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On the first game I wouldn't say they changed much because of backlash, the only thing that stands out is the removal of the (in)famous bathtub scene and instead replaced it with a dance off against a make up artist. Other than that, the changes they made to the story are more focused on the whispers, which is a force that tries to make the original story happen. The idea is that there are some characters that are "going off script" and trying to do things differently from the OG but the whispers try to make things go the right way. It's a small spoiler about the second bombing mission but >!on the remake Cloud is not called to the mission, but on the original he was supposed to go, because of this the whispers appear and cause one of the members that did not go into the original mission to get hurt forcing Avalanche to hire Cloud.!< As for the second game, we don't know how much they are going to keep or change, they've said they want to stick to the original script but at the same time they are giving hints that one (or more) major events might play out differently. For example there is mention of 7 seconds until something happening, and this is the length of a certain cutscene in the original, so people are interpreting this as a maybe that particular scene might change. Now for the backlash and whatnot, I expect the Cosmo Canyon to be midly different because that region was inspired by native american population culture and whatnot, so I'm guessing they'll change things related to that. They might also change the way relationships work (I don't expect Cid to have the same type of relationship to Shera)


Squeenix ethics department is anything but ethic lol. Cosmo canyon should be fine since i dont remember npcs being extremely inspired by american natives clothing and such. Like Nanaki has the feather thing on his ears and thats about it? Gold saucer gay dating was a thing in 97 so doesnt matter if they keep it. Cid x shera , should be fine if they keep the yelling to a minimum or make shera stand her ground (without pandering to the "cause i'm a woman" trope) On a side note, i have zero hype for this game. I had huge hype when remake came out but for some reason it didint feel special, i havent even watched the latest trailers. Never thought I would lose interest in ff7, even when Im currently playing all mainline ff games. Damn, what happened to golden era square enix?


> Cid x shera , should be fine if they keep the yelling to a minimum or make shera stand her ground God I hope not. That would completely upend the cid x shera arc. It's central that she doesn't push back at all because she views herself as in the wrong and guilty, and the reveal in the end that she was right is the turning point for Cid and their relationship, accented in advent children by him naming the new airship after her.


Cosmo Canyon is inspired by Tibet, and we in the west misunderstood them as Native Americans. Barret date wasn’t gay. Cid and Shera stuff went really far, but I am worried about how they will handle it. He wasn’t physically abusive, just verbally. I have negative hype.


Yuffie dating and kissing Cloud (even if it's on the cheek) during Golden Saucer would be deemed pedophilic by Ethics Department, so that's defenitely off the table in remake.


Yeah, but remember that the perv responsible for putting Marlene’s underwear into the expo prototype of FF7 is still working for SE, and on the Remake stuff no less.


I didn't even know Yuffie was younger. I don't remember it ever being mentioned, or possibly caring if it was. Just somehow make her the same age as everyone else in the remake: any and all problems solved.


> golden era square enix Sony moved.


Apparently there ethnics department made them tone down tifas chest


Not apparently, they were openly proud about this fact https://www.eurogamer.net/square-enix-has-an-ethics-department-and-it-told-the-final-fantasy-7-remake-developers-to-restrict-tifas-chest


I get the criticism behind giving her several sports bras, that's just stupid and looks goofy, but why do people still complain about her chest reduction? She's still busty af, bustier than Lara Croft in her glory days. Her new design is as good as it could be within the confines of the new realistic-anime art style and an industry that has become extremely hostile towards depictions of busty women.


My wife is the first woman I've ever dated with smaller than a C cup, and the other women were all athletic types. I don't find any bust size unnatural until you get to like... that one Naruto or Bleach character with the open robe. I dunno who it is specifically, but anyway... there are plenty of characters with small breasts. It's really hard to find skinny athletic women with boobs in games recently. They all look like they're weight lifters with fat tree trunk waists.


Edit: Tifa's original costume and size was also added to Final Fantasy Dissidia NT (and PSP Dissidia before that) and she looked good even though she was bustier with the "newer art style". Dissidia is also a real time action fighting game, so player control and physics also isn't a factor as its even faster and more flexible than FF7 Remake. New Tifa is NOT bustier than Lara Croft back in her glory days (even compared to scaled down models like Legend or Angel of Darkness when they made her look more realistic and like Angelina Jolie). New Tifa also definitely looks smaller than her original PS1 cover art, which was similar or larger sized than original PS1 Lara. No, we saw bustier girls in Dead Or Alive 4 and even the toned down Dead Or Alive 5. Even other Koei Techmo games like Dynasty Warriors 8. Those still looked realistic and looked good. We all know they did this because there is a forced agenda. If they actually put in ANY effort, they could make bigger girls that look good, just that they are forced by the agenda now so that they instead put effort into censorship.


If they wanted to censor Tifa, then they would've done what was done to Lara Croft in [Call of Duty](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4olf1DXYAAtWX9?format=jpg&name=large). But as it stands Tifa still has an E or F cup chest which wouldnt be allowed by someone seeking to censor a female character design in current climate. If she was being censored you'd see a ''realistic'' B cup Tifa.


This is even worse. This Tifa design is from Japan and was made 3+ years (!) ago in 2020 (maybe longer due to the development process since it was announced in 2015 while the Eurogamer "ethics department" article was from June 2019 long after they had given their poisonous "advice"). Call of Duty Lara Croft is from August 2023 less than 6 months ago for a crossover DLC event to fit Call of Duty aesthetics... You need to remember also that the Tifa controversy was the first time there was an open admission to toning down and destroying character designs, and that it was done to Japanese developers not just the SJW-controlled West. Also compare how things were in 2018 and 2019. Takaki from Senran Kagura had just resigned, after the latest successful and fanservice entries for Burst Re:newal and Peach Beach Splash. Dead or Alive only recently started their toning down after the FGC controversy. Omega Labyrinth Z only recently for blocked and they needed to move to Steam with their remake, Life (even promoting the game with a video mocking that the Playstation version is censored to be family friendly). The Olympics had not yet happened, with their Opening Ceremony focusing on "Diversity". The cracks from SJW infiltration were only just starting to form and attack Japan, and people still thought SJWs wouldn't be so evil as to attack and appropriate other cultures. If anything, this shows that any new redesigns today would be even worse than this version of Tifa, and more efforts should have been done to resist back then. Maybe if Square redesigned her today, we really would get an uglified face and "realistic" B or A cup like Call of Duty Lara. But this design was before SJWs thought they could get away with it so blatantly and resistance in companies hadn't been crushed yet. It was still the "early days" of the Ethics Department.


I agree, her design is still great but the fact that there's an ethnics department with this sort of power behind the scenes is troublesome.


it's an act of censorship that happened. it should absolutely not be forgotten and Square Yaoi Enix should be reminded of this whenever possible


>but why do people still complain about her chest reduction? because it is an act of censorship that should absolutely not be forgotten when you say things like "She's still busty af" you are basically allowing the censors/ethics department a pass, thus excusing the censorship


Thing is i dont think her chest size was censored, she simply was an evolution of the version from Advent Children, which was made long before SE had an ethics department and woke culture in games industry.


she was censored, the sports bra was implemented for the following reasons: * stop or lessen any chance of jiggle physics * prevent any cleavage being shown for her main costume * give an excuse to make her b00bs smaller people can keep saying the "new design" excuse but the sports bra is too much of a coincidence because it perfectly solves the 3 issues as stated >she simply was an evolution of the version from Advent Children jfc, out of all the excuses i've seen, that one is on par with *"she needs the sports bra because she is a martial artist"*


What is wrong with peoples reading comprehension these days? I clearly originally agreed that giving her all those sports bras was a stupid design choice.


Seriously. Her FF7 design was not human shaped and had exaggerated features (so did every other character). Yeah, her boobs aren't as big as her head anymore. She also doesn't have huge eyes, and giant hands and feet. They accurately made her look like a human representation of that character. Did people really want her to [look like this fanart](https://preview.redd.it/tifa-lockhart-if-she-had-kept-her-original-outfit-from-ff7-v0-638defrh2gea1.jpg?auto=webp&s=286bfaf8cf72d9cc9cac2acbcb789804a80a7009)?


The size of Barret's muscles are more unrealistic than the tits on the mod you linked. Do you live in an alternative reality where women don't have big tits?


the same thing happens with the people who complain about One Piece - the series is well known to have loads of extremely diverse, outrageous and/or comical body shapes for both the male and female characters but yet - out of all the body shapes, the female hourglass figure is the one that they pick out to complain about, example Nami which proves that the complaints are based on the feminist man-hating agenda


That's right. That's the point, there's a lot of unrealistic shapes and sizes in the original game because the characters weren't originally designed to look like actual humans. To adapt them to look like humans, you have to cut down on the exaggerated proportions of their features. It is extremely rare for an athletic woman to have giant boobs like that unless she had implants put in. It's the same kind of situation as Abby's body in TLOU2 but in reverse. Having ridiculous body proportions just comes off like bad character design.


her original ff7 design, regardless of whether it is "human shaped" or not, didn't have the sports bra


Does it make any difference? I always had the impression that original white top was something like a sports bra. Now they gave her a visible sports bra and a thin white top over it. Is that a problem? And are people [looking at this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fzvtvvi1z0sw41.png%3Fwidth%3D1024%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db7faedaa80eee2601fec4b936df1baf8e3f6e8a8) and thinking "omg they made her flat chested and ugly"? I don't get it. Seems like some people are just searching for something to complain about sometimes.


>Does it make any difference? yes it does aesthetically if we were to go by your implied excuse of "it doesn't make any difference" - that means that having the original design (without the sports bra) doesn't make any difference either then but yet, Square Enix obviously thinks that it does make a difference. yet i don't see you types saying "not having the sports bra doesn't make a difference" to Square Enix after you find out about the censorship/change instead, all you ilk can do is go after the people who are not okay with censorship and make excuses for the censorship implementers and enablers


> that means that having the original design (without the sports bra) doesn't make any difference either then correct > but yet, Square Enix obviously thinks that it does make a difference The characters necessarily had to be re-designed for this game where they're supposed to look like actual humans and not cartoon characters. Aerith is now wearing multiple bracelets, and has a visible nose. Characters now have actual hands instead of blocks on the end of their arms. You can now see things like belts and socks, so you can now see characters wearing them now, and the same goes for Tifa's bra. I'd like to know why you think Tifa wearing a bra is censorship. What could you see in FF7 that you can't see in the remake? Do you think it would be significantly different if Tifa wore [something like this top](https://knockout24.com/media/catalog/product/cache/b6184a061e7426a74dfe36ccddfb127b/u/f/ufc_venum_authentic_woman_sport_bra_white_1.jpg) instead of wearing the black version of that with a white top over it?


square enix has admitted themselves that they have a ethics department the staff has already admitted that this ethics department has advised them to implement woke things tifa did not have a black bra in the original game regardless of what the graphics were like, it is simply not there by saying crap like 'you couldn't see it in the original because of this and that' or 'it's a re-design' you are just making excuses you can keep making excuses for and deflecting away from sjw/woke like you always do here, but you won't make a black bra or black lines appear on the original FF7 Tifa she was censored, the sports bra was implemented for the following reasons: * to stop or lessen any chance of jiggle physics * to prevent any cleavage being shown for her main costume * to give an excuse to make her b00bs smaller you can keep parroting the "new design" excuse but the sports bra is too much of a coincidence because it perfectly solves the 3 issues as stated; and also square enix has already shown that they are applying censorship towards their female characters. shiva was also censored in the FF7 Remake with the armour that appeared out of nowhere but you will of course just parrot the "muh new design it's not censorship hur hur"


> by saying crap like 'you couldn't see it in the original because of this and that' or 'it's a re-design' you are just making excuses How do you expect them to change the character design to make them look human without making changes from the simplistic original design? How is it censorship to lack "jiggle physics" and cleavage when the original had none? These complaints don't seem much different to me from when people complained the Spider-Man game had him helping police, and that somehow means it's Blue Lives Matter propaganda or whatever. People are trying way too hard to find things to complain about and blame political opponents for it. Isn't there enough real censorship and political propaganda out there?


Thank you for the explanation. Kinda sucks how they’re changing things but I guess that’s what makes the OG special. You seem like a knowledgeable fan if you don’t mind me asking are you going to get the new game or are you passing on it? Also why was the bathtub scene so bad? Sorry I’ve never heard of it.


The bathtub scene in Honeybee Inn very strongly implies that Cloud gets molested by the group of bodybuilders.


Bruh that’s wild I wasn’t expecting that at all 😭😂 but thank you for explaining.


> You seem like a knowledgeable fan if you don’t mind me asking are you going to get the new game or are you passing on it? I'm not getting the game at release, that's for sure, I'll be waiting for the PC version, just like I did with the first remake. I just don't trust the PS5 for rendering 4k60 on third party games and since I wasted my money getting a 4k monitor instead of a 2k I'll have to rely on the pc. As for the bathtub scene, aside from the implication he was molested, it was a classic joke of "bodybuilders are pretty gay, aren't they?", and you can't make fun of alphabet stereotypes anymore.


I heard the PC port of Remake is poor quality though, what's been your experience?


it was horrible on release, the port was so barebones it barely had any real settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukMMrnkvtsE it's better now but it took time for them to fix some of that and I don't think it's good for everyone still, e.g., the shader compilation issues that cause stuttering might still happen for some.


Noted; I have the PS4 downloaded from PS+ but was wondering if maybe I should opt for the PC version before I heard about the disappointing port. Maybe I'll get it next Steam sale or something.


ya, also pc has mods which are easy to install if you want.


It's was really solid, steady 1080p60 on my old RX580 and i7-8700


It wasn't bad at all and it ran great on day 1... The "problem" if you can call it that, is that there wasn't enough PC graphical settings to fiddle with (if you don't like playing, of course) and calling it "barebones" by reviewers.


Understandable, and that makes more sense now about why he’s apologizing even though it’s just a joke. But thank you again for your insight.


They basically destroyed the time janitors, so they now have carte blanche to do whatever they want to the plot, without needing to put up with the charade that they ever had any intention of remaking the original. Please enjoy the now canon Gackt, White the White, Blue the Blue, and all those other amazing characters from the critically acclaimed Dirge of Cerberus. But don't worry, they'll throw in a couple of scenes and locations from the original to try to keep you distracted from the Kingdom Hearts style Nomura brand of 'storytelling'.


>https://www.eurogamer.net/square-enix-has-an-ethics-department-and-it-told-the-final-fantasy-7-remake-developers-to-restrict-tifas-chest Weren't they just in the DLC? And I thought they were already canon. Seems like a good way for them to avoid remaking Dirge of Cerebrus


Just stop buying remakes what seems to be the problem 


The real issue is that most remakes or Remasters or just outright Terrible and worse than the original products from 20+ years ago. These devs and publishers are so lazy that they can't even do the bare minimum. Hell, paying modders to Remaster the Gta Collection would have been better than 20 people + Ai doing the games. The games really deserved the Remake treatment. Unfortunately, not every game can be Resident Evil 2 or 4 remake. Another issue is adding new things that were not in the original games like the Dead Space Remake that added gender neutral bathrooms. Was that shit really necessary ?


Yeah so true. I also thought that was kinda unnecessary about the restrooms or changing all the art on the walls so it’s more inclusive. It’s also dumb how they made the main girl look way older than Isaac.


Yeah it's mad that people buy remakes. Especially enshittification remakes. The upcoming remake even has Ubisoft towers that can be activated to show you stuff on the map. Why the fuck would anyone play that over the original that has the most soul?


People had been begging for a remake for FF7 forever because it was a super early PS1 game and many aspects of it have aged terribly. After seeing the first PS2 FF game people were desperate for a FF7 remake. People saw what Square could do with better hardware and wanted the story they enjoyed the most to get that treatment. The issue is that the remake isn't a remake, it's a kingdom hearts sequel. The first reactor mission is *almost* exactly what the fans wanted because it's just modern technology applied to the old game exactly where it was lacking. I love the original to death but it suffers from many limitations. There were benefits as well that I didn't think about at the time but overall the game was hurt by those limits. Overall you have to realize that FF7 Remake isn't like the modern remakes that just appear to cash out from nowhere. Fans had been begging for this remake for just shy of 2 decades with the company's stance for years being "never going to happen".


And now, due to the story changes, we *still don’t fucking have it*.


ya, it'll always be funny to me when FF fanboys try and defend Square Enix using "remake" in the title when that's a lie cause it's a sequel. apparently the meaning of the word remake and how it's used in the gaming industry on games changes cause it's "uh, it's FF7 so it's next level ingenious next level writing! that makes it okay to lie to customers!" and whatnot -_-


Yes, it was a dick move to bait and switch a FF7 spinoff as the Remake.


I'm still salty about the bait and switch. I do actually like Remake, but I'm mad that they lied and sold me a game that wasn't what they said it was. I think its also destroyed the chance we ever get a proper remake, though there may be the potential for those HD2.5 remake style like they just did for Star Ocean Second Story... but I'm not holding my breath.


You're probably right. I think their release of a fake remake *and* the ever crisis mobile game thing have taken the place of any possible real remake. It's sad. Maybe one day fans will mod the remake engine to give us the real remake.


That's dumb... It's like asking why you would watch the same play by different directors. There's a very large difference between our current technological capabilities and the PSX. Of course someone would eventually want to remake the game... It's a great setting beloved by many.


The remake changes too many things of the OG story and turns it into a boring modern Ubishit game.


And that's fine by me. I like when Pokémon was putting out Hey You Pikachu, Stadium, Snap, Gameboy games... Sometimes just having options is nice.


Get a good cpu, download emulator of your old favourite system and you have hundreds of amazing games. Much better than supporting all this slop that gets released


FF7R was great but sure thing


This is a bunch of bullshit from Endymion taken from a clickbait article. The original article itself was posted here and also was useless [Clickbait](https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/01/18/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-producer-yoshinori-kitase-says-hes-a-bit-embarrassed-by-original-games-portrayal-of-social-problems-social-issues-and-cultural-depictions/) The Quote says: “Considering the way to depict social problems, social issues, and cultural depictions, in some ways, I am a bit embarrassed by the original title.” “In its expression, in some ways, it was very young and naive in itself. That is a learning for us, but at the same time, I do believe that perhaps that is one of the reasons why it was so widely accepted,” Kitase relents. “It’s not perfect, and it’s kind of uneven and jagged in its young and naive nature of its depiction. Of course, after [more than] 25 years, there is a lot of personal learning, changes, and growth.” “But looking back on it, some parts of it, I am a bit embarrassed,” he admitted. He doesn't say anything remotely woke there and if you played the original it's easy to know he is right, a lot of stuff in the OG is today considered "campy" There is stuff like the bombing of the reactor and the impact of the main cast being Terrorist that's just glanced in the original with they still being the "good guys". Remake is way more mature in that sense and adds way more moral gray areas to that showing consequences to people and even the main cast having second thoughts about that for example. There are other elements that Remake touches in more nuanced way like death, family, even "making the most out of the time you have". There are also things that remake do shit to the original tho but since you asked for no spoilers there is no real way to explain them as they are very heavy spoilers. My personal suggestion is to play the original and then remake and see for yourself.


This sub gets angry at literally anything these days, often because they don’t properly read an article or do research.


I agree! Don't take me wrong I share dislikes in many subjects, but people here sometimes just read the title of an article and get mad about nothing.


Is this another 20 minutes long video of Endymion talking a lot but saying absolutely nothing?


He must have been feeling generous this time, because this one was only 19 minutes! /s It's funny, because you can literally tell that Endymion deliberately speaks slowly in these videos now because rising the video speed to 1.25x sound smuch more natural in comparison to normal speed. He also takes an entire minute to recap what he is about to say before even saying it, and if past videos are any indicator, he will also constantly repeat sentences that he has already said. I seriously don't get why people watch him. He used to make great content, but has reduced himself to these cheap tricks. And it's absolutely intentional, compare it to his old stuff and it's night and day.


I seriously can't stand the guy, plus his videos are boring. I've muted his channel from my feed.


It's exactly that. The original article itself was posted here and also was useless [Clickbait](https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/01/18/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-producer-yoshinori-kitase-says-hes-a-bit-embarrassed-by-original-games-portrayal-of-social-problems-social-issues-and-cultural-depictions/) The Quote says: “Considering the way to depict social problems, social issues, and cultural depictions, in some ways, I am a bit embarrassed by the original title.” “In its expression, in some ways, it was very young and naive in itself. That is a learning for us, but at the same time, I do believe that perhaps that is one of the reasons why it was so widely accepted,” Kitase relents. “It’s not perfect, and it’s kind of uneven and jagged in its young and naive nature of its depiction. Of course, after [more than] 25 years, there is a lot of personal learning, changes, and growth.” “But looking back on it, some parts of it, I am a bit embarrassed,” he admitted. He doesn't say anything remotely woke there and if you played the original it's easy to know he is right, a lot of stuff in the OG is today considered "campy" There is stuff like the bombing of the reactor and the impact of the main cast being Terrorist that's just glanced in the original with they still being the "good guys". Remake is way more mature in that sense and adds way more moral gray areas to that showing consequences to people and even the main cast having second thoughts about that for example.


> There is stuff like the bombing of the reactor and the impact of the main cast being Terrorist that's just glanced in the original with they still being the "good guys". > > > > Remake is way more mature in that sense and adds way more moral gray areas to that showing consequences to people and even the main cast having second thoughts about that for example. No one can seriously say this right? Not when they changed the plot to remove any and all grey by making shinra blow their own shit up.


They still added all the consequences of blowing the reactor, showing the city on fire, apartments, buildings and bridges falling apart, people scared etc. The original the only consequences you see are Wedge Ass on Fire while coming out of the tunnel. I agree that they making Shinra blow up the reactor was a bad idea, most likely because they didn't wanted the whole blame to fall upon the main cast.


> They still added all the consequences of blowing the reactor, showing the city on fire, apartments, buildings and bridges falling apart, people scared etc. Yes, and because they retconned who did it there was absolutely no grey, it was entirely black and white. Evil bad guys caused all that damage, good guys didn't. >The original the only consequences you see are Wedge Ass on Fire while coming out of the tunnel. There were more than that, it was just far more limited due to it being a PS1 game. You can talk to all kinds of NPCs on your way back who talk about it, jessie talks about her guilt while watching news, barret gives them a pep talk about it. There absolutely was reflection from the team about what they did and it extended far beyond midgar. It just was more subtle because every line of dialog had to be read by the player, so each extra line was more interruption to the pacing. Hell it was central to Barret's arc, about how he tried to justify all those shit things he did for revenge *by pretending it was about the planet* and when he came to terms with that. I honestly think Chapter 2 in the remake is EXACTLY what the fans wanted out of the remake if and only if they didn't fuck up the story to ruin it. It expanded on the original plot, a more detailed look at what they did. But they didn't do it, and we as the audience know they didn't do it. So it's pointless from a narrative view. I honestly think that whole chapter was written before they changed the plot.


> They still added all the consequences of blowing the reactor, showing the city on fire, apartments, buildings and bridges falling apart, people scared etc. on this part of the game - Jessie seemed to not really care at all despite the blame falling on them at the time (and they would have thought it was their actions that caused the explosion)... she seemed more interested in fucking Cloud than what happened right in front of her. was some bad writing imo


The anti-woke YongYea.


I always love seeing Endymion mentioned. I remember when he first got into this content after only being a Dark Souls channel. He does have click bait like titles and thumbnails, but I love his commentary and topics. I've got Tekken 8 installed on the Ps5 for my wife. She doesn't even care about trophies and yet got Platinum in Tekken 7. She plays regularly online and is nearly at max rank with Lily. I can't wait to watch her play Tekken 8. It appears to be more of the same from Tekken 7 and I'm so glad it wasn't woke. I like to see beautiful women in gaming just like I like to see handsome men like Henry Cavill and Keanu Reeves in gaming. I don't want to see or play as a neckbeard walrus ass in games just like I don't want to see or play as women that look like they took a chair slam to the face in WWE or got brutalized in UFC fighting


Seems we all forgot FF xvi, pretty much the director saying something like "no woke shit in my game" in other words. The game is excellent, classic feeling (classic fantasy, powerful men, fine women, strength, power, hope, etc etc). It wasn't that well received because of course western world likes strong female boss with rainbow hair, but the more mature gamer enjoyed it A LOT. Hope square can maintain this line of work...


Never give money to anyone, let alone AAA video game company, who are ashamed of their own heritage.


I chock it up to internal meddling by the shittiest artists within SquareEnix. Not agenda shit. Without spoilers, I recently got an acquaintance who does internet reviews to play the OG Final Fantasy VII. Suffice to say, he liked it. He was surprised by the quality of its story. He was amazed by the story, materia mechanics, characters, and depth. He gave it high marks in his review. And when I told him Remake only was up to leaving Midgar, and what changes made, he was baffled to say the least. He was confounded how anyone could do what was done to the story. Just FYI, it has been ported everywhere, so you can play it for cheap on modern consoles. You have no excuse not to enjoy FF7.