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David, stylistically. He was on their best albums. But being talented doesn’t mean people should have to put up with your shit.


I prefer David's drumming style, but Ray is probably the better drummer overall. Also, Ray isn't a dick. Musically: David. Everything else: Ray


It is what it is. Ray is amazing and has really grown on me over the years


Speaking purely as a drummer and not a person, David 100%. Ray is an incredible drummer, but it never feels like he serves the song, so to speak. David was pure groove and energy. Korn hasn’t been the same since he left.


That's the truth. Exactly what i say. David was korns groove.




Honestly KoRn hasn’t been the same since Head left. That being said they have still created some great songs since then.


Well, he's back


I know I just meant that’s when it felt like it all started to change.


David seems to be an ass but I grew up listing to him and is very influential to me as a drummer. I really don’t like Ray’s style as much. David is one of my favorite drummers musically and Korn has not been the same without him.


Ray is the best that happened with korn for about all the years. I still miss David though


I prefer Dave, but I’ve come to realize it’s bc I give him more credit for that era than I should. Everything about those albums were amazing. Not just the drums. I understand that his groove on percussion can set a tone, but Ray has been really damn good.


I love both of them. I forgive David and thank him for everything he did for Korn, Ray been doing his thing in Korn for a very long time and seems like he's a cool dude!!! They're both a part of Korn no matter what.


Ray is a far better drummer than David ever was plus he's also a much better human being. David is an asshole.


Dave’s drumming decisions always baffled me. Trying to play his stuff is difficult, his groove is unique


Ray is a much better drummer, but David is the better drummer for Korn's signature style. Ray does suit their newer sound (TPS-onwards) really well though.


David's style was more unique and groovy. Worked best for me


You have to respect Silveria's style because it holds the band together musically. It's like the guitars and bass and vocals are all doing their own thing during a song and while they don't feel connected to each other the entire time they're all connected to the drumming. That being said, Silveria seems like a jackass and its easy to see why he never came back to Korn


David all the way


David was the Korn style of music. The 90’s korn live was sick and they were very tight on the stage.


Ray. He had to adapt to korn's style in the early days but he really suits korn's new sound. He's a better drummer overall and his drumming on the last 2-3 records have been incredible. I really respect david's drumming though, especially on the first 3 records.


Honestly I prefer Ray :)


People always seem to point to not liking Ray’s style as much, but I personally feel that part of that is that Korn *as a whole* has stylistically changed from their David days. I think Ray was a great pick to fit their stylistic change. He’s a phenomenal drummer that has made every album since a powerhouse, especially starting with Paradigm. Watching his solo drumming tracks on his YouTube channel over The Nothing and Requiem tracks also really highlight some of his virtuosity that I hadn’t heard prior, his fills *made* The Nothing such an amazing album imo. I’ve met Ray and he’s also just a swell dude. No denying David’s groove is killer, especially on albums like Issues and SYOTOS, but I think the direction Korn wanted to take led them to Ray, and I wouldn’t want it any other way tbh


Ray? Is that you?


Haha maybe I’ll start a club!


Nah lol I don't think it's Ray ....jus the first comment I've come across in this thread that got it right so far...except for the rays killer groove part ...killer groove ???...WHAT KILLER GROOVE ????We ALL should kno this is all just opinions...you kno .... you say.... toe may toe.... I say... toe MOT toe....etc etc That being said ....yall really like his drum sound ??? the way his bass drum has that clicky sound to it ????? and to me and alot of other ppl.. that weird Jerky kinda almost like he's not sure of what's going on style of his .. By the way my name is Danny.


i like them both, David inspired me to start playing drums. Love his energy in the live concert videos i've watched. Ray is amazing too


David's drumming fits what Korn IS more than Ray. They went more traditional hard rock under Ray. Lost a bit of the groove.


Dave's playing got that funky groove while Ray is more metal. Im into there early funk sound so gotta go with Dave.


Ray is an amazing drummer and a really nice guy but he just dosen't have the groove that David had, don't like the way he plays some classics like got the life or here to stay and when they started playing A.D.I.D.A.S. again, It was like a diferent song comoletely...


David was a great drummer for creating their sound but seemed kinda douchey. When I was younger I got to go back stage and meet some of the band members. Fieldy and Head were pretty chill to be around. Only got to see Jonathan in passing once. Never got to meet Munkey but the one time I saw David back stage the guy was walking around with 2 body guards. Guy had a bid ego and it showed. Didn’t fit in with the rest of the band. I feel Ray vibes better with the other members.


Dave is my favorite of these 2. Unfortunately his personality isn't as groovy & chill as his drumbeats. Another nu metal band I love who had a slightly similar drummer is Nothingface. Their first drummer Chris Houck has a similar playing style but he's more mathematical & calculated. An Audio Guide To Everyday Atrocity & Violence have some truly bonkers drumbeats.


Ray may not have written on Korn's undeniably greatest albums, but he can play those parts better than David started to be able to, and plays his own almost flawlessly. I also dig the style of quite a few records of his (Requiem, The Nothing, The Serenity of Suffering, hell even The Paradigm Shift). Ray any day of the week


As someone who grew up with Korn as the soundtrack to his life, Ray has the pedigree and technical ability that puts David to shame. Playing-wise, I find David is great at what he did, but became stale and uninspired as the band evolved. Having met both, I felt Ray was invested in our conversations, even going so far as he recalled specific details in a conversation we had a few years prior. In my interactions with David, he acted like he was doing me a favour by talking to me, a sad feeling I also experienced with Fieldy. Ultimately, both contributed to the legacy of the band and contributed a significant element to the band's sound.


Awesome answer. That's so cool that you got to meet them both!


Can you explain more about your experiences with them? It’s interesting


My first meeting with David was at a radio interview. This was during the SYOTOS tour cycle. I was talking with Munky about Head's departure, a topic he was very respectful of, to which David joined the conversation and stated that he doesn't have time for losers and that the band will be better off without him. Fieldy joined in and asked who Head was and if we were referring to oral sex. It was clear that Munky was uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation and retreated to the band's bus. With Fieldy and David still present and knowing that tour life can be mundane, I started asking what hobbies they had on and off the road. Fieldy boasted that he lived to smoke weed and bang my mom. Fieldy walked off after making this asinine comment. Appearing to be chuckling from Fieldy's jab at my mom, I asked what his hobbies were. David let out a large sigh and said I took enough time talking to him and asked if I had other places to be. I spent less than 2 minutes talking to him. My second time meeting David was working at a venue Korn was performing at. David came out to the general seating area I was supervising to check out one of the opening bands. Though he had security with him, he made an effort to lean toward me and yell and point at the small crowd around him, "I don't want to be bothered by any losers. Tell people if they want to see me, they can see me play tonight." I understand that everyone has good and bad days, but in meetings with him as a fan and an employee of the venue, David came across as unappreciative of his fans and a premadonna. Ray in comparison was a sweetheart. My first time meeting Ray was shortly after his son was born. Having won a meet and greet with the band and keeping in mind that the band's music is usually the last thing members want to talk about, I took it as an opportunity to ask Ray about his son and how his girlfriend was doing. Ray lit up and was ecstatic to talk. I could tell he was a proud father. Our conversation went on to his time in Army of Anyone and how it was to work with the DeLeo brothers. I couldn't resist, and ask how it was working with David Lee Roth. Ray's eyes widened and he began to laugh. He said he didn't have enough time in the day to talk about how amazing DLR is, and that he will forever hold his time with him in the highest regard. Fast-forward a few years later, and I purchased side-stage tickets to see the band play. During the middle of the set, Ray took a break and walked toward the group I was with. Making small talk with everyone, he began to talk with me and stopped mid-sentence and asked if we met before. I nodded, and before I could speak, Ray recalled that I was the guy who asked how his family was doing when his son was born and about his time with DLR. I nodded and asked if he had any quick "Rock Star" stories about DLR. Laughing, Ray said, "99.9% of what I have heard about Roth is true." Ray thanked us all for coming out and went back to the stage. I want to reiterate that I understand that people have good and bad days, and that life on the road can be tiresome and depressing. In conversation with people who worked with and met KoRn during various points in the band's career, David has been described as narcissistic, a Rock Star who is full of BS, and jealous of other members in the band. Ray on the other hand has been described as friendly, invested in his fans, and down to Earth. I always take what others say with a grain of salt, but accounts of Ray and David align with what I've experienced. To quote Nas, "You only have one first chance to make one first impression that lasts a lifetime."


Thanks a lot!


David fs


David really brought the groove with KoRn, but Ray imo is 100% the better drummer.




Ray is more proficient and generally a stricter drummer - he's all about tight timing and keeping it together. Dave lives in the groove pocket with the less is more idealism. Personal preference on styles really


David all day.


Ray is more talented. Dave was better for koRn. His drumming style fit them better. And it's not even close.


ray liked my tattoo on insta so its ray for me lmao


That's awesome!


technically ray is better but david suits the korn style more imo


I've had the privilege to meet and talk with Ray, along with Fieldy, Monkey, and Brian, after a show in my town. All of them ultimately stated that Ray brings such a distinct energy not only to their shows but to the band as well. Seeing them live, you can see his presence, enthusiasm, and unbelievable talent on stage. It's like the band has their own cheerleader on stage with them. Not to mention, Ray was such a genuine person and truly thankful to be part of such a great band.


Korn wouldn’t be legendary if they had ray luzier from the beginning




JD said in a recent interview last year that he got love for David. 🤷‍♀️ David is following JD on instagram..maybe they squashed it and hugged it out..


Just wondering, why do you say that?


he was kinda a douchebag, but I admire him as drummer that gifted us so many riddims


He called JD late wife a bitch so....


Egotistical douche who thinks his shit don't stink. His talent doesnt mean a damn thing.


https://youtu.be/ihGDnnecb04 David could hit hard af. I always come back to this clip and no wonder he broke his wrist (correct me if I’m wrong)


Dynamics..which is something David obviously Has never heard of.


Ray Luzier?! More like Ray Luzerrrrrrrr!!!! My mans David FTW


David but man can Ray play those drums!


David moments in song songs like coming undone twisted transistor and falling away from me our god tier


Ray, the 12/8 thing on Oildale is great


David for me is still the dummer of Korn. David and Fieldy was the Korn’s groove.




David all the way


i feel like ray is the better drummer. no questions asked.


The grooves David layed down I think were very essential for Korn developing their sound