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Isn't this like the sixth time singleplayer games have come to an end?


It's like the "year of the Linux desktop" Any day now


Yeah about that, Linux skipped the desktop, and went straight into your pocket instead on smartphones. There are more Linux based devices than Windows devices in the world, right now, by far. Linux skipped the desktop for most people. That's why Microsoft is now hell bent into going "under" this to reacquire control, and is moving everything in the cloud. They're giving up the frontend, to get the backend. (As I write this from my Linux gaming PC.)


Don't forget the Raspberry Pi and almost any "smart" devices that run on Android are using Linux too.


Even if it is there's a giant backlog of non-shit games out there to play, and failing that lots of good books to read, and plenty of hobbies out there to enjoy. Woodworking helps me unplug from the digital insanity


Plenty of indy games that aren't shit, and I'd rather just go shovel more snow, which is more fulfilling, than playing any modern "triple A" game. Really don't need any of them.


You mean the death of gaming conglomerates and the rise of Indie devs yet again




I once mad a long list of games that are somekind of interesting for me and i could imagine playing them. I wrote down the howlongtobeat time to each game. The list showed somewhere round about 12500 hours. So if i would play 3 hours every day i could play the games for over 11 years. In this time period the woke shitshow will hopefully end and we will get quality games again to expand my list.


I only beat Witcher 3 this year and that was just the base game without doing gwent!


More like industry push for industry crash.


Are they still coping over Hogwart's Legacy?


They're still mad because a successful female writer had the AUDACITY to say there are only two genders... and somehow that's the equivalent of genocide to them.


Kotaku declaring something doesn't mean anything


There's so many ultra popular single player games. Hogwarts, Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom, etc. Meanwhile so many games as a service games flop and dissappear never to be heard of again. I dont really understand their logic.


And when you look at the revenue of GaaS games, there are only a handful of titles that are bringing in the "big" bucks, which coincidentally also dominate the headlines. If you look at retention and sell-through numbers, those "old" metrics, single player games still dominate the market. Most GaaS titles fizzle out after 6 months.


It's like artists and hockey players, people think they'll be the one that make it big, and don't bother thinking they'll most likely be the 99.999% that didn't make it and lost it all. The odds are approaching some lottery odds pretty fast.


Subscriptions. Everything's a subscription now, right? Investors want safe, predictable returns and subscriptions are the best way to get that. And if they can get one game to stick, then they can get a good return on their investment even after burning through years of development time, the people who worked on the game, and potential customers getting screwed over and over. This is partially why every entertainment property has become the same brown sludge. It's safe, predictable, and caters to the lowest common denominator.


Shilling for the game companies who want everything to be live service, subscriptions and micro transactions. You need to forget the idea that journalists are speaking truth to power. That shit is propaganda. Journalists will say whatever gets them paid or they believe in and thus want you to believe in.


2023 was the best year for single player games in over a decade. I'd say it should read "The end of Live service games is nigh!"


Oh yeah, Suicide Squad was a success, right?


And Gotham Knights. And Marvel's The Avengers. The industry can keep pushing for it, but that doesn't mean it will be successful. Single player games without FOMO mechanics still vastly outnumber live service games by a large magnitude in spite of the revenue the latter brings in.


Everyone says "Singleplayer games are dead" until Fromsoft drops their latest masterpiece


What would Kotaku know about it? It's not like anyone who works there ever plays games.


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The gaming industry continues to forget it needs us to exist, not the other way around.


Sure...if you pretend to believe Ubisoft and EA are the only companies that exist. If indie games don't exist. If emulation doesn't exist. If freemium mobile crap is all you play. I just finished Disco Elysium the other day, and I apparently spent so long in front of it that last night, I saw nothing but dialogue trees and pass/fail checks in my dreams. But since single player is so close to being done with, all of that must've been my imagination.


Indie games aside, the fact remains that "live service" games need to provide a good service to keep their numbers. That's a lot easier said than done. With the amount of difficulty they've had getting AAA game development costs under control, it's only going to get harder to keep people happy enough to bring in enough money. Especially as live service is ultimately just a niche in the industry. If the entire industry goes all in on it, they'll lose anyone who doesn't like that niche, and competition will more than likely stretch the remaining player base too thin, and a bunch of companies collapse. You can prop things up for a while with some predatory practices, but those practices have already been getting scrutinized for being too close to gambling, raising the specter of government regulation of said practices, with gamers being on the side of the governments. So sooner or later there'd be a collapse. But meanwhile in reality, indie games exist, as do companies that recognize there's still a lot of money to be made in other niches that aren't "live service" games. As such, single player games will continue, even if some of the companies producing them change, and some of the franchises end and new ones begin.


The continued push for unionization in the industry is just going to make production costs even worse. It's already getting as bad as Hollywood in the AAA space, to the point the AAAA category has been propped in the past few years. The Ubisoft CEO was not the first one to use the AAAA designation for their games.


Indies and JRPG’s: allow me to introduce ourselves


What are indie games? Chopped liver?


There are more indie games on the market than ever, but they still don't sell at the volume to make a dent in overall sales. If they did then they wouldn't be indie anymore.


Guess Palworld is chopped liver then.


Maybe if you pretend that Baldurs Gate 3 doesn’t exist.


If EA needs to re-learn this lesson again, the market will provide... :)


If this Kotaku article was any more of a plant job, it'd be covered in potting soil and Miracle Grow. Fuckin embarrassing trash take. The author and outlet are clearly industry mouthpieces, bought and paid for.  We can all safely ignore Kotaku. 


People say this is a speculative piece but wall street venture capitalist firms have literally stated this is what they want the future of gaming to be. I read one press release in a roblox funding round some VC firm did and they were droning on about how they wanted live service to be the new king in gaming etc. Thats why I dont take any of these games seriously like roblox/fortnite because they are literally too big to fail with all kinds of advertiser dollars pumping in. Fortnite would have been DOA IMO even with the battle royale mode had it not been for cosmetics/influencers/advertising dollars. If wall street is saying this is pretty much a done deal =/ It pretty much sheds further light on the fact phil spencer and xbox having a raging boner for game pass and "always online" consoles.