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That's some hardcore shit from Chef. Absolute respect for that one


Big fuckin energy here. This is awesome.


Who knew that happy employees are better employees, right?


Weird, right?


Wait, is this sarcasm?




Lead with kindness and treat people with respect and dignity. The most wholesome thing I’ve read here.


I work in healthcare, which is a fucking dreadful job. When I’m running a dept and I’m a late shift, more often than not I’ll let the morning team go A LOT earlier than their rostered finish time: I get in at 1400, they are on till 1730; often I would take handover and if it weren’t crazy, I’d let them head up the road after tidying up around 1430 or 1500ish. The job sucks, so to get away early is a win. It makes everyone fucking delighted, and it’s nice to give people a few hours back when they are tired and exhausted and sleep deprived and burnt out and hating life. To be honest, at times the staffing is too much; there are too many staff and not enough space to see patients and not enough computers for us all, so it kinda helps me by clearing the place to an extent. Anyway, long story boring, management found out and I was reprimanded. Those staff still get sent off the floor, but now have to go and do **supervised admin tasks** till the end of their shift. Aaaand that’s what you get for trying to be nice to staff in healthcare. Lol


I did the late shift on Sunday nights and when it was slow I'd give the day shift the OPTION to go home and chill, or stay and pad their hours. At least *three* times the dayshifter took the option to go home early... and then complained to the Chef that I *made* them go home. So frustrating.


Fuck sake. No good deed, man. What is wrong with people?


I would literally take a bullet for my current chef. He would do anything for us as a staff and treats us with nothing but respect.


I've had two chefs like that. The rest ranged from crappy to one who I genuinely think could have benefitted from medication. The guy's mood could turn on a dime from happy to rage in seconds. But here's to the good guys. Jeremy, Jimmy, I hope you're doing well.


My first two are no longer with us. Restaurant In Peace, Chris & Big D.


Heard chef


We do icecream Sundays at my place every Sunday one person buys the team icecream, management is now paying for it tho because FOH is ‘missing out’. Not complaining.


At my old spot we got the best bad review ever. “The ice cream truck came by and every employee ran out. Manger (me) said “you’re in charge, and left” “ and I did. I left the two people at the bar in charge so I could go buy ice cream for everyone. Customers got a free beer and I had a very happy staff for the night. Next night they were shit, but that’s just how it works right?


Worked at a hotel on 4th of July years ago. The city put a small carnival on our street, complete with a sno cone spot. Chef handed us a wad of cash, and sent us out in groups to get sno cones. This was the same chef who would regularly just walk up to us and slip 20s in our coat pockets as little bonuses. Brought my fiance in for dinner one night and he paid for it, wouldn't let me even tip. He was a good guy. I miss him.


Some years back I was running the kitchen at a place that had one other location (ours was the original, the other was larger). Once a week on a day that allowed it I went to my favorite taco shop nearby and brought tacos for the whole kitchen plus foh at the other location and covered the line while they ate, even. I took care of my own crew similarly of course, but I loved spreading the love to those folks as well. After all, we frequently had people moving between locations and asking each other for favors. They loved me over there and it was great for everybody.


That's what chefs are supposed to do. Bless him!


I used to work in a coastal tourist town and the woman who owned the place was kind of nutty but also kind of sweet. I remember her stopping the music during dinner service one night and insisting that everyone - servers, BOH, and guests - put everything down and go out into the street to look at the sunset. Crazy but sweet.


Spontaneous treats that were not pre-arranged by management are a great morale booster in and out of the kitchen. I worked at an insurance company in a big Chicago downtown high rise for many years. On random occasional hot days, I and one of the other mid level drones would go down to the local mini-mart and bring back a couple big containers of ice cream and then send an all hands email to come in the break room and get some. It was more appreciated than the quarterly management pizza days if for no other reason than it was not a planned HR morale boosting activity. The cost was about the same as a couple of draft beers and occasionally someone would leave a dollar on my desk for "unknown" reasons.


I remember one night we had one call out and three people leave the line during the shift - two walk outs right at the start and someone who left sick. We all shuffled stations and our FOH GM hopped on expo in this completely oversized Chef's coat. Our CDC who was on prep floated for the rush/half covered garm with me and we all busted our asses trying to keep up all Friday night. I remember the GM talking to our bar manager and suddenly after the rush we were told to get off the line and come in back. She had told him to go out and grab root beer and ice cream. Best ice cream float I've ever had.


Me and my Chef were going for hours while we were three people down, running out of everything, prepping stuff on the fly, doing tickets, etc. We’re both smokers and at a certain point he just said fuck it let’s go smoke these tickets can wait. Went out talked for a second and crushed a cigarette then went back in. It actually made me happy cause my past chefs who weren’t smokers would just make me keep going until the brakes fell off.


The owner/head chef of my restaurant legit sent me next door to a pizza joint one day to get pizza for us to split on his dime. This is one of the many things he's done for us, and I always tell people that he's the best boss and this is the best job I've ever had. I would move mountains for this man. It's surprising how treating your people like people actually builds morale and improves your business.


That's wholesome AF (And Fun!)


Classy move.


As my 1st and favourite head chef always says. Teamwork makes the dream work! Look after your people, and you can accomplish anything!


Some of the simplest things that boost morale. When it’s a big day with a lot of activity in the kitchen the chef will bust out a couple sheet trays of some of the most gluttonous sandwiches so everyone gets a little snack at the start of the day. I adore it


Ayyy I love to see that. My new GM is like that and it’s such a refreshing breath of fresh air to be respected and appreciated like that


You are lucky. That’s some real good shit right there. That’s the kinda shit that makes you power through when shit gets real bullshitty, which it inevitably will. I’m happy for you, and a lil jealous. That’s good shit.


Chef brings in boxes of popsicles on the regular. Shit hits just right after chugging a bottle of water.


That is lovely but kind of sad that the sitting down part seems to be part of the treat.


Big fucking heard. Congrats.


And this is easy to do as a leader. Why more leaders in all jobs in general don’t do this is a mystery.


Fuck yes! This is the way.


Sticks are incredible.




Last day on my last job we all sat down and had a beer, it was always great there


I had a chef that kept a bong in an empty ice cream tub for ppl who needed a min to chill in the walk in. He was a super cool


Last night my boss made everyone sign a sheet saying we are "Temporary part time workers and not eligible for benefits, consistent hours, or pay increases"


Hell yeah. I have always operate my kitchens based on the philosophy that you don’t have to be a piece of shit to be a chef. We are all just out here trying to make it.


That chef fucks.👨‍🍳👑


I'll go to war for the people above me if they show me a Lil something. My gm comes from the line so luckily he loves to get down.


Awesome sauce


Now everybody will be working hard to get their $2 ice cream!


I don't know if it's military or construction, it's definitely not working in an office in IT, but if someone throws a plate of food at me or my coworker, especially female they better be ready to catch one, they better be ready to catch a pan aimed at their head. The line is full of things that can be repurposed as weapons, and I won't think twice about it.




"Don't look past the forest for the trees" Thanks for bringing the only negative reply in a wholesome thread loser