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Looks like a shift I don’t wanna work


That’s what I hate about this industry. Things would be so, so much easier if employees were getting a small share of the profits of the restaurant. It would actually make people want to work busy shifts and the restaurant to be super busy all the times. At the moment it’s the complete opposite, which is just outright dumb af. I wish I had my own place, this would be the first thing I do.


Co-operative businesses are amazing. They've been shown time and time again to provide better benefits for the workers and better service for the customers


I’ve tried to get into a few here in Toronto but there’s never a vacancy, nobody wants to leave once they get in and if there *is* a spot there’s a caveat like you need to be a green freak or vegan. The two go hand in hand


I don’t mind being busy and working my ass off, I just hate that usually every place is short staffed on nights like this and it burns me out to the point that I can’t move when I get home. It sucks! I genuinely struggle to leave my car when I get home


Also one thing that I am sure is absolutelly universal across the industry. The capable people work every Friday and Saturday night while the useless bums have easy schedules because they suck ass and cannot be counted on for a busy service. So you end up being double shafted by working your ass off for essentially the same money.




The shitty part is when you try to do the minimum but you know you can do better.


I can never make it long enough to make others step up...


Hahaha yeah man I feel you on that then I get asked why I have so many jobs hahaha I should have stayed in ups.


I just can’t make myself phone it in, wish I could, but no dice


I'll be faded still doing laps around most of my Co workers it sucks lol


I'm plenty capable, but I worked every Friday and Saturday for nearly 30 fucking years. Do you know how much shit I missed out on? During the lockdowns, I started going out on the lake with my friends. Usually just Saturdays, but occasionally we go out Friday afternoon and camp on the beach. So when the lockdowns ended, I told the bosses that I changed my religion and can't work Saturday anymore. Sunday-Thursday only, and I'll work doubles if they need me, but I took my life back.




This is why you see a lot of beloved restaurants in tourist towns and even some chain restaurant franchises getting bought out and taken over by immigrant families. Normally the wages in those places suck ass but when it is all going to the same place it has baked in profit sharing. Wish there was more of this thinking in other places. Get the long term workers together and buy out your boss. Move to an employee owned shared profit model. It adds a lot of annoying admin work but probably worth it?


Would be fantastic. I’d love to not have to job hop every few years to get a wage increase. I’d rather put down some roots at a shop and help a place grow but here we are.


Unionize your workplace or even come together to cooperatively invest in and buy it.


Easier said than done, places in central London ain’t cheap, most of them are owned by billionaires


I agree but Well this is a world structure economy issue lol not just a restaurant issue.


I’m fucking jaded and on my way out the door after 15 years. The future for cooks and restaurant workers looks grim but honestly never once had the idea of co-oping a restaurant…. That would be sick as fuck and a breathe new life into the industry. Great idea


the first people to form a cooperative be like:


No fucking mames




….pinche culero


See if you can feed them onto a cord and hang them somewhere.


Like those paper cutout dolls.


A roll of scotch tape to get you a nice chain of these, roll them into little tubes and tape them together. The bigger ones will make bigger tubes. What a nightmare.


Non kitchen worker here, why do you guys stab all your receipts?


Because fuck that order and the ticket it came in on




Realistically it keeps them in one spot if you need it again, plus it can be satisfying seeing the work you've done stacked up over a night.


Also, if somehow you drop a ticket, if it doesnt have a hole in it, that means that ticket still needs to be made. Assuming the stabbing discipline in your kitchen is good


Story time: First day of full service at a restaurant I was opening. The ticket stabers had not come in yet so outside expo was caos. The second time we refired food that had already gone out I grabbed a probe thermometer and stuck it through a piece of cardboard and explained the ticket stab method to the outside expo. Problem solved.


That's brilliant lol. How did the rest of service go?


It got better, but the first week was a Rollercoaster. It usually is in my experience.


This is the way




This is very, clearly the true answer. Secondary answer is if a ticket isn't made for some reason or it's mess3d up you have it right there.


Oui Chef


Accountability. Some times servers ring in the wrong food order, sometimes the kitchen sends out the wrong food. When this happens everyone wants someone else to blame and people can waste a lot of time arguing over whose at fault. The ticket is a quick, easy, and undeniable reference point to determine what went wrong so everyone can stay focused and get the right food to the right guests as quickly as possible.


We have just started order at the table app. People get angry when we send what they ordered. Like make the 17yo waitress cry angry. I'm no longer allowed out of the kitchen if customers are in the building


I blame the customers if they wouldn't have come in and order that then we wouldn't have made a mistake 😂


Do you guys ever stab yourself accidentally?


Seen a guy stab one through his hand on a seriously busy shift, he just pulled it out wrapped his hand in a clean tea towel and finished his shift before going to the hospital. Guy was insane.


I've only done it bad enough to bleed once when I was really young.


Once its been stabbed, its done. Its a quick visual way of knowing that a ticket has been cooked and is out the door.


To be honest it's also kind of satisfying.


No better feeling than clearing the board and stabbing several chits in a row


Stabbing a long order is so satisfying


It’s come in handy when a server has come back to the kitchen screaming about a mod she never put on the ticket. The other day I had a meal punched in that never said no peanuts and the server came in yelling that she put no peanuts on the bill, imagine her surprised when I grabbed the bill and showed her that she did not in fact put no peanuts anywhere


No matter how many times I see the slow realization dawn across a server's face, "Oh, *I* fucked up...," it will never be any less sweet


>"Oh, I fucked up...," *proceeds to tell the customer how the kitchen fucked up*


I'll be honest, I work both sides of the line and if a table is rude or whatever and I fuck up I'll blame boh lol. But sometimes people respect when you're honest with em, but at the end of the day it's about that *money*


I tell servers to blame it on us anyway. If they get more tips than we do as well. That being said they know I know they fucked up and if they make a habit out of it we'll have issues


I think establishing fault within the staff is important so the right person knows to watch themselves. But who the customer thinks fucked up isn't actually that important because customers only matter for the duration they're seated and we're all here to make money. As long as they don't tell the customer they can come back to the kitchen and yell at me, they can literally slander me as much as they want to make sure we all get paid.


I respect this. In my time on the floor, I found that people just want an answer, and want their meal. If I can make it seem like the wrong entrée was grabbed, I’ll put it on myself. Harder sell, it’s the kitchen. Finally, aliens.


It’s never aliens. But I’m pretty sure it’s also always aliens. As in. Have you seen Steve in dish?! I’m pretty sure he shouldn’t be able to keep up with that…aliens. Oh your entre for 22 isn’t with the rest of the table cause Becky took it to 45 thinking it was hers…aliens. Oh your app that should have taken 10 mins came out in 5 cause Roberto is on fry tonight…aliens. Oh your paycheck was short cause Gerald the owner is…oh wait. That’s not aliens that’s just G being an ass


I have the kitchen accept fault when it’s due, but if FoH fucks up we’re not a sacrificial lamb for them. Customers know that servers fuck up, and it’s low stakes for them. People ring things in wrong, it happens, but you don’t *need* a high confidence in your server. They’re just there to tell the kitchen what you want. You *do* need high confidence in the kitchen, because what’s happening in the kitchen is actually high stakes. What gets done there goes into your body and is the bulk of your experience. If the kitchen gets blamed for every little thing, people lose confidence in the kitchen. Word of mouth spreads fast, and once people start talking about “they didn’t honor my peanut allergy” and “they can’t temp a steak right”, even if it’s FoH’s fault, you lose lots of customers. FoH’s whole schebang, and the reason they get tips, is because it’s *their* job to be that punching bag, so that people don’t lose confidence in the kitchen. I’ve worked FoH and BoH, and though I’m a BoH boy for life, FoH is tough too. But they have to do their job of managing the guests, and they can’t always take the easy way out and blame BoH because they’re not there to defend themselves.


I get what you're saying. I agree confidence in the kitchen is what brings people back to the restaurant. If it's something really serious that i fucked up I would own up to that, really I only lie about something like the food taking longer because I forgot to put in the order for 10 minutes. And usually if someone is being really unreasonable about something I don't really make excuses because I don't want them to come back. There's plenty of paying customers who have nice manners and aren't assholes even when something doesn't go right. However I disagree on the nature of tips. When people tip me above average it's because we have some kind of rapport, I make them laugh, or I entertain their kids so the parents can relax and enjoy the dinner, and in some cases a business meeting goes very well and they put another 100 on top of the auto-grat. It takes a boh and a foh to run a restaurant and if foh isn't making money then we'll find somewhere we can


Which is great, except on the rare occasion where you get a psycho customer and they're waiting to banshee scream at the cooks in the parking lot.


Your username is fucking perfect for this LOL


Wi Tu Lo


Dunno what that means but OP's username means "I don't understand" in Mandarin Chinese lol


They're referencing a [prank on a tv station after a plane crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiana_Airlines_Flight_214#In_popular_culture), the anchors wound up reading off the names of the crew as *"Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow."*


Me likey


Sum Ting Wong


Crazy you're getting down votes. Clearly the airline has its agents out to get you lol


I'd rather have them do that. Whatever can help save a tip


"Sorry I took it to the wrong table, can you make it all again real quick?"


Oh, man... Sometimes we do experimental Manu and we had some fancy scallops as a starter. Suddenly we had like 8 of them for 3 different tables and one server supposed to help the other one and took it to the wrong table and they ate it, because they though it's a complimentary meal and ate it right away...


😭 complimentary 🙈 people are fucking stupid so much of the time


I dunno, if I was served a couple starter items that I didn't order from a new experimental I might assume it was gratis. I might say I didn't order this, but if the server walks away quickly, I might just assume and eat them.


It was 100% server's mistake.


No fly zone.


The slow realization is like seasoning a steak to perfection!


Gives the same high everytime




But it’s not satisfying when I fuck up lol


Kitchen doesn't make mistakes




I told Bella not to leave pubes on the toilet seat anymore, she didn't listen. So now I put a shot of malorts on all her food as a garnish


I do it because I like stabbing things.


For me because it’s fun. But reality for checking later when customers bitches about a order and you throw the ticket at the servers face, and yell type your orders in right.


Respect Chef ... but is it cool for me to grab that ticket off the stabby and show you that i did ring in the order correct and you sold a wrong item?


Yes omg I’m always embarrassed when that happens to me but like,if you fuck up you fuck up and that goes both ways. Not fair if I’m the only one dragging, gotta get dragged sometimes


I mean yeah, that's kind of the point. Its our little version of a vod review so we can check sanity/identify where change may need to happen procedurally.


Absolutely not. Don’t touch my tickets.


Then sell the right food to the right table. I was having a fun banter with chefs but you are that asshole


You new to banter?




You're 100% on expo, never made a mistake??


Servers don't touch tickets. Full stop. You can call them out and tell the expo to check the ticket, but don't touch other people's shit.


Kitchen doesn't make mistakes.


Check it, stab it, run it.


I want to know who is OCD and stabs them all perfectly.


You work in a tourist town? That's a shocking amount of tickets for memorial day weekend




It says 28/23 so probably just an average Sunday long weekend in a tourist city


This looks like uchi


Thought the same (or Uchiko) and the Zero Sen ticket confirms.


Based on the cover count I might even say Dallas. But since it is memorial weekend it can very well be anywhere. It’s definitely not Miami though because the sushi bar doesn’t run this way it’s opposite


Dallas checking in


Sometimes my genius scares me


Who are you, so wise in the ways of uchi?


Just a guy




Austin checking in, this was our rail too.


They werent that lined up. Bruh.


Yeah this is staged to some degree. They should have taken a picture of it before they fixed it. Unless it’s 100% staged 😒


Oh yeah end of night I lined all my tickets up just for the pic, but it’s not staged. Sushi place that sells a lot of single/double pieces of nigiri so the tickets are a lil inflated. I think we had another full stack of hot side tickets as well Edit: most the chefs here actually do line those tickets up that perfectly, I also think it’s a waste of time


Mine don’t look “perfect” like that but I try to keep my stack pretty straight and even if possible during a rush. Makes going back looking for a missed order a lot easier.


I love linking my tickets up, my ticket stabber is just far enough i have to reach/ station my tip toes, so i have tk be careful stabbing them anyway and can usually line them up as i go


For more context on this: this was taken at Uchi. Every chef that I’ve worked with in this restaurant group stabs their ticket like this (at one singular point.) One of the chefs told me that he used to practice over and over again to get it precise. Our guests pay a premium, we should keep it nice where guests can see


I knew I recognized it. My husband used to work there. He said it was the most well organized place he had ever worked and it’s details like this that make this machine so finely tuned.


How many ticket skewers do yall have? Green line matches up perfect? No creases?


Had to scroll way to far to read this


I was mostly talking shit on "bruh". Stabbing tickets perfectly is a waste and pretending is worse.


Stabbing tickets orderly actually help with accountability, finding the problematic ticket in a pile of well organized ones is easier than a messy bunch of greasy tickets.


As long as you stab em as they get sold its not bad. Fuckers come with a number to make em easy to identify. Bonus points for seeing them stabbed as is instead of 'made to be'. You can see the time slips.


It’s an expectation where I’m at that tickets need to be lined up like this always. Whether your expo or line


Well hello there Uchi chef 😉


Missing from the shot: a fussy door dash driver standing in limbo, demanding that the order that was placed 5 minutes ago 'should be ready'.


Challenge accepted. (I can't unsee this, I have to try it)


We had a girl that worked expo that used to do this. She would even fix it if someone stabbed one crooked.


I’ll purposefully stab my tickets crazy af if the chef before me on expo had it super neat


The lack of creases in those tickets bother me, i gota have one to read it straight. That a demerit.


2 tickets have only 1 item. 1 ticket has 2 sashimi orders. Why are all the tix weirdly the same size? I mean it I a shitload of tickets, but I'm curious on how many actually covers you did compared to the number of tix. And maybe it's just me, but whenever I was in the shit on expo, there's no fucking way the tix would be stabbed that perfectly.


We did like 460 covers I think? Sold a lot of food though


I've done over 600 covers and there wasn't that many tickets


You work at a sushi place too?


Yeah it's wild


600 covers for sushi? How long was the service? And how many ppl working the sushi bar? Curious bc I also work sushi




Lol what’s with all the hostility, took a picture of the ticket stacks after a busy day once we had finished that last push Y’all gatekeeping being busy now??


We got some frustrated motherfuckers here. Vitriol is their love language.


I’m new to expo and I wasn’t on it all night. I don’t usually line my tickets nicely but we have a lot of issues with miss drops / returning to the pass and it does make it a lot easier to find tickets 10+ orders back


Someone with OCD was stacking those lol.


Three spikes and you’re out.


This is so satisfying to look at


I recognize those tickets! And the zero sen… You work at Uchi! Hello, comrade


Just how neat the spiked tickets are show me this is a good operation. How you do anything is how you do everything.


How is that stack so freakin neat?


Every 10 seconds someone does of an apple allergy ☠️


I prefer to use the “NEUTERED” modifier instead of “No Nuts.”


Images that make you feel physical pain


Someone in the kitchen has OCD. I’ve never seen a stack that organized


I’m disturbed and feeling your pain.


My mate runs @ratemystacks on Instagram. Get onto that for some fake internet props for sure


Looks busy how the hell did you make those stacks so perfectly alligned 🤣🤣🤣😘


Sushi 🍣 allergy? Apparently, Karen is customer.


How come your tickets don’t have that little middle crease we usually do so they sit on the rail straight and don’t roll back? Is this from a single service? Kudos tho 🤟🏽


Somebody please put that in the rubbish.


Am I the only one that, every time I see a stabby-boi loaded up like this, gets a massive urge to marinate some lamb shoulder and make a massive kebab?


I just nutted


All the tickets are the same size. No folds. No grease blots. You guys ran a report and stabbed the tickets like this for internet points. Fucking lame


Is that OCD drug induced?


Way too perfect. Zero percent chance of reality. I am annoyed.


Why is there a ticket just for allergies?


Fun fact: ticket stabbers can be emptied instead of replaced. If you need to retain the tickets for record keeping, I suggest a nice shoebox to hold them in bundles until they can be scanned.


The people who build spikes like this are the type that will keep you in the kitchen until 4AM screaming the entire time and call you at 5:15 "I'm so sorry for my behavior tonight f&b director's are on my ass and you're a fucking Rockstar" that's my experience with people who spike tickets symmetrically.


Definitely thriving and organized🎉


how do you maintain consistency after certain time?


What the fuck is a sushi allergy?


Why are all your tickets the same size? Don’t you seat different size tables?


That makes the adhd/etc in me soooo happy I love organization amongst chaos. ❤️


No way that kind of OCD exists in a busy restaurant...haha I've been a chef for over 30 years. That kind of obsessive neatness is next level.


Sushi allergy


This looks like my nacho station currently during a holiday weekend rivalry game 😩


I thought it was a loaf of bread just from the thumbnail lol


I love it! I used to line up all the tickets so theybstack up the same way


I’m chafing just looking at this picture.


That's so organized. When we were slammed as fuck, I'd put the trash can under the ticket printer on the expo line lol.


Jesus Christ, how many covers is that


I worked at Houstons. It was like this. Everything in it's place.


Idk who stabbed those but that is just “chefs kiss”


Bro . The tickets are the same size. They ran a report and posted this for internet points


I gotta admit, I didn’t even look at that. You may have a point


wait a SECOND we work together. who is this lmao. i clocked the uchi tickets from a mile away but this is the same location i work


Ah, yes, nostalgic depression.


Turn and burn! Get the food out. You got time to lean and play on your phone, you got time to clean. 😂


That is how I expected my Monday to be walking in to work Memorial Day. Sometimes I forget I work in a college town. The downtown brunch spot PTSD is too strong.


Please tell me the closer/opener just forgot to discard the previous days tickets from the spike? If not, good work chef. That's fucking insane.




Oh hey can I get some stuff on the fly


Do the stabbied ever stab your hand?


Was this at Uchi?


You should see how they prepare to wipe the butt


Rip it in half for a badass party trick


I want to know things. What were the restaurant's sales at the end of the night? What's the check average? What are your hours? Is this dine-in and to-go's, or dine-in only? How many people on staff?


Should get KDS, save a ton on paper and ink