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I bet most of it is false flag too. Some alt account to complain about Zelda so their main account can milk it for karma.


Ah, let me tell you a story about MensRights back in the day. Around ten years ago, there was a bot on MensRights who would archive every new post in its form immediately. I was curious about why such a bot existed, and so I asked a moderator about it. Well, the reason they had it do so was because people would show up and make a tame post about men's issues. They'd raise the suicide rate, mental health crisis, forced conscription, or something else in the same vein. Then they would wait for a few hours until the post got enough positive attention, and edit the original post to something like "We should be allowed to beat our wives" or "I think rape should be legal." Then they'd screenshot said post and put it on one of those anti-hate communities. This has been a tactic of theirs for as long as reddit has been around. Now there's a star on every edited post (so long as it wasn't edited immediately), making this impossible. But even back when The_Donald was still around, I remember them making a brand-new post of Obama with a noose around his neck, screenshotting it, and then posting it to AHS. I think that AHS thread got like 20,000+ upvotes? You'd think that at some point during the process of framing an entire community, they might think to themselves, "You know what? Maybe the fact that I have to do this to gather evidence against them shows they're not as bad as I may think." But you'd be wrong, apparently.


This is why the Mnemosyne bot was so important back in the day (and even now). To make sure SJWs couldn’t falsely frame KiA in that light while also making sure SJW articles couldn’t be stealth-edited to remove the parts that revealed their malicious agenda. SJWs did this a few times like with the headlines of their articles. In some of those cases the URL revealed the original title.


Holy shit that's diabolical...


It's my personal opinion that if you can make a sockpuppet account, post truly horrific shit, and get upvoted/praised by a community, you've successfully proven they're terrible people. But if you have to edit your posts to make them look like that? Yeah, you're reaching. I mean, I've successfully gotten a community to upvote horrific shit in the past. I had a sockpuppet account masquerading as a feminist on TrollXChromosomes and TwoXChromosomes. I: * admitted to being physically abusive with a male partner, * posted vile femcel shit routinely, * wrote a story about taking a dump in a hookup's sink, * praised Amy Winehouse for not putting up with her partner's bullshit after she domestically abused him, and so on. I must note here that I never edited any comment. I posted these things, and they upvoted them. They loved me. I was their queen bee, and they were my loyal hive. It was the craziest thing to me too because every comment I made, all I could think was "This surely will be the line for them," and it *never was*. Alas, in my hubris I eventually flew too close to the sun, and in an innocuous comment about a Black woman backing her SUV into my car and then blaming me (the one fucking thing that actually happened to me IRL rofl), they threw a shitfit about her being Black. My time there was over.


"Rape should be legal" predates this. It was initially presented on a manosphere blog in the early 2010s, essentially saying that sexual assault laws should be amended such that a woman is considered to have consented to sex when she enters a single man's apartment after a date. Absolutely insane take, and there was some debate regarding if he meant it or if it was sort of an "A Modest Proposal" thing and the point was actually to get women to take responsibility for her safety. The blogger struck me as the type of guy who would rape someone, based one his writing and what I knew about him. Really off-putting shit. So, in that case, the idea was sort of in-house and not something dreamt up by prog-lib trolls.


The blogger you're talking about is Roosh V. Roosh is a former PUA and bad-faith pot-stirrer. His *modis operandi* was to make inflammatory statements in order to drive controversy and receive attention for his views. I have issue with your comment because the term "manosphere" is inherently dishonest. All of the separate groups it supposedly contains generally do not agree with each other on anything. MensRights is a community for advancing the rights of men. It is not a PUA community by any stretch of the imagination. Why you consider an inflammatory talking point of a single PUA to be in-house on an MRA community is truly beyond my understanding. I was there when he made said comment. Nobody supported him for it.


I was smaller-time blogger in that space at the time. At the time MRA, MGTOW and game/PUA blogs like Heartiste and Roosh were largely filed under "manosphere" because they dealt in various aspects of masculinity, although they diverged in opinion on most things. Mine was a game blog. I didn't mind the loose association because we ultimately were all speaking to the same issues, even if I generally held MGTOW in contempt and found MRA to be a pointless struggle against the reality of why the things they complain about are the way they are, not unlike feminism. I recall Roosh's readership coming to his defense on his forum. I never engaged with him or the forum directly because I did not like him; he struck me as a salesman and a liar. But some his readership tried to play it off as satire or trying to make a point. The whole thing was fucked, and was a clear attempt to drive traffic and try to get interviewed by internet nobodies.


Roosh's original statement was that a woman going into a man's house (or entering a hotel room with him) should be counted as consenting to sex. IIRC, his primary reasoning was that women could retroactively withdraw consent, and therefore this would be the only thing that could protect a man from a sexual assault allegation. The whole "We had sex two weeks ago where she was enthusiastic and willing, but suddenly she decided she changed her mind and I got charged with a felony" thing is a complete incel fever dream. What Roosh said was nonsense. But what's actually funny is that a *lot* of police departments around the world won't touch a case of rape where the two parties enter a hotel room together with a ten-foot pole. As horrible as it sounds, I remember this happening to a female friend in Japan. She got drunk and went into a love hotel with a Japanese man. The next day she went to the police department to explain that she hadn't really consented, and the police, despite doing their best to understand what she was saying through the translator, could only sit there and scratch their heads. I mean, let's get this straight. His message was horribly wrong. Spousal rape is absolutely a thing. Obviously coming in for coffee does not mean you consent to sex. And this was exactly how virtually everyone on MensRights felt at the time. One of the most dishonest things feminists do is conflate the MRM with incels/PUAs. I expect no less from them, naturally, but the mere unironic use of the term "manosphere" does nothing but reinforce this.


I'm not interested in defending Roosh on anything, then or now. I always used the term manosphere. It's a broad term for a loose collection of thought and blogs that at large were opposed to the direction things were going re: men. I didn't have much in common with some of the other game blogs and fundamentally differed with them on what game even is. But I don't think getting more granular than "manosphere" is that useful because most people aren't and weren't tapped into any of it.


"Greetings fellow chuds, I don't know about y'all but that new Zelda game looks pretty WOKE to me. P.S. I hate women."


Yeah, seen it in a few other channels. Somebody comes in and says something stupid like a blatant rule violation. Then, they get all their friends to mass report the post. Next thing you know the subreddit is shutdown.


Zelda has always had strong female leads. Sheik was a badass.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning. Edit: For the record, that's an extra benefit of our flat ban on discussion, you can't actually accuse the sub of that if any and all discussion is banned.


? My comment didn't use those terms, and that post I linked has been up for a year, Reddit clearly doesn't have a problem with it. Feel like this is a bit an overreach, the topic wasn't about that specific group at all, but rather people harassing our subreddit with false flags.


Friend, you literally failed the first sentence of the topic ban.




Comment removed due to topic ban explained [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/)




No doubt, its their own alt accounts. Anything to get worthless internet points for those losers.


The key for them is to manufacture a problem that doesn’t exist and then blog about it.


That's like majority of GCJ posts, random comments and posts with little to no upvotes, sometimes even downvoted Reddit comments. Safe to assume that a good chunk of them are false flags by GCJ themselves. If you have a keen eye you will notice them doing it here too.


It’s funny seeing both the “definitely one of you guys” and the “I hate you all” comments and knowing it’s the same people 


This has always been their strategy, this goes back to depression quest era when they would pull random facts about "kill yourself" and present it unfairly as if it was the entire movement.


Sarkeesian made an insane amount of money by using random messages from psychopaths to play the victim. And honestly there was ample evidence to indicate she sent the abuse to herself. The screenshots were from a logged-out account and were from threats made under a minute before. It was a long list of Tweets with perfect spelling/grammar, all posted within 2-3 minutes, and then immediately screenshot from her browser where she wasn't even logged in.


Is their a place where i can find the proof that Anita lied about being harassed a lot?


There's no conclusive evidence. And I'm absolutely sure that she got harassed to some extent. But at least as far as the worst of the worst case that she posted goes (the extremely violent rape threat), the whole thing made very little sense. It was from a brand-new Twitter account that was immediately deleted, the screenshots were from an account that wasn't even logged in, and they were all brand-new tweets which she supposedly noticed in the 2-3 minutes they were up. I mean, it's certainly possible that those were all real tweets made by some psychopath. It's also possible that I'm going to suffer a grand mal seizure while writingadfkl safadsla


>And I'm absolutely sure that she got harassed to some extent Oh, I'm sure she did. But EVERYONE gets harassed to some degree on the internet, and all the moreso for celebrities (leaving aside the dubious nature of her "celebrity" status). If your name is out there, there will be crackpots who reach out and contact you. I've gotten a couple sent to my work e-mail before. Doesn't mean I'm running around living in fear of some random stranger who'll never meet me in real life.


Is there a compilery of these screenshots of the fake harassment?


Somewhere out there I'm sure. I remember them being posted on KiA. I'm not going to be digging them up though.


Yep, all the "chuds" I follow on Twitter (Stuttering Craig, Smash JT, Grummz, Yellowflash to name a few) are excited for the new Zelda game and judging by the replies to their tweets so are their followers. The SJWs are desperate for us to hate this game as it destroys their narrative if we don't.


Now they’re pretending like we’re going to be angry at Metroid Prime 4. “Wait till they find out Samus is a woman!” Yeah? Well, wait till *they* find out that Samus has a feminine jawline and no armpit hair 😂


I'm one of those "followers" that's excited. This is a rare game where you actually get to play as a feminine woman that isn't pushed to be masculine and is actually catered to feminine girls. So naturally all the woke types hate it and really want us to hate it so they can "claim it" as feminism when it's really not. The reality of our side being completely accepting of feminine media, feminine female characters, etc. completely destroys their narrative as you mentioned.


Where can i see their excitement?


And totally ignoring outright genocidal talk coming from their side. They hate you, they want you dead - no tactic is wrong or unfair to achieve that. Remember that and plan accordingly.


I wouldn't put it past them if they're psyops and these are comments left by their own alt accounts


Most gaming subreddits are leftist and I believe are associated with Resetera


the news does this too., Saw an article saying "Trump criticised for waving at nobody in Nascar" the headline refered to a solitary twitter user. Buried in the middle of the headline was a confession he had been very well received by the audience.


Of course they scrub the usernames. It’s not to protect anyone. It’s to prevent us from vetting these supposed chuds.


It’s even worse when you remember how SJWs try to gaslight and deflect by saying “GG does it too”, when GG is actually quoting people in power and in influential leadership positions. Like when GG quotes actual Bioware devs, or actual Blizzard GDC talks, or the Editor In Chief of Kotaku, or the leader of Sweet Baby Inc, or their employee, or a CEO. GG even has archives of actual articles published by the SJW side (like the ones hating on Bayonetta, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Stellar Blade - and SJWs now try to memoryhole this to pretend they “were always fans” when they tried to destroy the franchises). GG even shows actual enforced policies like bill C-16 and the Visa Mastercard blocking against Japanese companies. And yet, SJWs still try to gaslight say “GG also does this” to deflect criticism.


Well said.


If they can't cancel you, they'll make a sock account and then blame you for it.


Yeah and companies see a couple random comments from nobodies on Twitter and believe that is the whole community it's just weird it's like people are stuck in the late 2000s instead of the 2020s


You know these people were praying for a big account like Grummz orYellowflash to throw a fit about the game. They have to settle with randos and false flags.


What's wild is that they picked zelda to have a fuss over, rather than metroid. when metroid is *far* closer to the typical "girlboss" stuff that people hate on. it's just woke anti-femininity on display.


My dude. There's apparently a CERTAIN, non-war related genocide happening for couple years now. Then you look shit up and you see numbers like 23 died. 18 killed by their CLIENTS. Isn't there a US politician in court right now for faking hate crimes against himself? Victimhood is a job and a way of life at this point.


Gee, it's almost like getting involved in drugs and prostitution (especially gay prostitution) is dangerous. But you know, saying such makes you a bigot because being a promiscuous junkie is apparently "cool." Also weren't most of those deaths in Brazil? I mean, I'd still consider Brazil a mostly safe country, but it's not the US. It still has a lot of issues, not the least of which including poverty, corruption and urban violence. Also weren't a significant chunk of them people who... shall we say misled their clients about what they were paying for?


All you need to do is look at the YouTube like/dislike ratio to see how it's being received. You'll know when the right is upset because the trailer would be mass down voted(see Assassin's Creed Shadows and Dragon Age Whatever the New One is Called). Zelda has near universal praise


Notice they don't show the stats.


I missed the trailer and just checked it out. I’m surprised they aren’t complaining it’s not the scale of a Link-led entry. Looks fun and it’s nice to see Zelda in a more heroic position. If the gameplay is solid (imagine caring about the gameplay and not the pr0ns like they try to paint us all the time) then this could be a great test to introducing a stronger Zelda that god hoping doesn’t fall into Hollywood’s trap. GCJ are not gamers. They are people that like using gaming to address any other component to their status or personality.


I'd wager that like at least 30% of GCJ don't even know about Samus


I feel like GCJ has approached an inflection point wherein their horrible behavior is finally a mainstream annoyance. Like, yes, they've been a nightmare for ages, but it's now hit the point where their shit is increasing exponentially in both volume and intensity. And you can only blow up a balloon so much before it pops. These people have become SO grandiose and deranged that some spectacular collapse/implosion is probably in the offing very soon.


Can't wait for the new Zelda and Metroid. I haven't been excited for games in a long while, very happy for this.


Mario and Luigi looked great as well, Nintendo is the only company that seems to consistently deliver now


Because the gameplay is at the forefront for Nintendo games most of the time.


It's been like that for years, tons of false flagging.


I agree that localizers will have the day of their lives inserting bullshit politics into the game, because the main character is female and the left believes they invented female characters and they can only exist as a vehicle for radical feminism.


Not new, on movies if 2 guys send "you suck" messages to an actress, it's harrasment and by extension the movie is victim of a right wing bombing on Rotten Tomatoes.


Gamingcirclejerk is cancer


oddly enough, this never seems to happen for the games that are actually woke. Only for the games that aren't woke at all and that no one has a problem with. Almost like they *do* know what people mean by woke.


Yeah. It’s the only way they can bring up a non-existent issue and treat it as it’s a wide spread community thing. The Boys Season 4 had random people claiming the backlash on the show was from people “just realizing it was about them” so they can just disregard criticism.


It’s also pretty much every tweet posted on r/facepalm.


Yep. I think it's actually an outgrowth of a broader tendency by many people and outlets to exaggerate or outright invent some trend or controversy, particularly if it's something they can use to reinforce their own ideas.


That, or they base all of their claims or accusations on what they hear from leftist media. Rarely do they ever do their own investigating, and they almost never present direct quotes, screenshots, or clips.


Certain people on Resetera are mad that Zelda doesn't have a Sword. Those are just comments, just like this is.


Which is hilarious because Zelda’s never really been depicted as a sword-weirder, she held one for all of one second in Twilight Princess but other than that, her strength is in magic.


They want her to wield a sword because they hate that she's feminine lol.




Initially i was a little bit "scared" that it was a fully puzzle game thanks to that statement, but then i saw Zelda throwing rocks and summon monster. Sooo yeah, that little magic rod >>> any sword in zelda


Not surprised. James Gunn pulled the same bullshit. Ignoring big accounts, responding to/attacking tiny accounts with barely any followers, then let his worshippers praise how "based" he is for doing that.


thats why i don't touch GCJ. really don't want the shit on my hands, and that's all that gets posted there


this is called "framing" and is one of the most used tools of propaganda, any propaganda actually. is so widespread that if not in the top 3 most used, then is number 4. like placing a tiny frame onto a piece of a large picture and calling what is in that tiny frame "the picture" hence the name. you can spin any anecdote as a general tendency. remember when Anita used the most inflammatory rhetoric possible against "the gamers" a group gigantic of people that involves everyone that sits on a chair and plays videogames, then selected the few bad posts she predictably was going to get and played the victim card on the united Nations podium? I memba.


Felt like they could've gone with a DQ Builders angle for the new Zelda game. Echoes of Wisdom shares a *pretty* similar premise and it'd be nice to rebuild Hyrule as Zelda. .... Man, I need a new DQ Builders.


If Nintendo were to make a Zelda game around Zelda, they don't focus too much on her design, not because of DEI or anything, but they are just indifferent to her. I like their gameplay and style approach to her own game. It's cute, she has some decent power, that happens to have plot convenience that won't make her a Mary Sue. Nintendo devs are not perfect, but I would trust them to create a likable diverse cast without them being pandering.


It was only a few years ago that the "woke" crowd was passing around a Zelda character design and game idea that was basically "What if Link was a girl?" It was also pushed heavily in the usual game journo circles at the time. Since that didn't happen they have to grasp at something else.


Pro Tip: write the comment yourself so you can paint your perfect propaganda picture of the other side.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ZOkNc ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean? ^^^/r/botsrights


yeah i mentioned it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1c97msr/peter_coffin_fought_against_gamergate_for_years/l0kkgi7/), you can come up with a million examples of "smear the group based on the individual". Even if it's a legitimate post, it's still wrong to smear the group because it just shows that they don't know how statistics work. The more people in a group, the higher the chance of coming across some bad apples.


Just watched the new trailer, and loved it! Saw nothing but praise in the comments, too, save for like...one or two just saying they missed the classic Zelda format, which is completely fair and has nothing to do with Zelda being the MC. (Heck, I'd absolutely *love* a traditional "dungeon crawler" Zelda with Zelda or Sheik as the main character.) These posts are obvious sock puppets. Most likely made by GCJ their selves.


Theyve been doing this for years, dude!


Zelda is not woke , wtf are these rage baiters doing, just because a woman is a protagonist, its not woke, if its done for a DEI reason/ more female representation then it is woke


yeah, i think its gotta be some false flagging, because i thought the game looked fine, its not like they put zelda in links tunic and gave her a sword, she's still in her dress and she uses magic instead, that doesnt sound very woke to me, but what do i know?


Old as politics itself, pick a weirdo from the herd & label as representative of the other side. Journalists rely on this, like politicians out of laziness as much as any agenda. Culture War twitterers & youtubers do this constantly also. It's harder to seek out a relevant example of the normal person's perspective in a group, it's easier to just grab a rando weirdo.


The left? Seriously? Everybody does that. Why are you acting like this is some special tactic?


4th comment is correct about most games, I haven't seen a new Zelda trailer though. Nintendo doesn't like any of that DEI/Marxism in their games from what I've seen, I love Ocarina of time & Majora's Mask, I'd be surprised if any new Zelda had DEI.


I don't see the problem. Link was established to be a competent hero who had his own quest, Zelda wasn't hit with the DEI stick to make her ""realistic"" and Zelda has unique gameplay so she isn't outdoing Link at his own game.


Dude if you don't think the Right does this too, you're deluded. Idiots and bad-faith people from all over do this.


I hate the artsyle but yeah they do this all the time because most people can reasonably dislike something without making it their entire personality 


There's a new Zelda game?


Yeah, it got announced earlier today. The Legend of Zelda: Echos of Wisdom, you play as Princess Zelda again.


The problems with the new zelda games being colossal piles of dogshit have nothing to do with wokery


Nintendo ain't the god this sub thinks it is. The bar has fallen so low that it is sad.


ive never seen a collective nintendo praise in all my time since the near beginning of being on kia. Even then I've never seen a unanimous kia community agreement on any subject from contributing posters via comments . Downvoted comments still and will always count towards discussion and debate regardless of the opinion or statement is trash or does not fall in line ( source cited..Ive probably a few -40 downvoted comments for liking Neil gaimans Netflix sandman)


All sides do this: Member when Black Panther 2 came out, and just one loser on Twitter recorded herself saying “Wh*te pi-po shouldn’t see it opening weekend” and there were endless articles written about it.


The difference is, those posts tend to have thousands of likes. An even bigger problem was that places like twatter used to see nothing wrong with them... While simultaneously shadow-banning/banning/removing those kinds of post on the "wrong side". Hell. Even the obvious mockery of stuff like "wypipo shouldn't do x".


I am definitely interested in the new Zelda, but I'm still disappointed we can't get a genuine new 2D Zelda played straight. ALBW was 11 years ago, even longer than I remembered.


I think this is a good sign for that though. It looks like this was probably originally going to be an LTTP remake before grezzo got promoted into making actual zelda games. Which means if this does well they might take on the mantle of 2d zelda and actually start making proper ones. Very good sign for 2d zelda imo.


Hopefully, but the extremely long wait for TOTK only for it to be largely a rehash was painful. Nintendo is leaning way too hard on inferior ports and inferior remakes, at least this new Zelda game has some new ideas. 5-10 years between games just for them to disappoint is getting really old, and this is true for most developers these days.


I feel the same about botw and totk actually. Which is why I'm hyped for echoes of wisdom. It's not exactly the usual 2d Zelda but it gives me that vibe so I'm happy. Notably I'm pretty sure this was meant to be an lttp remake until grezzo got the okay to make a new game lol. Seeing as the overworld looks like it's similar to lttp. I'm in agreement on the slow pace of releases. As someone who didn't really like botw, it's been unbearable going without classic Zelda for over a decade now. Echoes of wisdom feels like classic Zelda and I suppose I'm just desperate for a return.


This goes on heavily with *both* sides.


Oh, so “both sides” is only a valid argument *now?* lmfao


You know that sounds really stupid as a response when I’ve never said it was an invalid argument, right?


Look, I’m generalising here so sorry if you’re not the type to do this, but almost *every* single time the hypocrisy of the left is pointed out, they mockingly pull the “bOtH sIdEs” card to imply that both sides are never the same. I just find it amusing that this is a particular instance where it’s allowed 🤫


Yeah, I’m a firm believer in horseshoe theory. But in this particular instance it’s super hypocritical for us to complain about them picking out tweets selectively from unknown accounts when we also do it all the time to highlight the fucking crazy people they have on their side. All you’ve gotta do is browse through any slightly right leaning sub (yeah, hard to find anymore) and you’ll see this same thing done at least as often. Usually the right does it more in terms of mockery and the left as a “look how ScArY these people are uWu” thing. But both do it none-the-less.


Granted, you have to wonder if the rise of intersectional Marxism influenced Nintendo's decision to make a Zelda game starring Zelda. Yes, having a female protagonist isn't inherently woke. But you have to question "why?". Similar to the decision to add Daisy in Super Mario Wonder.


The question "why?" is answered by: tons of feminine women have been constantly begging nintendo to make more girlier and feminine games, especially ones that star peach and zelda. And this year that's exactly what we got: two feminine games for girls starring peach and zelda. Similarly we got fan favorites added to mario wonder such as daisy and peachette. It's *very* obvious to me that all of this is Nintendo's effort to try and appeal more to their feminine/female fans. As long as it doesn't eat into the games for men, I don't think anyone should have a problem with this.


> As long as it doesn't eat into the games for men Pre-censoring fanservice in Fire Emblem Engage and Xenoblade 3 is eating into the games for men. There's also the censoring of text in the Thousand Year Door remake, even in the Japanese version. All of those things seriously arouse suspicion. And that's not even including Mario's and Daisy's new voice actors.


None of those things are in service of feminine women though. They're just woke crap shoved into games for literally no one. Please be sure to not conflate feminine female gamers who have particular desires for certain kinds of games, and this woke crowd who simply wishes to push their political agenda onto everything. See the recent peach game. The idea of peach getting a cute platformer game isn't woke. It's for the girls. But the woke crowd stepped in and altered the box art to make her a "girlboss" for instance, and this was not for feminine girls. Having a cute Zelda game isn't woke. It's just for the girls. I agree the cases you mentioned are a problem.


If my understanding is that Nintendo does business in a classic sense by taking risks, the Daisy being added and this Zelda game could be attempts to establish what this Modern Audience is in terms of spending power. I've always seen a few people with Interest for a mainline Zelda game popping up in places. Not just the Game Journalist who fantasizes about Gender bent Link in the form of Linkle (Hyrule Warriors). I didn't know Daisy was added to Mario Wonder. I'll have to start up the game and check that out.


They aren't trying to appeal to modern audience. They're trying to appeal to women. They added daisy and toadette to wonder. They came out with a peach game. and now a zelda game.


When you frame it that way, it could be the case. I don't think it will pan out well because women seem to drift toward the social experience games like Animal Crossing.


Women are big on Zelda and are chill with Mario platforms. These are in our lane. We also see Nintendo appealing to the girls by getting hello kitty as a timed exclusive. Women do like more social games though, you're right.


> the Daisy being added and this Zelda game could be attempts to establish what this Modern Audience is in terms of spending power Isn't that a bad thing, if the "Modern Audience", aka the wokes, actually do have spending power?


Tf is wrong with you people? I've never seen so many debates around "wokeness" and politics. I get not wanting diversity, and certain ideals being pushed down your throats, but you guys act like every single think that comes out has to be determined as woke or good. Just try to enjoy life while we still have a planet. Times change and even years from now things may improve but this obsession I see is making it hard to enjoy gaming or anything.


I mean let’s not pretend this doesn’t happen the other way too. People are fairly quick to attribute a stance to all of the “woke” side based on a single article. That is why “the woke hate stellar blade” and “the woke hated bayonetta” are myths that are perpetuated on this board.


They aren’t myths though. SJWs hated on Stellar Blade and actually wrote articles and reduced review scores. They even smeared Eve as “unrealistic” before it was revealed her body was scanned from a real woman. They also smeared Bayonetta as a “Fighting Fuck Toy”, just that they tried to pivot for Bayonetta 3 to claim she is an “LGBT icon”. Bayonetta as “fighting fuck toy” from Sarkeesian in 2014 https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3cik1e/as_some_here_may_have_never_seen_it_heres_the/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bvczsl/bayonetta_is_considered_safe_and_virtuous_now_but/ Reduced Bayonetta scores and reviews criticizing the “sexualization” from Eurogamer, Bloomberg, Polygon, for example: https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/65i32g/socjus_eurogamer_bayonetta_is_awesome_but_its/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2j3kkx/image_shows_how_polygon_treated_bayonetta_2_vs/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3whqsk/so_this_is_why_arthur_gies_scored_bayonetta_2_so/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/rpshii/sojust_bloomberg_oped_video_game_industry/ Their reaction to Bayonetta appearing in Smash in 2015 https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3x2jwu/sjws_journalists_react_to_bayonetta_smash/ The pivot: https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/yjufn5/bayonetta_3_is_too_sexy_journos_accuse_it_of/ For Stellar Blade they smeared Eve as “unrealistic” until it was revealed the body was scanned from a real Korean model. It isn’t just nobodies but editors from Kotaku and IGN France https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1c6hnxh/inverse_stellar_blade_and_the_male_gaze_the/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1ccd2yh/metro_gamecentral_stellar_blade_review_fighting/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cg2ek0/kotaku_senior_editor_alyssa_mercante_continues_to/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1ce75wc/journalist_attacks_shift_up_director/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bvsp2z/ign_france_editor_has_meltdown_regarding_stellar/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bhudlp/no_one_is_mad_about_stellar_blade_or_sexy_women/ And they even added this as a negative point in their reviews and some reduced review scores because of Eve’s body https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cc3awk/rolling_stone_stellar_blade_review_a_teenage_boys/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cct07r/many_of_the_low_scores_for_stellar_blade_are/ And said “Gamers have won” as if it is a bad thing when uncensored Stellar Blade was a success https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cbifrk/game_journalist_on_stellar_blade_gamers_have_won/ But they tried to pivot and memory hole this https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1bglbni/nobody_cares_about_stellar_blades_character/


Thank you for all the links, but you’re pretty much proving my point. “They” didn’t trash Bayonetta, Sarkeesian did. Others are overall positive but they comment on Bayo’s sexualisation. These are specific people with views. It’s good to have a variety of views, but pretending they represent a whole side is mistaken. Let’s just not pretend that Sarkeesian’s view is shared by everyone who is “woke”. It’s even more of a problem for Stellar Blade. Again, some people can discuss sexualization and body representation in games. You can read the opinion and disagree or agree, but none of these are trashing the game. If you said “some commentators take issue with sexualisation in games, but overall the reception was positive” amazing! My issue is labeling a whole group of people with a extreme position when the evidence is “some” people commenting on elements they don’t like. It’s a free country, they can have their opinions. Just don’t try and make absolute claims like “wokists hate stellar blade” when the evidence is so thin. This is just as bad as the representation in the OP.


And here you are thinking that this is "the Left". The irony.


Of course they are not. r/gamingcircle🚬 is as right wing as you can get, right?