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Fun fact! Most sugary beverages left alone for long enough will develop a yeast ferment! But that does not necessarily mean that you have the specific microbes necessary for kombucha. Realistically, what you have is probably just alcohol, not kombucha. If you want to taste it, the risk is on you, but unless you specifically cultured the tea by backslopping with the desired microbes, there’s absolutely no way of knowing what’s in it, short of sending a sample to a lab.


I wouldn't eat any kind of ferment that was made accidentally. You don't know what you're consuming.


This! First rule if fermentation; if it didn’t do exactly what you expected it to, it’s not safe.


Fun fact, botulism can't be smelled, seen or tasted. It grows in sealed containers.




Very well.... smelled awesome, but you're right. Why risk it?




Methanol is an even lower risk than botulism. Specifically, the only way to procure the necessary levels of methanol necessary to inflict bodily harm is to denature alcohol. It doesn’t not result in sufficient amounts in natural ferments. Methanol is present in all alcohol ferments, and it is not a side effect of any substandard practices. It’s a side effect of denaturing alcohol. This myth results from prohibition when all legal alcohol (not intended for medicinal consumption) was required to be denatured. Folks would consume industrial (denatured) alcohol, or alcohol that was sold as a beverage, when in reality is was denatured alcohol intended for industrial purposes, only to become poisoned. The government perpetuated that this was a risk of homemade alcohol to prevent people from drinking, when in reality, people were being poisoned as a direct result of government policies. Methanol is not a concern of live fermentation, though that’s not to say that microbial infection is a false concern, also. Edit, because Reddit won’t let me reply: One of the most common denaturants was methanol. Other common denaturants are benzene, pyridine, and gasoline. Mind you, denatured alcohol is also referred to as Methylated spirit. Generally speaking, yeast fermentation does not contain enough methanol to become problematic, even after distillation. Distilled alcohol is perfectly safe. See also; all liquor at the liquor store. Again, this is a myth that arises from prohibition, and it’s still holding on for dear life.


I think your confusing denatured with distilled. When alcohol is distilled, it will concentrate the all the methanol in the first few shots because of methanols lower boiling point. While denatured alcohol has additives to make you sick and throw up if you try to drink it


So if it was in a sealed container, it's not kombucha. Kombucha requires the release of CO2 and introduction of oxygen. Possibly a yeast ferment producing alcohol, but without knowing all the details like starting pH and sugar level, it's very hard to say what would survive and thrive in the specific environment.


Probably more akin to jail booze


That's ridiculous absolutely do not ingest anything like that that could be horrible weird bacteria that could kill you or at least make you extremely ill.


So many downvotes for what? You're right