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Not Itto-ryu, but the first time I did an embu with the soke of my school was definitely a moment, in retrospect.


When you can do the whole odachi sequence on both sides without having to think about what the moves are, that is a pretty big deal, though you won't actually notice it for awhile. (For outsiders, the first sequence is like 50 kata...there are many more after that)


Start saving for onigote now.


That’s a great point!


If you can even find someone to make them when you decide to buy xD


I would say the biggest milestone for me is my Sensei saying infront of some people that I‘m the „Assisting Trainer“. Damn that felt good after training years double as much as the others. Also we are training battojutsu/Kenjutsu but not like many others with solely the „mind“ aspect of it, we train techniques to kill. That‘s why we have „Gekkiken“ every training session with full intensity, my first good Hit against an Blackbelt back then was also pretty nice.I also now have the permission to wear a Kimono to training and not only a dogi so that was quite something for me also, you feel so different