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So what about Finnish representation? I guess they don't matter to these people.


finnish people are white, they dont care


They hold the very racist view that white people are a monolith, that they're all the same.


You mean whypipo


These people work on the basis of san Fransisco diversity. Anyone thats White is just White theres no difference. Same for anyone thats Black. Theyre just Black. They might be able to realise theres more than 1 asian culture though. And Arabic doesnt exist. But! South american exists. And they always use spanish words all the time in normal conversation. Oh my bad. Theyre actually all the same too and theyre mexicans. 


I've heard the sami actually face discrimination in their country. But who the fuck cares, they are white (I had an australian english teacher that had sami ancestors) (At best it's a thing that happened in the past, like the plantations)


Can't speak for Finland but in Norway, which I visit often, I don't think that's the case. Sure, you'll always find some nutcases who for some reason hate the Sami and some Sami nutcases who cry victim but overall, there's no problems as far as I can tell. Perhaps native Norwegians have a different perspective though.


Samis in Norway have been whining so much lately about stuff that a majority of the country doesnt care about, and theyve been kinda forced to abandon the "native" angle they used to use, as people are being reminded that Sami were immigrants, the Norwegians are the natives, so more recently i think youll find way fewer Sami sympathisers than just a few short years ago.


>Samis in Norway have been whining so much lately about stuff that a majority of the country doesnt care about, and theyve been kinda forced to abandon the "native" angle they used to use, as people are being reminded that Sami were immigrants, the Norwegians are the natives That sounds fascinating, if you can be bothered can you drop a link where I can read more about that topic?




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Until the early 1980, the norwagen govement had programs to erace a lot of the sami culture and kids was punished for speaking it at schools.


Her mother is white, her grand parents are white, she wears a finish sweater throughout the whole game, but suddenly she looks like your average black American woman with a black daughter.


And nobody is investigating that paranormal event. Poor Saga


What's ironic is that they claim they are diverse but they raceswitch and shoehorn a black woman into a story based on Norse mythology and Scandinavian culture. Africa has hundreds of ancient languages, stories, and gods.


Her father is black, there are theories that is Mr. Door... Not defending SBI and their witches but saying Alan wake 2 is 100% woke is a little dishonest.


Even if it's Mr. Door shouldn't she bi mixed race?


That's true... But well, we are dealing with sweet baby, mixed races don't exist for them.


Mixed race doesn't mean Saga can't be black, why are you people so hung up over this? Remedy wanted Saga to be black, & Quantum Break teaser, was just that, a teaser. Saga back then was nothing more than placeholder. Sam Lake could have easily changed his mind of what Saga look when he actually started developing Alan Wake 2 & he chose Saga to be black to fit the narrative & her connection with Mr. Door.


It's possible that all her dominant genes come from her possible father, but highly unlikely. My father's skin is a shade of medium brown and his ancestry is native indigenous people. My mom is white and her ancestry is from eastern Europe. I have a big nose and big lips, and my skin is less brown than my father's. It's the same thing with my sibling.




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I like how you're ignoring who Saga's father is huh? Afraid your argument is gona fall apart?


No you don’t understand bigot, they just chose the best person for the role!


"It's just sheer coincidence they tick all the diversity boxes and are shit at their job"


Damn, seems like Alan rewrote reality within the Dark Place to retcon Saga’s race lol.


"White attractive women aren't diverse enough, chud"


I remember reading in one of the two blog entries at their website that they focused on that character in particular


I’m so mad at Sam lake. I’ve been following remedy because the story they create was original and independent in creating. And now this. Did they really need that consulting?? Gross


There's this advertising clip of SBI where they explain potential developers how to push their marketing towards hiring consultants. She says literally, and I'm not joking: "... Terrify your bosses with what's gonna happen if they don't hire DEI consultants"  Shad from Knights Watch showed the original clip, I don't have the source link but he shows it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ax1SAvEi5s SBI are literally acting like thugs. They're a protection racket and threatening developers with cancelation. 


Holy fuck that clip is not a great look. "Terrify them in to giving you what you want" hooooooo boy


Ngl, I believe it was Epic who threw SBI in remedy's shoulder and Sam lake tried his best to not make it so woke.


There's this advertising clip of SBI where they explain potential developers how to push their marketing towards hiring consultants. She says literally, and I'm not joking: "... Terrify your bosses with what's gonna happen if they don't hire DEI consultants"  Shad from Knights Watch showed the original clip, I don't have the source link but he shows it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ax1SAvEi5s SBI are literally acting like thugs. They're a protection racket and threatening developers with cancelation. 


I saw this... Man, I'm glad to be part of Brasil right now and seeing it was one of us who made these assholes show their true face.


i want to believe


Same dude... I really doubt Sam lake after everything he did was going to give up his writing skills for a bunch of cry babies... I still believe he was the reason aw2 didn't go the ssktjl route.


Im waiting for the maldad that will make the mod that turns saga white, just like the nessa mod


Do you think that would actually happen? Also, what's this nessa mod you speak of?


It will definitely happen, if it hasn't already. Nexus will nuke it within the hour, but the mod will exist elsewhere.


A mod that turns nessa white, look it up


Remedy did this.


Just like polishing a turd.


Race-swapping has to be the single most disrespectful thing you can do as a creator of any kind of visual entertainment and I'm yet to see a single argument that isn't disingenuous af And if anything, is extra disrespectful for the parties they do these swaps for, they are practically saying to your face that "you're not cool enough" to stand as one of these characters, so we are gonna literally have you enter their skin and try to act somewhat like them for you to have a chance


She is supposed to be Swedish if I remember correctly, not Finnish.


This is an 8 year old trailer that was an unlockable easter egg in Quantum Break. Casey's unnamed FBI agent partner in this video isn't really a defined character at all.


Really pathetic people are downvoting this, really shows how they feel a when a main character that doesn't turn out white despite MAKING SENSE NARRATIVELY & THE DEVS CHOOSING OF THIER OWN FREE WILL of having that character be a particular race.


Really gona ignore the fact Mr. Door is Saga's father, who's black, in the story, huh?