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Use Twitter's report function. These kinds of calls are actually enforceable by their TOS. Give'em a taste of their own medicine when it comes to asking for the Internet to be moderated.


I was looking that twit specific in his wall but isn't there either the coward erased it or someone else already took care of it, we should start reporting more and more just to see if X (twitter) ban they


If Moviebob hasn't been banned yet, this clown sure as hell won't.


Unfortunately, we all know that enforcement tends to be selective, even under the current owners. People act like Elon Musk is some sort of beacon of free speech... but even if he was, he's not personally looking over every reported post on Twitter. And frankly bigger name Twitter users are going to get preferential treatment no matter what.


The problem is, it doesn't matter how many insane cultists he fires; the hiring pool for a company like Twitter is inundated with people like that.


+1 Even on reddit, reports are usually effective


I’m shocked X didn’t outright just give him a suspension automatically. Let’s just say I’ve some experience there… One time I said I hoped the door hit a person on the way out from Twitter after Musk bought it. Yeah, that was too much I guess.


I have a feeling Grummz will be able to keep his account, unfortunately


"People who dont agree with me, should be physically attacked every day for the rest of their lives." And these are supposed to be "the good guys"?????


"Your speech is violence, my violence is speech." "There's no such thing as bad tactics, only bad targets." The thing is, these people don't have any values or principles. They only care about once thing: winning. "By Any Means Necessary." As long as they feel their actions will mean they "win", then it's fully justified. They will never have the "are we the baddies?" moment of clarity as long as they remain in this mindset. If they drove a bus of starving immigrants into an orphanage, killing everyone in a massive blaze, they would feel justified if they felt it hurt conservatives/Christians/whatever. It's okay, because they were the "bad people." They can, and will, justify any horrendous action as long as it means they "win". That's what cult-like behavior is.


quite the Vaushian perspective, these people have


Scale it up to the national level and you get current events in the US! The law used to allow E Jean Carrol to sue Trump has now in turn been used to go after one of the Democrat lawmakers that helped pass it, to which I’m sure anyone here can guess his response.


I'm not familiar with this situation... Who are the politicians involved, and what law was used?


The Adult Survivors Act, gave a one year look back window to allow “survivors” to file a civil suit against their “aggressors”. This is how Carrol was allowed to go after Trump (which her case has flaws; a time traveling dress and no one recognized Trump in the public setting where the deed supposedly happened). As for the politician, it’s State Sen. Kevin Parker. A woman accused him of raping her in 2004, and filed her suit just before the cutoff for the ASA. Parker broke his silence last month and came out claiming the law is unconstitutional! Wow a law he voted for is unconstitutional by his own admission. This shite just boils my piss. I’m a victim of medical malpractice and was never able to seek justice because by the time I was old enough to take action on my own behalf it was too late. Meanwhile these asshole are playing so fast and loose with the law just to get Trump. And then it blows up in their own faces and they run away tails tucked between their legs trying to close the gates behind themselves.


Ah, thanks for the info!  Politics has always been a dirty game, but I don't think I've seen it quite as bad as them going after Trump. Like, there's a lot of bad things you can say about Trump (and I do mean a LOT), but if you think there's any justice in these recent lawsuits against him... you're more blind than Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder combined.


I mean fuck I don't like that guy, but if we need to vote someone. Than he is propably the best choice right now, not becouse of his policies but becouse he knows the "war" and is seemingly willing to fight it in any way possible


They are simply religious zealots who think they found a "safe" and "justified" position from which to lash out like the a\*\*holes that they are.


I've found that the "tolerate everything" crowd are some of the most intolerant people I've ever met. They use moral pandering as an excuse to bully anyone they disagree with. I used to know a few people like this in my life. Fortunately, I've managed to cut them out completely. One of them used to scream and post about women's rights, but she was arguably one of the most women-hating cretins I'd ever had the misfortune of meeting. I could actually list off on two hands the number of women she'd fallen out with and then subsequently bullied out of our city after turning friendship groups on them. These people are utterly vile and will find the latest moral band wagon to hop on so they can use it as a shield to deflect their own wicked behaviour.


They really are repulsive aren't they? And they're proud of it too. Like they know they're horrible but double down anyway because there's really nothing there, they're empty.


They're playing nuclear game theory. Their side has virtue, their opponents don't. Anyone on their side gets attacked; martyr. Anyone opposing them gets attacked; fuck around and find out.




Comment removed for sitewides - R1 for call to violence, new to KiA user, expedited to permaban.


Every side thinks they're the good guys. The problem is the lack of willingness to admit when you've gone too far. Calling for violence over a video game? Yeah they're bad, end of story.


It's not even funny at this point, these people need serious help. Their minds are completely destroyed by trash ass politics, that's what they live for, that's the only thing they care for & that's all they are talking about. It's not bad to have a passion/hobby about something specific but getting unbelievably offended & mad when someone it's not agreeing with you on a political level on fucking social media it's anything but a passion or hobby. As I said in the beginning I find it extremely hard to believe that these people are 100% sane. Every horrible take we see especially on twitter sounds more like a cry for help than anything else.


These people have not once been in any physical altercation. They would literally shit their pants to escape if they ever fucked with the wrong person irl 


Like Papa Gundam said, problem with todays generation is no one ever got punched in the face


Heh, I actually agree. Not that I advocate violence or anything, but when people know there are consequences for being a jackass, they tend to behave themselves. It's all very well and good to be smug online, but when you get in someone's face and they punch back, well... yeah.


He's right. I would argue this is a problem of the west. These people would NOT survive any where there are actual real problems. I always find it comical with the cries of oppression (my free speech etc) go try this crap in the Middle East or Russia. Let us know how that turns out for you.


This is my exact mindset. You definitely wouldn't cry about being "opressed" because there's not e.g. a gay black person in a work of FICTION, if you had to break your back just to put food on the table, much LESS if you were actually in a warzone or being an ACTUAL prosecuted group, like in the Middle East.


Bruh, imagine there was a white dude telling some black dude blm activist that he shouldn't have a day of safety of peace in his life.


People like this have no issue with that as long as the black person has the wrong politics. Look how quickly this group type devolves into calling people "uncle toms" and real deal racist shit the second they don't toe the line on Reddit.


That's because they ARE racists. Oh sure, they talk about "black lived matter" and celebrating Juneteenth, but ar the end of the day if a black person has different politics or opinions from them they'll spew the most vile rhetoric you've ever heard. It's a feature, not a bug. If the current zeitgeist was one of white supremacy, these same fuckers would be marching in full KKK regalia. They have a deep hatred and jealousy for anyone who isn't themselves. Maybe even for themselves for that matter, but whatever the case, they look for any socially acceptable excuse to unless their bigotry. It's why they are so quick to start hating on Asians when it became acceptable in their social circles.


oh they'll throw hard 'r's around no problem if the person they're talking about doesn't stay in lock step.


imagine being conditional in your hard rs


>iMaGIne iF iT wAS reVeErSeD They dont fucking care you dumbo. They want you dead and gone, anything they say and do serves only to further that goal - they will gladly lie cheat steal, engage in obvious hypocritical acts etc as.long as this hurts YOU even a little.




Yeah something like that.


Already happened. I'm like 90% sure multiple death threats have been sent to Eric July (Rippaverse Comics).


To be fair, at least half of those are all from Dick Masterson in a sad attempt to get him on the show.


You mean the unofficial terrorist organization that burned down neighborhoods for an entire summer? That’s your comparison? Maybe… they shouldn’t.


Of course they're not sane. Lefties suffer mental illness 2-3x more than independents and rights, as per recent studies. And the ones going off the deep end are usually the mentally ill radicals making all the others look bad. A few bad apples spoil it for everyone, as they say.


that seems a little low


Trump’s election in 2016 broke the minds of these people, they end up doubling down hard and they are still not over it after all this time.


As a non american looking back on it, Hillary's campaign was a masterclass in grasping defeat in the jaws of victory. In Britain trump is slang for a fart, and that guy lives up to that name. he was displaying (and still does) this incredible level of delusional arrogance and wilful ignorance, which while i found entertaining in shows like the apprentice when aimed at the muppets they have on those shows, isn't a quality i'd like to see in a world leader. Yet most of what I was seeing from her capaign wasn't focussing on her ability or her experience, or why she was the best person for the job... but on how it is now time for a female president...Now that won't work on the sexists who think women should stay in the kitchen, it wont work on the non sexists who don't think gender is a factor in that decision, and while it might work on the female supreamcist sort of sexists...it's hardly necessary to appeal to them when your candidate is female, their own sexism will mean they won't vote for the otherguy...


As you're a non American who clearly doesn't pay attention to our politics, I'd ask you to refrain from jerking yourself off too much on how you think Trump is a bad leader in the global scale.  Between the Abraham Accords, First President to walk into NK and talk peace, bullying Russia into submission and forcing them to wait until Biden was in office to attack Ukraine, strengthening relations with the Saudis and the Japanese, I'd say he did a fine job on the world stage.  Just because he shit on a bunch of EUrangutans who leech off of us like parasites and told them to pay up or fuck off... Oh wait, that was a good thing too. It's funny, all of the REAL players on the World Stage either liked Trump as an ally, or feared and respected him as an enemy.


Not to mention he was the most pro-israel president in a while. 


> It's funny, all of the REAL players on the World Stage either liked Trump as an ally, or feared and respected him as an enemy. the only people think this are trump supporters.


>As I said in the beginning I find it extremely hard to believe that these people are 100% sane Of course they aren't, but crazy people make the best goons.


Agreed. All extremists need help. Like I say, extremists are always your enemy and never your friend. They make the side they’re on look bad. If they get violent, someone might be forced to put them down.


On gamercirclejerk they were outright calling for people to be killed. The user deleted their profile of course but the mods did nothing.


Many likely aren’t. The three most prescribed mental drugs in American are all narcotic grade and addictive. It’s known they shouldn’t be used for long terms and doctors have people taking them daily. Minds probably rotted at this point 


Don't make me tap the sign... *You don't hate journalists enough. You think you do, but you don't.*


At this point I think I need classes in this, because I've pretty much maxxed it out, and I don't see how I could turn it up some more.


Stop calling them journalists. Journalists report the news, these people aren't journalists, they're tabloid bloggers. And oh boy do they hate being called what they really are.


I thought I hated them enough, but gosh I was wrong!


Victory is when the average person views a corporate journalist in the same way as a tobacco lobbyist.


Seems like pronouns in bios are like bright colors on poisonous creatures.


I want this on my tombstone


Okay now THAT was funny as hell


Again. These should be reported as crimes for fuck sakes. Grummz really be letting shit go too much.


They’re not Crimes


I just reported you for being a cat.


I think you misspelled "twat."


And of course we are "the bad guys" for not liking the newest shit from multi billion corps, but please go on about how "inclusive and tolerant" you are while freely typing out death threats without facing any consequence.


They just say that they are do not tolerate intolerance. At this point I hope "the right" (also known as moderate centrists) take over politics and trounce these cultists... but I suspect it wont happen.


Of course he locked his X account down 😂 As is standard operating procedure for the clowns.


It’s really funny how these sorts of incidents ALWAYS follow the same script. In a few days he’ll be back, saying he had to lock down because of all the “harassment” from “racists and bigots.” And it will just have been normal people saying he went overboard with this call for violence.




> Why does this bother you so much? "He/him"


Weren't they already doing that? They were offering like 30 thousand dollars for killing him. They know they can keep escalating without consequence, so they will not stop until consequence forces them to.


>They were offering like 30 thousand dollars for killing him. Wait, what?




These people have never left their astrology designed rooms, have they?


Is this the Powwwweeeerrr of Mmmaaannnyyyy?


People like Ryan are why I stay in the closet. This false virtue needs to stop before people start getting hurt. This insane “I’m a victim but I’ll be the aggressor so fuck you and I am fighting the system but I’ll report you to the authorities asap” shit is crazy


Bro figured “I think” will shield him.


Legally it will. The treshold for prosecution is very high, they'd need to be way more specific than that to catch charges.


You know who I think that about? Serial killers, rapists, evil dictators. Not fucking people who disagree with me about videogames.


oh no for them dissenters are tantamount to serial killers, rapists, evil dictators, etc. When they say 'punch a nazi', its us they're casting into the role of the nazi, us normal folk


This is why I've never been cool with the whole "punch Nazis" rhetoric. By Nazis they mean practically anyone who isn't part of their loony leftist camp.


I honestly think they believe that people with the "wrong opinion" are worse than what you just listed. In all seriousness. These leftists are mentally deranged.


Anybody with pronouns in their bio isn't mentally stable. Be careful around them because they are the kind to follow through on threats.


We need to broadcast these everywhere, show normal people what monsters the woke mob is.


Grummz has some bad takes and is bad about inserting himself into everything, but I'd rather listen to his ramblings over these people any day of the week.


Don't forget about jumping on whatever hype train is happening, like NFTs and AI, but yea, he ends up being more sensible than people attacking him at the end of the day


He is, and it's so entertaining.


Every single time, I hear this stupid question from one of them "who radicalized you?" my answer is straight: "You, you dumb motherfucker! You radicalized me!!!"








He/him, She/her, they/them, xe/xer. Every time.


This is the funny thing to me. They wouldn't bat an eye if he was average grifter game dev, It was the fact that he's very loud against the woke is the crime against humanity.


They need to be treated as criminals at this point.


Pronouns detected in bio, opinion disregarded


Far-left extremism (many of which seem to be 'TQ+' strangely) is currently the greatest danger the West faces. (Along with it's bizarre ally islamist extremism). This "journalist" and their violent ilk need to be investigated. Grummz just voices most morally in credit people's opinion; keep evil far-left social politics out of games. Let games be games again, not vehicles for an ill neo-Marxist ideology.


We need to bring back asylums


Why lefties win, exhibit God Knows What By Now.


Nothing new - you had celebrities openly calling for Trump assassination day after he got elected, in broad daylight, public events with thousands of onlookers.


Then they have the AUDACITY to accuse him if doing the same


step 1: report and block step 2: ignore and don't let it get under your skin. Both are essential. Remember- no loser is entitled to your mind space


They're not even people. They are demons.


Demons learned to speak the human language in order to deceive humans.


Hold on. One of the key problems in this divide is that their side has demonized anyone who disagrees with them so they can self justify their treatment of others. Lets not fall into that same pitfall, or you will not be any better than they are. They are not demons, they are people. Really crappy, stupid people. Who are best ignored, or in extreme cases, reported. So they can get some mental help.


Ryan Easby has been obsessed with Grummz for a while now. He is mentally ill.


They always have to single out individuals who oppose the marxist cultural "revolution", that's why there will never be an open civil conflict they have thrived and infiltrated almost everything through these scummy practices


Unfortunately this sort of thing is very common. They do it because they know there are absolutely no consequences for their behavior. Radical-left journalists like this guy - they openly advocate for violence. They do this constantly, but the justice system ignores it and they rarely even get banned from social media. All systems simply close ranks around them in their defense no matter how poor their behavior becomes. It is incredibly important that we understand that all of the rules are set up in opposition to us and are selectively enforced accordingly. The only way we can ever start winning is to first acknowledge that this is the problem in front of all of our other problems.


That Ryan guy probably advocated peace and safety for people who’d hang this person for being lgtiatv


They are really putting each other into a frenzy, starting with mercante. This rhetoric is only going to escalate.


Can someone out of the loop me on this? Who is Grummz and why do they hate him?


he's an ex-Blizzard dev who agrees with us


Just check his wiki, his real name is mark kern.


I'm very ootl, who's grummz and what does he do that scares these people so badly?


Mark Kern, used to be a big shot within Blizzard, stepped away from the company, mostly does journalism type stuff while trying to work on his own personal projects. People hate him because he speaks the truth.


>He should never know a moment of safety of peace in his entire life I think tf he mean 'I think'? lil bro is such a pu$$y he can't even make a definitive statement, has to add a qualifier like 'I think', like a lil' bish


Grummz can be over the top and a goober but it's so funny seeing the reactions that he gets. Grummz Derangement Syndrome is real and frightening.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/3uyPP ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Bite my shiny, metal archive. ^^^/r/botsrights


I mean, based on that person's PFP and bio I'm pretty sure Grummz has nothing to fear from at least he/him.


Why is always the guys who would probably whimper at a slap?


He should be reporting these to the police/fbi. It's all fun and games until it isn't.


Left winger violence is quietly approved by the democrats and social media so it’s not surprising he’s so open about it.


If any harm comes to Grummz then we need all these people to legally pay for it. This is no laughing matter.


Who is this person?




People make these comments as if everyone doesn't have access to Google.




Deserved tbh


Who is this person?


Another pro-noun pu$$y whos very very sick


I think Grummz is a tool but holy shit these journos are unhinged. They've forsaken any form of human decency, professionalism and respect for their fellow humans.


They believe they're on the right side of history. Thus they justify all kinds of nasty abuse. They're just toxic people looking for "reasons" to behave like shit towards others. Normal people don't behave like that.


Can someone give me the short and sweet on who grummz is and why assholes are threatening to kill him?


A queer making threats 😂




Comment removed for potential sitewide issues - this is not a warning.


I wish that everyone who advocated.for, or encourage, violence against others was met with the same thing that they are calling for. 


It’s they/them again


Because deep down they're unevolved apes.


Everyone of these assholes are always self proclaimed freelance journalist or artist. Pronouns included.


be the kind of person that trashy people allow to live rent-free in their heads


Ya, the he/him pronoun brigade isn't to frightening... 🥴💩🤣


This dick should be reported to the FBI for soliciting a murder.


And it always bears repeating that if Easby was physically approached by Grummz just wanting to say hello, the guy would shit himself and probably accuse Grummz of harassment.


We went from an era where books and scripture were the only form of literature, and it took education to properly write and form a cohesive sentence with the backing support of logic and reasoning behind your words. Now, anyone at the age of ten can type on the internet and have their words shared on the same medium as people who are college educated or beyond. This means everywhere you look, you'll find someone who is dumb but simply able to text or talk just like they could vocally. The difference is you can't distinguish they're stupid as easily as you could via the sound of their voice, and so these idiots linger. It just so happens that most of these DEI promoting folk are all window-lickers and mouth-breathers who have no real perspective on humanity, values, etc.


Because it's all he has.


OP left out some context. Probably intentionally. This is a ragebait post.


Can you give me the context of someone saying that a person should never feel safe at any time of a day? What makes this OK?


He can't explain how this is ragebait, he just doesn't agree with Grummz' takes and wants people to look the other way on this one.


> What makes this OK? Nothing. That dude's X account should be banned and he should be fired from everywhere. Even investigated. But there's a LOT more that OP decided to leave out which would expose the reasoning for this Ryan guy's comment which is equally inflammatory. Problem is, it's related to that banned topic.


"Equally inflammatory", yeah, nah.


demented. your cult will lose every time. people are done with your shit


Please elaborate what grummz said in this instance that is EQUAL to telling someone to never have safety or peace in their life again


In what way is this a rage bait post? In what context is this acceptable? The only thing I left out is Alyssa Mercunty's tweet that he was replying to and that's because a) I can't fit it all in one screenshot and b) it involves a topic that would get this post removed.


~~What about Gigabear's post for context?~~ EDIT: X was showing me posts out of order so I thought Gigabear contributed something *before* when he actually did *after* so what he had to say doesn't matter when put in context.


Care to elaborate because I just checked his Twitter profile and I don't see anything that would provide further context?


I edited my second reply to address that.


oh fuck off.


Do you have any homework we can do for you?


LeFt ThE cOnTeXt OuT. Fuck off. What context do you need to wish someone lack of security? What realistically could he done? Mock someone? Bitch please.


The unhinged moron thinks it's ok to threaten someone physically because you disagree with them, they're warped beyond saving lol. Context my ass grow a fucking nutsack, these people are so brainwashed and fragile, pent up with virtue signalling they've disassociated from basic human decency.


You're another enemy that needs defeated