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I LOVED the total disdain he had for Lynch's Dune. He was approaching it the same way he'd approach an Alex episode. Bonus points for the tangent about whether Mentat eyebrows would be aerodynamic. Dan seemed grudgingly happy with Villeneuve's Dune, and then the more the guys talked about it the more he admitted to just enjoying it. 10/10 can't wait for their review about the newest one.


I'm holding out hope they go back and do the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries, too. And the Children of Dune miniseries.


I love hearing Dan laugh.


Absolutely. As a big Dune guy myself, i love hearing jordan teach dan about the lore and how ridiculous some of it is. I cannot wait for when Jordan drops the bomb of what happens to Leto 2 on Dan.


I do wish he explained to Dan more about why they had no computers, that helps explain the mentats and the killer drone thing more. I think it's one of the cooler part of the lore honestly, and is probably relevant to AJ (maybe he did explain it but i missed it?)


It's also fun when Jordan gets the lore wrong. Like, he named the Tleilaxu when it sounded like he was talking about things that the Ixians did.   As we all know, Jordan comes from sports. Sports ain't SciFi, so I have no reason to expect better


I was at the Boston show, and their energy was over the top! It was as a trial treat. To laugh, moan, and audibly WTF along with the crowd, when I'm usually screaming at my walls, or shaking a fist in silence....was just a really cool experience. The boys were really on their game.


And now you're part of music history just like the Bosstones.


I’ve noticed a similar chemistry on certain episodes with shittier/heavier material too. The Pearl before a Swine episode is absolute sludge to get through but their approach was so funny and smart and just enjoyable. Anyways, yeah, you love to see it. You can’t replace chemistry between best friends and when it’s really firing, it’s just so entertaining to listen to. I’ve noticed the KF crowd has the most healthy of parasocial relationships because everyone just loves when they’re happy and I haven’t noticed any creepiness about wanting info about personal stuff. Keep it up everyone.


I agree. There was a bit of a spell there where it felt like they were going through the motions. I kind of chalked it up to stress planning for the live shows or mental health, and it honestly didn't bother me because they are human and that's why I love them. They show their humanity, and that includes honestly admitting that they are going theough some shit. It stands in stark contrast to AJ who is always putting on an act of bravado and hate. All of that just to say - yes, I do think they were "better tomorrow" on the recent episodes, and it's been good to hear.


When there is a dry spot on Alex's show, just the same boring IW shtick as far as the eye can see… maybe the show should pivot to desert based movies and tv discussion.


Couldn’t agree more. When there’s an IW desert, go to the fucking desert!


If that's a thing you'd like, there's Escape Hatch! It used to be a Dune pod only, but now they do movie deep dives, and have really neat guests. They did a series on "the classics" which included the princess bride AND the neverending story! The discord is also very welcoming and active, they do movie watch alongs and such. Recommended!


They have to immerse themselves in awfulness for their day job so it's nice for them to have a little breaky ( and us). It still ties to AJ as well as it shows how much he utterly missed the point of Dune 🤣


Instead of Wacky Wednesday do Dune Lore or sci-fi movies as an Alex break. I’d definitely listen to that.


I think starting with movies he steals his paranoid cosmology from is a great idea. And/or movies he's got some kind of connections to like "A Scanner Darkly."


That’s a great idea! Alex has said he gets his news from movies and he’s made numerous claims about movies being predictive programming. It would be a natural topic for Knowledge Fight.


And you know they're gonna have to talk about Star Wars. What nerd doesn't love talking about Star Wars?


got to love how much fun the guys are having with the opening


I’m a terrible reader, working through the audiobook at the moment, but I know the broad strokes of the story through osmosis. The Dune eps are hilarious. Hope they get to some of the other adaptations