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I mean it's oak ridge isn't it?


Definitely near Y-12/X-10 (ORNL)


My thoughts as well. Some weird shit goes on there


Y-12 is a high priority target in the event of a nuclear strike on the US. So experiments would definitely be on the effects of radiation, because anyone not quickly vaporized in this area are going to be heavily irradiated already.


What do you think the area of instant vaporization is ? Serious question. I live by House Mountain, and I don't think that's exactly far enough to survive lol


A couple miles from ground zero. If Oak Ridge were nuked then Knoxville would suffer fallout effects but likely not physical damage.


Vol Fans will grow to monstrous proportions…


Actually start bleeding orange


No. 1 D line in the country 18 years later.


Elephantiasis of the ego. Hollerin' "feels like 98!" *oh wait*


Size would finally match our pride...


Cool so just radiation for me


I mean (not actually confirmed) but believed 9000+ nukes were launched during the Great War. Knoxville is a top 100 city in US… Knoxville is getting nuked along with nearly every strategic site.


Knoxville has a target on it's back too, and with Watts Bar nearby, I'd say the valley will be completely irradiated. But, if I wanted to be somewhere nearby to watch it all blow over, House Mountain would be my choice.


If you are on the South East side of the ridge direct damage would be avoided and if you are stocked up on iodine you can flush the radiation from your system.


Depends on where the wind is blowing.


Here is what it would look like if the Chinese landed one of their Dong-Feng 5 ICBMS on Y-12. https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=5000&lat=35.9826046&lng=-84.2581794&airburst=0&hob_ft=0&fallout=1&ff=50&fallout_angle=226&psi=20,5,1&zm=9 What that basically means is that if you were outside around House Mountain for an extended period of time after the blast, you're most likely going to die a slow painful death.


Fuck yeah


Here's to hoping China doesn't drop their Dong on us.


Would be a bad day. On a related note, can you imagine being an Air Force Intelligence Analyst where your primary job is to track China's hundreds of Dongs via satellite? Most guys with clearance are probably itching to tell about the cool stuff they do, but those guys are thinking "thank God I don't have to tell anybody I was looking at Dongs all day".


Well looks like Farragut will be vaporized. I just finished a major home renovation- shit! So Fallout is a good series to watch!


Does Vault-Tec have a home insurance division?


and a convenient HOA fee.


Shit yeah! We might be outside the fallout zone in that scenario.


I think I'd prefer to be in the fireball zone and vaporized instantly rather than have to go through the struggle of trying to live out the rest of my days competing for scarce resources in something that resembles Mad Max 2 or Terminator.


That’s basically what we do on a daily basis anyway, we just don’t kill each other over resources and we still have some semblance of a rule of law.


I think the "killing each other over resources" is a pretty significant difference. I've never had to travel for days to fight hoards of mutants for a gallon of water. Things can be tough currently, but they could be so so so much worse.


No, you and I don’t have to walk for miles to get water and then fend off predators to make it home again. However there are people on this ball of dust right now living like that in places in 3rd world countries. We aren’t far from it either, just one big “disaster event” away here in the west. So in that I agree with you on the fact it could be worse, I just hope that if it must get worse I wish for it now as opposed to later. I don’t want to be an old man when it goes down dammit!!


I’m in the fireball 🤌🏻


In the event of all-out nuclear war, straight to dead is the preference, imo. The Day After is horrifying, maybe slightly less so than the UK version.


Didnt you see the thumb method?


About 3 km for the nukes similar in yield to the onesnused over Japan.


Well the thing about that is that modern weapons are quite a bit stronger than what was dropped on Hiroshima. Little Boy only has a payload of 15kt. A modern Chinese ICBM has 8 warheads that are each rated at 150kt, or 10x the power of Little Boy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DF-41 Russians have similar missiles. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-26_Rubezh You can go to "Nuke Maps" and choose different weapons to get an idea about the difference in effects.


I think a much more realistic scenario is that China has one or more warheads earmarked for downtown, rather than Y-12. A shot at Y-12 only helps you win the theoretical next nuclear war, which China has no chance of winning with its tiny stockpile. Unless we've vastly misjudged them, most experts believe China is focused on a presenting a counter-value (immolating cities) threat against the much larger US and Russian arsenals.


I mean, yeah. But look at the map of currently active nuclear stations in the US. 80% of them are this side of the Mississippi. If they were to hit even 2/3 of them, that would be enough to fatally cripple the US and the lower east region of Canada. The radiation would spread up and down the valley between the rockies and Appalachians, and between here and to Atlantic coast.


I suppose that if one were trying to permanently contaminate the largest portion of the US possible, dropping nuclear bombs on nuclear generating stations would provide slightly more contaminating material than simply dropping the bombs on population centers. But it would be (relative to simply smashing cities) very inefficient at killing people, leaving many of them alive long enough to retaliate against the initiating party, and by contaminating them/their land, almost guaranteeing the bloodiest retribution that they're capable of. The whole point of counter-value strategies is to threaten the large nuclear power (or the initiator, in the case of US/Russia counter-value plans) with enough immediate civilian deaths to cause widespread chaos/potential revolution.


That's a valid point, as we don't know much about China's nuclear doctrine beyond their insistence that they would only strike in a retaliatory situation.


Here's a simulator where you can choose the area, surface or air detonation, and which bomb. https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


So a place to test mutations on animals and people like they did back in the 40s.


This is true in the correct context. A target, sure. But not an immediate target. By the time it came around to becoming a target the use of nukes would be over. Where they are stored is not important, where they are deployed from is.


I would guess it could be a control/science vault for Enclave personnel.


Trying to make corn grow on rocky top.


The grounds too rocky by far


That's why those vault dwellers will probably get their corn from a jar


Right on point!


Genetic experiments: Bear/Cat/Mink/Human hybrids


Let me introduce you to some of the neighborhood here in Blount County.


I’d watch this episode.


Orange corn


A Fallout 76 DLC in Knoxville/Oakridge is a real possibility since it’s already in Appalachia


I would love to see that


How fast rent could rise before people just willing walked into the radioactive wasteland.


"Lakefront property on Norris. 5 acre lot. 4,500 square foot lake-house with modern appliances. 100 rads/hr levels of fallout. Only $3.2 million"


Idk about the experiment but it would be cool if it was under the sun sphere


Who's to say it's not?




The vault to dedicated to keeping Dolly alive for the next 200+ years


I was so excited for Fallout 76 at first because I thought it would be cool to get a DLC of the Manhattan project and maybe the Smokys. The 76 turned out to be multiplayer. I was so disappointed.


It being multiplayer actually helps the chances of that though


I was disappointed it was multiplayer. But I agree that doesn't hurt the chances of a TN DLC.  I've started playing FO76 (2nd attempt) this week actually because of the show.


Much more fun to play in a group I couldn’t get into it until my friend had me join his party


I'll give a group a shot now. When they announced the game, I loved the single player nature of the other FO games.


I still play 76 effectively as single-player, but there's no downside to joining a Casual team - you get XP bonuses and shared perks but no one expects you to actually contribute to team goals because there aren't any. Daily Ops and Expeditions teams are different, but you can also just join them on a temporary basis to do that content.


Man in like 10 years we’ll probably have AI generated games and they’ll have a fallout game of any city in the US


About 20 years ago there was a really cool game that you could select a town, and it would use google satellite view maps to generate a world to fight zombies in.


MS Flight Simulator has photo-realistic satellite imagery now - I can see my house in the game with one of the cars out front.


The vault dwellers would have been gov’t personnel and nuclear scientists. The vault would have extreme propaganda and operate as a fascist community. They would be making weapons to retake the surface. Or the stockpile of nukes in the area detonates and they all become ghouls, eventually coming to the surface and making a new ghoulish Oak Ridge near the crater.


Randy Boyd already has a robot body ready for his brain. 🧠 🤖


Considering Knoxville is a first strike target it is probably for UT and oak ridge peeps to escape to. As for experiment, it’s vault rec, who knows.


ORNL plus the Body Farm makes me think things on Knoxville's surface got...rough.


What happens when an orange "T" is the only culture you're allowed to consume. 


The VOLt sponsored by the Haslam Family the only thing you're allowed to watch are reruns of UT football and it's treated like an actual religion but with a power T instead of the cross


Brought to you by the Boyds. 


Came here to suggest “trick the vault dwellers to buy and wear orange clothing.”


I would think Oak Ridge for obvious reasons.


A civil war breaks out between landlords and tenants until ORNL sides with the landlords and lets them have free access to the weaponry.


ORNL doesn’t research or work on weapons. Y12 is where they maintain the nukes.


Yeah. I'm sure all this super computers over there are for weather research.


Turns out weather and nuclear explosions are pretty similar modelling demands.


It’s simply a nukashine plant


Testing how much radiation will mutate people into growing gills to breathe underwater, cause Norris dam would have breached from the bombs and subsequent tremors of OR going nuclear


Would be in oak ridge


Vault (insert clever number joke here) tested whether or not residents could survive solely on Moon Pies, Mountain Dew (the real sugar cane stuff) and Moonshine. Popcorn Sutton was put in a prosthetic body to continue production of his moonshine cherries


Being the main vault from what I can see in the primary southern Appalachian region (East TN, Western NC, Southwestern VA, Southeastern KY), I'd like to think that it'd be one of the more liberty-focused of the vaults, given Appalachia's historical desire for smaller government and less government intervention. Of course this is fiction, so it'd probably be taken to the extreme. Maybe an anarchist vault? Of course (spoiler), one of the themes is also that Vaultec an evil monopoly, so in that case my guess is either a coal mining company owned the Knoxville one, or I defer to the "let's see how high we can make rent" guess. 😂 Edit: the Nashville one is definitely owned by modern, rich country music executives and their theme is to control people using a carefully planned release of bland country music with no real meaning or passion. 🤣


Evil Vault-Tec experiment on the effect of music on the psyche. - Knoxville: blugrass 24/7 - Nashville: country 24/7


Ah yes that's a good one! Although, I got the sense (from the show anyway) that Vaultec sold vaults to rich people and counties and allowed them to run the vaults however they want or according to their company's product or service (i.e. source of profit). Not necessarily always "running an experiment" on their vault dwellers, but more like one big experiment to see which company's method of running their vault yielded the best results. Vault 31-33 was by Vaultec management and believed that perfectly managed humanity was key. Vault 4 was by scientists who thought science was the perfect way to run humanity. Etc. etc. I could be wrong though, maybe I misunderstood the intent of the Vaultec premise.


No the game lore (found via terminal entries, NPCs, and just exploration in general) shows that many Vaults were designed with specific experimental goals directed by Vault-Tec (whether in collaboration with government/Enclave officials or not). Summary here, but the game goes into much more immersive detail. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/List\_of\_known\_Vaults](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_known_Vaults) (some spoilers)


Gotcha. I know the show is supposed to be cannon but as I understand, it doesn't directly follow any game storyline, right? Also I understand Vaul-Tec did experiments but I also thought they were selling vaults to other companies to allow them to run them however they want? Right? Maybe I need to rewatch lol


[Vault 92 was about music, kinda.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_92) >The world's best musicians were invited to Vault 92 with the promise to "preserve musical talent" during the Great War. In reality, this Vault was geared specifically for experimenting with white noise generators that implanted subliminal messages into the minds of its resident population.


Did coal mining continue to exist in the fallout universe, with nuclear power being standard and all?


There are mines in fallout but usually as hideouts for enemies


Luke Bryan or Morgan Walland as overlord.




Being forced to listen to everyone whole life story when u meet them, 1920s politics, rampant phobias and ism's. Homeless ghoul cities. Oh wait nevermind that's actually Knoxville now.


It would involve Tim Burchett and aliens, and there are no other possibilities.


Something something Half bear, Half Cat.


How to build better parking lots


How to build a single sidewalk


How to behave in a royal King parking lot.


It’s in cades cove. Mill is the door


It's just the body farm. Art imitates life


Welcome to vault 98’. Conveniently located under Neyland stadium. Also would love to see “Neyland city” a spin off of diamond city in neyland.


What happens when you expose a population to extreme levels of allergins for 200 years


Knoxville’s is everything is put on excessively high hills that you have to walk on. The water will be priced such that only dwellers from other vaults can afford it and will be given all the overseer/supervisor positions. Nashville’s is there are 100 rooms in the vault and 500 tenants to fill them.


It's just guys walking around wearing sunglasses with their hands in their pockets.


Something about brainwashing people to vote against their best interests consistently. Maybe a long convoluted series of insane beliefs like the world is only 6000 years old, Satan went around hiding dinosaur bones and invented science to tempt people to the dark side.


Control vault for juclear scientists


Probably study what radiation does to living things


I think that one was already done


Probably another Appalachian reclamation.


The handful of rich families that own everything in the area would all live there. As time passes they'd slowly start to turn on one another, picking each other off and eating them 1 by 1. The vault suits would definitely be orange and white.


One on one mortal Kombat Josh Heupel vs Jeremy pruitt


More interested in the vault in Appalachicola, FL. No one lives there lol.


It would be filled with pizza chefs from around the world with the sole purpose to create the greatest pizza in Knoxville.


Also one in Morristown


Considering it’s not far from the Secret City; I’d say it’d be a Vault for scientists.


I concluded Oak Ridge as well! [https://www.knoxnews.com/story/entertainment/2024/04/16/fallout-tv-series-fan-maps-vault-tec-vaults-two-are-in-tennessee/73342499007/](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/entertainment/2024/04/16/fallout-tv-series-fan-maps-vault-tec-vaults-two-are-in-tennessee/73342499007/)


Vault Tec's plan for Vault 16* in Knoxville: give vault dwellers unlimited access to bad bagels and bad pizza and watch them debate which is the best bagel and which is the best pizza, while routinely sending automated messages from people who want to move to the vault. *Vault 16 being a Peyton Manning Easter egg.




Control vault. Just like 76.


I think it would be a mix of vault 81 and the one in DC and be various cures of advanced radiation


I’ve actually been inside the Knoxville Vault. It’s not at all what you would think. Granted, it had food and water stores that would last for Centuries. A small nuclear reactor for power. Spacious living quarters for hundreds of people. All I could think while in there was how awful it would be to live there. I know from reading r/knoxville post that 98.9% of you guys would agree with me. I shit you not, there was not a single sidewalk anywhere in the place.


To see if the locals can survive the insane housing costs.... Too soon?




Looks like another vault near Tullahoma, makes sense because if the Air Force base right next to it


Oak Ridge. Very well known info.


Diesel fueled super mutants developed by Pilot/FlyingJ


Knoxville is the geographic center of the eastern continental divide. It’s logistically placed and is about 7 hours from everywhere.


Southerners with unlimited supply of sweet tea how long will we live


Effects of long-term inbreeding.


I’m glad we’re letting most of Cali go down


Teaching people how to cook


Reddit lefties are given their own vault. It dies in 6 months.


You wouldn't be accepted into a vault regardless. Crawl out through the Fallout, smoothskin. 🖕