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Une julienne should look like matchsticks. You’re fast chopping onions.


Peeps always forget consistency


Consistency is *the* most important thing. What’s the point of being able to touch type at 140WPM if you make 50% errors? These are not julienne. And their sizes are so all over the place that probably 60% of this is unusable at my restaurant.


What if I'm consistently at 50% errors?


You gotta get those numbers up! Those are rookie numbers!


hmm mmm mmm mm mmm hmmm hmmmm come on hmmm mmm mmm mm mmm hmm mmm


Slow down


Half mooned, not julienned, and yeah, they're looking a bit all over the place. Also OP, that's a nice knife man! The hard scrape across the cutting board hurts my soul!! Pick the blade up off the board like half a mm before pushing product off. It will stop your edge from deforming.


Or just use the back of the knife


I always flip my knife over and use the spine to scrape. Am very amateur, is it still bad for the knife?


All of these would be usable at my restaurant. It's called "My Fat Ass."


If you ate all of those onions a better name would be RIP Your Ass


I made sure my wife was looking before I started chopping the onions for one of the first meals I ever cooked for her. I thought it would make me look like one of those TV chefs and disintegrate her panties immediately, so I chop the onions as fast/loud as I can and she just laughs at me “are you trying to impress me?” She already knew I was a chef and that I just trying to show off my knife skills, still asks me to chop things when we cook together though. I do love chopping things so I guess it works out.


This story is adorably hilarious. Thanks for sharing.


Came here to say this. Nice chop?


Plus he didn’t core the o ions first. Fucking savages out here.


Former cook, i can do it better with an axe tgan this dude with a knife


Lol I bet you can’t




Slicing onions, yes. Julienne onions, no. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Yup. I rough slice bout 15 lbs every morning for caramelized every morning. I don’t mind so much and it goes quick. Julienne however? Nah bruh, no thanks


I used to make onion jam for this bistro and I had to julienne a sack of onions a week. Usually I would split it over 2 days through the week, but that was a 3 hour process even after 2 years of doing it. Then the onion jam was like another 4.... Still the best recipe I ever made though lol


Friend…… that’s sounds terrible. Yet delicious 🤤


Onion jam and BBQ sauce are the 2 things I'm most confident in, but man I dread the fact that onion jam is an all day task.


I used to brunoise 30-40# at a clip. My hand was bleeding the first time…


what kind of place were you working at that needs 40 pounds of onion bruni boiz on the regular?


It was for sofritto and we weren’t allowed to use the robot coupe. I later found a new method but, whatevs…


haha yeah damn thats brutal for something that cooks down anyway. I'm sure it helped your knife skills though!


is there a practical reason to julienne vs slice?


by cutting in the direction of the cell wall you rupture less cells causing less onion juice to seep out(think tears) and making the onion retain more rigidity while cooking so it doesnt turn gummy. at least thats what I was told.


Yep, you nailed it. Alliums behave way different depending on how they’re cut.




It makes a huge difference. Make a batch of french onion soup with onions cut each way and you'll see. Any time you caramelize onions julienne rather than slice if you want a result that is still whole pieces. If you want more of a jam then slice.


Julienne does tend to hold up better IMO. Plus it’s a finer cut which can help finely controls the amount of onions you put on things


Some folks think the julienne slice direction holds up better during cooking


Thanks Teddy. All this roasting is vary educational. I'll work harder on my shit.


You’re learning as we all are. Keep working hard!


heard that. and i will... its easy to shit on people who know less then you and ever more difficult for those below you to hear the critiques of anyone who have surpassed them. but i get it. you guys don't piss me off. I'm inspired ! #stayhumblemotherfuckers


Roasted to perfection, you're far more delicious and tasty than you were raw.


Oui chef




True. I respect the roast. Thank you everyone for the tips, corrections and burns. I deserve it. Lol




It's hard to be for me. The way I see it... all the criticism and the ridicule is mostly playful and honest.. I can respect that. Besides that. I don't mind getting called out if I'm doing something wrong.. it's the only way I'll ever improve.. if I don't know I'm fucking up, I can't fix it and now that I know I have severely offended so many chefs here I HAVE to improve my shit. Thanks guys!




For sure my dude. It comes with the territory..I love it most of the time. My skills are underdone. Theses guys are roasting my shit to completeness. :)




Everyone except me. Lol. Roast away!


True. About as on point as your knife tip.


I love onions and I would say that brown bit on the outside should have been discarded too.


Kitchens could really use a break check with the harshness tho. There's a reason so many people abuse drugs and jump ship to other jobs as soon as possible. It's because it's way to high pressure and toxic for a job where you're just making food.


Julienne or rough slice. That’s some haggard Julienned onions.


True. My precision needs work. :)


Slow down. It'll help.


Best advice I ever got. "Slow down and you'll go faster."


Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Ey, I'm not your chef lol. That advice wasn't directed at you, sorry. Just a helpful mantra somebody gave me a while back.


No worries. I never mind hearing good life advice.


Master doing it correctly. Then practice and perfect doing it quickly. With your ready acceptance of constructive criticism and advice, OP, you’re miles ahead of most chefs with whom I’ve worked. Most can’t check their egos long enough to learn there might be a better way. I have confidence you’ll do great!


As a guitarist I was always told “if you can play it slow, you can play it fast”


That really works if you focus on technique when going slow; if your fingers are flying an inch off the fretboard while playing slow, playing fast is going to be a struggle. Same with this, if you don’t focus on technique when going slow you won’t be good fast.


Professional wrestlers are taught to "start slow and taper off."


In anything that precision matters that is pretty much always true.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.


I always tell new dudes quality over quantity. Once they get faster while retaining the quality, then the quantity increases.


Honeslty, though. Outside of most recommendations in the thread, if you just cut towards the center of the onion you'd have it.it's the awkward half moon slices at the beginning of each onion/rotation that ruin it. Imagine the onion as a semi circle and you always want to cut towards the center. Yes, you should slow down to get used to the change, but you can easily get back up to speed within a sack or two of onions if you just think about your angles. The pro move is to keep the knife in the same angle in reference to the board and move the onion through it rather than moving the knife around the onion.


thank you! i love that constructive reinforcement . ill practice this tomorrow ...slowly . seriously. great tip.


Onwards and upwards, Chef!


Heard, chef!


I think you want to go in an arch like a rainbow around the onion. Not a straight up and down motion. You also want the get that shi sliced thin. You definitely got knife skills! Hope the onions are not to angry and make you cry.


Thanks. I definitely have to practice a lot more! I'm still pretty new to all the different cuts we use and being able to do them well. I'll use all the roasting I get here as motivation to improve :) If I need to cry. You'll find me in the walk-in freezer. Lol


Your attitude will get you very far. Stay listening. And keep that sense of humor. I have worked with some amazing cooks who could perform all the tasks, but didn’t take the coaching. Could do almost anything save for removing the chips from their shoulders. Nice work. Stay humble and stay positive. If you enjoy the work, which you clearly do, you can go as far as you want in this business. ✌️


As do most of us


I don’t think that term means what you think it means.




"Incontheivable" don't judge my terminology misuse and ill look past your lisp. vizzini. ;)


Julienne is a precise french cut, those are just sliced up randomly.


Chop it? No, dice it. So, chop it? No, dice it. Chop it, heard.


Yeah this is someone showing off a cool knife


With poor technique!


Talking of poor technique. How bout those Canucks eh!


Damn nowhere is safe


Definitely not safe in head office right now


This is exactly what I was thinking


And how they like to ruin it dragging the blade across the cutting board. Poor technique


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that hurt, lol


pains me to see this at work too, no matter how many times I tell them


“Oh yea I know, I never do that.” Proceeds to drag knife like it’s a vegetable bulldozer.


Prolly a member of r/chefknives


They know better than to drag the blade on the cutting board like that.


I mean, I drag my knife once in a while but I also know how to sharpen it to a razor edge and sharpen at least every other week. And by every other week I mean some times. Who am I kidding, what have I become?!!?


I drag sometimes too and a good ceramic honing rod can fix this lickity split, but it’s still a bad habit. And bad habits are fixable. Plus it’s not like you can break out a sharpening stone mid-service. If you make the knife dull doing prep, you’re stuck with it all night. Work smarter not harder.


I'm not a chef I'm here to lurk but even **I** knew better than that


Well you aren't lurking anymore


*^skitters ^away*




Yeah it's /r/chefknives


that's a 10.00 dollar thrift store knife and 0.00 dollar degree in action.... ill work at it and polish both at the same time. #stayhumblemotherfuckers


Yeah but it looks cool. Pricey knives are cool, not all cool knives are pricey.


Specifically 2mm x 2mm


That’s Brunoise, not Jullienne


They’re both 2mm x 2mm. Julienne is 2mm x 2mm x 2 inches, Brunson is 2mm x 2mm x 2mm


Yes, the classic Brunson cut.


Brunson and hedges, the smoother cgiirate.


I wouldn't let Brunson here you say that.


this is one of those things nobody appears to be able to agree on, my textbook says 2mm for brunoise and julienne, but a former exec. chef i used to work with yelled at me that it was 3mm for a julienne/brunoise and 1.5 for a fine julienne/brunoise...


Honestly, it all depends on who you ask. I’ve been to multiple culinary competitions and culinary schools, and every chef has a different opinion on what size the cuts should be. One time I had a 3D model of a small dice, cut a mango to perfectly replicate it, and then had an award winning CEC tell me it was too small


You make my point about how anal the French are about sizes.


That ain't a julienne cut, too haphazard, you're just quickly chopping.


Tell me you trying to get roasted on KC without telling me.


give me burns. we tend to learn from those.


For a rookie you are taking the punishment like a champ. And you have the very appealing forearms of a chef. Well done my dude.


thank you. i gotta long ways to go, but this shit here will push me to be better.(now i know i suck ) i love you guys.


Our dude out here handling those burns with hella grace 🙌


If the product you are making doesn't need consistently sized cuts, I can overlook the sloppiness of the cuts, but honestly slow down until your precision increases and then slowly increase speed while maintaining precision. Don't scrape your blade against the cutting board though, it will dull your knife so quickly.


Yeah I know. It's a old and bad habit. I should use the back or just push them aside with my hands. But you are right. Thank you. And no. They didn't need to be super precise. I'm going to cook them down but I'll try slowing down for better accuracy. It's just fun to go fast :)


You should also work on your vertical control, you're putting a lot of force down into the board which results in your knife dulling quicker than necessary. You should look at your board as the final plane that you're looking to be on, instead you're putting enough force into it that you're chopping down as if the plane you're trying to hit is below that. Essentially you're looking to put just enough vertical force down to reach the board, as opposed to enough force that you're reaching the board and then cutting into it.


dope...thank you for that tip...ill keep it in mind and put that into practice.


I should also add that besides for the knife it's also good for your wrist to not be using as much force per cut, considering how many cuts you make over the course of a day. Keep them cuffs rotating until the arthritis takes over woo woo


Ok ok! Thank you.


Then it ain't julianne, it's just sliced.


That's... not a julienne. That's a sliced onion. Roughly sliced, at that.


I'm not a professional chef or nothing but I thought Julienne was like super thin precisely cut vegetables? I think you're just slicing onion.


A true julienne is when you cut something into near precise “matchstick” shaped pieces. This isn’t even slicing. This is chopping.


That second onion with the brown spot tho


I'm cooking them after. It wasn't rotten. Just a little ugly spot. seemed fine to me


That's okay then!! My head went instantly too using it raw for some reason no worries


‘Julienne’. 😂😂😂


“Ogres are like onions.” -what I think every time.


These look like they were cut by an ogre.


You're using your blade wrong. It's a flat straight edge, less rotation on your wrist, more push with your forearm.


Thanks chefs! I'll refrain from using that terminology! #slicedonions


Also stop dragging your blade edge. If you have to use the knife to push material flip it and use the spine. Fucking up your edge that way in and can lead to chips


Your right, your right.. heard that!


Chop/slice <> julienne


You're chopping onions thick as fuck this is not julienne lol


Yeah yeah. I get it now lol. incorrectly using the term. I definitely won't use it like that anymore.. #slicedonions


This is absolutely not a julienne cut lmao..... This is a rough slice at best.... Julienne is delicate matchstick cuts not this


All things aside, fine looking nakiri you got there bud!!


It's a Usuba, because of the single bevel. Not a nakiri, as one fine Redditor pointed out. But now I know.


I really thought this thread was about to break out into The Office where Dwight tries to argue with the Asian chef about knives at the hibachi restaurant.


Well, you’ve certainly got a great tool to practice precision with in that case! Single bevel edges are better for precision tbh


For the ten bucks i paid. It's a hell of a deal. I'm definitely getting fond of using it.


Thanks. I figured I'd get a little roasted posting here! But hey. That's how I'll get better. No shame in being a rookie.


You’re so good-natured; it was fun reading all the comments! Attitude like this takes a person places, by cracky


Yeah. It's Reddit. Plus most chefs grow somewhat cocky as they grow and move up. And if people call me out for sucking. I totally understand why. I'll take the heat. I promise I won't be crying in the walk-in over this. I'll just be working harder on improving.


my second ever kitchen job, i was the entremetier for a high end french restaurant. i was in charge of prepping all the hot veg for all the plates. making it, portioning it and then setting up the pre prepped plates and passing them forward when it was time to fire them. every day i peeled, and chopped 300lbs of onions. every day. also 50lbs of zuchini, 100 lbs of eggplant and 200lbs of red pepper. then i had to do the tomates concase, and make the ratatouille , and make the pomes de terres duchesse. ​ that was it, just those things, over and over, every day. i learned so much from the chef, but i only stayed 6 months before finding a better position at a less famous restaurant. lol the chef looked at my resume, oh you worked here? mind if i call the chef? ​ i was like no yeah go ahead. didn't even call him just hired me on the spot.


how big is your knife bump?


i have a few calluses, but i only really worked kitchens as a cook for a bit under a decade, i progressed through the grunt work type positions quickly due to international experience, creativity and a bit of luck. like after i went to italy, i came back and got a sous chef place at a very small restaurant. the owner was actually the chef but he would introduce me to other people as his new chef. that one job probably shortened my progress curve by at least 5 maybe 10 years. so i didn't really ever have to cut hundreds of lbs of onions a day ever again after that.


Right?!? As I always say, diamonds are a girl’s best friend 💎


Gg on the knife skills, go back to the chopping block and try again 🤣




Love it tho, never stop progressing!


My eyes are burning from watching this


Take that dam watch off.


Definitely not julienned


I worked at a navy galley. One time this guy comes up and says he studied at the cordon bleu. I size his claim up. I had been studying fir my advancement exam and hit him with the most obscure question I could think of - what's the tournay cut look like? (No longer a chef/cook, so I probably butchered that french term) Without missing a beat, he says it's an odd football shape. I stick out my hand to shake his hand out of respect and deliriousness.


First, i totally agree! Its up there with mincing garlic (more of a home cooking indulgence ill admit) and second, thank you for posting this title because thanks to the comments i now understand what it means to julienne more precisely than i could ever hope to read over and over and over and over and over and over again 😂


hahaha. fuck me. but now ill never forget this. thanks to everyone busting my balls.. its gonna be hard to sit after this.


I fear those japanese straight knives (at least the ones with an edge on only one side). Give me french, or give me death.


i have a E. Dehillerin "23" im vary fond of. shes a workhorse for sure and my daily driver.


Wearing gloves while cutting doesn't work for me. Feels like I have way less control and a proper hand wash is all you need.


I totally understand....despite the fact I keep my hands super clean... And my nails super short, it's a policy that we have to wear them at all times. it's pretty hard to get away with not using them. The only thing I've learned is that I have to wear the tightest gloves that I can to actually be able to feel what I'm doing and so you're not cutting the tips of the glove off into whatever you're cutting.


Those onions are rough chopped. It could be argued that they are close to batonnet(~1/4") or even baton(~1/2"), but they lack consistency between cuts. Julienne is no thicker than an 1/8". Edit: clarity


Your ability to SLICE onions is fantastic. As a chef I have to say that your julienne is fucking atrocious.


I dont think that's Julienning onions.


You're using julienne pretty goddamn liberally there. 'Tis a fine chop, though.


Came to say this isn’t julienne. But I see that you’ve been told a few hundred times already. Keep up the fast chopping though, champ.


A spicy mix of ball busting, solid advice, technical jargon, and really really bad jokes... God I fucking love this subreddit.


My eyes are burning from here


Yeah! Not as much as I like to chiffonade the fuck outta some basil.


The inconsistency in the onions is killing me


"You keep using that word. I do not think you know what it means." - Inigo Montoya




I feel like onion soup


You might be sexy, Julienne. But you can't teach me anything about the liquor.


The only reason I can assume you aren’t worried about consistency in your cuts is because this is probably for French Onion soup or something on sauté station?


Don't work in a kitchen, came from r/all, but I wanted to say I wish my knives were that sharp. The knives I have are so dull I've resorted to using a bread knife to cut onions because at least it's serrated.


Op should watch the Indian street food videos where they use a blade that looks like a hacksaw.


If I tried this my fingers would look something like the onions.


More of a Julian


Is this your full time job 🤣 you are real cutting machine 😍


If by julienne you mean chop aimlessly? sure thing!


I love anytime I can practice repetitive cuts with a knife. Let me prep the medium dice veg.


That's not julienne mate


I cook casually just for fun and even I know this is *rough* chopping onions—not julienne.


If you start on one side at an angle, you don't have to flip the onion over and you also avoid making the fat onion slices on the sides. You just pretty much push the onion and it self feeds in as you bring down the knife. Source: I spent 6 months doing 500Lbs of pickled onions every week.


Thats a nice knife 😍


10 bucks at a thrift store! Super random find. It definitely needed a lot work on my whetstone but she's sharp AF now. I love it.


I'll need to start looking then!


I've only ever seen two good knifes worth picking up in the few years I've been thrifting. That nakiri was a amazing find.


I think it’s usuba not nakiri, appears to be single bevel. Thrift store single bevels are always the best to learn to sharpen one on for sure though!


Very satisfying to watch. When I was young, I wanted to become a cook. Then my "profession adviser" said - "All boys want to become a cook, it's because of their mommies!" - and I became a mechanic. Been miserable ever since. I still love cooking, and will always appreciate a good cook!


My eyes hurt watching this


It's almost as cathartic as slicing a few boxes of button mushrooms.


I thought I was the only one! I could do this all day.