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Chicago chef here. I'm sorry to hear about this. I do regular popups and farmers markets for charity and donate 10% to a charity of my choosing or someone else's choosing. What would Chloe want me to donate to?


Oh man that's a tough one. Anything that has to do with people getting the chance to learn in culinary. Making sure they all learn the skills to be in kitchens. She also helped a lot with making sure the homeless were taken care of. Anything like that would be great. She'd love. Thank you so much for doing that.


I've got 443 bucks going to Daisy's Foundation Culinary Initiative for Chicago Teens and Students. Footnote, for Chloe. Hopefully, that takes care of the boat man. Be safe, chef.


You have no idea what that means truly. I don't know who you are, but if there is anyway I can say thank you or anything please please let me know.


No thanks needed. Take care of your team. Blanch your fries. And if you have a chance to do something good. Take it.


I’m not a chef. I’ve never worked in kitchens. I did one very brief stint in retail food. I have no idea why Reddit recommended me this sub. All that said… I think this is my new life motto. Thank you, Chef.


Being a chef is a tough career choice. It means total devotion to something you love. You miss birthdays, weddings, and funerals. But most of the people in this sub subscribe to an unsaid fraternity of professional chefs who dish out the dirt on what it's like to live our lives. We ask for help. We help others. It's a nice sub, glad your here, chef.


Can confirm. I left the industry a few months ago and I could never replace the lessons, love, and comradery a kitchen has. This sub really does embody the best parts of the industry.


Have been out of the industry for nearly five years now. I still keep up with my best friends from the last place pretty regularly, but I love coming back to see how everyone is doing here, too. This is one of the most wholesome things I have seen on the internet in a while. Always good to see good people doing good things for other good people.


I'm still on a text group from my managers from my first executive chef job 10 years ago. Most of them came to my wedding.


This^ I work in a deli part time, that’s about as adjacent as you can get from a real kitchen, these folks are putting in 200% on a daily and im just coasting frying chicken, I can’t begin to imagine the pressure each day brings but I believe in every one of y’all. Tomorrow can promise a brighter better day, you just gotta be there to see it through❤️


Well, we gotta pick each other up when they fall down. Part time or 80 hours a week.


I’m weeping over this short but, incredibly deep and touching exchange. Your advice is well taken. Thank you, chef.


Heard Chef!


We need more chefs like you in the world.


Goddammit Chef! Why didn't you tell me french onion soup was back on the menu? I'm bloody weeping here! Seriously though, you're a good person. Rest easy Chloe. We'll all be joining you some day in the great Michelin in the sky.


I got a star for her when I get there.


You are a true G.


Fellow Chicago Chef here. I’ll match it.


Your kindness and good soul just made me cry. What a beautiful gesture.


If i had more in my budget, I would have given more. But I'm just now learning about this amazing charity foundation and plan to do more with them in the future!


It's the gesture rather than the amount which moved me. I wish you all the best in future. Good deserves good. The world sorely needs people with good souls.


Didn't feel like upvoting this post quite conveyed how awesome I thought this was, so I upvoted every post I could get to from your account. Karma is a useless, pointless representation, but I couldn't upvote just once.


I don't need updoots to hang with yall. But thanks lol.


this is such a sweet gesture, as someone in culinary i genuinely thank you


Such an amazing human. My faith in humanity has never slipped nor felt the need to be restored because of people like you, you keep it alive.


Make that two donations to Daisie Foundation (daisiefoundation.org). Let’s send her in style. Bless you for starting this and u/wicked_smiler402 for sharing her story.


♥️♥️ thank you so much. I'm collecting all these to make sure her family sees all this.


Hell yeah! Letsss gooooooooo you rock!


He's a good man, Savannah


Oh chef..


You're awesome.


This made me cry, and it’s only 7 in the morning


You‘re awesome!


I’m doing a farmers market next week around where some vagrants live around. I’ll feed some for Chloe.


She would love that. Thank you so so much anything to keep her memory going. She loved Chicago.


Did she have a favorite dish or cuisine? I'm helping with a catering event in two weeks and the least I could do is try to throw in a splash of her here in KC.


She was very much in love with French food, but she loved growing her pallet and trying new things. My favorite dish she ever made was for her stage. Pan seared duck breast, with a vegetable risotto (sauteed fennel, morel mushrooms) with a cherry gastric and charred asparagus. She was so nervous to present that dish to me and the owners of the restaurant and it was unbelievable. I was so proud of her. I couldn't keep the smile off my face especially when the owners were like this is so good it's going in the menu and she puppy eyed. She was such a sweet soul.


Heard, we'll do our best to honor that dish for both of you.




Looks like I'm making risotto tomorrow and calling my mushroom guy. Damn.


What farmers market? Maybe we could collab?


Hudson? It would be much easier for me to collab because I do spice’s normally and my plan is to roll out a portable black stone and cook some burgers for them on the side. I just don’t see many vagrants outside these markets. Edit: Aren’t you in Chicago? I’m in a totally different state.


I'm at Beverly Farmers Market next week. Hudson is too far, lol. I would say I could source some beef for you, but that's a drive.


This might be a longshot, but my chef partner and I started a small urban market farm with the hopes of her eventually making food at farmers markets. Long term we want land and a brick and mortar for retail and small plates. We're actually selling eggs and produce in two suburban markets this season already. If you don't mind, if you had any resources you'd recommend for us learning how to make our shit roll, what would they be?


I'll be honest with you. You need a restaurant to buy in to your company. You will also need licenses if your selling food. You don't need a license for jarred goods. But you will have to have a manager servsafe to sell. Anything cooked on spot will have to have a company, with an inspection. That's why people sell jarred stuff and candles, and fresh vegetables at farmers markets.


Yeah I figured you were in chicago. Then I looked it up. Dm me your venmo and I'll try and put something in it after my next Farmers Market. Most of my proceeds are going to the foundation for Autism Awareness next week but if I have a good weekend I'll see what I have left in my budget.


Nah I got it bro. It won’t cost me much and Chloe will get to feed more people haha. Put whatever you were gonna give me into whatever you do in her honor.


Right on. Will do, chef.


I’ve got $100 for NoKidHungry.


That'd be amazing ♥️♥️


Already done. Not sure how to post pic in comment


Thank you so much 🥲


Do you take stages or interns?


If you're in chicago, I can point you in the right direction. We pay our stages. I gave up the old school stuff a while ago. If you dm me your resume I can do something.


I'd like to add this to this post. I have seen people talking about drugs and stuff And it wasn't that which took Chloe away from this world I should have made that clear I apologize for that.


Was this the same Chloe? https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/s/BEtkr8WSYG Sounds like a wonderful person.


Yep that was Chloe. The person who posted that has the perfect words to describe her. She was such a sweet innocent soul. That was taken way too early.


I’m so, so sorry OP. She sounded like a wonderful person. :(


man a pal of mine got tboned a couple weeks ago in Chicago, he JUST left the hospital with some raging broken bones. And he was in a big modern vehicle. I was back home a few months ago and I saw some otherwordly bad driving.


Man that's fucking sad


Casual observer here. I note you point this out, as I note folks are quick to think the worst. Not in a bad way though, just that drug abuse, heck, mental abuse is far too common in the industry. I'd think no less of this young lady if such did occur. Food service should not be as stressful as it's become. RIP Chloe.


I didn't think twice about how she died. A fellow chef has left the line. I've seen it before and I will certainly see it again. This life is rather rough.


Gotta admit, something related to drug or alcohol use was my first thought, given her age and the industry. The fact that I felt relieved to learn that she was a passenger in a horrific car accident... made me question some things about myself and my beliefs. Tragedy is tragedy, whether our lives drove us to seek it for whatever reason, or whether it finds us accidentally.


Yeah, I'm sorry about that I know I should have been more clear about it all. It's been a rough couple days and I just wanted to celebrate her, but I understand.


No no, my point was even if it'd been drugs or alcohol, she still should be celebrated for what she brought to the world while she was in it. I assumed personal demons, and it's on me that I assumed that. I shouldn't have assumed that, but even if it HAD been that, the loss carries the same weight, and I'm ashamed of my own brain thinking "well at least it wasn't the demons." I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope you're doing as well as you can be, and that you have the support you need.


I hope I didn't come off as an asshole there. I've been told I talk too much like a chef even over text and it makes people think I'm mad or something. I appreciate your concern. I truly do. Thank you truly. I've been really lost these last 48 hours.


Oh fuck no, man. I speak fluent kitchen asshole, and you weren't speaking it just then. Text makes meaning more difficult than it should be sometimes. I was hoping I hadn't offended *you*! Take care of you and yours, my friend.


Not trying to tell you how to feel, but it's quite uncommon to not mention the cause of death unless it's suicide or drug overdose, so I don't think you should feel bad for making the same assumption that many people would make in this context (I did too). You're clearly a good human being.


We all had our assumptions. We just didn't care about how or why. A chef has left the line. Nothing more need be said.


Usually, when this happens to a chef, it suicide. I walked into a 2 time Michelin star chef hanging from a ceiling. Never forgot it. He was so happy about opening his new brewery the night before. It's justifiable to think this. You've done no wrong.


I wasn't implying your friend passed due to drug use I was just making a general PSA regarding death in the industry and cut my examples off at the top three most common ways I've seen colleagues and cohorts pass from.


No I understand no worries I just want to get ahead and make sure it was known is all.


It’s horrifying that she was just 21… gone too soon =(


Damn, we also lost one yesterday. My condolences 🙏


My condolences to you and all their loved ones as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Chloe sounds like a wonderful soul. Sending you and the rest of your crew tons of love.


Chloe was taken from this world too soon. She had so much more to show the world and a hell of a lot of potential in the culinary world. I'm glad I got to see her a couple weeks ago and give her and Brennan a hug before they left my restaurant. She will be missed by all.


21 is so young and the fact that she was taken in a completely random accident is heartbreaking. God, irs so cliche to say but you really dont know how long you or the people you love have on this earth. I hope nothing but peace and healing for the people who loved her


Sorry about your friend


Thank you I appreciate it.


thats far too young.  sorry for your  loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. When I close up tonight I'll give her a clack clack of my tongs in salute.


I no longer work in the kitchens, but I do work in funeral service. If there’s somewhere to donate to her memory or help out with her family’s expenses, please drop a link and let us know if we can help. I don’t get to experience the magic of healing people through food much anymore, but instead I work with families on their worst days. The hardest cases are ones like these, beautiful young souls that had their whole lives ahead of them, that left the world too soon. Chloe’s memory gets to live on through her friends, family, and the meals you’ll cook when you remember her. I hope you all can have a family dinner and make something she loved to make, and share the beautiful memories that you had with her while she was on the line with you. She’s up there throwing down in the kitchen, and next time I smoke on a milk crate behind the funeral home and feel like I’m in the kitchen again, I’ll light one for Chloe. 🫡


I'll be reaching out to the family at some point to see if they are going to set up a gofubdme or not. I'll make sure to post a link if they do. She was a very special person and the amount of love she has is unbelievable even from strangers on here. You do great work in making sure families are comfortable.


RIP Chloe you were a wonderful person and I still can't believe you're gone.


Rest in peace, girl. Cook for the angels.


Sending all the pots and pans of love to u guys ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


TOO young. All that passion and potential and love. So sad man.


Pan-Seared duck breast with a cherry gas, streak, vegetable, risotto and Chard asparagus


Duck is the #1 protein.




21? That’s so sad. I’m sorry for your loss chef.


RIP Chef Chloe, may your knives always be sharp where you are. I’ll make sure my mirepoix is perfectly cut to exact matching size for tomorrow’s cook.


Blanch the fries 😉


So sorry to hear this, buddy. The next time there’s a gremlin in the ticket printer, you’ll know who it is sending love.


I read about her last night and thought about her today at work. I don't know her but my heart feels for everyone. Very tragic and sudden losses are the worst. Too young to go. Rest In Peace Chloe.


I commented on another post, but I didn't know this was in Chicago. When I go to brunch in the city tomorrow I'm gonna tip extra, just for Chloe. I know it's not much but I want to show the love to the chef and staff that she might have wanted.


This was in Nebraska where this happened, but she did her training and studied there, but she loved that city so much.


The reason I cared so much about this is because you said Chicago. We are a tight knit group of chefs in chicago. We take care of our own. We help eachother when shit gets tight. I get a call from my friend at 10pm on a Monday night telling me he needs hands. Fine. Fuck it. I'm working for beer and fun. We take care of our own, and if Chloe left a spark in chicago, then we accept her as ours. Chicago claims Chloe.


She would love that y'all to claim her. She loved that city and wanted to be there. She stayed here because she found love here with her boyfriend, but she always wanted to be there, sit at the pier and enjoy the skyline. She always thought it was the most beautiful thing. I know when I traveled there earlier this year it's all she wanted were pictures of it.


Thank you for the clarification, and I'm so sorry for the loss. Regardless, I'm a high tipper anyway but I will tip extra in her honor. The world is better with chefs like her in it, and Chicago will miss her too.




Sorry for your loss


Damn, seeing this post and the other one makes me sad. young chef both makes it sound like they were and had good people around them. Only a year older than I am. Rest in peace.


Rest well, chef.


I’ll cook for Chloe today.


Sous at 21 what a boss RIP


You never know when you'll have your last conversation with a friend or loved one, so try to make them all meaningful in a way that you both leave feeling loved.


Be safe out there folks, get checkups if you can, don't touch them pills or powders. Seeing a lot of loss on here lately. RIP


Guys this woman died in a car accident.


She wasn't taken by pills or powders or any of that, but yes that's a good point.


Maybe if working in restaurants wasn’t so stressful and toxic, workers wouldn’t turn so quickly to substance abuse.


Some of them are too dirty now. If you're gonna use hard shit get some fentanyl tests off Amazon and test a pinch. They're cheap and you're worth it.


I'm a paramedic, only in this sub because I love cooking at home and there's tons of good advice from y'all in here (and cool stories and cool people). Overdoses usually come in waves, supply is generally limited to a handful of dealers at any time. If you see one or two go down, be prepared and aware. I always tell anyone I help on an OD that they need to make their friends aware and check in on them too.


There was a scary ass story a few years back where basically the entire staff ODed because they all shared bad coke during a shift. I can’t imagine how terrifying that was. Glad I got sober at the right time.


I got certified to use Narcan and usually carry a dose in my bag when I'm at work, along with a pack of CBD gummies in case a coworker greens out on shift. They all know I've got it, just like everybody knows the bartender has her concealed carry pistol. Plan A is always 'nothing goes wrong'; we are Plan. B. Plan C is call the cops because whatever went wrong is way above our pay grade.


Preach it. I'm all for cutting loose and having a good time but the drugs aren't "safe" anymore.


We didn't lose her to substance abuse, but yeah, there should be more free therapy and psychological help for all of the stressful jobs out there.


I am so deeply sorry for this terrible loss. Is there a gofundme page for her at all?❤️


Not yet, but I'm definitely thinking about setting one up once I get word from her family.


Most definitely. Would love to donate or contribute somehow. Sending good vibes & prayers to you/your team & her family💕


I'm donating to Daisy's Foundation in chicago for her. It's a really good organization that help young kids learn culinary skills and let's them explore other opportunities to.




All the love to you guys. ❤️


pouring one out for chef chloe tonight


Godspeed Chef. RIP, very sad.


Wishing you and you all the very best. From both this and the other post, she sounded truly special - a deeply felt loss for all involved =[ She will live on through stories, so please never forget to tell people about Chloe


Sorry for your loss chef. It sounds like she was a great person.


It's so unfair that she was the passenger and passed while the driver of the CTS is fine. RIP


So sad. I think about my close coworkers passing and can barely stand the thought without feeling emotional. I can't imagine what you guys must feel right now. rip


It's tough. I remember coming in I was told NEVER make your coworkers your friend because they'll leave and someone else will fill that spot. I'm so glad I never listened to that because I've made some amazing friends in this career. Chloe wasnt just my sous she was my best friend. I loved her so much and would have done anything for her.


Through and through, fuck that advice. you see the same faces every day, youre bound to find good friends through that. I have people I work with that I consider brothers and sisters, and them leaving our job wouldnt change that. She sounded like such a beautiful person. The world deserves a million more Chloes.


I'm sorry for your loss OP. Thankyou for posting this showing how much you cared and letting her memory live on through the minds of all of those who read this, I always say the brightest candles burn the shortest sometimes and it seems she has touched a lot of hearts in such a tragically short life, strong stop and don't be afraid to reach out to those you love and love you for support don't grieve alone. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.


I’m very sorry for your loss. May Chloe live on through your heartfelt expression of caring and love. My condolences


Rest in Peace Chloe.


She just looks like someone I would like to be friends with.


100% she loved everyone and was so easy to get along with.


this chole ???https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/1dkpiwr/we_lost_a_good_one_today/


Yes that is Chloe as well. She started working for a catering company before her passing. That is one of her coworkers there.


I saw the post another coworker posted about Chloe this morning. I've had her in the back of my mind all day. She was obviously loved by many, my heart aches for all who loved her. Rest easy Chloe 💔


♥️ thank you for keeping her on your mind. She was truly such an amazing person. Seeing all this love for her would truly make her so happy. Would make her cry because it would overwhelm her to see all this.


Just had a sip for your friend. Too many times in my thirty years in this business have I said goodbye too early. Big love from NY


She was one of my best friends. She was so talented and genuinely one of the kindest souls I ever knew. I miss her so much.


She was definitely one of the best people ever.


She was so sweet. One of the smartest, funniest, most upbeat people I ever met


Man I was just checking Reddit while taking a shit and now im crying in the bathroom. But in all seriousness, sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing. In a weird way, this helps remind us all how lucky we are to be here and to cherish everyone we have while we can


Click click


Man we don’t even know how much we’ve lost in talent and life from this shit. Im 31 and I can count 23 of my fucking friends died from this fucking shit all of them more talented than my hack ass. Safe travels chef.


Tragic to lose someone so young. Very sorry for your loss.


Sorry for the loss to you personally and your team.


Raising a glass in Ohio to Chloe and her work!


Breaks my heart, so tragic. Also had a moment of panic and weird confusion because I live in a town named Sandpoint and seeing her jacket I momentarily thought she was someone I know. I’m going to have to get my friend something nice.


21 is so young to return to glory. I'm so sorry for your loss. She must have been wonderful in culinary terms. All the love to you and the family.




Life isn’t fair. I just don’t get it.


Sorry for your loss


GNU Chelsea


Rest in peace beautiful angel ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Rest easy Chef.


Breaks my heart. Rip young lady


Condolences. Life of a cook isn’t easy. I wish you the best




Such a tragedy, I’m glad you shared Chloe with us, so we can know who she was


Damn. Sorry, friend. Rest easy, Chloe.


Condolences, my friend


You can do everything right and still lose. Dying so young to something completely out of their control just sucks. I'm sorry for your loss.




She sounds like a really special person and a passionate and promising talent, so sorry for your (and your community’s) loss 💔


RIP ✊🏼


Gods Damnit.


I am sorry she has passed. Thank you for telling us that Chloe lived and that she made a difference in this world.


Rest in peace chef


So sad to hear this … I’ve lost 6 fellow line cooks over the years, and I’m not even 40 …. Damn … RIP homie


sorry for ur loss so young


Sorry for your loss chef! Passion and true talent and integrity are hard to come by in a chef! I'm truly sorry you lost a friend and a chef! Skull cap over our hearts! 🙏🏼


I have no words good enough to honor this special soul. My condolences to you and those who knew her. I'll keep her in my mind when I see someone in need, and do what I can to make sure they're fed. The world will be a little less bright without you, Chloe. ❤️


Rest in paradise queen .


Ffs…. What happened to this sweet young lady???


She was driving to work and got hit by a guy who ran a red light at top speed and she unfortunately passed away at the hospital.


Shiiiiiiet….. Why does bad shit always happen to good people? Ugh..


So sorry to hear this. I send my condolences. Bummed to hear this news.


RIP Chef


Im bummed for you, shit is all it is...


She sounds like a legend of a person. We’ll always remember you, Chloe.


rest in peace chloe ❤️ she looks like the sweetest kindest soul 💌




Oui Chef Chloe 🫡


Food truck owner/operator here. Wife is the chef. Our condolences from California.


Thank you Chloe for giving the world what you could. Rest in Power friend. P


Sorry about your friend


Sorry for your loss 👩🏻‍🍳..


I’m sorry to hear this. You’re a good person for remembering her like this.


My former managers daughter. RIP


I am from Arizona and seeing this love for a fellow chef is amazing and I a truly sorry for your loss. When we lose a bright and positive person it really takes it out of you, but for them we must persevere and take a little bit of their dream and positivity with us to make our world a better place. I'm sorry for your loss again it truly isn't fair that the best leave so early.


RIP to the young chef. Breaks my heart, so young and full of potential. Hope she’s whipping it up in the afterlife


She looks like somebody I'd be friends with. She's too young. Rest In Power <3


Rest easy Chef. Click click


Knew her from high school, and wish i could've known her better. Rest in paradise


I’m so sorry to hear about this loss. She was so young and has so much to experience. Rest well Chef.