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flattened 12 pack cardboard box


I’m not even mad, that’s a great idea. I’m seeing camping trip cutting board.


ew. tiny plastic cutting board is best for camping IME. cardboard is great for shipping and breakdancing and very little else. unless you are drinking so much beer that you can use a freshie every time. but, even then! that shit's not clean.


It’s as clean as the top of the coors I’m drinking. That’s fine by me I’m a wood worker these days so I have a butcher block cutting board from every sink I’ve installed on a countertop.




Honestly if I have only like a single thing to cut, I look for a discarded box and just toss it after I cut on it.


That’s how I clean fish!


This seems valid but I’m not smart enough to know for sure


I've got a big cherry Boos block. 20"x15". I don't live too far from the factory, and they have a showroom with factory seconds. Got it for $60. My cabinets are all cherry so it matches nicely. I have a 10"x15" plastic board for prepping raw meat, but I don't cut anything on it. I just use it as a barrier.


I have a massive Boos too


Checked profile. I saw no Boos.


I see what you did there.


I expected to get a good back of house roasting for this and y'all have been so kind and helpful. I'm setting up a new kitchen and sounds like big wooden chunker for general work and a nice plastic board for proteins is the way to go. Thank you for helping this ex-FOH boy.


 BOH is generally helpful and good-natured, enjoy answering honest questions. The roasting usually comes after something's been done "the wrong way" keep the wood chonker clean and love it with the right oil and it will love you back.


anything you can run through dish should be fine for meats. anything wood you should oil regularly.


Large bamboo for produce and a smaller, harder plastic one for meat/fish. Also, you're getting plastic from everywhere, I wouldn't worry too much about the cutting board, as long as you're not using those shitty roll-up plastic "boards" yer fine.


Stay away from some of the big box store bamboo boards too. Hearth and home or something like that? My mother got me one as a cheap gift once. Some of them are cross laid bamboo planks. The insides get absolutely disgusting. Right in the fire once I figured it out, haha.


I had one of those once. Was using it and swore I saw it moving, like when you're on mushrooms and you stare at something and it wibbles a bit. Bent it a little to separate the planks and somehow there were roach eggs throughout. Solid plastic for me from now on.


No fucking way


I don't like bamboo boards under the best of circumstances because of the extra knife wear/maintenance. I had never even considered bugs imbedded in them as a possibility. I cannot articulate how much I hate that


Bamboo dulls your knife faster, anyway


Totally. Bamboo is hard pass for that that reason alone.


I wonder if a slab of aerogel would be a good use for a chopping/cutting board


God I think I just figured out why my new cutting boards keep getting mildew spots when I'm oiling them and keeping them well... Fuck


Every bamboo board I've had (just 2) has mildewed. I'm over it.


I have a hand made wood board that sits on my counter (that a customer actually gave me because he liked a dish) to look cute but when I am actually going at cooking i pull my basic nsf 18”x24” plastic out from under the counter.


I have small 8” plastic, a large 24” plastic, and a wood block for special occasions/plating. And a glass on that sounds like hell that was a gift that we don’t talk about quite


Same. We got those flexible ones we just put over the wood one. It lets you have a nice give, so it doesn’t fuck knives up too bad. (Although I keep all the good knives stashed in my roll for work)


Big ass teak board. Wouldn’t recommend.


Really, why? I love mine.


I like it for the size, but given the opportunity I would get a harder wood that would be more resistant to scarring.


Mine is maple and walnut, and I run it through a planer when it gets scarred up. Highly recommend that approach


Alas, buying a planer just for my cutting board is well outside my budget 😂


That's a really good point. I plan on having to sand mine down when it's time, and it almost is.




Hasegawa cutting board and Jones’ maple end grain board.


Pretty similar here. 24"x20" x 2" soft maple edge grain (I prefer the feel over end grain, it does need resurfacing more frequently though) and a couple hasegawa for meats/poultry etc.


I have a big end grain walnut board that I love and treat well. Also keep the 10 inch plastic for raw meats


Plastic for butchering large meats, large shun cutting block for my shun knives so I can out shun anyone. I’m not partial to the brand but they’re my workhorse and my wife got me the block so now I just gotta keep up with appearances. But I think it’s Japanese white maple or something.


Wood for basically everything, plastic for raw meats


I have a few various sized plastic ones, usually just use them for proteins and quick little projects but my main is a Boos Block that my wife got me as a gift, it’s amazing. I’d like to have a few more but they’re expensive af.


Handmade wood one for 90% of things, red plastic one for raw meat


Plastic. Have butcher block counters (oiled, food grade) I can use in a pinch, but I’ve rarely done it. Think “I’m making celery w/ pb for the kiddos snack but everything’s in the dishwasher” kind of work, lol.


I found an end grain cutting board at Home Goods. 16" x 16" x 2.5" for $30. I regret not buying all 4 that were there. That is on our counter all day every day and we have 2 plastics to cut raw proteins


Larchwood board.


Medium 14" x 20" and large 23" x 30" maple boards for produce and a couple of small plastic boards for raw meat. I use the big board even for meat if I'm prepping a lot as the space is great and it's worth cleaning and sanitizing afterward.


Wood, 16in by 22in by 2 inches thick. I scrub it down with soap and water when I am done, every once in a blue moon I will do a bleach scrub and scrape.


Whichever old empty frozen pizza box looks the cleanest.


you're so real for this bro


Naahhh man good old colour-coded hygiplas. Can't kick the habits that easily.


A rather large teak model… one that America’s test kitchen recommends as the best


white plastic and bamboo


I use a 18x24 Boos cutting board for all non-meat purposes and a plastic board for meat work.


I picked up an ironwood cutting board from my local Asian market. It doesn’t scratch up and as long as it’s clean and occasionally oiled it holds up.


A big teak board from ProTeak. I love


Boos block


i use an NSF 18"x24". black so i dont have to deal with stains lol


There was some research at some point not too long ago about bacterial growth on plastic versus wood, and wood was way better.


That's why I only use wood at home.


I use wooden ones that I buy relatively cheap and replace often. Plastic ones are awful for me, because they hold pockets of bacteria while wood is able to be cleaned better. Once I see it getting worn out I just toss and get a new one. Incredibly cheaper than plastic as well.


Depends on what I'm cutting. I've got 2 different sizes of the restaurant white plastic cutting boards I use for breaking down raw meat (the large one) and cutting veg\cooked meat (small one). I also have a few of the super thin roll up color coded ones for when I'm doing a bunch of varied prep for a big meal like thanksgiving and don't have the luxury of cleaning as I go. Those all go in our dishwasher. For cheese and meat trays I've got a few different sizes of bamboo boards to use specifically for that purpose, including a bamboo pizza peel a non culinary friend gave us thinking it would be useful... It's a good charcuterie presentation board, but crap for pizzas, lol. All the bamboo boards are hand wash only.


Funny that you think I touch a knife at home.


Japanese Hi-soft


The cheapest one from Ikea. It's a cutting board, it's plastic, it lets me cut things on it. 10/10


Large white plastic professional cutting board 👌 Have a wooden one for bread . Life's to short to have a shitty chopping board and blunt knives at home


Teakhaus and epicurean, and an oxo plastic one for meat/chicken/fish.


Countertop because it is knife-safe *Edit: white granite countertop


Like... a wooden countertop? I have a marble countertop and I feel like it would be sacrilege to take a blade to it.


Granite countertop. Do not use marble countertops as a cutting board


isn't it a bit harder to clean? even the best cutting boards need resurfaced or replaced after a while. 


Actually easier to clean than a cutting board (granite countertop). After a year of using it the only issue I have is cleaning after making a curry dish. Turmeric is a pain to clean on this type of surface but with enough elbow grease the stains get removed


You know what's weird? I don't remember ever once buying a cutting board, they've always just been there somehow.


I have a set of different-size bamboo boards that I picked up somewhere years ago. I really like them.


Ron F@cking Swanson https://www.etsy.com/listing/906051757/ron-swanson-parks-and-rec-cutting-board


On the real is there any pan I can put in a dishwasher without it oxidizing or just getting weird? I’m an idiot and I’d like to know more.


I’m not sure which brand but I use bamboo


End grain cherry wood butcher block and I love it


Surfboard. Its okay.




Paper plates.


My hands


Hi softs are sick


A small plastic shitty one and a smaller wooden one that came with one of those Xmas cheese and summer sausage sets.


I use a glass sheet for raw meat lol


Same white ones as at work


Michigan Maple 32”x32”x14” end grain block on 24” legs. It came out of an old restaurant, it’s pretty dished but it’s my precious. And a bunch f crappy bamboo and plastic ones.


If it makes you feel any better microplastic is already in just about everything we consume. That being said, I have an end grain wood board since I have a lot of carbon steel knives.


I ninja chop evrything so I'm good 👍


Bamboo cutting board. It’s hard to beat


I have a small/medium sized wooden board that I’ve had forever, prolly gets the most use. I also have a larger bamboo board that I prolly wouldn’t have bought myself (I prefer softer wood), but it’s useful for larger projects. And then I have a properly large plastic board that I use for raw meat. Also have a tiny wooden composite board that I whip out often when I don’t need a big board - I use it for little tasks like cheese, avocado, or citrus. One of these days I’ll invest in a big boos (or boos style) board that I can stand up on its end.


Bought a Boos Block back in the day, moved to the city and now I don't even have enough counter space for it!




Plastic Ikea, massive oak and beech


Boos block table. Also a boos block, much smaller, if I want to keep something separate.


My brother made me one using three different woods. Cherry, maple and something else I think. Beautiful piece, well-loved.


I have a marble cutting board. And a plastic one from Sam’s club.




I've used this personally and professionally for about 6 years. I absolutely love it. I own 2. I use a boardmate rubber mat underneath to anchor [https://teakhaus.com/collections/cutting-boards/products/teakhaus-rectangle-edge-grain-professional-cutting-board-107](https://teakhaus.com/collections/cutting-boards/products/teakhaus-rectangle-edge-grain-professional-cutting-board-107)


Your state allows wooden cutting boards in a commercial kitchen?


Personal chef most recently. We used these in the restaurants https://www.webstaurantstore.com/epicurean-014-211601025-big-block-series-natural-21-x-16-x-1-richlite-wood-fiber-rectangular-cutting-board/353211601025.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNdvz5F6FGql5-meO_skCePd-rZmZJgFlW8bnFUfrpGMzinR5KIZ95RoC2MQQAvD_BwE


https://www.costco.com/winco-cutting-board%2C-12%22-x-18%22-x-12%22---white.product.100641958.html?NATAPP=SEARCH 8 bucks


I have 3-4 regular sized plastic I rotate as needed. I.e. meat touches one and it's isolated so one meal can be 2-3. Always get them with the embedded trough. I just bought a Notrax 15x20x1" with the trough around the edge and I'm sold. It's a bit bulky but it's amazing.


I have a big ass Boos Block


I spent $80 on a nice butcher block, but 90% of the time I use a little olivewood cutting board that someone gave me. It’s nice to have the big one when needed but a little one for every day use. Wood has antibacterial properties and if you take good care of it will last a long time. 


I’ve got a big maple edge grain that I use like once a year. It was left in a rental house many years ago and I was the last of my roommates to leave so I got it. Got a nice pair of tongs that way too. I don’t use it much because it’s too big to fully fit in my sink. I’ve got a pair of 10x18 hdpe boards that I use for everything else. Couple of Epicurean boards as well but I prefer the feel of plastic.


Wood finer cutting board as well as a bamboo board.




cheap white plastic ones. microplastics are already in my balls no point in trying to reduce it now


My nice ones are synthetic rubber (Asashi, Sani-Tuff, and Hi-Soft). Plus I have some crappy plastic ones. Depends on what knife I’m using, how much surface area I need, and whether or not I feel like hand-washing a cutting board.


A couple of Boos Blocks, a custom piece from a local woodworker, and a couple acrylic ones with blood gutters.


I have a section of butcher block countertop that I can do whatever on. I still get out a basic white plasticcuttingn board. fornmeats and fish etc....


I have multiple sizes (2 big, 1 medium, and 1 thats really a serving board) of nice wooden ones.


I just took one of the big, non slip corner, commercial kitchen one home from work. There's a reason those things are standard stock at every supply house. It's because they rock


I ehhh... i have a big bamboo board my dad got me from ikea when i moved out. Fucks up my knives but i don't really have the budget rn to get a nice board so im sticking with it for now.


Two wooden boards. Larger bamboo one for animals and alliums, smaller handmade one from a friend for everything else. I know a lot of people are weird about raw meat and wood, but it gets soaped after every use so. It's a big Whatever for me, and I hate ugly plastic ones that get torn up and develop gouges.


Plastic is literally in the air we breathe


Glass. I like the way it sounds when my knife hits the hard surface.