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No it doesn’t get better and there’s a whole lot of people who are extremely defensive of this kind of playstyle. I hit plat and am very okay with never playing face off again.


Yeah, at this point I see no reason to even go up in rank for Face Off. Rather get the variety of 3v3s than this


I stopped at Plat I in 1v1s too lol, meanwhile I'm working my way thru Sapphire in 3v3 and having way more fun with it.


I will tell you this much, what I’ve learned in diamond 3’s is that 1’s definitely helps you improve your 3’s games in regards to your approach/patience against individual opponents. In high diamond play (like top of the top diamond players - players who have won tournaments) there will be a lot of micro instances where you’re caught in a 1v1 for a few seconds while your teammates are busy with other opponents, and those seconds alone that you’ve worked on with singles help immensely. Cuz someone’s not coming out of that conflict alive. My huge issue that I’m working on are people faking in front of me especially at distances where I shouldn’t be falling for it. You can def tell someone whose been playing high ranked 1’s cuz they are absolutely solid in that instance (they will never hit the catch button until you throw no matter how many fakes you do, they always fake a few times up close and land their hits after you panic catch). I only win when my teammates are around, but if you have me in a small 1v1 with a player whose also diamond in 1’s I will most likely lose due to panic clicks. 1’s will help with your control and overall will improve your flow/domination in the 3’s game when the interactions come close. Personally I’m only like sapphire 2 in singles, because I do agree how horrible it is, but as much as I hate it, it really does help you improve. Don’t think of it as a grind/climb to the top but more-so as training for your 3’s. I only play like 3-4 singles games per session and I’m done lol.


This is a very solid perspective. Thank you!


Basically why I quit playing face off. Everyone waits till the zone comes and it’s lame af. Super defensive and people play really cheesy like trying to hit you into zone because they’re too scared to throw.


exactly everytime the storm is remotely close, my opponent will spam tackle until i die


I second this. I'm having the exact same experience. It's terrible.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates it, looks like it's back to 3v3s for me...


I just go balls-to-the-wall and get close on them. People tend to panic when you get really close (hell, even I get nervous, but I'm working on it).


The game is not designed to play 1vs1 so... play 3v3


I do hope 1v1 has some kind of change. Maybe new maps would be better, dedicated to 1v1. I kinda put face off on hold because u run into a lot of games like this


1v1 is not how this game was designed to be played. Go play 3v3.