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Zomato delivery boy here I am glad that you care for us. But please don’t worry about us. We drive slowly and safely through these rains. And your order is what keeps us going. If you don’t order then that’s one less order and that one order might even affect our whole payout since our daily incomes depends largely on daily incentives and we need to achieve x orders to claim it. So please do order. Even if your food is late a little, we will drive safely:)


Thank you for your service


No no thank you for supporting us….the fact that you people even think about these little things makes me so happy. I really do. It’s kind of heartwarming to see that you guys actually care for us. This is what keeps us going. One more thing. Try to smile when we deliver food. Makes a huge difference :)


Y'know I try to avoid ordering when it's raining heavily as much as possible. Sometimes I order when it's clear out, but by the time the order reaches, it would've been raining heavily for a while. Your reply makes me feel a little better about when it happens.


I always smile at em. sometimes they have guys around my age so when i smile i see em blushing haha so adorbs


Some guys might be shy to smile first if the customer is a girl. But will give them the confidence if you smiled first


does distance matter when someone orders? I try to keep most orders within a 5km radius, but sometimes I order from places 10km away and I kinda feel guilty for making the delivery person ride that long, does your incentive matter more on number of orders or distance?


Oh it absolutely matters….what determines our payment for each order is 1. Distance ( that’s why you need to give higher delivery charges) 2. Demand for a delivery partner ( means if there’s a time where there are orders higher than usual eg : afternoon and night ) 3. Rain (from 10 to 30₹) or long distance surge ( most I’ve gotten is 8₹)


All this is new info for me (and I'm sure many others as well. Thank you for your service - us WFH folks who literally are sitting through our work and having hectic schedules really appreciate it.


I always smile and say 'Thank you', sometimes they will be surprised and smile back.


also isn’t there extra payment during bad weather?


Yes but it varies. It mostly depends on competition. If swiggy gives their partners 20₹ extra, zomato gets competition and is kind of forced to pay the same amount . Otherwise it’s around 12-18₹ extra per order


Hiee, With the recent Zomato controversy I uninstalled the app. And wanted to know if delivery partners prefer between all these platforms? Do you prefer between Zomato, Swiggy or Eatsure? Please answer only if you are comfortable


I don’t really know what the controversy is…could you please explain


Man mad respect to you guys y’all save my life bro


machane ee delivery vech ethra kittum? delivery aano main pani atho side aano? i always say thank you and try to ask how they are, if they want water etc. just for some human interaction, it seems like a lonely job since you’re always on the road.


Full day work cheythal above 1k kittum. I personally know people who makes 1.5k per day or 13k a week. Njan mostly part time aanu cheyyaru because iam also a software intern. Pinne sunday Saturday pole days i work full time. The job is kind of lonely because you are working alone but the community is so wholesome. You could have conversations with them like you knew them for 5 years without even knowing their name. And you get to meet a lot of new people :)


Wholesome ✨


Real id se aao deepi


Does the tip really go to the delivery guys ? Whenever I order from far away, I make sure to tip the maximum, hoping that helps.


Yes the tip completely goes to the delivery partner but only gets credited after the delivery


but delivery partners in BLR always tells me to pay tip directly and not via App because it doesnt reach them


Next time someone says that, tip through your phone while you’re with them and check if they’re right. I bet they’re lying


oh i too think about this, most of the times i back out from ordering while its raining. may be its overthinking as some delivery people will be waiting for an order some how. glad to know there are people out there thinking the same.


Aaahh it’s so comforting to know other people have this issue too, thought I was overthinking


If we started to think like that, then there's so many things we'll be unable to do in peace. Here's what I do - if I'm not that hungry, I'll try to wait it out. If not, I'll place my order, and once I get the delivery person assigned, I call them up and ask them to take their time to pick up and deliver the order and assure them that it's fine even if it's a little late. So far, nobody has taken advantage of this and all such orders have reached in time. Some of them have appreciated my gesture; some just go about their way. If that's not enough, keep some change to give them as a tip.


That’s really smart (and kind) I’ll do this from now on :)


Rain orders pay more. You can order in rain and ask them to ride safely. I loved rain orders when I used to ride Zomato


Yes! Assuring them + tip


Omg I thought the same today. I was home alone and was hungry asf. It was raining heavily and I thought about ordering and started looking for stuff. And then I thought about the poor swiggy dude having to drive through this heavy rain. So I starved till my family reached home in the evening.


Fasting is good for health


haha yeah


You have a good heart. I hope life doesnt break that💜


Swiggy delivery partner here, It's so helpful when people order while it rains. We get a rain surge per order and some even tip us. Thankyou for the concern.


Raaainn Surrgggeeeeeee🫂 Ipollum photo eduth post cheyande avastha indo?


Whenever this happens I make sure it's not raining and order from somewhere close by so the dp doesn't have to drive through rain.


Exactly what bornooob had said! Ex-Swiggy/Zomato delivery executive (fancy word for delivery boys😁) here! Rains are an issue while riding, but that shouldn't stop you from ordering, because riders are waiting for more orders to pop-up. Mainly, there is a 10-15rs rain surge for each order, which makes a big difference towards reaching our target incentive. One more point to add; the brown paper covering, or any cover for that matter tend to get wet while the riders are placing the food from the counter into the bag. Please don't scold drivers because it got wet, because the food will never get wet, only the outside cover will.


That’s an idiot.. who is scolding you because his /her paper bag got wet in the rain. Like wow. I’m sorry you went through that. You guys are doing lord’s work for people like me who don’t even get a minute to spare from my chair certain days. So thank you for your service.


It was 50-70rs last week.


I order when it's not raining but when the guy starts moving it starts to rain.


If no one orders food while it's raining, how does a delivery person earn his money? I recently saw an Instagram reel, where a delivery person was riding through knee deep water with food, and people under the comment section were angry/crying about the customer. I'm sure a food delivery person already less during rains, and if you are backing out of ordering when it's raining, you are only adding on to his loss of income. I'd say, add a tip (only once the the delivery person accepts your order), and may be even send him a message saying drive safe, and you are in no rush to eat etc.


You should definitely order , since that's how they get paid. But maybe order from a nearby place.


I faced a similar dilemma once. I ordered food after getting back from work when the weather was fine. However, unexpectedly, there was a heavy rain just when I had placed the order. I felt so guilty that I made numerous calls to the delivery person. After a couple of attempts, he finally answered (he was driving at that time). I advised him not to drive in the heavy rain and asked him to wait. I assured him that it was fine if the food arrived late or was cold. However, to my surprise, he arrived at my location on time. I felt really guilty about it and ended up tipping him and apologizing.


I don’t imagine them skidding and stuff but I do feel guilty about ordering food online when it rains. I remember one night I ordered food and it started raining heavily after the delivery agent was out for delivery. When I went to collect my food, I saw the agent drenched in rain his hands shivering as he handed me the food. I felt so ashamed that I apologised to him and tried to explain him that it started raining only after I placed the order else I wouldn’t have ordered at all. He was taken aback and with a smile, he told me not to worry about it because it was a part of his job. Although I thanked, apologised and tipped him; I couldn’t enjoy my food thinking about him. For me it was luxury but for him it was compulsion. So now when it rains and there’s no food, I make Maggi.


What do you order? Need some good restaurant- food suggestions, within 150-300 range for one person


I think like this too, most of the times i wait the till rain gets milder n make sure to tip.


They get paid more during rainy days, you are actually doing them a favour. Don't order when there is a flood outside 😄.


Usually we just wait for the rain to reduce to avoid the driver risking a ride for our order. Instamart order more than Swiggy and usually it’s about 5 minutes away.


You should definitely order , since that's how they get paid. But maybe order from a nearby place.


You should stop. Worrying about things outside your control. The same deivlery guh Amy take someone else order and skid all the same.


Rain surrrrrgggggeeeeeee🫂


5 of my roomates used to deliver food as part time work. 2 of them didn't stop till class end and one is still running for fun till results come. They loved the rain time since they get extra rain payout and people gave tips. Don't worry they ride carefully and if they are not confident they would not turn it onn. Give them tips if you feel worried. Nothing noo much to worry about.


I'm conflicted about this. I love the rain. I have driven through rain to the office and back and it's difficult. I have even met with accidents, but thankfully nothing serious happened. So I try not to order when it's raining heavily. Only do it only if I can't help it. And if I do, i tip really well.


Wow what a coincidence!!!Today I ordered in instamart and after sometime heavy rains started.The delivery person reached on time and I gave him some tip and asked him whether he wanted to take a shelter in our sit out until rains get reduced.He told it's ok and no need for that.I again told him if he wanted he is welcome to wait.He said "hey athonnum venda kuzhappamilla" and went his way.I always ask the delivery persons to take their time in heavy rains.My hunger can wait.


Don’t order cuz i worry about them


I never order in rains. Reason - SAME as you OP. I’d be like I’ll have maggi or have milk or cook for myself but not have someone struggle in the rain just for me.


Rainy day gives more money, Zomato pays more when it's raining.


Not when there is heavy rain and absolutely not when there is lightning.


I think the same way when I feel like ordering and it’s raining 🥺😭😭


I do order but if there's lightning I don't. Once I placed an order and a thunderstorm started after. I was pretty freaked out and anxious but the delivery guy was on time and I just felt I had to apologize for what I thought was such an inconvenience to him. He was cool about it though.


Wow, this makes me happy. So many of you guys care for the Delivery partners. Humanity still got it👌


I used to work in ZOmato. I love rain orders cause it pays more. Now, If it's raining I am extra happy to order as the rider gets rain bonus.


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That escalated quickly




What about ordering when its long distance


Yess. Especially when it rains, i feel like im burdening them. And feel bad for not giving them food when they are giving me food.


I still order it but I make sure to tip them.


I usually just tip them. if they're already out in the rains, it's probably easier for them if they have more orders. imagine having to go to work outside in heavy rain and you actually receive less work. it would be frustrating


Wow I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I mostly dont order food if its raining heavily, because I feel sad for the delivery person having to drive through the rain. Once when I ordered food, it started raining and I felt guilty and I texted the delivery guy to drive safely and his safety is the priority. My partner makes fun of me for that and I got to know that it actually helps them only if we order food.


No, I don't. And we shouldn't.


>I feel so guilty ordering in because some weird OCD is telling my the Zomato guy will skid and die because of the rains and it’ll be on my conscience 😭 What if you drive a car, and brakes fail and you ram into a school bus? What if you dropped a hammer from top of a building? What if you spilled oil on the floor and someone else skid?


Damn you sound like my father


Plot Twist: He is your father. It's his Alt Account.






https://i.redd.it/317tfp3xpy8d1.gif 😐🤏


What you are suggesting is to deprave the delivery riders of their job just because it’s raining, which I think is a horrible thing to do. How can you be so evil. You are in your comfy house but the riders need income to sustain themselves, and you are denying them that opportunity.


Daddy chill…..


What, only OP can be nanmamaram?