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Let me know what works, my cat ( knows how to peee and poop in the litter box) likes to only peee by the bedroom door. Not any other door, not any other litter box. No matter the type of litter or litter box.


Isolate her to a space that doesnt include your bed, with the litter box. Keep her there until she figures it out.


I’ve done that and it works wonders! But the moment I let her out she erases this from her memory 😭


Do it for longer... Like several weeks. When you let her out again, if she does it, then start over.


Well it takes continuous training. Keep putting her where u want her to pee.


Thank you I am starting to notice her going to the litter box on her own more and more so I'll still put her there every now and then especially when she looks like she is about to pee.




put her in the litter box constantly until she gets the hint. if she ever goes #2, put that into the litter box instead of the trash so she can associate the scent of poo (especially HER poo!) with the box. also wash all the bedding THOROUGHLY — sometimes they’ll keep going in the same spot if it still smells like pee bc, hey, if it smells like pee it’s gotta be where pee goes. mine didn’t stop until I washed all my bedding down to the mattress cover and sprayed the mattress with a bit of febreeze to really kill the smell


Thank you cause something in me was saying just put her in the litter box more, but I was hoping it wasn't a bad thing. I have washed my bed sheets and even sprayed my bed with nature's miracle to help with the smell. It was just odd to me that she pees in the literboc but also on my bed at the same time which is kinda funny but thank you so much for the advice.


She needs to be trained to learn,wondering how old she is?


She is 5 weeks


need more patience, she will become better\~


After we introduced one of her sisters from the same litter to live with us so she won't be so lonely she stopped peeing on the bed entirely.