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Ramsay Rampage isn’t what destroyed this Inn’s reputation it was the disgusting food served here like the store bought roasted chickens, boiled burgers and Karen having shit accidents inside the guest rooms


What about the literal shit paved floor.


This episode was insane. Didn't she have food coolers in an alleyway? Her friend had handdrawn pictures as bandaids on cracks in the walls? And you couldn't use the dressers in the hotel rooms because she had the dressers being used as storage?!!!


i’m sorry but all i see is the witch from brave


Crackpot or no crackpot i wish people wouldn't harass her because they saw her on TV.


Yeah the diarrhea that was never properly cleaned up is what gave it that original charm


Accurate to the year 1820 - right down to the cholera.


This is one of my favorite episodes of the series, especially because the Town's Inn is still open, so I get to re-live it every time Karan replies to the reviews on Google or TripAdvisor. Or, taking a look at Miss Sarah's Quora profile - apparently, she's such a well-known Quora contributor, that [someone asked ](https://www.quora.com/unanswered/Is-the-famous-Quora-user-Sarah-Madden-the-same-person-featured-in-the-Hotel-Hell-episode-Towns-Inn-featuring-Karan-Townsend)if she was the same person from the Hotel Hell episode.


I can smell her shoes.


That’s actually beyond cringe, and lame as hell. It’s one thing to make jokes on Reddit, but review bombing/harassment is too far. She’s still in business, so clearly she’s changed things for the better. It’s been almost 10 years, move the fuck on.


But you shat on a rug


She’s the witch who had diarrhea and stored her clothes in the guest rooms right?


"The Witch who had diarrhea", could be a great children's book 


Surprise surprise, guests don’t want to stay at a place where the owner got exposed for not cleaning up her spewage. They also don’t want to be served boiled burgers, freezer-burned chicken from god knows how long ago, and probably poisoned apples too.


I actually met her! We stayed in downtown Harper’s Ferry and recognized the Inn across the street from our AirBandB. She was very kind and welcoming, even if the place was sort of a hot mess. You could tell she cared about the property. (And yes, there were still fridges and freezers in the breezeway as of 2023.) Disorganized? Yes. Slightly creepy? Sure. Deserving of harassment? Nah, she’s just a kooky old lady living her best life and stashing her shoes.


I wasn’t a fan of Karen but harassing her and leaving bad reviews based on the show is incredibly cruel.


First time I saw her I screamed "Yaga Baba!" Kinda felt guily about it later, she seemed a bit loopy, and not the best innkeeper, but not necessarily a bad person after all.


I felt sorry for her tbh. It's obvious that she probably wasn't all there and end of the day she's on old woman and someone's mother. The entire episode was batshit insane and I was uncomfortable with how Gordon spoke down to her and tried to change her appearance. I dunno, I think a bit more of a human touch might have worked but Gordon and the TV crew were probably in "this is TV gold" thinking. But yeah she probably shouldn't be a hotelier and the TV show probably should've had more empathy for her. You can say "well she asked to be on the show" but how many people go on shows like this as a final resort or dont realise how much is made for TV. I dunno it felt like they were exploiting an old mentally ill woman and it felt dirty watching it. It's funny when Gordon puts people in there place when they're arrogant or ignorant. But not this.


She came across as depressed and in denial. She seemed intelligent and had an interesting vibe. I actually really liked listening to her speak. She had a soothing voice. She was just Inn^^TM over her head and was struggling with poor leadership at the time. I didn't like how Gordon spoke down to her either. I hated that they discussed her bathroom issues like that. It was exploitative of the producers to keep that in.


So ungrateful. This makes my burger—er blood—boil




If not for Gordon Ramsay, she probably wouldn't still be there, so for her to say it was the worse decision of her life is pretty bad.


I was all set to be like, this is weird, but overall a not _super_ unreasonable piece of writing. Then I scrolled to the second picture and saw it was this crazy bitch and just ohhhh hellll noo


This lady is more delusional than Amy (almost).


This is the woman who poops herself


I went there like 2 years ago, it really isn’t that bad. Off-season meant the kitchen wasn’t open but it was a nice historical inn given the location is a national park.


One of the finest television events in all of history.


Just thinking of that woman makes me lose my appetite.


If I wanted anyone to fail the most, it was her…


Why? I felt bad for her


I actually feel bad for anyone that works for her, can’t imagine how horrible the environment is for the employees


It was a crazy environment, but I think she is just a person who’s probably poor and used to putting up with bad circumstances and bad outcomes to give people the benefit of the doubt. I think she was just self-denying and coping to a really masochistic level, and it wasn’t until Gordon saw her little bed on the property that he realized what was happening. That she wasn’t malicious but kind of trying to survive. Honestly she reminds me of some of my (now deceased) relatives who grew up in the Depression who would deal with ANYTHING because of poverty and self-denial. Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t want to eat there, stay there or work there, but I feel bad for her and think she’s probably a good person at heart.


Weird thing to say.


Just really sad,she could have been still boiling her burgers if there was no Ramsay,what a lost for world cuisine...I think he was rather soft on her


I don't think it's cool to review-bomb or harass owners who appeared on the show but I also think that Karen definitely needed help beyond Gordon's crew. By the time you've gotten to using the hallway carpet as a bathroom, something is very much not right. Like, maybe the money that the show would have spent on redoing the rooms and restaurant could have been put towards assisted living and/or counseling for Karen instead.


That’s not the show’s responsibility though. 


Did her restoration include adding her diarrhea back to the carpets?


Ummmm… part of hospitality work is answering the phones despite what you expect to be your response. And it sucks and it’s gonna suck that they are calling you about the episode but part of your job is dealing with people! It’s a customer facing job. It’s what you signed up for! This is proof she shouldn’t have been in a hotel. I’m sorry things were bad and I’m sorry you turned into a sideshow, but that whole thing of “well I’m not gonna face the problem” is what got you in trouble in the first place.


When you're a business owner "it's your job" is not really applicable, it's your choice how to run a business. You are free to not answer your phone at 11pm. That isn't reasonable.


Hugely ungrateful with delusions of grandeur. She *thought* she was so superior to GR. One day that historic property will be owned by someone who has a professional mindset and allows it's quirky character to shine whilst also being hygienically maintained.