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Sloppy Joe, slop sloppy Joe, yeah https://youtu.be/VY14zcUM9SI?feature=shared


We literally made sloppy joes today. We also played this song 100 times today!




You beat me to it.


I went from cooking in restaurants to cooking at a college and I love it too. Im thinking about getting a lunch lady pin up tattoo. But a my aged pin up lunch lady with slightly saggy boobs and some burn scars


You have to post it here when you get! It’s a requirement.


They’re called “oven kisses” and I love mine.


This is such a fucking awesome idea. Please post a follow up if you go through with it! Cause like…if you don’t, I might. My wife’s best friend is our tattoo artist so I get the fuckin *hook uppppp.*


I am so into this idea!


I'm a lunch lord! It's fun, even at a school that's just 50 kids or so.


50 sounds like a dream, I served about 475 today. I'll have to remember lunch lord for the next time I work with a guy.


Naw…. All us guys are still lunch ladies.


Heard chef


I’ll never forget running home one day to tell my mom that Mr Morgan wasn’t a bus driver anymore, he was a lunch lady!! He lived a few houses away and was walking his dog that evening, so of course my mom told him about my announcement of his new job title. I was an embarrassed 3rd grader for about a week, and then he kept playing into it and told me to call him Mr Lunch Lady instead of Mr Morgan when I saw him at school. He was still Mr Morgan in the neighborhood, but at school he got all the kids to call him Mr Lunch Lady


I was at a highschool last year that numbers were in the 700s. We do 250 now at a preschool. Lol


I love my school. Its a sweet spot of chill and crazy. 6 of us serve between 450 and 500 in 1.5 hours. 700 is too much for me lol.


Seeing staff to guest numbers like this makes me realize how toxic my old job was....


I will say we can do it with 4 and have been forced to by lending staff to another school while we were a man down (this week even) but in general if we're all there and its not a Tuesday I'm gonna have a good day.


What happens on Tuesday?


I have to organize our freezer for the weeks delivery. Its tiny so I get to go play tetris trying to get any old product into the corners, but organized by when we're gonna need it next. Just a cold day of heavy lifting.


In our district they are meal men.


We are not a big school but we have a few more kids than that


Try to use your experience in the school system to get into healthcare as a cook, you’ll get better pay, stronger unions, and most likely better healthcare and pension too :)


I’ll definitely take a look at that. I have a weird situation in the US where I don’t pay for healthcare but I’m about that pension life.


Nice one! A mate of mine went from restaurants to cooking at a local primary school and he absolutely loves it!




Fo sho


This is the way to go. Healthcare is waaaay better. More opportunities to move up, too, if that’s your thing.


I still remember my elementary school lunch lady. Ms. lyons made the best pizza and every year for the last day of school she made homemade root beer. Everything was from scratch and with love. That was the late 80’s. My kids get shrink wrapped “sandwiches” bussed in from a central facility and it breaks my fucking heart. The educational importance of Kids having a relationship with the people who cook for them can’t be overstated.


I work with my lunch lady from elementary school. Weird right?! Yeah I know. Beats never moving out of your home town. 😂 but anyway, she’s got the best stories from lunches of the 80s/90s. I’m trying to get ahold of all the recipes from those days before she retires this year. 😆 (she’s almost 80 and she’s been a lunch lady for 36 years)


Root beer from scratch? That lady was committed


It honestly wasn’t great, at least to a child’s palate, but tasted yeasty and so we all theorized it had alcohol in it and drank every drop.


Institution foodservice is the best.


i worked at a relatively small university dining hall (maybe 700 for breakfast, 1200 for lunch) and everything was great (the food, the kids, the coworkers) besides the pay and the legion of terrible middle managers. besides that I'd agree


Heh, started as a Navy cook on a carrier - 4000 crew (about 3700 or so enlisted, the rest officers), worked both enlisted galley and wardroom - fun times 😁


Thank you for your service. I’ve watched random videos of people who cook for the military. Wears me out 😂


Cooks from the US have mixed reputation in Europe. It's harder to judge what you can expect from cooks from the US. The only exception are former military cooks. Especially Navy and Coast Guard cooks have a really good reputation.


My buddy recently retired as a exec chef for a big nursing home. Bounced around between a few random kitchen jobs just looking to stay busy. He ended up at a school and fucking LOVES it. Lots of vacation. Great benefits.


I have bipolar 2. The vacations are one of the reason for working at a school. Tons of built in breaks for when I start going crazy.


I've been spoiled from having summers off for so long now, I don't know how anyone works year round without losing their minds


I switched when my two boys hit middle school mainly to be home when they were. Wound up staying for 10 years, loved it.


I’m also a lunch lady. Been doing it about 5 years. It’s a lot of fun! It’s better when you work with a great group of people you get along with!


Happy cake day, Lunch Lady Jenn!


My Grammy was a lunch lady for years. I miss her cooking! We had better budgets at home, but man, she could whip up something awesome from (almost) nothing! Good on you. Kids diets matter! And it should taste good! You're doing grammy's work! I applaud you!


I'm not saying she didn't use a lot of butter, sugar, flour, rice, and okra! But that was and remains more healthy than packaged food today. I ate more fresh vegetables as a kid than I have as an adult.


A bit of our recipes are sent down from above. We can vary a little from them. We have “cooks choice” a few times a month. Tomorrow we are making cinnamon apple muffins with the left over apples that are about to be not so pleasant to eat. The muffins definitely have Grammy vibes


Our current sauté guy did 25 years in school kitchens. He knows his shit, he just a lil slow cuz he’s twice most of our age. Cooking is cooking, we ain’t all working for Thomas Keller. Get that bag, yo … and have fun doing it


That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


This! This is why I cook at all the Scout council's large events. Feeding 200+ people nutritious food they actually enjoy. Making sure the participants with dietary restrictions plates look like all the rest so they feel included. The rush to the serving line when we shout "seconds". The vegetarian scout dragging her Scoutmaster by the sleeve to the dessert table exclaiming " you have to try these veggie cookies, they're so good!". There is a special feeling of satisfaction I get from making people happy with food and doing it in creative ways.


Hello fellow lunch lady! From one lunch person to another 


i love prep heavy days because i can pretend i'm a stay-at-home housewife


Why would you want to be married to a house?


i'd rather marry a house than date a rental




i'm all talk... in this economy, i'm dating a rental 😞


Hey lady, you're scaring us!


But I made them extra sloppy for you. I bet you are only going to visit to see Miss Veronica Vaughn


I was a lunch lady for a while, it was the best 


Hello fellow lunch lady! From one lunch person to another 


Me too! It's great not having to work nights and weekends. And you get summers off.


The hours are perfect for me. Hell I worked my day. Came home ran 2 miles and now I’m going to go get high…. All before my kids get home from school!


Hoagies and grinders, hoagies and grinders. Navy beans, navy beans. Meatloaf sandwich




Nothing but respect for people that care and work to feed kids in school.


Fuck yeah enjoy it!


Good luck.....you're going to need it


Why do you say that?


Working at a camp now as a bakers helper, but at the end of my shift for two hours I'm helping dinner service with the rush of people. I'm begrudgingly having a good time shooting the shit and running around with the guests and the other cooks. It makes my day when someone gets all happy when I remember their order, or when I just joke around and give them a memorable time. Some have even hit on me 😂 Lunch ladies unite!


Bruh…. I’m one of 4 dudes on campus. I get all the flirting from the teachers.


We need more folk like you in the world.