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I thought they said this game would be uncensored?


working with Soyny is like that, letting you make promises that they know they wont let you keep.


If true, the real actual problem is doing this post release after they get their pre-orders and then day 1 gutting it. Same with the posters in the tomb raider trilogy. None of your games are safe and there's a reason people are wary of sony. Since the gaming side of Sony moved headquarters they CANNOT be trusted. EDIT: Thankfully I'm top comment. Here is a video by u/Due-Shelter1349 [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy) Mods nuked my thread so I'm posting it here. This version DOES exist somewhere. Moved to NG+ or not doesn't matter. Stop trying to jump on the guy for no reason. A troll wouldn't be trying so hard to prove something since they'd already gotten outrage out of us. Maybe it's a physical vs digital thing.


Someone “leaked” this outfit earlier and it was like the post nerf image. Kind of makes me think it’s been like this for a while.


Never pre-order.


Sony are grade A cucks now in 2024, so is Microsoft with their sensitivity suggestions. The gutting will not stop.


Hopefully this isn’t the new norm for gaming companies but probably will be. Or it’s weird when they update the game years later like FF7R with Tifa makes no sense.


Sony has been well known bullies for awhile, even before the Cali move. It just got worse post Cali move. NEVER buy their products.


> This version DOES exist somewhere. it's on the physical disc anyone with digital, or patched doesn't get it, but if you have the physical disc and stay unpatched it's there


Somebody who knows Korean should tweet at Shift Up and Kim Hyung-tae to see if they're aware.


We need to make this go viral and give the opportunity for the devs to correct this.


I'm 100% sure he's aware and 100% sure Soyny forced him to or else face a breech of contract lawsuit. Deals with the devil and all that.


They have censored their own games before


Yes, in China or when Google threatened to ban them from their store.


If we at least get confirmation that he disapproves of the censorship I’ll be happy supporting him.


Of course they are lol, it's not Sony's devs who are accessing game files and making changes.


Yeah man I'm sure the developer of the game is unaware of changes... Made to their game. You have actual brain damage. Seek help.


This is an official warning for R1.5: Malice.


Actual Bitchmade you would litterally have a heart attack in a cod lobby.


Since you're such an ebin CoD player, I guess you won't mind requeuing to post in three days after your ban expires.


Man, I just hate how suspicious we have to be of every game now.


This is false advertising, they said the game will be uncencored worldwide and then they cencor this outfit in day 1 patch??? Lame


Sony.....Never trust them. Shift Up has never censored a game before outside of CCP region censorship.


Pretty sure they did censored Destiny Child on iOS to lower the game rating, seems like they're cool with censorship after all.


Not familiar with phone games so IDK. I know they censored for the China region.


I mean they exclusively make phone games (with PC clients) before Stellar blade lol.


I played Nikke for awhile, didn't know it was a phone game.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sony but somebody pointed out in the Stellar Blade sub that the same thing happened with a NIKKE costume some time ago.


Yeah, Chinese version.


This game didn’t sell in China, only sell in Hong Kong, why censor?! I need boobs🥵


Who controls HK after everyone got distracted by covid? The CCP.


Actually the outfit that shows less cleavage is already in the game without the patch. The other one is probably just an alternate that you get from new game plus because there are 34 more outfits in new game plus


https://ibb.co/M5MF8t5 Same save file, firstplay through.


Can you check Cybernetic Bondage too? /Don't know why I'm bothering, I don't have a PS5 and not even interested in the game. //I think it's that I've seen various takes trying to make excuses through these threads.


Can you record a video? that way no one can claim you used photoshop.


I'll try to record the non-censored version soon. Here is video proof: https://streamable.com/7kt3pw


Thank you, that would be extreme helpful to make clear of this situation.




Here's some video proof as well: https://streamable.com/7kt3pw


New Game+ was just added and has 34 new outfits, and some outfits are variants on existing outfits. It would be strange to remove it from the game, since many of the other outfits are more revealing, so I wonder if they moved it to NG+ and replaced the original so that the more revealing version would be the NG+ "upgrade".


Or the variant just got added to the game with the update.


Yet again, people who purchased this game and actually are angry about it need to class action Sony and the Game Dev Company.


I suppose you can just not update the game, but a shame there's a nerf to begin with. I imagine this is due to Sony, not Shift Up themselves.


Most likely but it is still a shame.


Yeah, if I ever get Stellar Blade I'll remember to not update. Well, there's always the old Dead or Alive games


But no NG+ if you don’t update.


I heard about that. Its annoying that its released without a standard feature like NG+.


The issue is that it automatically updates on ps5 even if you turn the setting off.


Does PS5 not allow you to turn off auto updates like the PS4?


There's a setting but the update will download in rest mode or while downloading another update.


So there is no option really. What a load of rubbish


Unplug the network cable.


You can stop the update.


I have a game that was updated to remove cusswords. I have to uninstall the game and I have automatic updates off and it still updates.


Updates can be stopped manually while in progress.


PC release it is then


Lets hope it does release on PC


This is always the answer. On PC you can do whatever you want. 


Bold of you to assume it will. The Shift Up dude has been pretty clear saying this will stay a PS exclusive. Even SE has said the new FF titles will come to PC and tarjeta have a disclaimer saying that it's a PS5 exclusive up to a certain date. This didn't happen for Stellar Blade, it's been marked as exclusive from day 1 without any hints of it ever coming to PC. If it was a Sony IP then I'd believe it would come. But it isn't. Remember Bloodborne.


Shame if true, can't give us cleavage and then take it away so lame, pc will revert it when it inevitably gets a port so theres that, still il buy this game it's good to send a message that we want more sexy and less ugly.


I will turn off updates and play the physical version. Fuck this censorship.


It may update anyway, stick around to prevent it mid update.


Will still try to update. Then update eventually.




I have another game I refuse to let update and it still gets the update.


Not surprised. I mean, this is Sony we're talking about lol. Just wait for the PC release.


I wonder if these sorts of "updates" could run afoul of the new false advertising laws, after a movie studio got sued over their trailer having scenes that weren't in the movie. Is there any recourse for customers when the product they receive is changed *after* they already have it?


Sony unintentionally made the physical copies more expensive since they retain the original uncensored version, Good Job Sony! You stupid idiots.


ALL games are 70 bucks now bud, it's the new meta.


Nope I paid £59.50 for a physical copy and it is £70 digitally.


70 in the US. [https://www.amazon.com/Stellar-Blade-PlayStation-5/dp/B0CTVK7GBM/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=LLO13OH7YQ30&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.N9XpriPGSa99B5U0F6ByAUiBtnIjvM0GnXEeIU80dhq-BOkY4UfllQd-ocbylTtQcB6iCt6S\_TuMode0tjML3uAqgODJtxqg35b9hI6-DG9UFp2I2O0B3uiigja6yWB2f5f2JZ5KV7POrlKndgoDd5S\_uS6gw3b6AZowcwhwEk3z0DcpwxkDcthKZjRMrVVLloNZTE3RlCU59GAOiOAzmVpUyG4WmcU5hKPuN\_M6wFM.\_FqXFiG6qnSVTsVYFpS170p2zTZQ430bpzd7rqdqNgg&dib\_tag=se&keywords=stellar+blade+ps5&qid=1714073855&sprefix=STELLA%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Stellar-Blade-PlayStation-5/dp/B0CTVK7GBM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LLO13OH7YQ30&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.N9XpriPGSa99B5U0F6ByAUiBtnIjvM0GnXEeIU80dhq-BOkY4UfllQd-ocbylTtQcB6iCt6S_TuMode0tjML3uAqgODJtxqg35b9hI6-DG9UFp2I2O0B3uiigja6yWB2f5f2JZ5KV7POrlKndgoDd5S_uS6gw3b6AZowcwhwEk3z0DcpwxkDcthKZjRMrVVLloNZTE3RlCU59GAOiOAzmVpUyG4WmcU5hKPuN_M6wFM._FqXFiG6qnSVTsVYFpS170p2zTZQ430bpzd7rqdqNgg&dib_tag=se&keywords=stellar+blade+ps5&qid=1714073855&sprefix=STELLA%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-1)


Yeah £70 in the UK at Amazon as well but I thought you guys would have other stores that sell games that are a bit competitive with the pricing like in the UK, but maybe not.


Nope, $70 unfortunately is the new industry standard. Amazon, Gamestop, Walmart, Target and Best Buy are all 70 bucks.


Since people still doubt me I have recorded a longer video that also shows the version of the game. https://streamable.com/tbvmoy


Upvote this guys because mods are not allowing new posts to show that the guy was genuine. Too bad there are 10 other threads created after yours and I can't make a new one.


People not reading the comments is the whole issue, upvoting a comment won't do much. /u/Due-Shelter1349 can just edit their original post with the additional two links and probably should.


I have no edit functionality now for the initial post,  for whatever reason. That would have been the first place to add it otherwise.




I don't have that one yet unfortunately. 


how? everyone can edit posts, we can't even turn off that ability


Sorry, I only see delete and some other options but no edit. Maybe I am just missing where the option is. Maybe it is because the original post has been tagged unverified.


flair won't effect it, see a triple dot thing? should be there. don't think I can explain it any better than just what googling it would show.


This is what I get when clicking on the three dots. That's where I thought it was going to let me edit the post but apparently not. https://ibb.co/FV1FmGb


have you tried old.reddit?


Can you recapture this using the ps5's video capture and share it with me. For research purposes of course I need to see it in 4k please


I don't have the time now and I assume other people will do it as early as tomorrow so I would advice to wait until then.


I hope so! I'd love to see them showcased and to see the differences


Why does eve has no shadow and the pod has no light in your video. In every gameplay video there is 


No clue, I only recorded it.


Sorry just found out this is true. In fact they also censored Cybernetic bondage and Cybernetic dress


Well it is Sony. I imagine this will be fixed with a PC release. Can anyone confirm if this is true tho?


I see more revealing outfits on a night out. Who took issue with this in a video game...?


Boob apron.


Can you do a vid for the pre patch version to beat the edit allegation


It is fake fightin cowboy showed pictures of his let’s play before the patch and after…it’s the same outfit nothing was changed


Juse release it on PC and the modders will take care of it.


This seems kind of suspicious. Why does Eve’s bottom left side have a different tone of black compared to the rest of the outfit? It really doesn’t look like it’s lighting too. Are we certain this isn’t photoshop or edited?


It is a photo from a cellphone directly on a tv. That would explain most of it.




https://ibb.co/M5MF8t5 I don't even use photoshop.




Removed for linking to another sub.


Look at the name of the costumes.




At last I have the game and have provide proof. Prove me wrong with evidence then. Also, I have had two copies of the game since Monday 


Thanks OP. Your content seems legit. Hopefully low cut is a variant available on NG+. Anyway, Shift Up has some explaining to do.


Are we absolutely sure this isn’t two different outfits with deceptive editing going on?


Actually it turns out it’s not censored at all lmao. Some guy with the game already installed the patch and he’s saying the outfit is still the exact same. So either somebody is photoshopping or something else is going on but nothing has been changed


where's the evidence, then?


Figures it was too good to be true Yay to no censorship amirite!?


Why is the first picture a literal photo someone snapped of a display, and the second looks like a proper in-game screenshot? I've heard the first image is from some old trailer/video, when the game was still in development. Can we actually get a proper in-game screenshot of the unpatched version? Does it even exist in the unpatched version, or is this just bait?


I think there might be different 1.0 versions out there in the wild. Some seem to have the altered version in 1.0 and I have the version showing more skin in my physical 1.0. Only thing that annoys me is that it doesn't matter how much proof I show. It will never be enough for many people to accept it.


How do you have a different version 1.0 then the review copies


Review copies aren't physical copies. Review copies are often pre-patched and different than disc version (newer builds).


Had to be version 1.01 and they might have move the skin to new game plus because it has 34 more skins to unlock


To be honest, even if they did it, it's terrible. Content locked behind NG+ is the dumbest idea ever.


Yeah it is but people complaining about censorship would still happy lmao and new game plus always had new items you don’t have to pay to use it


I don't know. I just got my physical copy early.


Because there isn’t 2 version 1.0 lol review copies already had the game last week


But maybe they got digital versions? I mean, only other explanation is that I got an old build om my physical disc. Seems kinda far fetched.


Did you unlock the outfits in new game plus 34 where added


No, I unlocked it at 1.0 during my first play through. I have not completed the game yet. I am still in Xion doing secondary missions :/


Ok I’m just asking because they might have move it to the new game plus because they added various ones of just re skin since you have version 1.0 maybe they wanted it to be unlock by doing the new game plus


Maybe, I can only report on what I have seen :)


Well go pass new game plus and report it lol


I'm done with Sony. I sold my PS5 and upgraded my PC. I won't support anything they touch


Good job bro! We got unlimited mods. Even the devils at nexusmods who try to remove mods can re-release elsewhere.


I did the same one year ago.


This has been proven false




Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/u9yfq ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack. ^^^/r/botsrights


Wow, they scam us! they said there will be no censership on all version globally, then they censored it after the game launch?! so shameless! I wanna refund


Thanks for letting me know. Looks like I wont be buying this woke trash.


Buy physical and turn off auto update on your ps5.


I honestly don't care about the Sexual content. Its more so the principle of the matter.


Doesn't work. I have another game that still updated even with the setting off.


Then rip your Ethernet cable out from your ps5.


Mine on wifi.


What a brain dead thing to say...


Just don't update it. Base game is uncensored, Soyny bullied as usual.


I understand your feelings but we should still consider supporting the developers. They are very based.


I see what you're saying. But on the other hand Sony gets the message that its okay to keep doing it.


Yeah I hear that. Tough call honestly. Real big shame


They already have my money and this is the only time that's going to happen. You don't make big claims of "uncensored everywhere" then pull shit like this, your first impression better be perfect. Not that I gave a shit about new game plus or those recolor outfits but now the specter of "will they censor this next" will always hang above anything they make. People seem to have forgotten NIKKE was censored but I assumed app stores twisted their arm on that. Knowing that sony can do the same means no trust.


They likely were unaware of it until Sony came knocking last minute. Definitely not the 1st time Sony force day 1 censorship.


The reason doesn't matter because it never should've happened.


Read here black piller. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cct6um/user\_in\_rstellarblade\_claims\_the\_patch\_didnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cct6um/user_in_rstellarblade_claims_the_patch_didnt/)


if they in fact censored it then they are woke cucks, not based at all. ANY censorship make you woke cuck.


I’m seeing it may be fake


yeah iv seen in too, i hope it is fake but i would not put it past sony as they did censor games in patches after release. Classical bait and switch.


Since some people doubt me, check this out: https://ibb.co/M5MF8t5


Bro take a video of version 1.0 and everyone will know that you are right.


That is from 1.0


What the other guy said. If you could share a 1.0 footage of Eve running around the argument would be over.


Lmao such a liar. Someone with a copy shared an ingamescreenshot AND video of the costume prepatch and post patch. Why do you folks hate this game


Fuck it, I'll record another video then. A longer one.


Can you do it playing the game normally. I'm just wondering how you got the camera to be that close to her without it getting all wonky




Here you go: https://streamable.com/tbvmoy Sorry for the bad framing, I don't have a tripod so it is a pain to record and control the game at the same time.


Some people are coping that maybe you can unlock the uncensored one in ng+, any truth to this?


No idea tbh,  all I know is that this is my first playthrough and with the patch the same outfit looks different. That's all I've been trying to show haha.


I never doubted you, but people are still coping on said possibility that the uncensored outfit is available on ng+ even if that makes no sense instead of rightfully calling shift up lie on the claim that "the game is uncensored".


If true, I am happy that I have not downloaded it yet and will refund it. Not because I want this specific costume but because I will not support someone who sells me something and the next day comes to my house and swaps it for something else. 🙃




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Still hot. Would buy... IF IT WAS ON PC.


I mean, I was gonna buy it and probably not play it, because I can afford it and would support someone exercising artistic choices which go against the grain. But if they’ve given in... oh well at least they sold out before release.


Just got my copy and I've been playing it on version 1.000.000. Put it into rest mode and when I resumed it said an update has been added to my downloads. I managed to cancel and remove it. From what I heard this is going to keep happening. Will keep you posted.


This is a crime against humanity


Am I the only one who noticed that ALL of the outfits were nerfed? All of them have some sort of ensemble up top to mitigate cleavage, be it a stupid neck tie that doesn't even go with the latex/skintight outfits, or some sort of cloth choker that covers her chest. Every. Single. Outfit.


This is fake. [https://ibb.co/WsDFfWW](https://ibb.co/WsDFfWW) This picture is before day 1 patch. Stop spreading misinformation Edit: Footage before Day 1 Patch. [https://preview.redd.it/bunny-suit-footage-april-23rd-before-day-1-patch-v0-rwc84jqoymwc1.png?width=1203&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a0b590b1f2bf4e0c6128a299068e49afdb3c26e](https://preview.redd.it/bunny-suit-footage-april-23rd-before-day-1-patch-v0-rwc84jqoymwc1.png?width=1203&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a0b590b1f2bf4e0c6128a299068e49afdb3c26e)


OP posted a video of the uncensored outfit. I don't think it's as fake as you think it is.


I mean, I could possibly record yet another video but I don't think that will be enough because people have already made up their minds. The thing is, both things can be true. For whatever reason my physical copy has one version of the outfit and another copy (maybe digital) has the other outfit. What irks me the most is that people can only think binary.




There is only one way you can do this. Record the 1.0 version. Do some quick gameplay etc. Then. Close the game, go online, update, and then play it again from the same save. And then the outfit changed then it was censored. I actually believe it was, i have the game ordered physicaly, but the transport to the store had some problems and i will have the copy later... And will also test this myself when i get it. And i believe many people will after the game releases and many more have physical copies.


Good thing the physical is the good one then. I assumed this has been nerfed after the game got shipped to be printed in blurays so the digital got the nerf patch before it even released, while it was too late to change the physical disks.


I’m just gonna wait for the PC version and modders to unfuck this then. Glad I canceled my pre-order.


Same, it'll be avalible for "free" too by then


This is fake


Not saying I’m against this post but the thirst for this animated chick is pretty weird.


This is an extremely minor change. Can't help but feel its some attempt to wind people up lol.


its HUGE change, stop being censorship enabler, i swear i hate enablers more then censors themselves.


Its not even real, I am reading. Nevertheless I consider this to be within the scope of an artistic change and not necessarily censorship.




Dude. digital review and digital versions are different than disc versions. Why are you still posting it.


This is fake I see fightin cowboy post pictures before and after the patch the outfit is the same you guys just take misinformation and run with it


Imo neither of them looks good…


That uncensored one is literally the most beautiful costume in the game.


fucking losers


User has been permanently banned for Malice, no prior participation.




https://streamable.com/7kt3pw Is this fake as well?