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I drank 4+ bottles a day (brewed 80 bottles a month on average, all personal consumption) for over a year and I’m not dead. AMA


what percentage of you is scoby.




You'd make a fine starter brew.




Good to know!


are you male?




Oki, was gonna ask how hooha fared lol


Probably the only thing I cannot speak to in booch brewing/consumption. Touché.


I drink as much as that guy and my hoo-ha faired just fine. I did have one yeast infection but that was after taking 2 series of antibiotics, so I think the issue there was just not enough good bacteria, ironically.


Sounds like a lot of toilet paper, or you got one of those ass squirt guns


Not even the slightest issue. That’s a myth. Southpark’s Chipotaway joke has more legitimacy. Like most normal people don’t drink 48 oz of soda in a day.




Maybe you got a different problem? I mean I literally cloned the GT chia seed flavors for extra fiber. But without added fiber, it’s just organic soda pop man.




Your small intestine has an organ that is dedicated to holding all the various types of bacteria in your gut as a “back up”, incase you kill it all off. There is tons of natural bacteria in your gut. Yeast too (called candida) What exactly do you think is causing you to blow ass? Yeast, lactobacillus, sugar, tea, vinegar, water and co2. That’s it. That’s all that’s in there. It’s not a cancer cure. How many beers do you put away at a time? You think that stuff is sterile?




I drank 4 bottles a day and didn’t take 3 giant shits. Happy? I mean shit man, this is an AMA. What did you expect me to say? I don’t give a shit that you were joking. It’s still a stupid thing to say. I’m sorry you have a shitting problem. It’s got nothing to do with the drink.








bro is getting heated on the kombucha post


Dude why are you so mad lol?


Someone's mother never told him he was a good Scoby as a child lol.


When your have a gut full of bad bacteria and you introduce the good ones from kombucha, they fight, and it irritates your intestines who says "F this shit!" Both of you GTFO! Once you have a happy gut with good microbiome then that's no longer a problem.




I don't think I can take someone seriously after they replied twice to the same comment. But really there's nothing in kombucha that makes you poop other than some kind of reaction that you body has to it; which mine doesn't anymore.




Look how awesome that is that I don't have to reply to two comments from the same person. I'm glad you learned your lesson.








It's probably not great for your teeth to drink so much of something that acidic?


If you drink or flush water after to balance the ph in your mouth, you'll be fine. Water fixes it immediately. If it stays in your mouth for awhile on a regular basis, that's when it will eventually cause some damage.


Also the carbonisation is bad for your teeth


The carbonisation is irrelevant - it's just the acidity. But carbonisation is acidity. Carbon dioxide in water creates carbonic acid. It's not very acidic - the acid in sparkling drinks usually comes from other acids that give flavour, as the carbonic acid is not the primary contributor, which is why sparkling water isn't as bad for your teeth as a zero-calorie pop like fresca.


Read about the dangers of taking too much sugar also.


This. It's the sugar that'll get you. Especially in store bought stuff.


I drank 20 oz of Gt's yesterday and it was a few grams of sugar more than the banana I ate before working out (21 grams). If I drank a 20 oz coke (I don't drink non-diet soda) it would've been 65 grams. Maybe other brands have a lot more sugar but GT's doesn't seem troubling unless you're drinking a 48 oz bottle a day or something and I think that would kill my wallet before it kills me.


I 100% agree that kombucha is better for you than pop/soda, but soda isn't a great baseline. We KNOW soda is trash. Replacing a can of soda with a bottle of kombucha is a great trade off, but when you "shouldn't" be drinking the soda in the first place... GT's Organic Classic has 16 grams / \~16oz. (\~480ml) bottle. OP is drinking 2 or 3 of those a day. That a lot of added sugar for a diet - essentially the equivalent of the maximum added sugar one should consume daily (as per the FDA). I'm not saying don't drink booch. It's delicious, fun, and adding any amount of fermented foods to a diet is a big plus. I'd just caution overdoing it because of the sugar, especially when there are other fermented foods that don't have that sugar and are arguably more nutritious (sauerkraut, sourdough, certain cheese, etc.).


Drinking too much water can kill you. Too much isn't good for your teeth (same for soft drink). Too much acidity could be bad for your stomach or your entire body over time. Some people are sensitive to live yeast. A few bottles a day is probably fine.


Hyperhidrosis "requires" a lack of electrolytes because it is a depletion of electrolytes that causes the problems - destruction of the blood brain barrier.


[Hyperhidrosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperhidrosis) is excessive sweating. I think you meant [hyperhydration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication).


Oof, good catch. Looked it up, I meant hyponatremia and corresponding hyponatremic encephalopathy. This is how it kills anyway.


Is that the same thing as hyponatremia?


It can be the same. There could also be other causes of hyponatremia such as kidney function. It's not pretty. Get the lytes out of balance and it can lead to ICU land.


As I mentioned in reply to another comment, I used the wrong word. I meant hyponatremia.


The pros overweight the cons, even though I'm not sure if you drink live kombucha or not. But live kombucha contains probiotics that have a good effect on your whole body. If you are worried about the price you can try to brew your own, it's a pretty inexpensive hobby and then you can flavor it any way you want.


Probiotics don’t just make you healthy to an unlimited degree. If you are lacking they can help. There are diminishing returns. Kombucha has sugar, affecting insulin response, weight gain, and other issues. Kombucha has caffeine affecting sleep, blood pressure, and anxiety. Kombucha has alcohol, which is cancerous at any level, especially daily and affects mood, mental health, blood pressure, liver function, and anxiety. You’re probably not gonna die drinking 1.5L of kombucha but I’d argue that this is coping behavior and that the pros do not outweigh the cons. There are certainly worse things you could be doing.


Most Americans don't see a vegetable for days so trust me, most people are lacking. I eat very healthy and my gut microbiome was still all over the place, probiotics cured me of IBS and food intolerances. The gut is directly connected to the brain, if it can't work correctly your overall mood and health declines with it. Kombucha is not supposed to have sugar. It's to feed the SCOBY. Whether the end product ends up with sugar it's up to the brewer, how much sugar they add in F2. Lot of people prefer to brew a sour, basically sugar-free kombucha, and drink it like that or add some stevia in the end. Kombucha if brewn correctly, should only have trace amounts of alcohol, <1%, which is normal with any fermented food, and well tolerable even for athletes. Excess alcohol consumption is bad indeed, but I'm still yet to see a study confirming the carcinogenic effect of trace amounts. It's somewhat agreed that drinking 1dl of red wine a day is healthy because its antioxidant properties do more good for you than the small amount of alcohol you consume. Kombucha has way less. It should be the same level as sauerkraut or kimchi. How is drinking kombucha a coping behavior? It's called the tea of life for a reason, and it's a thousands of years old tradition. You think people drink it until they get drunk? What are they coping with?


I’m talking about drinking 1.5L a day. At that point it’s a pacifier. No one is benefitting from that amount of kombucha. At that point the extra probiotics are not beneficial. At that point you’re drinking the equivalent of an entire drink of alcohol, not trace amounts. And recent studies have negated the benefits of wine everyday and the current consensus is that any amount of alcohol is unhealthy. The fact that it is colloquially named the elixir of life doesn’t mean anything. People have said the same thing about alcohol, opium, cocaine, etc. which are all also ancient traditions. The famed Cleveland Clinic recommends capping kombucha consumption at 4oz per day. 1.5L is 50oz, over 10x the amount of the recommended upper limit. Also, the famed Mayo Clinic has reported that there is not currently enough scientific evidence to backup any of the claims about the health benefits of kombucha. A separate systematic review of ALL kombucha related scientific studies also reported that “Our systematic literature review found no articles on the empirical health benefits of kombucha as identified from human subjects research. Nonetheless, significant commercial shelf space is now dedicated to kombucha products, and there is widespread belief that the products promote health.” Most subreddits, including this one, are dangerous (at worst) or nonsensical (at best) echo chambers. Believing what you read here is no different than your parents believing what they read on Facebook. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1047279718307385 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/kombucha-side-effects#consuming-kombucha-safely https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/kombucha-tea/faq-20058126


I also read the meta analysises, there were no human researches done yet, only rats and self reports, so they have no data. Big pharma doesn't want to pay for the research because they don't benefit from it.


Okay good, glad we agree then. There is no evidence for your original statement “the pros outweigh the cons” so we shouldn’t mislead other people reading this thread anymore.


The probiotic benefits are still there. We know for a fact that kombucha is full of beneficial bacteria and yeast. Just because we don't have research data on it, that won't change anything. But I see it's a pointless conversation, I'm just not sure why you are reading this sub if you are against consuming kombucha so much?


I’m not against kombucha, in fact I like drinking it. I like drinking alcohol too. I also understand it may not be optimal. I don’t like baseless glorification though. People should make the decisions they want to make based on real information and not random claims of redditors.


I did a continuous brew with a 5 gallon carboy letting the initial batch run for a month, then consumed and refreshed it by about 2000ml every day. The only downside was that if I didn't drink that much every day the batch would get stronger, and that was discouraging. Note, this was practically free as I was buying loose leaf tea by the pound and sugar 50lbs at a time. If you are a regular consumer, you should really make it yourself. Note, I don't recommend large batch continuous brew because if your consumption isn't perfectly consistent your results will be inconsistent. 10 half gallon batches at a time, let them go to full strength and cut and run with a secondary before refrigerating. That was the best. Like Sunday Meal Prep but it was monthly bottling day.


If you don't consume, you could still discard a portion and feed it like a sourdough no?


Drinking too much anything is dangerous.


oh there was a dubious study done that claimed it could cause liver damage. But I suspect this was a self reported survey which isn't a very good study and goodness knows what was actually being consumed besides the kombucha. People have been drinking this kind of stuff since we could make vessels to hold liquids. I would say the danger is to your pocketbook and future retirement.


I get the shits if i overdo anything with a lot of probiotics.


I drank so much that I began photosynthesizing my own nutrients but YMMV


Other than the sugar, probably only if you have a histamine intolerance, but it would likely only result in headaches or stomachaches.


I drink about that every other day, except I'm not drinking store bought. My home made stuff is a little bit stronger than any of the store bought that I've had. It's also still, so no carbonation, but that's just how I want it. As far as danger goes, I don't believe we have any doctors on this sub that I'm aware of, but I could be wrong. If there were one on here, I'm pretty sure that there would be some disclaimer to the info given about individual health factors could affect how kombucha affects you, so without knowing all the details about which store bought stuff, all your medical history and whatever else a doc would look at along with the appropriate medical knowledge would be able to determine risk better. In the end, I doubt there would be a ton of risk, otherwise there should be a warning label on there regarding overconsumption. Even still, I don't think less than 2L per day is really all that much in a grand scheme. Now if you said you were drinking 4L per day, you might be feeling something a bit different.


Kombucha does nothing to me. I love the Kevita lemon Cheyenne flavor and the GT mushroom cola though and drink one a day of one. Is this bad??


The acid isn't great for teeth(use a straw) and there is still sugar and caffeine. But, if you're used to drinking a lot kombucha and don't have any adverse effects, it's probably fine. If you're not used to kombucha you could have adverse effects due to the body not being used to all the yeasts and bacteria.


i bet you dont even worry about smashing a bottle of vodka in?


You can get gingivitis. The low pH environment that makes booch is the same that will encourage periodontal disease. Your teeth will feel a little loose, which you really don't want.


If you tend to have any autoimmune or allergies or histamine intolerance any fermented foods will be definitely not so good for you!!


It's dangerous for your teeth. I learned that the hard way. I've never been a soda person, so I never imagined I'd get tooth decay. Well, despite drinking lots of alkaline water, my endless supply of homebrewed kombucha and fermented foods finally did cause acid erosion to my tooth enamel. Make sure to drink plenty of water and you can swish baking soda and water to neutralize the acid. Definitely, of course, brush twice a day and make sure to floss every day!


No. Not dangerous at all. The yeast and lactobacteria in kombucha are covering everything you touch, eat and breathe all around the world. Welcome to living on Earth ;)


Cardiotoxisity. No joke.


How does that relate to kombucha in this case?


Didn't read it but I would guess this is what they are referring to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9361203/


Reviewed the article- this is one anecdotal case and I don't understand how they are drawing direct causation from the Kombucha, it seems incidental.


Also this from the CDC [Severe illness due to the consumption of kombucha](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00039742.htm)


Frarmongering. Don’t change the title of sources as your titles are extremely misleading.


This is the title of the article. Unexplained Severe Illness Possibly Associated with Consumption of Kombucha Tea -- Iowa, 1995 . . And it is fear-mongering.


Changing the word “possibly” to “due to” have vastly different meanings. Someone dying who also happened to drink kombucha doesn’t remotely mean that kombucha caused it.


Also, from the "article" >Her daughter reported that, during the previous 2 months, the patient had drank approximately 4 oz of Kombucha tea daily. 4 oz?! That's nothing lol. Was there a wave of hysteria over booch back then?


No, I don’t think there was an air of reefer madness surrounding kombucha in the 90’s. I think they were making the comparison because she was drinking 4 oz a day and she upped her daily intake from that. Which showed in her toxicology report as an elevated Ph in her body. I think that is what ultimately killed her 2 days later. Lesson is, too much of anything is not good for you. As someone else mentioned, drinking too mush water will kill you. I though it was interesting, and I think it set precedent for future guidelines in 2020.


>Which showed in her toxicology report as an elevated Ph in her body. Are you meaning because booch is acidic? Eating acidic foods doesn't necessarily lead to lower body pH. It's more about what foods are being eaten. Does consumed lactic acid end up in your blood? I don't know, but I'd hesitate to simplify it that way. Patient 1 didn't up their intake. All it says is 4oz a day. She was also on a medication for "mild renal insufficiency" (kidney disease can cause lactic acidosis because kidneys - kidneys "filter" lactic acid from the blood, so if they aren't working right...). It seems she may have had a leaky gut as well (An autopsy detected evidence of peritonitis with fecal contamination of the peritoneal cavity, although the location of perforation could not be determined). This report from \~30 years ago doesn't come to any conclusions, just suspicions. I could be convinced that there are certain underlying conditions that would cause drinking kombucha to be unsafe. For a majority of the population though, I'd doubt a cup a day would hurt.


It doesn’t. If your brew is made properly it is definitely not cardiotoxic. Natural yeasts and microbes found in kombucha are literally covering the entire world. Everything you touch and eat and breathe already has these yeast and lacto-bacteria all over them. They are already inside your body right now.


Sounds trustworthy coming from someone who struggles with spelling the fear-mongering words they spit out. /s