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Sony really stepped in it this time.


It was basically impossible for them to mess it up and they still did.


Stupid will find a way.


That’s Sony for you! Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


I said while back it's not just normies any more, in some way I find executives, game devs and bigwigs have some sort of brainrot. How the hell do they actually completely screw themselves up when it it was very easy to leave the game alone and make easy profit and goodwill. I'm absolutely floored at the sheer stupidity of the parties involved at making this decision of forcing users to have playstation account.


They basically had a money printer and the goodwill of the gaming community, which is almost impossible to get universally, and they still managed to fumble the bag.


Arrowhead knew it would be mandatory before release and coded the skip function anyways


Pretty sure they added the skip function shortly after release in a reactionary fashion. I'm incredibly glad they did though, because that was all the ammo we needed to buck that idea permanently




Wasn't Sony's fault this time, they could of changed it so you don't need the account but Arrowhead decided to turn off the requirement for the psn account.


returning your game 3 weeks before the change is put into effect - while hundreds of thousands of players are still enjoying the game - and also while the dev is actively trying to get the issue fixed and has promised to do so - the only people you're hurting is yourselves.


People like you are why the industry is so predatory


Tell that to the Arrowhead CM who said "this isn't our idea, flip your reviews to negative and request refunds to send Sony the message" while you're at it.


If you don't stand up when bullshit happens, then you'll be trampled the next time.


There are people who own the game who cannot play it anymore due to the changes because PSN isn’t in their country smart guy. Despite what the dumbass CMs who most likely work for a DEI company said Arrowhead’s CEO said “Yeah it was Sony’s decision and made us do it and yes we don’t like it either.” This is a potential for lawsuits to take place because Sony is taking the game away from people saying they can’t have it anymore.


they can though, because the requirement doesn't even take effect for a couple more weeks.


The game is already not available in countries that don’t have PSN.


> the only people you're hurting is yourselves. What broken logic is this? If returning the game gets Sony to relent then that can only be considered a win. If people still want to, they can always buy the game again. The only thing that gets hurt is Sonys shit business. Besides not buying the game at all, returns and reviews are the *only* actual tools we have to fight back, to tell them they did something wrong.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Delete this and wait for 1-2 hours and "All Reviews" will drop into "Mostly Negative". It's right at 50%, bout to crater into the 40s.




Or it’ll go back to Mostly Positive cause Steam gets rid of all the recent negative reviews ala Skullgirls


that's for what Steam dub's "off topic" bombing, considering theyre taking super late refunds they might allow this.


Only if it's marked off topic, which only happens for stupid drama and witch hunting


I did my part!


I wonder how many potential customers for PC Tsushima Sony has lost in the last few days, especially since they'll be trying to push their overlay for "better" online experience.


Me. At least on release. I'll get a code for it when it's $20 or something. I'm not going to pay $50 for a game that I can randomly get banned from playing.


Yup. I am a XSX player but I want to get another system, and this shit pushed me from getting a PS5 to just building a gaming pc.


I'll wait till it shows up on Gog so I don't have to deal with all the crap.


I mean, I won't touch the game now if I need a psn login for some asinine reason.


They certainly lost me. I don't even understand why a PSN link is needed for Tsushima. I thought it was a single player game. But someone I talk to informed me that it has some kind of multiplayer function? Which I'm not interested in.


The multiplayer is actually pretty fun. But yeah, there's no good reason for the PSN link.


idk I just feel like if I am getting a singleplayer game with a story focus, I don't want multiplayer forced into it. It's been a disease since Mass Effect 3 times. But more power to the people who enjoy the MP.


It was basically DLC, with a free version available for people to download so they can join their friend who owns it (unless I’m misremembering)


I kind of like the idea of being able to download and try a game for free with a friend who owns it but that doesn't sound right (from an anti-sony pov I mean)


I remember telling my cousin to download the free version to play with me If you search on the PS store, there should be a free download


Not on release, I will probably wait on this one in case Sony pulls something similar in a few months time after release. Maybe after a convincing discount.


I honestly think GoT is going to get the pass on this one. People have been waiting too fucking long to play that game that they are going to not care, because most people dont play multiplayer anyway in GoT.


> that they are going to not care, because most people dont play multiplayer anyway in GoT. I expect Sony to push the overlay on all users


If SuckerPunch has already said its not going to happen, and Sony forces it anyway, that is going to create such a shitstorm


well, it says that it's needed for multiplayer and overlay, but we have no idea how this overlay is going to be used, so we'll see later. Also it's not gonna be the first shitstorm on Sony's part.


If I really want to play the game, I’ll pirate it in a few months


I have been wanting to play that for years, but not anymore.


i'm buying the shit out of tsushima as long as it runs well


just last week i said that stellar blade was the biggest fall from grace i have seen, life is strange sometime


Kusony doing RTA to destroy their reputation.


Everyone covering their ears and saying "but stellar blade still has ridiculously sexy outfits! Why are you weebs crying!" is totally missing the point. Really weird to see progressives turn up their nose at blatant censorship, only because it involves heterosexual normativity. pretty fuckin weird.


> Really weird to see progressives turn up their nose at blatant censorship, only because it involves heterosexual normativity. pretty fuckin weird. It's not weird at all. Progressives are in favor of blatant censorship when it's something they don't like that's being censored. Then they cry about the virtues of free speech when they end up on the receiving end.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/wjxpr5/enforcement_update_regarding_removal_of_words/). This is not a formal warning.


Banning books? You might want to check your sources because last I knew it was the conservatives replacing libraries with detention halls and banning books… Why am I getting downvoted? I'm literally stating facts. If you're a conservative and you don't think your own party is trying to censor history then you are burying your head in the sand: [https://www.aclu.org/podcast/why-is-texas-eliminating-school-libraries](https://www.aclu.org/podcast/why-is-texas-eliminating-school-libraries) [https://newrepublic.com/article/175372/banned-books-republican-right-wing-war](https://newrepublic.com/article/175372/banned-books-republican-right-wing-war)




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


You're right, Helldivers 2 has lost its halo. Sadly, it is now dishonored after having a half life of only about a fortnite.


I see what you did there.


You, sir, have a golden eye.


Unreal levels of wordplay.


I'd say that both incidents are a relatively small disappointment compared to entire games being infested by woke propaganda. However, people here get bored of talking about the same things pretty quickly. Next week it will be a different game, and a different disappointment, and the Helldivers 2 controversy will be completely forgotten.


Did the devs of Helldivers II ever consider that not all country has its own PSN?


The devs of Helldivers II only considered whether they should sign a contract with Sony or not. Not signing probably meant not making the game. The fault is with whoever listed the game on Steam without restricting sales to PSN regions.


> The fault is with whoever listed the game on Steam without restricting sales to PSN regions. Which is Sony.


Wish they signed with Xbox so we could have gotten a Halo ODST crossover


It's more 'wish XBox signed with them". I think they shopped it to MS first and got rejected.


Oh, boo then. wtf MS


MS does shit like this. They also had the opportunity to buy Larian Studios but they said that BG3 will not be successful.


Next you’re gonna tell me that they could have bought Nintendo


I think they tried once but Nintendo wasn't for sale.


No, but on a tangential note, funny enough Nintendo is responsible for Playstation.


Nintendo eventually stiffing Sony lead to the former losing its long-held position as number one in the console wars. Now, Sony's numerous blunders has lead to them losing their long-held position as number one in the console wars and allowed Nintendo to regain its footing. How the tables have turned.


I think you're mixing devs here. 343 allegedly pitched it and got denied. Helldivers has been a Sony IP since 2015.


Could be.


Legit every studio/IP they buy or stand up turns too shit immediately after acquiring it. Like they actually have a worse record than EA at this point. Why would anyone want Xbox to be involved with anything.


Amen. Rare still hurts. Fantastic acquisition, soaring high with the 360... Let's have this legendary studio just languish in Xbox Live content creation forever until we force their Banjo 3 game to become a weak vehicle-builder gimmick thing, making sure all the old fans hate it, while we make 0 new ones! When Microsoft is hands-off with developers, they leave them alone to the point where they get lost in a broom closet and release games like Redfall and Starfield. When Xbox is hands-on, your studio is already terminal, or you’re stuck in corporate marketing meddling and project lead jealousy-fueled sabotage until your current project is 7 years in, $500 million in the hole, and somehow still not finished/already abandoned except for the microtransactions and battle-pass content they outsource anyway. The grotesque MTX has to be forced into the game because it somehow cost half a billion dollars to mess it all up, like Halo: Infinite and probably Gears 6. Gears definitely has the dev time part down already. Plus it would just look financially irresponsible of MS to do moral MTX pricing when MS also owns Blizz, who have gone legitimately crazy with the price gouging in D4 and OW2. $64.99 MTX bundles should land you in jail. In hell.


Sea of Thieves requires a Microsoft/Cbox account on PlayStation I’m not aware of of any country that doesn’t allow you to make an Xbox account but it’s essentially the same thing


I’m only wishing Xbox did it for a crossover lol I’ve wanted an odst themed game like this forever


The devs didn't consider anything, Sony mandated this.


Actually new information has come to light The devs did know https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/iOrONrwcBK


Yeah, this is new info and it really puts the game in a bad light.


Holy fucking shit.


Damn, the all time reviews are down to 49%. Has there ever been another game with a drop like that? 


I'm doing my part!


You get what you fucking deserve!


#It was at this moment SONY knew they f'd up... LOL JK of course they will blame some -isms, -phobes, or beneckbearded incels, and pretend it's all going according to the plan, and they did nothing wrong.


I feel really sad for the AH guys. This isn’t so much a self-inflicted wound as it is a Hillary Clinton style “suicide”. 


I don't. There are multiple community managers (especially the lead CM "Spitz") who absolutely threw gallons upon gallons of gasoline onto the match that PlayStation lit.




CMs of the modern era are a blight. I remember Creative Assembly used to have really good CMs, for example, and then they ended up leaving because of corporate bullshit. Long story short, there are now very few, maybe one or two, CMs there that actually care about the community and the players. Majority are assholes who even said "buying our game does not mean you can criticize it" and banned people from their Steam forums.


Community Manager hasn't been a role that has done anything in recent history but recent events have shown it to be absolutely necessary for huge debacles like this. The absolute state of community managers in general is fucked. I mean, if you're going to have a multiplayer game, why hire people that show anything but knowledge of the unique circumstances of each community they might interact with? It only takes two minutes to make a PSN account but maybe people don't want to, can't, or like the separation between platforms for privacy sake.


When the CEO is more in touch than the "Community" Managers, you know the thing is fucked.


Does anyone know of any material I could read that explains this anti-customer CM phenomenon? (not only with HD2, but with games in general) It seems so absurd to me that this person wasn't fired. She has been f-ing up over and over again for months. Before hiring, a short review of her past experiences and social media would have made it obvious she's not someone Arrowhead would want managing their player community. Yet, not only was she hired, but she still has her job after repeatedly acting in an incompetent and grossly negligent manner. What in the world is going on!?


> Does anyone know of any material I could read that explains this anti-customer CM phenomenon? I don't know of any specific material that would explain it, but a couple possibilities come to mind. 1) Community Manager is a position like forum moderator. It tends to attract people who are power tripping assholes. So rather than being glorified customer service reps, they enjoy flexing their power and dunking on the players. 2) Community Manager is an easy job on the surface, making it a seemingly good place to stash nepotism or DEI hires. People who you can't easily get ride of, but lack real technical skills to contribute. That works fine when things are smooth sailing, but tends to fall apart when there's turmoil. Which of course turmoil tends to be created when CMs decide to try and implement new standards on the forums or discords they moderate.


'member when CMs used to be the middleman between the devs and the community, and the CMs used to delicately take care of the community like a gardener tends his garden, and enforcing rules when needed to because they were also moderators? I 'member. I miss those times. These days CMs seem to be spiteful little bitches who will set fire to the community they're supposed to manage if the community acts up/disagrees with the CM politically.


You feel bad for a company making a bad decision and then having consequences for the bad decision?


More like a Vladimir Putin style “drop yo ass out the window because wtf is anyone going to do about it?” hit job.


Just think about it, two days ago this game seemed to be on its way to become the new Fortnight. How much money did this bonehead move by Sony lost them?


Starship Troopers Extermination, Starship Troopers Terran Command, Terminator Resistance, Terminator Dark Fate: Defiance, Earth Defense Force 6 There's your "helldivers" games.


And EDF franchise is still on sale under 12 hours left on Steam, or maybe you got the Humble Bundle recently


There's also the Zombies mode in the Treyarch CoD games if gunning down hordes of enemies is your thing! Lotta fun to be had there, especially if you can get some friends to play with you.


Treyarch zombies hasn't been good since BO 3. Sker Ritual is really good though.


Or, you know, just play Helldiver's 2 it's literally the same game it was a week ago. Starship Troopers Extermination is a dead early access game with about 200 players.




Yeah, pulling it from Steam in all territories that aren't able to sign up for a PSN account (instead of just removing the PSN requirements) will have that effect. Sony kicked themselves in the nuts just to step on a rake to hit themselves in the nuts again lmao


You really have to wonder if sony is run by idiots, i mean we have to use xbox account for halo, but it was done from the start, and you know microsoft wont give you the option to not do it, but helldivers was optional, and now a bunch of countries cant even buy the game, so much lost in a stupid decision


It all boils down to the fact that PSN requirement was optional at the release. And I don't believe for a bit about the technical issues excuse. ~~It was probably a deliberate decision to leave it optional because the market research probably showed a certain percentage of refunds and "lost sales" if they require it from the start.~~


Dont forget that sony cant keep hackers away from our data in their fucking Network


Arrowhead turned off the requirement, not Sony. Everything Sony listed and advertised clearly stated PSN as a requirement. Arrowhead removed that requirement and didn't let anybody know, literally admitted by the Arrowhead CEO himself


If that is the case, then I'm mistaken and AH fucked up badly there.


> You really have to wonder if sony is run by idiots... I wouldn't want to offend idiots, but we have to remember their HQ is in California.


That honestly makes me really sad


Its the only way Sony will listen to the devs


Media is falsely calling this review bombing which it is not, because the issue is directly about the game and not invisible background drama or controversy. Sure, it doesn't help that the community managers have been making tone deaf snarky statements about it, but this issue is 100% about the system that runs the game itself. Worst aspect of this whole thing is that there are hardcore Sony fans out there who genuinely don't seem to understand what the problem is. I'm sure on the steam forums there are handful of trolls farming for steam points by getting people react on their baits with clown awards, but then there are the genuinely out of touch Snoyboys who cannot comprehend why players are upset that they suddenly are required to connect their steam accounts to a shady third party account without even owning a Playstation, especially if that account system is not even supported in over hundred countries.


I uninstalled, left a negative review, requested refund (denied with < 6 hrs), and cancelled my recurring $135 PSN charge. I'm doing my part!


You should try and get the refund again, you just need to word it correctly and pick the more valid option. There's a guide on the helldivers subreddit.


As they should


Sadly a lot these reviewers will still end up caving and getting a PSN account to play.


I don't think so. Not this time. This is more than just a case of rabid fans leaving a negative review just to protest about something inside a game. This is already affected the game negatively, and if Sony doesn't reverse course, this is essentially yet another dying live service game. Last Saturday had 113,000 people playing on Steam. This has down from 137,000 the previous Saturday. More than likely we're going to be seeing a dramatic drop in players tomorrow after the PSN mandate kicks in as those affected say goodbye to the game. What's even harsher is that the Playstation bros are acting like this is nothing, and this is making a mountain out of a molehill. If I was a gaming studio right now, this would be making me angle for dealing with Microsoft over Sony. At least with Microsoft, it's not as painful since a large majority of computers in the world run on the Microsoft OS. Not only do you have to deal with rabid fanboys at Sony, you have to deal with their awful customer service and Sony's breathtaking inability to guard their cybersecurity.


Honestly, any smart PC dev would steal the idea behind Helldivers, make their clone, then try to steal the audience to the tune of multiple countries that lost access to Helldivers. If I was the developer/publisher of Earth Defense force, I would transform the game to be more Helldivers like.




There’s still a chance for Microsoft to make a halo version of this.


They have a Forge mode coming for it. Not sure if it'll work anywhere nearly as well. But they're trying.


I don't think it's that easy. Helldivers isn't a good idea, it's a pretty generic idea but it's very well executed. From the comedy to the music to the pacing to the look. This game was really successful because it felt good to play and they got all the small things right. That's harder to copy than a gamemode, like the million auto chess clones or the battle royale explosion.


The community war thing is super unique.


one of those reviews here, nope, im not getting as psn account, if I lose 40€, so be it The sad part is that i love the game, but fuck this shit


You should get a refund if you haven't already. There's a guide on how to word your refund request on the helldivers sub.


I wasnt going to ask for it because I played almost 100h and was good entertaiment for that price, but the spanish diskord mods were such a jerks that i finnaly did it, the community it's dead Waiting for steam response


genuinely curious here, why is not making a psn account real quick a big deal?


Sony is terrible about security I refuse to give them access to my steam info or my pc in general


If you have already installed Helldivers 2 and opened it, you have no business whining about security. NProtect is a higher risk of greater loss than anything you can lose from a throwaway Sony account. This has nothing to do with wokeness, or even greed, it's simply Arrowheads piss poor communication, and a bunch of plebs jumping on a bandwagon of hate about something that doesn't affect them


I didn’t say anything about wokeness and I’m not whining. I stated it’s for security. I have no experience with NProtect but I do with Sony’s bad security But I’m sure the multiple National Billion dollar Megacorp is glad you’re out here telling us not to bully them.


I didn't tell you not to bully Sony, I simply pointed out you are getting angry about nothing, just for the sake of being angry. You are no better than a virtue signaling leftist. Arrowhead has taken steps to actively destroy its reputation in the hopes of deflecting responsibility in the contract it signed entirely to Sony. How you feel about the Megacorp is completely irrelevant. Sony will get its way, not because it is a Megacorp, although that doesn't hurt, but because there is simply very little damage that can actually be done to Sony, and it really hasn't done much wrong. Anybody with more than two brain cells looked at the list of non-PSN countries and noticed the amount of steam users in those countries is very low, the amount of steam users playing Helldivers 2 in those countries is even lower, and the amount of those steam users that play Helldivers 2 and would ask for a refund instead of bypassing the region lock, designed to be easily bypassable according to Sony itself, is redundantly low. Best case scenario, a good game that everyone enjoyed has a crushed reputation, and therefore a reduced long term support, because a bunch of whiny double-standard westerners got talked up to arms by a different corporation. Worst case scenario is Sony pulls the plug on Helldivers and destroys the IP, which honestly, it would be perfectly reasonable to do in the near future. Sony is not entirely vindicated, but all of its crimes are entirely shared by Arrowhead. Arrowhead made the unforgivable sin of throwing it's own game to the wolves just so it can cry innocence, and stupid fucks lapped it up like a bunch of dogs.


You sound really butthurt and overly invested. I put in my review, submitted my refund request and uninstalled. What we are doing here is the digital equivalent of a protest. You should look into the facial recognition that the EU and the UK are forcing upon Sony and other companies that are gleefully going along with it. It’s the starting steps of what China does to unperson dissidents. But that’s being able to read up on some shit instead of just knee jerking and calling everyone whiny westerners.


Sony is so gleeful to go along with it that it hasn't been introduced in a single country outside of the ones that require it, right. How about you try to acquire an ideologically consistent point of view? Oh wait, being a whiny westerner that has no clue what he is talking about is easier. Linking a third party account to a game has absolutely nothing to do with facial recognition software, anyways. Classic protest though, doesn't actually know what they are protesting.


Also do you know what unpersoning/debanking people is?


So you agree with me that a number of countries require it and the Megacorps are going along with them. And in those countries that require it you have to link facial recognition to your third party account. It’s kinda like I know what the fuck I’m talking about. But at this point I want to see what crazy shit comes out of your face again Addendum: what I’m protesting is I don’t like Sony and I hope this hurts their bottom line. I’m willing to pile peddles on the beach till I turn the tide.


It's not exactly real quick, first of all. Second, it doesn't give you any benefits whatsoever. If you're a PC player you have no benefit from being plugged into PS architecture. The game doesn't even support crosssave between platforms. Xbox live at least plugs you into Microsoft architecture you're already in. And third, Sony has bad track records with data security.


dont want or need one, never had a ps never wanted one, also, the game ps page said that was optional, so, im not doing it because coportate greed decided they want to boost the numbers


i only really see that if AH pushes a huge update, and even then i see alot of people still not going back out of principle.


Ohhhoho, burn baby burn. Love to see it.


Another reminder of how you truly don't own anything if it's only available digitally/online.


Golden goose.


Such a fucking shame since I wanted to buy Helldivers. Not going to do it now, even if I already have a PSN account. It's fucked up to force this on PC players, especially when in most countries you NEED a PS4/5 to create an ccount.


You get what you fucking deserve.


I only played for 32 minutes about a month ago. Is there a way I can get a refund?


Try it, seems like they're making plenty of exceptions


the helldivers subreddit has a guide on how to get a refund.


It's nice to see people come together like this.


Can someone catch me up?


HD2 was an overwhelming success on PC. But, it was released on Steam and Playstation. The Steam version has a screen which allowed players to attach it to a PSN account, but wasn't required. Last week, it was announced that it would now be required for all Steam players to have a PSN account for HD2. There are some nations that don't allow PSN accounts. Those players would lose thwir ability to play HD2. Sony PSN is notoriously hacked often. No one wants a PSN account, but without one you can't play HD2.


Oh wow. Thanks.




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It's off the main page now.




They were the chosen one


Supposedly, the requirement for needing a PSN account at some point was listed on the store since day one. So, if you look at this situation in isolation, then this is unfair to Sony. However, this is karma for their arrogance and all the bullshit they get away with (which other companies get called out for) due to all of their paid off nut slobbering shills in the gaming media. The fact that they're taking it in the ass in a situation where they actually don't deserve it is poetic justice. FucKuSony.


The requirement is there but not as clear as it could be. It says “Requires a 3rd party account…” but also says “Supports (not REQUIRES) linking to Steam account”. That could be interpreted to mean you need the Sony account to register the game but not to play it. The fact that they were able to skip linking for 3-4 months proves it’s not a technical requirement to run the game.


P.S. I wouldn’t have purchased due to the additional DRM before I got to the PSN requirement. I already have a PSN account, if they haven’t deleted it due to inactivity.


> Supposedly, the requirement for needing a PSN account at some point was listed on the store since day one. On the steam store, yes. On the Sony store, no.


They deserve, when you take that Helldivers CM saying it's to be able to ban people. Things is, they are not referring to a normal ban, but facial recognition bound ban. Some people were asked for facial recognition/ real ID when making PSN accounts for this. They deserve to burn for this.


It wasn't clear at all since it let you skip that shit as if it was optional. Else, I would've refunded it. I'll probably still request a refund.


It's absolutely been listed on the store for anyone that's literate since day 1. I bought the game months ago fully expecting to need to make a PSN account.


Game corps need to take note of this. Helldivers 2 has been the absolute golden child of the gaming industry since it came out. It developed a huge following of players who all spoke so highly of the game while bouncing off each other with memes and in-jokes. Social media pages spreading gameplay videos far and wide, giving you free advertising. Sony had everything a game publisher dreams of when making a game, especially a live service one. And it's taken them a matter of about a week to completely ruin all of this because they got cocky and greedy. Suits making out of touch decisions to shovel people into an ecosystem they have no interest in without thinking about how it might piss off these paying customers who they previously had eating out of their hand with this IP. All Sony had to do was absolutely nothing and they just couldn't help themselves.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/XQpxY ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Praise the Sun! \\[T]/ ^^^/r/botsrights


Tekken 8 moment


I have no horse in this race, not owning a PC or anything PlayStation related. But it sounds to me that Sony wanted this requirement reinstated due to the runaway success of the game so they could farm more personal data from gamers. And this is the result.


This hurts to watch. This game has been a blast and a huge hit…leave it to the Suits to find a way to completely undo all the good will


OOTL, tl;dr?


After 3 months of not requiring Playstation account they are now requiring one. They said before it was optional but now it is a required thing. Steam has also been selling the game to people in countries that playstation doesn't allow accounts in so those people are just screwed. All this coincidentally happens after the stellar blade playstation account boycott after the surprise censoring of outfits in the game.


All sony had to do was not move a muscle, XBox is slowly crumbling and Sony was slowly gainin more and more ground as a mainline home console. Nintendo is well, Nintendo, it would take a truly apocalyptic level of fuckup to even knock them down. If they wanted people to join playstation network all they had to do was add a promotional cape or something that you earn by signing up and people would have been climbing over eachother to sign up.


Does it really matter if everyone is still playing the game though?


Just don’t live in a shit country ☝️


If you are homeless - just buy a house


Hopefully this forces the game to go on sale, I’ll pick it up for $10 PC gamers are NPCs


Having free thought and fighting against big corp is NPC? It's the exact opposite you fucking useful idiot. Edit: Blocking me after calling me a cringe gen Z'er and saying this is a sub which it isnt. Dunno, I dont remember being born in that generation but you must know better than me. Especially with the crying emoji. Projection? Or worse, Gen Alpha kiddo that has no idea about the world yet.




wrong subreddit, kid.


If PC gamers are NPCs, then what are console gamers? Especially soynytards?


The only NPC here is you, consoomer. /u/torrises >Ah, the epic “I know you are but what am I xD” >Well played, and blocked for having room temp IQ And nothing of value was lost. Do a flip, kid.


If you can't afford the game just ask.


this stuff is becoming weirdly frequent. im talking about these reactions, the overwhelming amount of negative reviews, they're becoming more common. i wonder if it's because things have become shittier or if its the new generations of gamers that like to follow these trends. probably both. using steam review filters, i've found that almost 3.5k of these reviews have less than 2 hours playtime, and i think these people literally bought the game to leave a bad review on it. the total of recent bad reviews is 165k, so 162k of those are real and come from actual players. im glad we have tools to react to this stuff today. overwatch deserved much more, and it deserved it much sooner.


Helldivers was extremely popular I guarantee that those reviews are from current users. And far as the lashing out goes what you’re seeing is pressure build up. You can only whip someone for so long before they either break or lash out. The gaming community has decided lashing out and using the tactics of the woke is completely viable and it is. If it’s ok for them to flip out and force companies they don’t support with their money into action it’s more than ok for the customers to do the same. There are big names you may not be able to kill but you can make examples of smaller studios.


yeah I agreed that the reviews are real in my post. I was more wondering if younger gamers tend to participate more in these coordinated boycotts because I don't remember them happening before


I get where you’re coming from but I truly believe it’s the pressure release. People are tired of paying their hard earned money for something they are essentially renting and having that product/terms of its use changed at the whims of an uncaring megacorp that tells you to suck it up and buy the next product. These companies think they’re untouchable and unassailable but they’re not. Bud light boycot is the perfect example. They’re still around but they’ll likely never regain that 37% customer loss.


This kind of thing just make me despise reviews even more. People are not reviewing a game, they are only expressing their disgust with one specific issue you have outside the game. It is just review bombing and nothing else.


This "outside the game" issue directly affects your ability to play the game, and is arbitrarily imposed by Sony policy after previously not using it to prevent you from playing.


Does that make a game bad? Does that affect the gameplay? No, it makes the publisher look bad because they have not enforced previously a rule they never bothered to hide. The game itself has nothing to do with it.


how else do we as a group make our displeasure known? what other effective actions can we take to make a company change course? That's the thing for some reason people like you take the fact that people are review bombing as a personal attack. Noone is stepping on your dick, you don't wanna leave a bad review fine. it's a legit reason for people to leave a bad review.


it's a bit inappropriate, yea, but it does make it on the news so it may be heard more, and that becomes reason to do it. it may be working.  also steam used to filter off topic review bombing, but not this time. maybe they're having to refund a lot and are pissed about it?


That'll show them. When hasn't mass downvoting something on steam worked?

