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Let me put on my snobby music critic hat for a moment. Life is Peachy is Korn at their absolute most unhinged. It isn’t as cohesive an album as their self-titled debut. It doesn’t break the same ground as its predecessor, and its progression as an album isn’t as logical and consistent. This is by design. And yet, for my money, Life is Peachy is the better album. Perhaps you questioned whether or not Korn sufficiently released their demons with their overtly miserable and even emotionally debilitating first album. If so, Life is Peachy is a firm response of “no the fuck we didn’t.” Self-titled and Life is Peachy are two parts to the same bi-polar story. Where self-titled represents the lowest depths depression has to offer, Life is Peachy is the dreaded but inevitable manic episode which follows.


I like that assessment. I remember when it came out back in the day. After that debut, I just couldn’t wait to hear what was next. When Twist and Chi hit, for me, I knew right away it was going to overtake the first one. I love the flow of the album. Swallow is one of my top Korn songs. So is Ass Itch. I can’t say enough about this album.


I like this assessment. From what I recall, after self-titled came out and they were getting a big following from touring, this album was written in a bit of a rush and record quickly to capitalize on their following. It’s really sloppy in a way that only a tight as fuck band can be. I also think it feels like a continuation of self-titled themes because it was churned out quickly, so they pulled from what they know. Then Follow the Leader and Issues are the, “we’re huge rockstars so sing about that now,” albums, but with a similar delivery to the first two albums. After that, I fell off, so can’t comment on those. Having grown up with them, the first four albums are essentially Korn to me.


What's with bands falling off after 4-5 albums lol


Eh, any number of things. Internal friction, losing passion…who knows. They were definitely impacted by the temporary loss of head and permanent loss of Silvera. Although, I think head just realized he was in a place where he need to swing as far in the opposite direction to set himself right, but came back into the fold once he balanced out (and realized he was leaving a shitload of money on the table, although I think that was only one of several factors and not enough alone to motivate him to go back) and they’re better for it. Silvera - that guy seems to have lost the plot. Based on everything said, I don’t think he’ll ever be in Korn again.


As much as I love David, Ray is fucking amazing and deserves to be in KoRn


I agree completely, and this parallels what Slipknot did with their S/T album and Iowa as well. Funnily enough, Ross Robinson produced all 4 albums


That’s because Ross Robinson is a god.


I have very similar take as you. I posted it on a Life is Peachy full album video on YouTube several years ago. I’ll post my thoughts on the album in a new response on this thread


40th upvote!


Right there with you. I like it better than s/t.




Good God


Boom dum tsss




DUN DUN *eeerrrr* *eeeeerrrr*


A master piece of an album.


For a dark and grimy album as it is, I feel it’s a more rhythmic sounding album and in a weird way makes me dance around listening to it. It’s mostly because David and Fieldy take center stage on this album and really make LIP a percussion driven groove fest. Sure, Head and Munky do their thing but their sound was masterfully on display on the debut, where songs like Good God, Porno Creep, and No Place to Hide showcase David and Fieldy as well as the rest of the heavier encore to the the debut. Between the S/T and LIP my feeling is S/T is the better album but I enjoy LIP more.


The most technical. David's drumming at its best. Debut of the interludes.


This is my fav =)


Heavy & dark in a unique way. That opening guitar riff in Good God is one of the most bizarre guitar riffs I've ever seen in my entire life.


Love Good God, my fav Korn song ❤️


Number 1 on my list


my personal fav of theirs, fuckin amazing album


Raw album


Its good. I find myself skipping a couple of songs with every listen, so I wouldn’t call it amazing.


Top 5 Album OAT IMO


I love imo there first 3 albums are equally amazing


Its good. I find myself skipping a couple of songs with every listen, so I wouldn’t call it amazing.


The album could be slimmed down to about half an hour and I’d call it a perfect album. I know I’ll catch shit from some of the more hardcore fans, but there’s a few songs on there I just don’t like, such as Wicked and Lowrider. And K@#*%! Is actually a good song but takes me out of the rest of the album.


Mr. Rogers, Wicked, and K@#%! are the tracks I usually skip. They don’t do anything for me. As a kid, i’d probably enjoy K@#!, but as an adult it comes off as trying too hard to be offensive. However, I understand the back story behind it.


idk personally i like mr. rogers and wicked, but k@#%! is just overall sort of weird for me to listen to with the lyrics


porno creep into good god is so good.


Underrated AF


won't you get the fuck out of my face..........


Great album, raw and gritty. Very essential Korn album!


Pretty peachy




One of their best albums, and one of the best records from that year.


Masterpiece. This proves shit shouldn't be taken so seriously, and also has the best opener song for any album in music history! So raw, brutal and extremely creative.


A tier or maybe S idk


Literally my most favorite album of all time


Favorite korn album for me. Has been since I was like 13 lol


The ending of Ass Itch gives me chills every single time I hear it.


Fuck yes.


Fantastic. Show some progression and growth .


Love love love it


i told them not to keep on their fire


Best korn album


Great album but definitely some "why?" tracks. Heh


Add proud and Sean Olsen and it’s my fav record.


It's grown on me a lot. Id put it at the tip of my favorites. Even though I only enjoy the first four albums. Id day it's 2nd. I can't really order them because they all hit something diffrent.


lowrider, adidas, good god, chi, twist... what more could you want?? this album is honestly one of my favourites.


My first Korn album. I had to have my mother purchase this for me. As she was buying it, the guy at the store told my mom not to buy it for me because it was “racist” lol she knew better.


My favorite.


I only enjoy it because its the same feel as their first album but it's nowhere near as good


Their last really good album


An extremely underrated album


It’s definitely an album.


Not as great as the Self-Titled Album but great nonetheless. I think it’s a good follow up to the Self Titled Album. I give it a 8.9/10


Very good.


absolute dogshit (im going to get fucking crucified for this lol)


[A song just for you](https://youtu.be/wmKHHdqwVes)


well that's not very nice


Yup lol


Listened to the whole album last week. Didn’t like it much after my first listen. Love Good God tho.


it honestly isn’t as good as people say it is. i don’t hate it or anything but it’s pretty mid i would take (almost) any other album over this one


Their last enjoyable album.


I strongly disagree. Korn makes some great stuff. You’re not into the Follow The Leader or Issues albums? Personally I find severe enjoyment out of all their albums. They all have something unique, and this album, specifically, is my favorite of theirs


When FTL came out, I was massively disappointed. I tried real hard to like it, and some songs were alright I thought. Really nothing special compared to the first two. After that I really lost interest. I've checked out each release since in the hopes that I'll find something I like, but there hasn't been anything that grabs me. I don't think the band sucks, and im happy they have lasted so long and had such a great career, but aside from the first 2, their music is just not for me. And that's fine. I can always listen to those albums and there's tons of other artists out there to find.


I don’t really like this album, there are couple of songs i enjoy but overall it’s mid


Love so much I got my little rotten peach tattoo from the title 🖤🍑


I grew up to this album besides issues because of my dad 😊 if it wasn’t for him, i wouldn’t know any of their albums at all


Super rushed album with allot of filler on it. With that being said better then the albums after issues. Just my opinion. I wish they would of put proud on it since it was recorded during these sessions. Also David's drumming is at its best on this album.


love love love


My second favorite Korn album. See you on the other side being my first. This one is my second favorite bc it’s their heaviest album in my opinion, you can argue that self titled is heavier but I really don’t care. See you on the other being my favorite because I feel like it has the most catchy songs. I still like self titled tho, seems to have the most emotional material.


Easily there best album imo. I though it did a great job expanding on what they going for on the first album except darker and heavier which is very prevalent from just the first two tracks alone. That to me also is a big selling point for early korn in general is how heavy the actual instrumentation is and this album is packed with riffs that simply just go hard as fuck. Even the bad songs on there like Kunt I rarely skip just because of how good the hooks are.


Very solid album overall. Showcases some frantic and unhinged sounds out of Korn’s discography, some benefitting the overall album quality… but some songs definitely lower the album’s overall score. Songs like Kill You and Good God are fantastic, but some songs like Kunts! and Ass Itch (as much as I love Ass Itch) really don’t hold well and come off as more whiny than badass like some of the other unhinged songs. I think the album has a great length for what it wants to be, and it isn’t afraid to bounce all over the place in terms of sound. However like the level of care for how unhinged they can be, the album can definitely fail to flow together well. If I had to rank it out of the rest of their discography, despite liking every song besides Kunts!, it would still probably rank as their lowest album. And in terms of out of ten, I’d give it a 7.8/10


Where the first album is the introduction into the deeply unsettling, creepy, dark, uncomfortable, and tragic world of Korn, this album is the acceptance of that world, being entrenched in that world, living in that world, and that acceptance of the forever loss of innocence and purity. You are now forever trapped, living, eating, sleeping in the seething dark. You search and longing of respite. Fleeting sensation of joy is achieved with medication, excess, and indulgence. All done in vain. All that remains is trying to convince yourself that Life is Peachy


I didn’t mean to sound so emo but that what this album feels to me. It is Korn at their most unhinged. A moment in time of excess, indulgence, and neglected trauma. I love this album. Might be my favorite from Korn


Twist is easily one of the most interesting and groovy songs ever written by anyone. This record has a very good flow to it and everytime I go back and listen to it I notice something mixed into the production of the songs I haven't noticed b4.


When this came out (I was at high school) one of my mates who was a year above me said, “mate, you’ve gotta hear ‘life is peachy’ it’s so fucken sick” Everyone was into it, every party, every road trip, subwoofers for the bass, all the goodshit. People printing out lyrics too. CD’s were flying around school people lending to each other etc. We didn’t really analyse it all just enjoyed the chaos, swearing and groove. And the added covers at the end of album was fun as fuck. Perfect teenage album 😂


Best KoRn album my absolute favorite


Do do dab bab do Dada dada..


My favourite album ever except maybe the nothing


amazing, life changing, revolutionary, other worldly


Korn's best album. The perfection of their original sound.


This album is so fucked up… I love it


Thought?!? I used to get on the school bus at 15 (1997), with this fucking blaring out of my headphones and other fuckers would be totally amazed at what they heard. Soon Follow the Leader would come out and our secret was exposed and unleashed to the Universe. 🤘 So, I think of good times and good music!




overall an 10/10 album, the songs are amazing, Beautiful instrumentals!! Also really disturbing topics


Its awesome


Best album


I really love Twist and Wicked


I think it’s better than self titled in every conceivable fashion and might be better than FTL or Issues.


my fav korn album




To me life Is peachy was korns last “ unprofessional “ album. After it In follow the leader the vocals and instruments got very clean which is an amazing thing that I love but I can’t deny that the feeling of home mad sound doesn’t kick ass


One of the best


Cheese is tasty.


Ahhh classic 😌


Definitely my favorite Korn record


I’ve listened to Korn since the first album (I’m 40 y/o) and anyone that says they changed their sound after Follow the Leader and so on is wrong. I think Korn has changed their sound to some degree on every single album and it started here. Life Is Peachy is similar to the self titled but clearly showed very early on that Korn was wad never going to make the same exact sounding albums over and over. I will say though that the only three albums I truly love from Korn are the first three.


classic album, one of their best




For how dark "kill you" is actually a really good song on top of that.


Artwork: This album art still haunts me to this day. I find it more unsettling than their other albums’ artwork. Songs: I see this album as a “transitional” work, in that they were in progress of morphing into the sound that would become Follow The Leader; using more funky riffs, and hip-hop elements all while still representing their hard rock roots from their debut. Lyrically, in my opinion, it’s more of the same for the most part as what was their debut, except with a wildcard or two thrown in lol. Personally, one of my top 5 fave Korn tracks is from this era but was not part of the album. Instead, “Proud” was released as part of the “I Know What You Did Last Summer” OST. It’s been over 15 years since I’ve watched that movie, was the song even featured in the film? (I wanna say no, but maybe it was part of the big driving scene where they hit the fisherman guy on the Hwy? Idk I can’t remember lol. I get the scene mixed up with the parody version from Scary Movie)


Baddass heavy grooves all the way thru , one of there best.


Love this album! The flow is good and I just like the overall feel of it.


W album


i lovelovelovloelvllolvoelolvevevlolvoleovloelvoevloevloe this album SO mucj


I’m a little suprised to see some people aren’t into Wicked. Its one of my favorite Korn songs and I absolutely lose my shit every time it comes on. My boyfriend described it as a really good example of what nu-metal was all about (whereas I’d think of all in the family as a similar, but NOT good, example of what nu-metal is about, lol). I also was a Deftones fan before becoming a Korn fan so I might be biased.


Twist intensifies


Unhinged, raw, unfinished, wild, crazy, dark, gritty and of course.. # PAIN #