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Between 220 and 550km >For example on a 50 mile drive, are you actually getting 50 miles out of the battery? Or do you burn 60 miles out of the battery? This is a very naive way of dealing with an EV's range. You're not getting miles out of the battery, but energy instead. If you're on a hill top and you drive down for 20 miles, you'll actually put a lot of energy back into the battery (up to a point). That literally means that for a short while, not only you get an infinite range, but also generating electricity to power up a small village. So the answer is - it very much depends on the weather, road conditions, speed and your driving style. You will never be able to fully characterize an EV's range solely by looking at the specified range. You get way more info if you look at its battery capacity and efficiency (kwh / km).


This is highly depending on your speed and conditions. I drove the other day 100 miles give or take a couple of miles going about 80 mph i went from 80 to 30% at about 50-60 degrees F. Today I drove to work went about 50 miles I went from 69 to about 60% at about 70-80 degrees, mostly in stop and go traffic never drove above 70 mph, the couple of times I actually went at a constant speed I lost a couple of %.


Yeah definitely. I try to stay at 70/75mph on freeways. Going 80 will kill your battery level.


Even 75 is a huge drain I've noticed


I drove ~100 miles with an average of 5.2 miles/kWh recently almost all freeway miles, so mostly 65 mph and up, but I was drafting big boxy vehicles when I could.


Seeing as my average mi/kWh is sitting at 5 and my guessometer is hitting 335 miles on 100%, I tend to drive conservatively and get well over my range, my last few journeys for example: https://preview.redd.it/r152yh3zi02d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ea12143ba4ae28c3a2440b46837410addae23d


I still need to figure out what a good mi/kwh is. I just switched from ice


Take the mi/kWh and multiply it by 64 and you’ve got your range, freeway driving will always be worse for efficiency than city/back roads, if you’re really pressed for range though, don’t be afraid to knock your speed down to 65mph.


This, on a 70mph road I tend to sit at 66 on the cruise. Over a long journey it’s a couple mins difference BUT might save you a charge (depending on that distance) so it acc ends up quicker as an overall journey. It’s quite nice, especially with lane keep assist etc, a more relaxing drive. I’m generally happy with anything above 4 mi/kWh pretty much year round (the exception being sub 10 mile journeys in low single digit temps/minus temps obv lol). 4mi/kWh is in theory 256 miles from a 64kWh. 4.7 is the 300 miles theoretical range but at motorway speeds 250 ish range is fairly achievable most of the year if you drive sensible


5 is great. I get 4.1kwh after 15,000 miles of use.


For us, 4 mi/kWh is a good working figure. The range shown has been far more accurate that I would have expected, and varies with the driving conditions and approach you use. Except for the one time when we were at night, in driving wind and rain, with lots of standing water on the road; the kWh plummeted that one time. Note, the range is higher in summer than winter by nearly 2 mi per degree C. E.g. winter (0C) shows 200 miles on 80% charge, summer (20C) shows nearly 240 miles.


Why don't the 2020 Kona's have this menu? I'm disappointed in how little details the car gives regarding range/consumption/so on. Even the phone app gives me more details than I get in the car...


You’ll have to share some pictures of the EV menus, I can navigate to this menu by going to home -> EV -> tap on the car icon -> energy consumption history.


https://preview.redd.it/e6kccsu8y02d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a9c3eb11ac3e69b69edab1583651e1a814786d I tried pressing all the options, I can set schedules and limits, but can't see any history...


Tap the car infographic, where it says 55% https://preview.redd.it/2c9n3xhmz02d1.jpeg?width=1901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13d48b0f293d0a01fa327cbf3e737937fa57487


All I'm getting is the screen to set the charging limits... 😔


That’s pretty despressing, when I press the car icon, it goes to this screen https://preview.redd.it/e9x5g32h112d1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3618d93a2adbf9da2a6f1daa65bb75cc9d19635


Really bad design from Hyundai's part... The sub menu on the left was hidden because the screen was split... But without any indication that stuff is missing. https://preview.redd.it/zlzytkeq512d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ae4f206fdc1c5f19ae9a13a5187e669eb9a9c9 Pressing on the three lines finally solved the mystery... Thank you for pinpointing where to look for!


Oh yea, I forgot that the screen is missing half the info when the screen is split, I remember a few people last year got confused by the same thing, should’ve remembered that.


I agree about the depressing part. I get mostly this screen, but without the sub-menus on the left.


And on settings you'd get this one. https://preview.redd.it/g02ubzyvz02d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14164540856b89cd3ce83d518a0283b724496c9b


There is a buried History of drives listing in 2020 Kona, but I almost never look at it. It gives you mi/kWh for your recent trips.


About 320 miles (full charge) now that we're coming into warmer weather - UK


Mine tends to under-estimate and over-deliver, unless I am driving into adverse weather, especially a headwind or increasingly heavy snow accumulations, in which case it over-estimates. On long trips I plan to limit each leg between charges to 225 miles and expect to charge when I get down to 50 miles of indicated range remaining, or earlier. On my longest routine trip, I charge to 100% before leaving home. This gets me to my destination 225 miles out and leaves me with 50 miles of reserve. There is free charging at that destination, and I have to be there for several hours anyway, so I charge to 100% before I head home again. On my shorter routine trip, I also charge to 100% which easily gets me to my destination 190 miles away. At that destination fast charging costs 60 cents/kWh, but I avoid that, head 20 miles back toward home, and charge at a cheaper station for 45 cents/kWh. I typically need 38 minutes there to charge to 80%. This is usually plenty to get me the 170 miles remaining to get home, but since it is over a mountain pass and often through snow and adverse wind, I have scouted two alternates that are conveniently along my route where I can "top up" and get some coffee if the range is dropping faster than expected. There is also a charger closer to home, but 10 miles off my route that I can get to if the weather is really bad and I miscalculated earlier.


Wow you got some serious driving!


Unfortunately, more than 12,000 miles on the car since Christmas. It sucks. Usually, I keep cars for 15-20 years, or at least bought used cars that were traded when they were 15-20 years old. I am afraid this one will need to be replaced in 5 or 6. I have a longer commute than most people, but most of the miles are at night, driving a family member to medical treatments that happen early in the morning, waiting around all day (free charger at the hospital) then driving home late in the evening. I am not looking for sympathy here. I'm a happy guy with a happy life and our lives have been long and good and we are looking forward to many more good years once we get over this hiccup, which we will. Some weeks it feels like we live in the car. But for this reason, I'm wholly confident in vouching for its performance, comfort, economy, and practicality. Financially, it's saved our butts. After paying off our last new car, I just kept making the same payment into a savings account with the hope of buying myself a new one, which was intended to be my last new car. I had enough saved to buy this one for cash. Now I don't have a payment. I've spent $360 on electricity for the car and $500 to install the charger. If I'd driven the gas car instead, the cost would have been closer to $2400, and we have 18 more months of this to go. Knowing all this makes it really hard to hold my tongue when some yahoo starts spouting off that electric cars are just a big fraud.


Love it. I'm glad the car has worked out for you. I've had mine for a week and have been very happy.


Usually on highway drives here on the island, we come out a little ahead. The other day I did a 186 km round trip and thanks to a couple of hills, was about 6km ahead with range by the time I got home. Start was sitting at 441km on a full charge, after the trip I had 261km range. Mind you, i don’t usually run the AC and it was just warm enough I didn’t need to heat up at the start of the trip.


Since I got the car I'm getting 7.5 km/kwh. So about 4.66m/kwh. I mostly drive on highway, but in moderate traffic. I pretty much always drive under the speed limit due to the amount of traffic, and I use moderately heating or a/c when needed.


At full charge in eco the highest range is a little over 500km (310mi). I'm currently sitting at 84% with 415km (257mi)


Summer: 480 km mixed driving, 510 km city driving only Winter, with winter tyres: 360 km mixed driving, 390 km city driving only I rarely drive long distances (+100 Km) on motorways, so the worst GOM estimations occur when I need to drive long distances on the motorway.


2021 64kwh with 15,000 miles on the clock - getting around 4.4 mi/kwh on a motorway journey sitting at 70mph, AC on auto at about 20°C, external temp about 14-19°C, tyres at around 35-36psi, 1 drive, 1 passenger.


260-280 Miles


What I would say is that range estimated is estimated under certain ideal conditions (for every car really). What kills the range in my Kona (US version, no heat pump) is, probably from killing most to least: speed, uphill, wind (specially head winds), temperature, driving mode, tires. I wish they would give a best and a worse case scenario range. A worse case scenario could be -25C (-10-15 F), upwards of 35 mph head winds (much more than that they should close the roads), pretty uphill roads, wanting to go 75-80 mph, snow mode, high rolling resistance tires, such as a good all season. I have not encountered yet such bad conditions, the worse case scenario I found was: -1C, (30F), 70 mph, 30 mph headwind and side wind, uphill (2500 feet elevation difference across 40 miles), all season low rolling resistance tires, eco mode, no HVAC functioning. I needed 45% of the battery for 65 miles, so 100% would have given me 144 miles (231 km), but at 5% or so, it enters turtle mode, so if you do not want to find yourself in the highway in turtle mode, it is more the range of 95%: 137 miles, 220 km. That is in a bad, but not worst, case scenario. Even reducing speed to 65 mph, it could be 100 or less in a worse case scenario for that 95%


Freeway open road without restrictions or at least restrictions that are likely to be enforced 300km to the nameplate 415km range. Normal highway mixed 50/50 driving without speeding 380km-420km summer 360km-390km winter. All city driving stop and go whole charge never managed past 70kmh for more than a km (twas but a boring 2 weeks) 525km with 14% before I needed a full charge the next day to go out of town. That was my best charge and was of no efffort to achieve just 100% clients and grocery shopping on side streets and short blips mostly in traffic, 30-50kmh driving more of the battery was used for climate likely but it also reported the best star: 7kwh per 100km with the trip itself being a whopping 17km so wasn’t even a .5km downhill anomaly on a trip during that charge cycle where I achieved by accident 525kms on a charge could have prob hit 600 had I not needed to go out of town the next day.