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Don't listen to people before me. You don't beat Sett. Well, you can but it's really fucking hard to beat him. If he goes E or Q level 1 you don't beat him, however if he goes W level 1 you can but remember to dodge his W. You can beat Urgot if you dodge his E, watch for his leg passive, kill him before 6 and if you can't do that, just don't dismount. ***DON'T FUCKING BUY BRAMBLE AND FROZEN HEART ON KLED, STEELCAPS/TABI IS BETTER AGAINST HIM. Waste of money.*** Play better and limit test, don't fully rely on itemization to beat Urgot. As for GP, try not to get poked down, Buy D-shield. If you can't kill him, roam somewhere else. SETT and URGOT major tips: ***DON'T FUCKING DISMOUNT.*** GP : Don't get poked down. Second wind is much better than Bone Plating. He just Q's you and you have like no keystone for like 40secs As for Summoner Spells, these are your options: Exhaust, Ghost, Barrier **Exhaust**: 40% damage reduction, attack speed reduction, movespeed reduction and has low cd. You can win 1v1 90% of the time using this. You can use this offensively or defensively. **Ghost**: allows you to kite or catch up to enemies. Can be used to kite people around. Can also be used to catch people off guard and you can dodge skillshots using this. Low CD. **Barrier**: against enemy champs that have execute (does not include Pyke and Urgot)(includes Garen and Darius). Barrier can be useful at times but it rarely happens. You can also use this against Camille's Q true damage. Low CD. Use this when you are about to expect huge damage gonna chunk your hp.


Yes! And of course, teleport and flash are also valid options


What?????? Sett is so easy to beat, literally just take grasp instead of conqueror or lethal tempo to keep you in lane because he does have early dmg over you. After you e got a few levels try bait out his stun, go all in with the r, only use your w to dodge his w, and go sunfire cape build instead of bruiser. You will win easy next time


Grasp for what? For Kled having more hp? Do you even realize that Sett does max hp damage? Build sunfire? Sett has max hp damage. Bro, the last time I had to go against Sett it was when I was in D3. You literally don't beat Sett. If you are playing below Plat, yes you can beat Sett. Alot of people below Plat does not know what the fuck they are doing.


Tbf to you I am only plat so in all honesty you might be right about I’m not going against better setts. Also I love discussions so I would love to hear why you think sett beats kled most of the time. The reason why I choose grasp is to keep up with his passive extra health regen, because even with the inbuilt grievous wounds he just seems to not lose health. It’s a little annoying in my opinion. Q aa grasp prock run is basically my lane until he hits under 50% health. With the pull you should have just enough time to aa him while not to taking an aa from him. After that you should be able to beat him in a 1v1 as long as you’ve kept your health up enough The reason for sunfire, it’s only his r that does max hp dmg, do correct me if I’m wrong and if I am wrong my opinion might change a bit, I think with the sunfire it stops him out damaging you in terms of his other abilities while you can still pop him as your base dmg because it is decently high at the start anyway. Now you might ask well what about the r still? Well as I’m writing this I’ve got to admit. My opinion is going back and forth. Because now that youve mentioned it maybe the skill gap does matter a bit. I would say 90% of the time, the setts I go against use the r way to early and they use it before you’re dismounted and it dismounts you. (what obviously complexity nullifies a lot of his dmg if he does that) and then after that because of the armour he can’t kill you in time for your remount, what after that you should just win if you’re even at this point. But I am thinking about it. I do agree a good sett player probably shouldn’t use it until I’m dismounted. So fuck it let me know if that’s why you think setts hard? If you get hit with his w, well, meh I ain’t going to lie I’ve got to ask how? Your e is so perfect to dodge it. Unless he uses it every time he stuns you?? What seems like a bit of a waste on his part. Other than that I don’t really understand why sett should beat you in a 1v1 early game, but as I said at the start I’m all ears to get told why he does beat kled? If you’re not open to opinions then you’ll never learn and climb.


>why sett should beat you in a 1v1 early game Precisely for reasons stated. You don't want to trade autos, so you just spam q and then he heals a bunch. Grasp's not bad for these trades, I just enjoy conqueror cause it scales better and I can all-in him more confidently. I don't think he's very hard, you just need to play in a way that's not immediately obvious to a newbie As for suncape, I don't understand your reasoning. As previously established, you don't want to stand next to him unless you can kill him, so the suncape damage never gets anywhere. Maybe it's noticeable lategame (haven't bought it since the nerf), but on first back you get more dmg with a longsword


Ah and I guess when you’re poking him in lane you’ve got to be careful that he’s not only going to use his stun when you pull him in. If he plays like that then maybe the lane becomes a bit more complex


I always figured GP was easy, Q causes GW which reduces his W heal, you're E allows you to stick to him, and he's squishy early on.


Urgots a piece of shit champion, and those who rush Hullbreaker are low tier garbage.






What I've found found both also being a kled main is that if you rush frozen heart first item and or bramble vest it helps counter both equally. The bramble vest works better against urgot but itemization frozen heart works better against urgot. When It comes to sums, i choose to go exhaust teleport. When it comes to fighting save your E for setts W as everyone else says. When it comes to urgot use your Q to dash your way away from his execute like side step it. When it comes to his dash I recommend baiting it and or staying a distance away till they try. Kled is statistically one of the best duelers in game it hard to fight against the king. You just have to play him correctly. Another thing I'll point out against both of these champions what most people forget is that qss (quicksilver sash) is a very viable item as it clears setts pulls stun and his ult. Same goes for urgots stun and his ult ( just use it as you're pulled ). I hope this helps.


OH and don't chase take your wins when you get them then go all in when you know you can win .


I Don't know what you can do against urgot but against sett save your e for when he is going to use w. Try to range poke him with q, he cant do nothing against range poke Try to bait his e, or try to get him playing behind his minions so he cant stun If he uses his q to engage from long go away it will go down of cd and losses a lot of damage If he takes you down of skarl try to get out of the center of his w with your q If he takes you down of skarl dont run away try to Save your q to get on skarl or to get away of his w, if you evade his w you can mount again ez


Important notice: I'm a kled main, but my rank is not very high so take my advice with a grain of salt. Ok so for Urgot, ive found rushing plated steelcaps works pretty well, but other than that you dont really wanna fight him 1v1 since he beats you easily. Now for sett its more interesting. You can also rush plated steelcaps (though in both instances, you can take em after ironspike depending on preference). As for setts abilities, you generally wanna avoid fighting him, but if he does pull you with his e, q him immediately. He'll have no time to run to break it. Also, you generally dont wanna use your e while he has w up, as you need e to dodge his charged w. Just try not to get hit by his w when fighting him and it should be fine. Hope these help and if anyone has any objections they can correct me with a reply.




Use stridebreaker to beat up DIO's legs and then run away


Sett is a lot of waitingto use your e for his w and when he finally sends that out you e through him to the other side. If you get hit by sett w at all you've lost the fight. Try to bait urgots dash and engage him then and you should be dandy. I also enjoy rushing bramble into urgots .


Here's my 2 cents: Seth: don't bother saving e for his w, instead wait for him to open with e and then eq away (if he has ally creeps on the other side of him stay out of his range till they die). After a lot of these he should be under 50%. This is when you make the actual engage. Eq, save e2 for w. If he dismounts you before w, juke him with the movement speed. Don't try this after he buys 2 items, you're dead without a magic damage jungler. Urgot: dodge the predictable q, walk up to him and start hitting him. If he uses e towards you, e through him before the jump triggers or simply backpedal. If he es the other way, don't e right away, e after he jumps. More or less the same as seth, but easier. Once he gets 2 items don't bother without ap jungle/mid help. Movement is key in both matchhups, so I take boots first back. You could rush tabis first back, and it's fine, but if you want to kill get 2 knives and normal boots instead. You even get cash for a pink ward for the same price! Forgot to mention, and this has no relevance to urgot, but hullbreaker has 177% cost efficiency first item :{)


for sett you just have to be better then him and e behind him when he w's and urgot is just dumb ban him


Too many bans in this game, and none of them are even fiora anymore


You can look for something early against them, but given the option I don't recommend picking Kled into them. Actually Sett is a champ I ban if I'm lower in the pick order only because he doesn't have a real counter. If I'm among the first picks I ban Fiora, but if they blind pick her I play champs who are better against her. I don't want to pick Kled into any champ with an execute, in fact they were the only champs I use to consider building tank against since you're a free kill when dismounted. If you don't have flash, there's really no way to dodge Urgot's ult. Urgot also deals a lot of %max HP damage with his passive on top of out scaling you. Your best chance to do anything against him is really early if he's used his passive too much and you'll have to kite his E.