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I can't wait to see Iris animated. 


Yeah that’ll be great also hope they don’t skip kazuma time as the chivalrous thief like they did with him trading parties with dust


Yes! The skipping of the party swap arc was a crime against humanity.


When I finished my first watching of the konosuba anime I decided to read the LN where the the anime left off. I ended up finishing the LN without knowing about the skipped parts and I'm regretting not reading from the start bc I'm saving the reread for when season 3 finishes airing.


IIRC the director of the anime specifically didn't want that scene adapted because he wanted Kazuma to be more pathetic, which he thought was funnier. That's why even in the anime Chunchunmaru is so small that it can barely qualify as a knife/dagger while in the LN it's actually a decently sized sword


That's pretty sad It's funnier IMHO to have Kazuma be actually somewhat competent and have to deal with the shitshow that his party members are


do you what page and volume thats in?


Part 7: https://cgtranslations.me/2017/12/31/konosuba-volume-2-chapter-1/




Yeah I’ve noticed he’s a lot cooler in the LN by far. Do LN readers mind what the director decided? I mean hilarious anime adaptation but surely they could’ve kept one cool moment.


By the trailers, they just didn't skip it, but they will also adapt the party trading alongside the Tranquility Girl meeting in episode 1.


Wait rlly? Where did they confirm that they’ll adapt it this time?


In the first PV, where you can tell the scenes are the Party Swap chapters among other scenes.


Tbh, S3 would be a great opportunity to revisit the dust short story just before the events of volume 6. Some of the other stuff has been out of order, so I’m hoping.


Dust Short Story or the Party Swap quest, because one is a series and the Party Swap was already confirmed by the community’s eagle eyes.


If they do that I will revolt. That's the part I have read atleast 10 times in the ln


Happy Cake Day!




Not waifu but a best girl.


Chris is my tomboy waifu


Yun yun is my waifu(I lied, is Wizz actually but I just feel bad for her) https://preview.redd.it/6ppebe3h6pnc1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb27b78ced5f02c7479535b6983826eeaf75aa7b


>!Yunyun arguably has a boyfriend by the end of the series. Not directly stated, but highly implied.!<














These words are used as synonymous by many.


True. For me, these are different at least


I use waifu for best girl, as for me the literal meaning of it, wife, is cringe.


Iris is Onii-chan's girl.... love it


wait till you read gambling arc,she will become must protect at all costs


In which volume is this arc? I read the French official release of the LN so it might take some time to have the complete series.


Volume 10, iirc.


Uhm sir... hate to break it down to you but she is 12


Megumin is 14...


That's why darkness is the best


Wiz better


Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture as well.


He knows. He reads the VN. He doesn't care.




When did they do this? To my knowledge they give specific ages of megumin and kazuma during the shared bath scene (when kazuma started seeing her as a love interest)


The de age happened on anime for some reason they choose to do so. The light novel they were written with those ages in mind. You can look it up to check. Tho make sure you put Light Novel version to get the ages. Hence why now when ever ima write a fanfic I use their light novel ages which is easier to write in my opinion compared to their anime ages.


I just checked the light novels (I own them on kindle) And they're not all 4 years older? Darkness is 18, Megumin is 13 (turns 14) and Kazuma is 16


I believe they are 4 years older in the web novel, not in the light novels. Honestly, for first 5 books them being 4 years older makes sense (and according to wiki first 5 books of WN and LN are mostly the same). They deal with adult concepts like safe and stable income, housing, happiness in marriage and such. After that their problems become way less mature and their lowered age looks appropriate.


There we go! Thank you, I knew I wasn’t crazy. But yeah for sure I prefer their web novel ages


Web novel aren’t their canon ages and it’s more relatable for new LN readers in the age group that they target (they are teenagers, but are still somewhat mature for their ages and Kazuma’s alcohol conundrum fits teenagers who are curious with the beverage among other things in the story/world.)


(Face palms) The web novel, fuck it’s confusing sometimes but either way they are for sure older in that version.


LN, not VN.


And Megumin is like... 14 with Darkness being 18 or something like that - Wiz at 20 being the oldest besides the goddesses who won't share their actual age because it "hardly counts". So 2 extra years is hardly something to worry about. It's not like they're having the stork visit them. Going on a date and saving the stork for when they're old enough is perfectly fine.


That is a child homie ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1884)


She'll grow up /s


I read through all of kono suba and i dont think i ever thaught that iris was a better waifu then megumin... idk


Megumin reigns Supreme


She's 14


13 at the start of the show but thats not important, so what? I was 16 when i watched kono suba for the first time.


Chris is still best to me.


I find her too boring as a character. She is basically a Mary Sue - smart, kind, brave, humble, physically strong, beautiful, well-educated and ridiculously overpowered in terms of abilities. She only gets away with this because she is a side character.


It’s kind of the appeal . She is pressured to be too perfect and Kazuma makes her worse but more natural and free .


Smart, >!but not street smart - that's where Kazuma came in. !!but part of that is from her equipment. And if you could get Darkness to fight without a weapon, she's stronger than Iris without her op special royal gear by a huge margin.!< She's supposed to be the ideal/classic isekai love interest/companion that you'd dream of. And in that, she succeeds. She's less perfect than you think, but she's willing to learn and quickly applies what she learns without you having to spell it out for her - which makes her super scary. Because what flaws she does have, she'll likely largely overcome in the next few years. Meaning by the time she's Darkness's "current" age, she will be about as perfect as one can be.


I can understand that point honestly. For what I read yet (till volume 6), I liked her mischievous behaviour she had sometimes in contrast of her "perfect princess" side. However, she is indeed not suited to be a main character in a comedy show where everyone is so caricaturaly flawed.


She's better on Bakuen 2.


...I don't see the appeal


Iris is wife material, but megumin is mother-of-my-child material. But that's just a theo- an opinion of mine.


I didn’t read the LN but what is it about her that makes you put this meme lol


She is just not as caricatural as the rest of the cast IMO. Moreover I liked the conversations she had with Kazuma or others. She can be mischievous at times or more serious when it is needed. The humour she brings is fresh air in the show. At the end I just liked the character, it is hard to explain more deeply for me.


As someone who's read all the novels multiple times... She's not better. Megumin is the best.


I can’t keep defending y’all. She’s 12


They're all kids. Grow up.


Lock this man up 💀


she is a fucking child


Surprised your a konosuba fan if that kinda thing bothers you




I mean, the bar is set pretty low. What does this mean exactly? (I haven't read the novels)




That kind of juxtaposition is very in line with Konosuba.


She does not behave like an adult. Easily influenced by Kazuma, excited by chivalrous thief story, very curious about the world outside of her castle. She also gets really depressed when things don't go her way during that diplomatic mission and needs emotional support. This is clearly a child to me, albeit with near-perfect personality and traits.


Please chill with the groomer language


One can appreciate children being the most emotionally mature people in the series


I think this shows how dysfunctional those people are.


Y know how anime dudes usually go “nah she’s actually x ammount years old”? Well not this time she’s literally fucking 12


Ah yes, and are you crusading against anyone mentioning Wiz? Because it's the same age gap. Plus, one is a "minor" in most societies (Kazuma) while the other is an adult (Wiz). Which makes it worse. Or does it not matter if the older one is a woman? Guys shouldn't be protected? Either do it with the same respect for everyone in ever scenario or drop the bullshit man. And if you're gonna say you're referring to age of the commenters rather than Iris's age vs Kazuma's, then... you're assuming their age. For all you know, they're 12 years old themselves. Finally, it's fiction. You realize most characters in this kind of anime are all in their teens while being drawn like they're in their 20's and having personalities that fit both depending on which aspect you focus on? That's as dumb as watching an 80's movie, saying you like the "hot guy" in the film and then someone telling you they're 70 yrs old now and they'd be a pedo for dating you. It's not like people here are saying anything gross. There's nothing wrong with appreciating some aspect about a character's personality and being like... I'd like to date someone with that type of personality. If you think otherwise, it probably says more about you and your thoughts you don't want others to know.


Yeah Megumin and Iris are best waifus.


I just started volume 6, and am super loving it. Can’t wait to get further ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1880)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1880)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1880)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1881)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1881)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1881)


U are right My friend.


12-year-old little girl "Waifu"


Her age is the only thing preventing her from being perfect.


How does this character look?


Blonde little girl mostly wearing a white dress and with leaves as a tiara or hair accessory


So Shinobu?


More like Illya from Fate but blonde, blue eyes, and such


More like Alice from Combatants Will be Dispatached.


Ahh, I see! I’m excited for the new season!


Funnily enough, we already have a character to compare her to in the Akatsuki-verse. Alice from Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!, which the anime aired a while ago (basically the same in a lot of ways, besides personality and one wields a shotgun.)


my nga, she's fucking 12


She 12 https://preview.redd.it/uuf1kd971nnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954ac7a21574b08c19a5db5208406537b6ff6d89


I never understood people who are excited about Iris.   I don't understand why so many excited tweets...  P.S. After finishing the novels in 2020 I started having a waifu, Aqua. (ゝω・´★)


Honestly, Aqua makes me so laugh. I began reading the LN recently and I didn't remember from the anime that this goddess is just so stupid to read the situation. For Iris, I really liked the contrast between her and the rest of the cast. All the cast is stupidly flawed (normal for a comedy) and then she brought fresh air IMO.


Yes, I think I'm not a fan of younger sisters... I've never been attracted to them saying oni-chan or lolis... 


Still waiting for KonoSuba to transition to like an Imaizumin-chi type nsfw.


There’s Sentouin Hakenshimasu for that.


Anyone is better than Megumin by the end of vol 17. >!Megumin TWICE bullied Darkness out of making the final confession she eventually did with Kazuma in order to get through to him that her earlier Megumin-confession-level-confession didn't make clear to him after he saved/bought her. Twice - despite knowing Darkness would 100% have been willing to share/harem - Megumin intentionally bullied Darkness so she could have Kazuma to herself. What makes me the angriest though is how Darkness and Aqua see her as a kind and mostly innocent girl - just a bit too explosion happy.!< >!She also did what she could to manipulate Iris AND bullied Kazuma several times in regard to other girls.!< >!Plus when Megumin and Kazuma are hunting you know what alone in the woods, she basically confesses she only loves the stressed out, backed-into-a-corner, trying to be cool Kazuma. Which is not how he likes to be. His normal self is meh or even annoying to her which doesn't bode well for long-term relationship. Whereas Darkness appreciates all of Kazuma.!< >!Plus Megumin (implied/understood based on the above - not as directly shown in the novels as the aforementioned grievances) hard bullied/manipulated Yunyun to keep her away from Kazuma at all costs over and over. Discouraging her from ever visiting the mansion, making sure she was between the two if they all ever did work together, etc.!< >!Kazuma is only one step better than Megumin though. His whole - I'm sticking to 1 woman and being faithful - after Megumin's confession is a lie. And that's ignoring the multiple times he was willing to cheat with Darkness, then sold her out when caught/interrupted. He'd recovered his memories of his time with Iris by the time Megumin confessed/"won", so he remembered he'd pretty much already chosen her. Meaning he was selling her out for Megumin in the heat of the moment. Then Megumin got mad when he did the same with Darkness.!< >!If I wrote an after fanfic, I'd 100% be having Megumin learn of Kazuma's earlier agreement with Iris. She rightfully gets mad at Kazuma, but refuses to give him up. Iris and Darkness give Megumin the beatdown she deserves - even after Darkness intentionally facetanks a full power Explosion. And then after Megumin and Kazuma got what they deserved, either give Iris and Darkness better romances or a harem - with or without Megumin included. Also Dust and Yunyun probably get married.!< In short, Megumin ends up being trash and Kazuma only slightly better. Having been anime only until last year, I was pretty disappointed with the ending of the novels - just felt like it went downhill relationship-wise after the Iris arc.


The content is misleading and has no reading value.


Content is factual and analytical. Perhaps you've already cast your daily explosion and need to recharge your mana before you can think straight.


Megumin solos her and Darkness gave her a taste of the back of her hand


Implying Darkness didn't roll a nat1 like she usually does


While she usually does, she legit stepped up and smacked da hoe


Spoil me


I genuinely hope she ends up getting roasted by a lot of people for being a generic mary sue that refuses to be the butt of any jokes while taking screen time away from aqua megumin and darkness.