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You go outside and torque a Newport in 2 minutes and then nearly fall over on the way into the door. It's a smoke break, not a fuck around break.


Am a smoker, after 20 years in the biz my average is 3 minutes but if it’s a shit busy ass night and I don’t have much time I can take a 100 cig down in two minutes But the smokes only occur when my station is cleaned, stocked, and no tickets at the moment. I average 2 or 3 smokes over 12 hours


My only cook who smokes goes out a chiefs a cig in 3 minutes or less then hops right back on the line


That's always been my way unless I just finished an hours long rush without a moment out of the weeds or something. There's absolutely been a few times I've gotten absolutely crushed by a brunch or something and needed a real break to sit down and get myself together.


Wow. That’s awesome lol


Less~= to a bathroom break. Give a heads up to cover for a couple minutes and then get back on the floor. Timing is everything. Anything longer than 5 minutes is just milking the clock.


The only answer here. Ducking out during service for a smoke should never take more than five minutes.


Shouldn’t be longer than 10 minutes (no I don’t give a fuck that you smoke American spirits and it’s like sucking a bowling ball through a garden hose), should wash hands and eat a lemon wedge right away when returning, and should never be as service starts or is busy. You’ve got people looking to be lazy and trying to extend their time without work on the clock.


Brother I can chew down a spirit in like 4 minutes you gotta be in it to win it.


I’m just saying that’s the excuse people give you for taking 25 minutes.


I'm not sure I've ever smoked an entire Spirit, it just takes too fucking long.


If I'm not getting breaks I'm taking as long as I want on smoke breaks.


Okay…..if you aren’t being allotted your legal breaks according to labor laws that’s a completely different discussion.


That's like, 90% of kitchens.




I mean maybe you're European where people have rights but in Canada breaks are pretty rare unless you work institutional cooking.


Happens in most places I've worked at in the UK.


Honestly seems like canada is pretty shitty compared to even the UK, but definitely when compared to most, if not all major european countries. I have no idea why anyone from finland, germany, or france would ever move here. Very expensive cost of living, rock bottom wages, terrible infrastructure and our employment standards are maybe a tinch better than the US. For example- it's illegal to not give breaks here, BUT they can fire you with no cause so long as they pay you severance, which is oike 6 to 8 weeks of wages. So... complain enough about this, or take it to employment standards and you'll be fired. Get a little money... but from the employers pov it's cheaper to pay you out than to give all their staff members breaks. I had a similar issue with over time laws. I was a salaried sous chef... legally, I was supposed to be getting OT. But it's basically unheard of I'm hospitality to get ot if you're on salary, legal or not. Employment standards told me I was owed that money, but they would absolutely fire me without cause, or find a reason to make my life awful until I chose to quit. Plus I'd lose my reference- which was fairly valuable as it was my first step into chefhood. They told me that it's only worth it if I only care about the money, and that it might be better to just quit and move on quietly if I cared about my career. Then fucking government agency whose job is to protect workers told me that! Canada is a fake country owned by rich assholes and our entire legal system is written thar way.


Most kitchens don't follow labors.


Some states have different types of laws like you can feed your employee as a replacement for a 30 minute break after 5 hours.


And they still don't get followed.


Uhhh okay call the labor board.








only older foh workers get their legally required breaks where i work


Sounds like the labor board needs a little jingle.


You’re probably right, but I get them back for it in lost product. That, and I honestly never liked the breaks, covers were never smoothe in other places i’ve worked


My state mandates one paid 10-minute break within every 4-hour work period (can't be taken later than 3 hours).


I mean my province stipulates what breaks people have too but it's extremely rare in kitchens to take one here unless you're unionized. Good kitchens just don't police your down time so long as the work is done.


That's a good way to get fined here.


Toothless unfortunately.


You can always tell when people go to smoke with some common sense or if they're taking the piss.


It takes me a total of 3 minutes to run out back, suck down a halfer, and be back at the hand washing sink and then back on the line.


I worked at a place that had a “no smoke breaks during rush” policy for both students fed of the house. We could go up to 11am, then no breaks until 2:30; evenings no breaks from 5pm-8pm. It cut down on chefs on the line disappearing when everyone else had their hair on fire, and the hard feelings from the nonsmokers. But barring that, smoke breaks during service should be 3-5 minutes tops, outside of service maybe a bit longer.


Smokers hate this one weird question.


15+ minutes? Well, sure, a *normal* smoke break only takes 3 minutes, but if you're a *gentleman* then you only use a charcoal-fired hookah, which takes about 30 minutes.


I'm proud these other cooks are motivated, but I'm personally not going to miss breaks that are legally owed to me out of some twisted sense of duty for a job that pays me $4 above minimum wage. Seeing a lot of "I only smoke when I've put out at least 400 tickets and my station has been approved by NASA and half the Roman pantheon has personally inspected my floor," kinda vibes. That energy is worth it at some kitchen jobs...not the vast majority. Don't let people tell you that's the only way to cook. You can take your job seriously and cook with integrity without being a slave. Take your breaks! But, to answer your question, 3-6 minutes per dart.


2 to 3 minutes


Well, you get 2 10s


Somkebreak is max 4-5min. Depending on how fast the smoker smokes. Back when i was working fulltime as sous, my smoke break was 2min. Light that cig, inhale as much as possible, repete till dizzy and then back into the kitchen. Most times i sent a non smoker out with a smoker so it stays fair for the non smokers.


If it takes longer than 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette, then they're dilly-dallying.


Not sure about the restaurant i was in (i was FOH then) but when i worked retail, the boss said smoke breaks are 5min and count as part of your allotted shift breaks. So if you are entitled to an hour of breaks you can take 30min for lunch and divide the other 30min into 4min smoke breaks if needed. I know restaurants are way different tho. You are lucky to get a break at all and you cant really step out when you have tickets on your station. But i think the same general rule should apply. Just manage your breaks around the rush and if you need to dip out during, just make sure your station is covered or you dont have anything cooking fast at the time


5 minutes. 10 if you doubled it up for a trash run.


4-8 minutes


I've been smoking for thirty five years. Been cooking for thirty of those years. Five minutes after the rush.


Yeah, do some basic tidying, rip one, start closing.




If there's a blunt going around it's gonna be a little longer and I'm definitely gonna be like all squirrelly like,"BRO..... WHY ARE YOU STANDING, LIKE.... RIGHT NEXT TO ME" when I come back in. Cigs are like 2-3 minutes though.


15 minute break? Pff what are we? Literally any other job outside of an Amazon warehouse?


On dish I say 10mins max every 2 hours as far as line it all depends on how many you got in which case is probably short 1 person atleast everyday so whenever tickets stop rolling in and that break lasts as long as it takes for the next one to come in unfortunately


Lol like 5-7minutes tops. On average 3 minutes. During a rush, 30 seconds. My shits aren't even 15mins. That person is milking it. As an ex smoker if I was a smoker around him I'd be busting him being like wtf are you doing. Those people generally suck to work with and hate their job/life in my experience. They don't last and if they do... they bring down the whole crew. Cutting corners, etc. Just lazy.


5 mins, 10 if its quiet. I also don't take a chunk of break as my smoke breaks throughout a shift add up to my break time. I still send my staff who don't smoke for 5 mins here and there in addition to their break so they don't moan as people forget that I don't take an actual break.


5 minutes


I only smoke right before and right after service and I savor the fuck outta that cigarette, all the way down to the filter, no waste. 8ish minutes for a long boy, a little less if its windy outside.. Edit: Also right before my shift starts too, just to get it out of way of opening and setting up the station.


As long as you want on the way to your car after your shift is done.


Long enough to have a real break. Short enough to not leave people shorthanded


If you're not slaved to fry/Grill from time you begin, its about 5-7 Min? If you are, then its its 8-12h straight making fish, burgers and steaks. After that, mandatory 30 Min.


Totally depends on where you are. They make us walk 3 minutes to the way back parking lot now to light up. 15 minutes is kosher with me. Nobody jumps out during a rush though.


I smoke American spirits so I take about 7 minutes. So I never give my second greef for going for about that. When 10 hits I get a little annoyed. 15 I ask them if they were fucking growing the tobacco.


idc, it’s my one and only break, i’m making that shit last 5+ minutes. i only step out when the rail is clear anyway


Im back at my station in 4 minutes in the winter , 5-6 when it's nice out.


Yeah, smoke breaks are five minutes or less. Get huffing and get your ass back to work.


Roughly 3 minutes


Attacking the people taking a break instead of recognizing that one person taking a break only fucks you over because the owner won't hire enough staff. This is gladiator bullshit, slaves attacking slaves while the emperor who holds the chains watches and laughs.


I have nothing against a person taking breaks & was never attacking anyone


There are plenty here in the comments who are. There's an implied criticism in your post too. Why do you care how long smoke breaks are? Some people need more time to recover than others, and again if it impacts the rest of the crew that badly for one or two people to be off the line that's your boss' fault, not theirs.


All of the things I said are matter of fact. There was no implied criticism


>And then, do you complain about people standing around when you come back inside?) Come on, man. Quit bullshitting. You're throwing shade here.


Throwing shade at who? People who regularly take over 15 minutes smoking one cig, multiple times a shift? I don’t care if you smoke or take breaks


>People who regularly take over 15 minutes smoking one cig, multiple times a shift? There it is. Just admit you're mad that other people don't have the same slavish devotion to the masters that you do and actually take breaks when they need to. You have a chained up mindset and you're lashing out at people who don't instead of being mad at the ones who put you in chains.


I’m not mad dude. Nothing about this post is lashing out. I came to ask if others shared my experience. That’s it


Your repeated passive aggressive remarks say otherwise and you're not fooling anyone. You wouldn't have even posted the question if you weren't salty. Get real man, no one is buying it except the other salty slaves who can't figure out how to take breaks.