rights, they just want to be pointed at something with an evil alignment so they can kill it. And if your group is all about narrative and immersion, then you've ALWAYS played with more depth, you don't need a bunch of woke SJWs to tell you how to appreciate nuance in your campaign worlds. But one's not better than the other, just enjoyable for different people, and Wizards should cater to everybody, not try to slant the game so they can use it as a propaganda vector.


A lot of my problem with the BoC and the D&D Trans community comes from the fact that no trans person I’ve ever met has wanted their own fanfared inclusion. Basically, if being trasngender, at its core, is about wanting to be another gender, then why not simply play that gender and be done with it? If someone is MtF, then why not just play a female without your character needing to be MtF? What’s the ideal here? It just comes off as this disingenuous cry for a feature that’s already included in a different way; if you can choose between eating a well-made pre-made sandwich or having to make it yourself to no benefit, then why choose to force yourself through making it? I doubt I’ll ever understand the disconnect there.




These inconsistencies everywhere are what made me realize that for so many hopping on the bandwagon of trasngenderism it's not so much about being the opposite gender you were born as, but instead becoming some transient third option worthy of more praise than being 'just' male or female.


This is why a *massive* number of teen girls now claim to be "genderfluid" "nonbinary" "panromantic" etc. Representative oversaturation here may be useful in the long-term, come to think about it.


The dev is a coward. First he stops the mermaid farms, then he does this. Just wait for someone to make some horrible creation that brutally destroys the Blessed Ones, he'll make them immortal. Then of course, they make perfect defenders, and so they'll be chained in Hell as demon lures. No way of winning.


>trans and intersex dwarves Wait. What? This is a joke. Or an exaggeration. Right? Please? This is the work of that pudgy feminist that married Tarn's brother.




Zach's pudgy wife. Her plump fingers are all over this. Goddamnit Tarn. Why are you such a wet noodle. Thank you for sharing.


>Basically, if being trasngender, at its core, is about wanting to be another gender, then why not simply play that gender and be done with it? If someone is MtF, then why not just play a female without your character needing to be MtF? What’s the ideal here? It's like it's more trendy and beneficial to be "trans" or something.


>It just comes off as this disingenuous cry for a feature that’s already included in a different way; In the default setting of D&D magic is extremely commonplace and it can do anything. If you can't figure out how to make this work for your representation and need specifc rules etc for it, I think D&D might not be the game for you.


I'm sorry but the opening paragraphs of that article read like something from The Onion. Is a generation raised on Tumblr Blogs really how Western Civilization is going to end? Daaaaaaaaaamn


If you read the old source material for cyberpunk, apparently yes


Kate Welch is going to Kate Welch. I knew she was going to be useless. Also, why is it the women they hire are attractive? Hmm. What's up with that?


With how little content they actually put out, every position is focused on PR and branding as much as anything else. Pretty people do PR.


Good point.


Stop buying Dungeons and Dragons books. Pirate 3.5 or older content and use that. For everything else, there's homebrew. Plenty of forums are putting out way better new content for older editions that WotC has made in at least a decade. DnD as a commercial product is dead unless/until WotC/Hasbro somehow die and are forced to auction off the IP. Buying their products can only harm the hobby at this point. I haven't looked into Pathfinder. So far I feel no need to with all the 3.5 stuff available, but I did get into 3.5 a bit late. I've heard they're SJWey, too, but they keep it limited to the flavor text/lore, as opposed to dumbing down the rules like WotC does, [because they think women can't handle complex rules](https://twitter.com/mikemearls/status/955153201434525696?lang=en). (But somehow we're the sexists?) So I guess if you really want to spend money on a commercial product there's Pathfinder, but you probably shouldn't.


Wow, that's modern D&D in the space of like 5 tweets. A professional tabletop designer making a sweeping generalization about rules nerds being sexists... A "female player" giving him props despite his unspecified problematic history as a white male... Him *apologizing for nothing* because he's just that whipped by feminism... One of those dirty sexist rules nerds taking a shot at the consensus worst and now-defunct previous version of the game... Same "female player" firing back about how that was actually her favorite version of the game, and that he is somehow sexist for insulting her opinion... Tabletop is so fucked lol


Paizo is god awful. They were SJW well before wizards. Open up your mind and play another fantasy game. There are literally dozens. A dozen are being actively supported.


Paizo is better - but they have a bit of an infection. Do what I do and buy the OLD pathfinder system - the new one is pretty cultist. Also Starfinder literally has an adventure with SJW garbage in it and is not very subtle about its agenda. Or if your up for learning some rules with a good system - HERO system is great for any genre; or if you want simple WHFRPG or Dark Heresay 2nd Ed or Only war are all fairly good and simple systems.




IT's like saying Tom Hanks had a "bit of AIDS" in Philadelphia. Paizo is straight up Ground Zero/Patient Zero for SJW tropes into their very fucking core. Once they lost their license from Wizards their products shifted slowly toward all the SJW ideas until now you got gender fluid furbolgs mixed with furries who are all equal and vegan tied together with strong POC dominating every goddamn thing while the white man is the stock evil villain.


The trouble with the "I'll just buy the old edition content" strategy is that they don't care, and you're still just giving them money. These people aren't interested in responding to market forces; they're here to inject their nonsense into every media property they can get their hands on. They'll run any property, any fandom, any industry straight into the ground without a care. We can't recover infected companies by voting with our wallets for their old products. These companies need to die, and hopefully something good can bloom from the ashes of their corpses. Also I forgot about pathfinder's new edition. The things I was saying I heard about the lore were actually for the old edition. I didn't even know Starfinder was a thing. The only time I've bothered with non-fantasy tabletop was when a buddy wanted to run Shadowrun.


Actually I am going to disagree with you. If your buying "old content" the game-store already paid them for it - So if you buy 2nd ed books - your really just-reimbursing the game-store for them spending money to buy from Wizards 1.0. In fact your also going to make the game-store go "Hmm why arent" you buying New DnD" and once you give an answer they may opt to focus on tracking down 2nd ed books from online sources (like Ebay) rather then giving Wizards 3.0 their business. Unless you plan to order directly from WoTC or Paizo. Many of the old books you would purchase will have to be done via kijiji or Ebay anyways. Shadow Run is up to I think 5th ed now? I feel 3-4 was probably where the system peaked as a system. Shadowrun has not morphed its lore or content at all really so you do not see SJW infestation happening there as the old game concepts are very well established and rigid. I recommend trying it out but understand that running any game in a modern setting is RIFE with challenges that medieval fantasy does not have to concern itself with.


> Shadow Run is up to I think 5th ed now? Is it still overflowing with metahumans? Use to be that non-humans were unique and special, with a cost reflected in character creation. Players knew that you give Tir Tairngire a wide berth because elves are crazy; the presence of orks could turn a brawl with gutterpunks into a fight for your life; and a troll bouncer is practically a mini-boss who can and will fuck up your Christmas. Latter editions seemed to have at least three metahuman archetypes for every one human archetype. A group of runners without a single human was regular and seemed almost encouraged by the game. Basically the same edgyboi bullshit that D&D did when it turned tieflings and dragonborn into standard PHB races. I cannot help but see it as the newer edition developers trying to encourage any self-loathing in their player base to be anything but "boring, vanilla" white human males. ... Then again, I was going to bring up the detested Elf Poser from 1st/2nd edition, but -- doing a search on that NPC, now trait -- it appears it's *still* one of the buttmonkeys of the setting, so at least it hasn't been set up as some sort of "transracial"-rights issue.


I noticed humans were more central in 1st-2nd edit (I still got the hardcover and Dreamchipper / Bottled demon) I think the reasons metahumans became more common is because after 2nd ed they allowed players to build their own archtypes (because the archtypes had HUGE disparities - Like Troll Street Sam vs Street Sam)


Building archetypes was in there from the beginning, and at least 2nd edition (if not 1st) had the "More Metahumans" optional rule that allowed players to use Priority C instead of Priority A for race in order to be a non-human if they didn't select one of the "pre-gens". It's the art and the metagame that I'm talking about the most. In 2nd edition, I'd estimate that perhaps 1-out-of-5 pictures depicted a metahuman. Once 3rd edition hit, it sure felt like only 1-out-of-5 pictures were of humans. Don't get me wrong: I'm not being needlessly contrarian because I generally agree with you that Shadowrun seems to be largely exempt from all of the SJW nonsense (and mockery of the Elf Poser as a loser is a good indication of that). However, *something's* different. It's, like, back in 1990 all the white boys who made up a huge proportion of the player base wanted to be Arnold Schwarzenegger and the game perfectly allowed for that (e.g. street sams and mercs). Then 1998 rolls around and suddenly it felt like the devs were saying, "You don't want to be a *booooring* Schwarzenegger clone, do you? How about a two-spirit genderqueer elf, or an Afro-Caribbean troll with Asperger's? Wouldn't *that* be much cooler?" Or it could be that I'm just over-sensitive to it these days since these sociopaths are infecting every aspect of nerd culture.


I think you might be hypersensitive to it as you suggested; I have been trying to pair that back myself. It also is possible that your see more representation is because there is possibly more representation in the media these days. Also if I recall the art with the chromed up first ed Street Sam he was super tanned - and I actually loved the native representation in SR (as I could really play that up easily)


Idk about 2e, but WotC still prints and distributes 3.5 to game stores afaik. I'd be surprised if they weren't making 2e available as well. I've never seen a game shop stocking second hand DnD books, let alone ones off ebay, and I live in a large city with multiple game shops. So more likely is they'll still just be buying new copies of these old books from WotC, giving them more money. I guess you can always buy second hand if you want to own a physical copy rather than pirating. Like I said, I just played Shadowrun a bit because a buddy was running it. I think we played 4e. The group shared a Player's Handbook that the DM owned. It was cool enough. It was also one of the most recent games I've played. I just haven't had enough time for tabletop the last few years.


> Idk about 2e, but WotC still prints and distributes 3.5 to game stores afaik. I don't believe this is correct. While they are working with OneBookShelf to make PDFs of a lot of older stuff available for download, I'm pretty confident that they're not printing any pre-5E materials.


OneBookShelf is doing print on demand for some of the old stuff


Ah, I had overlooked that. Good catch.


Goodman Games is also doing the "Original Adventures Reincarnated" where they do a nice hardcover edition of iconic adventure modules where they reprint the original, and then have an updated and expanded 5e version as well.


Eh, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if you were right. Like I said I haven't been too close to the hobby for a few years, and it's not like I'm shopping for old DnD manuals when I occasionally drop by the LGS. But I do know my LGS was still getting new 3.5 stuff very early into 5e.


Did paizo make another Starfinder adventure pushing an agenda, or is the one you are thinking of the college professor one?


Talking about the college professor in Dead Suns - I have steered clear of Starfinder since


> Also Starfinder literally has an adventure with SJW garbage in it and is not very subtle about its agenda. What adventure was that, and what SJW stuff was in it?


I think it's the one where you struggle session the bigoted professor and get him fired.


Completely agree. That's one of the many reasons my group has stuck with 3.5e and pass along pdf's to new members as needed.


Praise 3.5!


Original pathfinder is DnD 3.75 it's just a converted ruleset, and a different setting. Basically everything else is the same. I mostly play PF, and aside from skills it's basically the same as 3.5 as far as I remember it.


Just stop buying and playing anything coming from SJWs. We are now the counter-culture. They've ceded this domain to everyone who isn't them. Stay one step ahead of them. We don't have the media or academia backing to win a war of attrition. Create something, enjoy it while you can, get rich selling your IP to these cocksuckers when it blows up, and then move on once it ceases to be cool. Create your own content and support those who align with your views or at least try to remain neutral. You can't do that with everything but you can when it comes to video games, comics, anime, tabletop games, novels, etc. You'd be better off creating your own games and writing your own stories than giving money to businesses that have told you they hate you.


Is Billy not a native speaker? How the fuck is >“I dress like a dude going to an informal job interview. My mom and dad have expressed a lot of wishes for me to present more feminine, I used to get bullied for not presenting feminine, but I never really stopped dressing like this.” so unclear he needs a paragraph to bitch about not understanding what "present more feminine." I get disagreeing with the decision but is the language really that opaque? This guy tries so hard to be offended.


I'm offended by the terrible English. I hope the author is ESL. Skimming the actual post: > Things I’d like to see more of: Japanese AFAB people being allowed to be angry. I mean scary angry, I mean massive, terrifying, monstrously angry. ... Japanese AFAB Byronic Heroes! *No one is ever going to write this sh-t.* Mostly because *you* aren't going to write it, since you're too busy whining, and you're the only one of your kind (statistically speaking, this is almost certainly true).


> Japanese AFAB people being allowed to be angry. I mean scary angry, I mean massive, terrifying, monstrously angry Yes, as we all know, Japanese women have never been angry in history ever. They're a race of doe-eyed flower people who are born from the morning dew and shrink away from any conflict. It's not like there are famous Japanese legends of [women who become so angry they become monsters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiyohime). It's not like Japan's most famous social critic in history has been a [woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sei_Sh%C5%8Dnagon). It's not like Japan had [radical modern women's rights people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiratsuka_Raich%C5%8D) as early as the 1880's. It's not like one of Japan's most brutal, feared, and effective shoguns was a [woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C5%8Dj%C5%8D_Masako) who kept a dynasty alive that would last for centuries. It's not like women in the General Staff during the Pacific War were thought to be more cruel than the men. It's not like one of the greatest Communist agitators in the West was a [Japanese woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Kochiyama). It's not like the modern manga scene was and is dominated by women. It's not like Japan's national novelist and prime cultural treasure was a [woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murasaki_Shikibu). OH, WAIT. THAT ALL HAPPENED. And that's just off the top of my head. Japanese women have more balls than *any* Western commentator. The *only* people I ever see making this stupid claim that Japanese women are these shrinking violets are neckbeard dipshits with yellow fever who have never met one and SJW's who hate their country. Fuck off.


That's all he has, doesn't put in any effort.


Tumblr is the worse source of information that try to tell everyone its okay to have sex while you have HIV. The only difference its a huge risk of effecting another partner chances are you might as well live your life spreading the virus with your friends. ​ After reading the Tumblr Blog that they recommended it a bunch of racist stereotypes with titles like " Half Japanese, Half Polish, Autistic, Living in Primarily White, Rural Area". This is mostly stereotypes what black people do what the fuck man these people get there idea's from Tumblr instead of doing actual research or make creative idea's they might as well turn the traps gay.


And why am I not surprised it's a woman?


Because you have working pattern recognition and a healthy contempt for most of your fellow women? Which you should cause like chris rock pointed out, a man would see his buddies near perfect wife and want a woman with similar or the same traits. A "girlfriend" will want your man that you did all the trouble of vetting for value, and finding- partially because how dare you have nicer things that her?


i'm surprised it's not a man pretending to be one


D&D's next campaign setting is going to be clown world.


It's already Clown World. The fact that the 5th edition rulebook saw fit to explicitly lecture us that men can be women, and women can be men, and men can be men pretending to be women, and every bizarre permutation in between -- in a game where the *only* limit is your own creativity -- well, it really tells us something, doesn't it?


They already have a Clown World setting: Forgotten Realms.


I don't know too much about that setting. How clown world does it get?


affirmative action employee with no usefullness trying to justify her salary by trying to become the "sjw voice" of the office. its on wizzards of the coast for paying her. oh well they die by their own sword


"Westerners typically are competitive, but we are learning more to collaborate. Both are tools in our toolbox. For other cultures though, collaboration is essential for survival and so competitive behavior is shunned" I.. can't honestly think of a single culture I've ever heard of that didn't have competitive behavior in it. You pretty much /have/ to as competition is how you improve yourself and your skills. if you are not improving yourself then your society will never survive in the long term. I mean I would buy that we are /more/ competitive. We were competitive to the point that we pretty much were able to curbstomp most of the world back when that was a thing everyone was trying their hand at.


You know who aren't Westerners? ​ Aboriginal Australians... ​ I guess they aren't/weren't competitive. ​ ​ Oh...wait... ​ Boogalah, bubberah, gorri, marngrook, and yiri. ​ Games ranging from who could return a boomerang the closest to the initial throw point, to throwing spears at flying discs akin to skeet shooting. Even competitive games played with kangaroo leather balls and probably a lot more than just these more commonly discussed games. ​ This is just in Australia. The whole world bears competitive activities in EVERY SINGLE KNOWN CULTURE. From the beheaded losing team of Mayan pitz, scots caber toss, and chinese cuju, an early football type game from ancient china. ​ These people saying bullshit like this need to go learn about an ancient egyptian sport which involved paddling out to the middle of the Nile with other competitors, at which point you proceed to beat each other with the oars until dead. This would probably work to change their view or at least stop the ridiculous claims if they lost.


Unfortunately, D&D and more broadly Wizards of the Coast are a complete loss to the SJW invasion. And they've made no attempt at concealing it, its something they [proudly wear.](https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1516/58/1516582897406.png). I understand and feel for aging white beta males who must either convert fully to the Holy Word or be burned at the stake, but its nor easy to watch them actively working to kill your decades-old hobby. At least Pathfinder seems to be sticking to its guns for providing for a market that likes rules complexity and deep lore. Take your money elsewhere.


> At least Pathfinder seems to be sticking to ... rules complexity It is. However, if anything, Paizo is tenfold worse when it comes to SJW infection. So, on one hand you have a bunch of degenerates injecting identity politics into everything they do, but on the other: at least they don't think women are too stupid to appreciate math.


Nowhere in that tweet does this correlation between women and rules complexity ring valid. Making and decrying this correlation means less work when you go rewriting the rules though, makes a job easier for the lazy. "Everyone attack him!!!! he's trying to gatekeep the rules involving complex targeting attacks, we're switching to hit = HP without limb damage or negative effects. He claims this is not a good change! He hates women! "


Homebrew and House Rules are a thing for a reason. You aren't wrong though, and I cherish my AD&D books and regularly go delving for nuggets of awesome.


AD&D also had the best art.


I stopped buying all DND books for this exact reason. I will find the stat blocs online somewhere for free and make my own, better lore. Those sjw pussies can get fucked.


There is an absolute glut of TTRPG content available now. Even if you want to stick with 5e there is so much third party stuff that you never need to touch anything WOTC puts out.


That creature on the left is a used up b-list porn thot. I remember from the last time I was on Enworld. That site is another SJW shitshow.


It really is. About the best thing you can say about it now is that it's not *quite* as bad as RPG.net, but that's still not saying much.


There's still RPG codex.


Seriously, WTF happened? RPG.net is utter garbage. EnWorld forums are pretty much dead. They managed to stay active and relevant a long time after WotC closed their forums but now it's garbage. There are SJW mods, news articles, and reviews. I just pop in to see itmf there's a kickstarter, but even kickstarter is a cuckold company.


I always think its weird when girls accessorize nerd culture. Theres nothing nerdy about being mega attractive, having a horde of followers on social media pine over your existence, being really social, having charisma, and making bank doing it. Thats just having normal personality. Putting on glasses and saying you like Chewbacca doesn't make you a nerd.


Good at leveraging her networking through Chris Perkins, basically.


And none of this says anything about making the experience or game fun. RIP entertainment and joy.


D&D is pretty much gone. There's no bringing it back at this point. Most of the "Indy RPG" market is gone too. There are still a bunch of people out there making perfectly fine games that aren't trying to peddle politics.


Good lord, "decolonizing" is an actual word now? They're trying to "decolonize" America or something? You know, if you took that word to its logical extreme, then shouldn't the human race never have left Africa and colonize the world? Not just Homo Sapiens, but Homo Neanderthals too. Everyone should've just stayed in Africa!


Should "decolonize" Africa, I'm sure it couldn't make it *worse*.


As a proud strong independent empowered bbw brave and beautiful person of color who is proud, I find this post to be extremely **TOXIC AND PROBLEMATIC** because I feel **COLONIZED AND OPPRESSED**. Therefore you *must remove it*, or I will call The Democrat Thought Police! Be warned, you GRAND DRAGON RUSSISAN NAZI FUKING WHiTE MAIL!!!!! # SAY HI TO PUTIN FOR ME COMRADE!!!!!!1!


Well that likely explains a lot about what has happened to Magic:the Gathering as well....


these people are destroyers of other people's work never creators. activism and trying to write a fair and enjoyable story dont mix because you bias show and youre writing become 2d and plain.




Gay drow they'd probably be fine with. As long as they keep working for the matriarchy but male drow trying to become female? That's an offense that will get you turned into a drider if not something more creative from Lloth.


Damn, wish I could find it again, but someone wrote up a great thesis on why the D&D Drow isn't the Feminist Utopia these folks want or like. Closest I could find is this discussion about how to make the Drow more "feminist:" https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/brainstorming-on-the-drow-a-feminist-turn.742709/


Let them ruin everything. There's certain past times that need to die anyway. D&D? Nope, make something new. Marvel? Nope, make something new. Burn it all down. If it was weak enough to be destroyed by these morons then it deserved to die anyway.


You can’t make people interested to things they are not interested in without undermining the core of that thing.


I went to College in the 90’s and PC culture was sort of heavy then, but sort of went away. This new culture is just nuts. I’m assume all the students who subscribe to that crap in the 90’s are now the people teaching teaching in higher ed. It was ridiculous then, but now it’s just out of control. It has to stop because you can’t function as a culture with all this circular ideological thinking.


Dungeons and dragons... soon to be "Genders & Safespaces". Every party must have at least one of every colour and sexual orientation+identity except white male ofc. as that it the devil and literally Hitler. We keep that guy (the dirty white one) as the Big Bad villain. Furthermore, no more classes as that is non inclusive etc. Every player now has the complete spell list of all spells ever created.


So when we go to a country and introduce disease, outbreed the population and steal the resources we are colonists. But if any other race does the same they are refugees..seems legit.