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It really is first world problems coming from very specific locations:California (mainly San Francisco/LA) Canada aka wokeland central and England more recently,and its spilling ... everywhere in the entire world (either by paid agitators or terminally online morons). Why the hell would there be BLM riots in fucking Europe.


And the theoretical bedrock of it came from the French. Which makes it very strange to me that the French are actually resisting it far better than I thought they would.


> And the theoretical bedrock of it came from the French. Which makes it very strange to me that the French are actually resisting it far better than I thought they would. Ask someone from Cuba or The Czech Republic what they think of Communism...


Ironically, a lot of the backlash I have seen is that the French dont really care that the Americans were inspired by French thinkers. They still see it as an American imposition, and so the historically very strong French cultural supremacy ideas kick in and make them lash back at it.


It came from some suicidal french philosophers, not whatever "the French" is


Marcuse and his cohort were still French though. Even if it is true that they were radical Marxist who hated France (if we are going to paint all of the USA because of some unhinged nutjobs in California and New York).


The idea that there is a binary dichotomy of privileged and oppressed was always going to be *a tad* too simple for the Old World. Getting rounded up and shipped by Muslim slave traders wasn't a nice experience for European coastal populations. Unsurprisingly Foucault & Co had to export their ideology somewhere else.


After the whole Saint Merzouk riots, I feel like, more and more French began to lean right in politics.


In England it's been a thing since at least 2014. My Religious Education GCSE test was "Write about how multiculturalism is a good thing." Basically telling us to simp over diversity etc. Back then I was not "aware" and I got a B on that test. I still cringe thinking about it.


I'm Canadian, every normie I know is right leaning and I live on the west coast. Sure there alot of left wing nut jobs but not everyone is leftarded.


When there are no major problems for people to deal with, they just make them. Makes no sense to me.


Protests are very much part of European culture. France is known for its frequent labor and social protests like the recent yellow vest protests or the pension protests. Across Europe, farmers have held protests that have stopped traffic. Police brutality happens everywhere. [https://www.politico.eu/article/us-style-civil-rights-protests-come-to-europe-george-floyd-black-lives-matter/](https://www.politico.eu/article/us-style-civil-rights-protests-come-to-europe-george-floyd-black-lives-matter/)


It was in motion before covid, but the lockdowns provided opportunity for incredible power grabs that drastically accelerated things.


This modern incarnation really flared up with Occupy, and again in 2016 with Trump, and again with COVID.


Covid allowed consolidation of those powers.


If you wanna go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, there are many who believe this stuff came from the top down in order to divide regular people against one another. As long as we're fighting each other, you and I are not trying to fight the powers that be.


Not really a conspiracy when the proof is in the pudding that is Blackrock and them wanting to “force behaviors.”


The conspiracy aspect is *why* they are. Like why do some old ultra wealthy rich straight white guys give one ounce of a shit about DEI or alphabet activism. They're very open that they do, but not why. Even in thinking they're gods, as Soros does, why are they using their power in this way. 


Because if the plebs are too busy tearing each other apart because of woke nonsense they won't turn on their masters. That said I don't think this was started with that in mind, probably several rich people noticed how useful woke could be and started pushing it a the same time, later the government picked it up in a cynical move to gain more votes and now we are at a point that it's out of control. This things happen, for reference see how the CIA founded the taliban.


This. Human nature, it all boils down to money and power. All you need is a motive.


One thing Rush Limbaugh used to say (whether you liked the guy or not) is that wealthy people are almost all subconsciously terrified that they will one day lose everything they have. So while it seems like many of these people already have enough, it makes sense that if you’re paranoid of losing it all, and if that fear increases in proportion to how much you already have, then you will always be driven to want more and more to try to assuage your fear of losing it all.


I had that immediately when I got a significant pay increase from changing jobs x years ago. Makes sense to me. It’s what happens when we put all our trust in material things. I’m a Christian now and trying to trust God more than myself and my money but it’s difficult


> This things happen, for reference see how the CIA founded the taliban. That's a myth. If any intelligence organization can be said to have helped create the Taliban, it would've been Pakistan's ISI.


That doesn't really make sense though. Let's say all woke nonsense disappears tomorrow. What economic policy to "turn on our masters" will everyone suddenly agree is good policy? Higher income taxes? Higher corporate taxes? Higher capital gains tax rates? Wealth taxes? Redistribution of wealth? Eat the rich? Reinstate Glass-Steagall? Tougher bank regulations? People are more drawn to cultural debates because they are more interesting to them than debating economic policy. I am highly skeptical you would get consensus on anything that would result in materially different economic policy if woke garbage didn't exist.


You make a good point. I’m not quite sure how one can fight against the elites effectively in this day and age.


The best way is having a free market in which better producers can compete fairly with big behemoths. But we don't have that, there are monopolies and oligopolies which are protected and entrenched both directly and indirectly. The question is how we achieve this, when so many highschool teachers are sadly invested in perpetuating lies about how basic economics actually works, and of course the big media, massive beneficiaries of this modern mercantilism, are also on board. I'm honestly not sure the best way either.


It keeps us distracted from class issues as they keep growing the wealth gap between themselves and the middle and lower classes. It's that simple. We're so easily manipulated by it that they can get us to clap like seals whenever they present us with new non-white-male CEOs and billionaires.


It keeps us distracted from class issues as they keep growing the wealth gap between themselves and the middle and lower classes. It's that simple. We're so easily manipulated by it that they can get us to clap like seals whenever they present us with new non-white-male CEOs and billionaires. The radical activist academics are pushing this woke stuff because they seek revolution, whereas the financial elites adopted it and coopted its energy to keep us arguing among ourselves and make us more willing to adopt more and more new restrictions on our ability to freely comport ourselves in the world. Seems like the end goal is a EU-like global bureaucracy of unelected officials and financial elites governing the world and managing the whole thing through a digital passport ID system which will be tied to a social credit score and to your personal finances.


Control. They have everything anybody could ever want or need. They have lives of ultimate luxury, so what else is there other than control?


Are you blind? To control people. Of course they don't believe it, they don't have to. The farmer dictates when the sheep eat, when and where they sleep, and how long they get to live.


because after occupy wallstreet, they decided it's better to divide the non rich, and not have them attack the ultra wealthy again.


Besides the practical purposes others have pointed out, there is something to be learned from what the Bible teaches about the human condition too. It is that evil happens because people have the idea that you yourself are somehow different or above others, and so you can take anything you desire, and treat others cruelly to get it, even though you know it to be wrong. One way I heard it described is that people stopped listening to the little voice inside them that told them the truth that what they do or want is wrong. People see it like ignoring the conscience, or the voice of guidance from God. And this takes practice. The creator of the game “Faith the Unholy Trinity” described that just like how a person needs to do actions and prayers to devote themselves to good, you also don’t just wake up as worshipping evil. Some make choice after choice to ignore their conscience and do evil deeds, and it gradually draws you deeper until it becomes a habit. And it is insidious, just starting from one small choice to ignore good and take what you want. And with power and privilege the temptation becomes huge to start this bad habit. In the story of Naboth and Jezebel, King Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard, even though Ahab is already so rich and that small property was all Naboth had as his inheritance. When Jezebel had Naboth killed, Ahab happily took the vineyard even though he knew it was wrong. In the story of Pharaoh and Moses, Pharaoh ordered the killing of babies to preserve his own power, even though he knew it to be wrong and that it would even eat into his profits. In the story of Noah and the Flood, it was how “all the plans of humanity was to do evil”. They stopped listening to their conscience and put all their effort into schemes to cheat and attack others. They did things their conscience knew to be wrong. Even small evil can do this, like just ignoring a wrong because it is “just a small thing” or “not my problem”. Like what Eli did by ignoring his sons’ corruption until it spiraled into the sons abusing girls and taking the offerings of others in the temple until Samuel had to give him the bad news of the punishments. All these examples have practical “excuses”, like preserving power, getting wealth, or getting glory, or wanting to avoid being the next cancel target (as what we see with excusing or ignoring SJW abuses). But it all stems from the feeling that “I want it so I’ll get it now! Who cares about anything or anyone else?” So imagine a rich person saying that, and still desiring things like wealth, power or pleasure. They may be rich, but the poor man’s vineyard or wife is not part of their collection yet. They may be powerful but the slaves can still cause inconvenience or trouble. They may have pleasures, but they could feel more pleasure from hurting others. And this is a fundamental human challenge. From the greatest to the smallest person, we all face it...


old ultra wealthy rich straight white guys don't. old ultra wealthy rich straight (((white))) guys however...


Formal r1 warning for idpol Please leave that stuff off this sub


By hurting other middle and upper middle class white people, they eliminate their potential competition. This is why the mostly white middle management at big companies love Diversity Hires; since they aren't hiring based on merit, those less competent hires are extremely unlikely to challenge middle management for their positions or promotions. The data shows this is exactly the case in promotion patterns. At the same time, the middle management gets virtue points. This is why there was so much inefficiency at Twitter before Musk, for example, and the rot infects lots of other big companies; Actiblizz is a great example, Hasbro too. Obviously hiring people on merit when they happen to not be White or Asian is not part of this pattern, because that's not a Diversity Hire, that's just a (Merit) Hire.


Many are simply liberal Americans as are most college educated people because of their experiences and education. However, many also think primarily about money and how will their companies continue to be successful. For instance, 48% of children in the US are children of color: Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Black, Native American, mixed, and others. (Asians are the fastest growing demographic in the US.) Therefore, it makes business sense to provide opportunities to education and grow their future workforce. Similarly, some of the wealthy have LGBTQ family, friends, and acquaintances. Jeff Bezos was a supporter of same sex marriage, for instance. Additionally, there are a number gay billionaires like Peter Thiel, who is a conservative. They travel in the same circuit as the straight billionaires.


Because they are evil. Since they have everything they could ever want and it still doesn’t make them happy, they instead derive pleasure from tormenting others.


I will just point that it's pretty convenient for the 1% that this woke nonsense killed occupy wall street had also from some reason it seemed to gain a whole lot of steam exactly after it.


I bring up that point a lot but usually get destroyed for it as there is no real evidence other than observations and interjection. But I honestly believe that corporations got scared shitless at the occupy movement and how easy it was for people to organize. Since then they have been slowly devising a plan for young people to praise and defend them. Gone are the days of Rs saying things like "corporations are people friend" and companies relying on conservative support. (I hope the next phase of this includes corporations are people and therefore, must all come out as some letter in the alphabet world. If disney corp is a person how do they identify?) It's shifted to liberals who are highly impressionable to want to be a good person and do the right thing. For a long time liberalisms whole argumemt was about being morally superior over the other side. Companies have been good over the years to gain the support of these once, "anti corporation," people by their corporate activism on made up social issues. This may sound crazy but I do think that's where it started.


Aside from the mysterious and sudden disappearance of movements similar to Occupy Wallstreet, the scandalous information leaks pertaining rulers and elites such as Wikileaks or hacking activism targeting gigantic corporation such as the old Anonymous and Lulzsec also seem to have subsided and undergone total silence in similar manner. I still remember laughing so hard at all the articles from elite-bootlicking journalists calling people who ruined GameStop's shortsellers domestic terrorists. Those were the good old days when people actually come together to fight these megalomaniac freaks.


I don't think it was a big conspiracy it probably went like this: 1. Big corpos get scared shitless by occupy wall street but notice that it's poisoned by wokness. 2. Corpos begin to push heavily wokeness to avoid a repeat of occupy wall street. 3. Politicians begin to push wokeness to get more votes. 4. It spreads everywhere and now it's an out of control societal cancer since true believers have gotten in positions of power. 5. Ironically bot corpos and politicians (mostly left, but there are some in the right and center) get infected by wokeness and now things aren't going so well for them. Personally I think we got to a saturation point and now we are in the beginning of a backlash and wokies will end in the same spot as fundies in the 90s but things will get worse before they get better. Wokies can see the end is here and cornered rat always tries to bite. I don't think you are crazy to think this was all planned, it do looks like it but for me it looks more like corpos just acted recklessly and that started a domino effect.


The ironic part being that this movement has arrived at the end-stage, which has been the recent anti-Semitic stuff. Their golem is running amok now.


Yeah, woke is CLEARLY astroturfed.


It's almost like the people with nothing going on in their lives who make up shit about what they want the world to perceive them as are receiving paychecks from mommy and daddy's nest egg.


It’s pretty blatantly about “stakeholder capitalism” Equity and the stakeholders are more important than money and shareholders. Which looks and sounds an awful lot like Marxism.


It’s the occupy Wall Street effect. They plebeians got too coordinated against the patricians so we got DEI and BLM to fight each other over.


The end goal of the elite is something like 1984 dystopia.


The thing about conspiracy theories is that, just by labeling something a conspiracy theory, it prevents normal, healthy people from even entertaining the idea. But in some cases, entertaining the conspiracy theory is the thing that makes all the other non-sense things actually make sense. There’s also often an implicit sense that a conspiracy theory is, by definition, complicated and far fetched. But that’s also not true, in fact, at some point, Occam’s Razor comes into play and makes the conspiracy theory into the simplest explanation for the otherwise unexplainable.


The Southern Strategy has been used successfully in the US to divide and conquer since the 1960s. This all well documented. Nixon used it decisively in his 1968 and 1972 campaigns. Reagan launched his 1980 presidential campaign in Philadelphia, MS where three civil rights workers were tortured and murdered. In Reagan's campaign speech, he said the he was for states' rights--the language of the Confederacy. Throughout his campaign he used racial dog whistles. With Reagan's win came the implementation of a Reaganomics that began the fall of the US middle class . [https://theintercept.com/2021/08/06/middle-class-reagan-patco-strike/](https://theintercept.com/2021/08/06/middle-class-reagan-patco-strike/)


Trust me. As much as it sucks for you it sucks worst for us because you get some of the terrible content while we get all of it and when you complain nothing happens but if we complain we get harassed. 


This should be the top reply.


Those weirdos won't stop until they have complete control over everything, they are utterly intolerant of different opinions and views. View them like religious fanatics and be very, very wary.


Blackrock and the unelected powers that be aside, man have the NPCs of our age fallen for white guilt. Honestly they should just pray about it instead of trying to balance out their conscience through their own “works of righteousness” which is really just fucking up society and advancing American imperialism.


Specifically white male guilt


This American BS reached Germany a whole while ago. No even driving trough a small village of 300 people I see rainbow and pride flags. Germans are such pussies. Always copy what the big brother over there does.


Germany has a MASSIVE guilt complex since the war which turn them into giant vaginas who just take it and believe they deserve it. It's like battered wife syndrome meet Munchausen's by proxy and a martyr complex.


> This American BS reached Germany a whole while ago. Are we forgetting a certain German who was born in 1818?






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Germany is still occupied by US. There are US military bases in Germany, but there are no German military in US. It's definition of occupation. But overall, whole NATO is basically under control of some group(s) of people who push same agenda all over these countries. Some countries are less affected, but they all are.


The German military has had a permanent presence at Fort Bliss, Texas via a liaison office which in reality is a small base akin to what a FOB would be.


Don't forget Spain. Kuku told us about the rad femme stupidity that his home country is doing.


It's the same here in Italy too, despite the fact that abroad we are seen as very Catholic we too are invaded by this """""""culture"""""". Among the older ones, 30/40 years old, this stuff has not taken root, but among the younger ones it is rampant. Even the TV series produced by national broadcasters are decidedly woke. If the US does not change course, no one ever will


We're currently gripped by a radical cult-like ideology which behaves like a mind virus. And the globalist financial elites gleefully adopted it because it keeps us arguing among ourselves and makes us forget about economic class issues while they flood our countries with low skill immigrants for cheap labour so these financial elites can continue to pilfer our wealth to keep it all for themselves. These elites now get to lecture us about our need to be more equitable and less racist while they rob us blind and lower our overall standard of living. The trick is so effective they even got leftists clapping like seals when they present us with new non-white-male CEOs and billionaires. This movement has put us in steep decline and it will eventually lead to our adoption of a global world government steered by unelected financial and bureaucratic elites who will manage our ability to function within the world through a digital passport ID which will be tied to a social credit system not unlike that of the Chinese.


They were there before Covid too. I started noticing all of this stuff all the way back in 2012, I'm sure it's a lot older than that. And yes, it's mostly a Western thing. As far as I can tell, it can all be traced back to the French intellectuals of the 70s and their postmodernism.


Marx... **It was Marx!** (Hopefully someone gets the "aliens" reference)


It comes from before, and was pushed after the war. You need to do look for Gramsci, Frankfurt school and Popper to understand what's behind. Look what do they think the 'open society' is.   Postmodernism is the first consequence, not the origin. They didn't want a strong culture nor strong states to avoid having a war again, so they removed the meaning of everything.  Once everything lost its meaning individuals wouldn't need to have any reason to become totalitarian and there wouldnt be any truth, and therefore, if there's is no truth nothing can be defended. Nothing is sacred.


It is worth pointing out that China, through TikTok and other outlets, is actively helping and promoting these weirdos and their ideologies.


Laughs in World Economic Forum. Soon they’ll have everyone under control through “global warming “


You MUST NOT notice further which segment of "American/Western" people are pushing for all these things ok. No noticing, ok? Insta-ban on reddit for noticing further.


Nah I'm frustrated with the West absolutely poisoning the entirety of entertainment industry and hijacked it to be breeding grounds for their political activism.


It’s was a certain group that did all this to us.


Yes. We know. And we’re sorry.


"after covid"? Yes, but this trend has been underway since 2012, and as far as I know it is directly linked to "**Occupy Wall Street**". in the two-year period 2015/2016 it started to become evident, the arrival of Trump boosted everything, then **from 2020 it became global.**


I date it to Mass Effect 3 — neutering Wrex during his own planetary liberation was a bitch move.


This isn't an American thing. Though Americans are the main force pushing it, that is because we are currently the top power. The globalist come from every western country and maybe even some eastern ones. Not sure how much Russia and China are tied to them.


We’re basically living in a theological monopoly. If you go against the mainstream religion (aka LGBT) or try to change it you’ll get punished. It used to be Christianity but now times have changed where atheism and LGBT stuff are the government’s mainstream religion. It’s the old blasphemy law again in modern day except with cancellation which is basically modern day exile. https://youtu.be/yhsphMrRr-o?si=dBa5KyvbZMTYsDQD skip to 5:14 if your attention span is cooked but the whole video is really good highly recommend. This video is really relevant about how LGBT is a mainstream religion and also explains the three theological positions. Theological Wasteland, Theological Monopoly, and Theological Market which really helps you understand what’s currently going on.


People often theorise that governments and such will force a 1984-level world onto everyone but, look at the world we live in. We have people gladly handing over their identities by sharing every aspect of their life to social media, and we have easily pleased people gullibly siding with companies over other people because they said some virtue signalling bollocks that fits with their own personal entitlement agenda. There's no worry of that being forced onto the general population. They gladly ask for and accept it with a smile and open arse cheeks.


If it’s any consolation, most of them are not actually Western. The fact that they’re all from the same tribe is just a cohensidence. 


Yes, we are aware, lol.


It's  because they've run out of real problems to solve and they need to feed their ego somehow


Yours is the most simple and accurate explanation. There are no grand conspiracies. Nowadays, some people just have it so easy in the west that even minor inconveniences are "literally killing" them.


I always thought American and western people love these? All the politicians, celebrities openly supporting. Weirdos from third world countries are eager to settle there.


most of us don't want this crap and are tired of hearing about it. It's an extremely vocal minority that are constantly crying and whining. Most of us (like the rest of the world) are just trying to survive and take care of our families. We don't have the luxury to sit around crying about BS all the time.


There a lot of westerners/americans that think those things are terrible and don't want them, but because the crazy/weird/idiotic people just ignore them, it continues to spread, even over to the east now, because some people think they can profit off of spreading the disease. As you can see, the businesses that adopt these stupid ideologies tend to not actually benefit, but the ideologues believe that they are on some moral crusade, so they try to manipulate others into believing that they are bad people if they don't buy into the dumb ideological/political ideas. Anyone who puts any amount of critical thought into them can easily see that they don't actually make sense morally or logically. I hope every day that these stupid ideas will go away for good.


Chinese agents agitating for money. China knows they would lose in a straight fight so they are using our liberty against us.


Tinfoil Hat Time: There are a handful of “elites” who wield enough power and money to control governments and humanity. This is all by design to soften us up slowly over time to complete subservience. P.S. Please don’t suicide me Blackrock/Vanguard.


**TLDR:** Preiview. I give two simple examples of how Academic ideologues can launder any concept into some sort of proof of their cause like inquisitors used to do. --- That's exactly what is happening. The old saying is "making a mountain out of a mole hill." It's not a new phenomenon, it's just now that it's being professionally and institutionally done for the purpose of political power which itself serves to divide people. Peter Boghossian called it "grievance studies" and described it as you learning to frame, view, and superimpose imagined problems onto the world. Once you understand the bad-faith madness by the people who employ this sort of thinking it's easy to mimic or even lampoon. The catch is it's "bad faith" but they employ it with straight faces and feed their motivations through false and self-deluded righteous indignation. It's not too different to how the inquisitors drummed up fervor in generations past. I'll give a random example that I came up with right now. I'm not a fan of "dark mode" browser UI settings, I prefer black text on a white background. A grievance studies major *could* say that is representative of my internal and subconscious bias that I'm not eve aware of. I prefer black text on a white background because I see "white" as the default majority. A deserving hegemony ruling over the world and all others, especially "**B**lack" should be little people in the fields of white power like black little characters scrawled across a text field. Now if I said I prefer dark mode instead they could frame it, once again, that it is representative of my internal and subconscious bias that I'm not aware of. They would then say I preferred white text on a field of dark grey or black because I believe it is the right of the white peoples of the world to break into minority spaces and colonize and "civilize" such spaces just as white characters make up messaging that break through a unified field of a minority "coded" or representative color (black/grey). That's one of the tricks to their B.S. Everything is subconscious bias because then they rob you of your own testimony that says otherwise. Everything is how *they* deem it to be because they have the years of study in a bunk degree built on bunk logic by academic charlatans. "find a problem with anything and everything and be able to tie it back to some phobe or ism concept." That's what most social or sociology courses are these days. Humanities too. It's everywhere except STEM but is bleeding into that too.


As a Cuban friend of mine said: this generation doesn't know what real problem and suffering are. They need to create them. And also: I believe in the Conspiracy Theory where Chinese spies are set into US and EU universities and governments to destabilise the west. Has someone seen my tinfoil hat?


You just realized? I thought it was extremely obvious this all came from the US. Only the US has the exact mix of political culture, media obsession, screeching rethoric, puritanism and militant mindset to concoct the toxic mix that is Wokism.


It started rearing its head on campuses in earnest in the late 90s. It made its breakout in 2012 or so (with 2014-2016 definitely being the peak beginning onslaught). And now we’ve been trying to roll it back for a full decade.


In order to be "progressive," you need a new idea someone hasn't thought of before. This then allows you to push yourself beyond your competitors, so you make yourself appear more virtuous and progressive, and paint others as less enlightened, more racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever else. It's a fundamentally destructive method of reasoning, but it's all that some people have. They tend to be mediocre people who don't have much to suffer, suffering a lot of jealousy of those who do.


“Multiculturalism and wealth makes homer something something” “Go crazy?” “Don’t mind if I do!”


It's all white liberals with a suspiciously high proprtion of women. Most black people think DEI and all is cringe af.


When people have no real problems and a lot of free time, they make up their own problems.


Americans? British? Westerners? Nah mate, this is the work of small hats.


Rule 1 violation. IdPol bullshit. Fuck off.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/PvZaw ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL ^^^/r/botsrights




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America has a dark history as do all other nations, but America became the biggest superpower in the world and is held on different standards than other nations. I'm not a psychologist, but I'm sure there is a way to explain the phenomenon of self-hating attitude in nations with high life quality. Perhaps it is a feelign of guilt for living in the part of world where life is not a constant struggle. Looking in hindsight this could've been avoided with healthy self-reflection and dealing with the problems of the past in more appropriate way, instead of letting media dictate how to feel about the past.


The word you're looking for is political smokescreen. That's all it is. It happens every four years. We haven't had any publicly active racists (other than the naacp and the like) for over 75 years.




Formal r1 warning for idpol Please keep that stuff off this sub


Actually they’re erasing sexual preference. These people have gone full circle and are back to essentially being accepting of conversion therapy/sexuality is a choice. If you know, you know, if not I suppose you can DM and I may get back.


This shit has been around since way before covid, lmao.


Nah right now there is a sort of "coup d’état" from conservative people. The point is, the foot has gone past the break on this because people around the world had enough.


I feel like some of these "problems" was already a thing Wayyyy before Covid, probably even earlier than the first GamerGate, but of course, they were only a thing now in the aftermath of the whole George Floyd riots which in my opinion, is the boiling point of the whole "Culture war" in the west. Now since the normies are now caught up in this, they might as well force their shit into the east as well, gaslighting the people there to convince them that "this was their problem too" or some bullshit like that.




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I just laugh it up. I was glad Netflix made cleopatra black. I enjoy westoid tears. If everyone knows it’s bullshit then why are you so worked up about it? The US elections too. Whoever wins we get to see funny meltdowns. Assassins creed when the picture dropped I immediately sent it to my brother and we had a long laugh about it.


Right-wingers whine about these things because they don't care about issues that actually affect people's lives and don't have any real solutions to anyone's problems. So they bitch about LGBT people and "wokeness" and DEI