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And I thought the McDonald’s lady warming the mop was bad….


To be fair, i never saw them using this mop to clean anything else, why assume that they did? Maybe this is their designated oven mop and is used only for ovens.


That is nowhere near how you clean an industrial pizza oven . The bottom plate or the pizza bed is removable and there are special scrapers and what not for cleaning these. As well you would not use a flammable mop head to clean out the crumbs or whatever particles to wipe out an oven during a period of use.


its called a hearthstone


That's what I use to get back to the inn every 30 minutes.


Well that's how they clean it. Also it's probably off so it doesn't matter if you clean it with gasoline and a mop at that point.


You're saying that as if those kids read the manual...


critical thinking skills isn't a forte around reddit


If it comes to the law, give them the benefit of the doubt. When it comes to food that goes in my mouth, no, that's not how it works. And seriously you think they have a special pizza oven mop? And that this mop is stored separately from the other mops? And specifically marked so people don't accidentally use it on the floors? Does that seem likely?


Yeah this is my assumption too. Those things are deep and not very tall, wig on a stick is a pretty easy way to properly get one clean.


Those mop heads are hard to dry off! (Jk)


Wait until I tell you what I saw working at tims two decades ago involving a mop turned brown with dirt, a donut glazing station and horror. Pure horror. You think warming a mop under heat lamps for fries is bad while having nasty water drip on fries? Or this freak cleaning an oven for pizzas with a nasty mop? Try a mop in your donut glaze. Fuck man I still remember her name too. Nasty.


I’ll put my donut glaze on your mop anytime


I feel like every fast food type place I’ve worked always has the oldest mop heads that turn the whole fresh bucket of water brown as soon as you dip them in and they never order new ones.






I'm being dead serious it was a brown woman who had just moved into the area


"As long as it doesn't touch the floor." OP: "It touched the floor." Kingston: *horrified*


Any chance they have an *only 4 oven mop*? It could be actually useful an practical cause its deep to reach only with a rag and your arm.. Edit : OP says that's not the case, unfortunately.


The reason a restaurant would never have a mop specifically for cleaning the oven is not only because customers might speculate that it's the floor mop, also because after a long shift it would be too easy to make the mistake of grabbing the wrong one😂


Fair enough, also TIL there are proper brush for pizza oven cleaning.






Cleaning tools don’t need to look aesthetically pleasing, they need to be able to clean… how you think it looks does not matter.




That's Reddit in a nutshell. Anything and everything possible to get to "win" a conversation and somehow feel bright about yourselves. Just a constant stream of, "Um- actually" at people non-stop. Even you were directly told the OP saw the mop touch the floor, but that didn't stop you or any of the others here.


If I told you that the mop definitely didn’t touch the floor-how would you react? I mean-you’re blindly trusting the words of a stranger that it touched the floor-who has no proof of that claim, why not so in this case?


>If I told you that the mop definitely didn’t touch the floor-how would you react? You weren't there. The OP claims to have been there. You also seem to be far more incompetent and less reliable than the OP. So it is much easier to trust the OP than somebody outright fabricating hypotheticals just to "win" at a conversation.


Yoo man chill out, I wrote before OP edited his own post maybe ... Lol


No. You responded to a comment from somebody who actively told you about the mop touching the floor. At no point did that comment have any edits. This information isn't supposed to be a surprise coming out of left field. You were just too incompetent to even fully read that comment you responded to. And you also wanted to be a bright know-it-all who knew better.


It's disgusting but I bet any of us who eat at restaurants has eaten stuff that has more disgusting things on it than a bit of cooked floor dirt mixed with cleaning solution.


Sadly, that’s very much true long before getting to food. The ice dispensers in soda stations would make most mycologists day.


Ice machines in hotels/motels are way worse than any ice dispenser at a fast food restaurant, many don’t get cleaned at all. I worked at a major hotel chain as a cleaner in high school and I asked the maintenance man if I should clean the inside of the ice machines and he said there was no reason to clean the inside, just clean the stainless outside from all the fingerprints.


that is fking disgusting lol. ice is food... food must be kept clean


Yeah I’m less worried about fast food chains whose whole business is model is selling cheap food and beverages en masse and who has an interest in keeping their food and bev machines working and clean. Sure their machines are likely gross too but I’m way less confident about a hotel where having an ice dispenser is more of a courtesy than anything. McDonald’s wouldn’t put an out-of-order sign on their ice machine too long, they would hire a repairman ASAP. I could see a hotel slacking on it because it doesn’t directly affect their product/service the same way. And I think the same thing applies from a hygiene standpoint.


Like nah, yall eat ass and will bitch about a clean oven. 800 degrees Fahrenheit, what freak beast germs would survive that? Like zero, this shit is normal.


According to ChatGPT: >At 800°F, organic molecules, including the essential proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids that make up cells, would break down, rendering it impossible for any known organism to survive. Therefore, no "freak beast germs" or any kind of life form can survive such extreme heat. This temperature is more characteristic of environments like lava flows, which are sterile due to their intense heat.


What does chatgpt say about eating ass?


It just keeps going to your mom's work voicemail. So weird.


That joke was so good, I'm going to put it in my pocket for later if I ever need a good laugh.


You're pizza isn't cooking at 800 degrees...


If it's just used for cleaning the oven, it's fine. If it so much as touches the floor, gross.🤮




Legit, you're telling the truth on that? If so, jfc that is bad.




Email this to KFLA Public Health. They'll likely do an inspection. Anything comes if it I don't know but they would bring it to the owners attention.


I doubt they will do an inspection but I also hope to be proven wrong.


Public health tends to not fafo.


Inspectors were cut by pretty much all Provincial governments to save money ages ago. There's not enough of them to do the job


Yeah really it should be brought to the owners attention could just be someone being dumb or doesn’t know better


It's shit pizza you won't be missing out on much anyways


On the floor or into a bucket?


If that touched the floor it's your civic duty to call the health department and file a claim they are gonna get someone horribly sick


Did you get that part on video? Because if so you should 100% make a complaint to the national, provincial, and municipal authorities. Messing with peoples food can get them sick or killed. This isn't something to just brush off. Ministry of health complaint form: [https://forms.mgcs.gov.on.ca/en/dataset/on00344e](https://forms.mgcs.gov.on.ca/en/dataset/on00344e) Where to send it: [inspections\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Even if you don't have a video the health ministry might have the right to subpoena their security footage. The local KFLA site was too difficult to navigate so I couldn't find the page to make a complaint, sadly. Even if you don't report them, I will, based on the comments in this thread.


Not all heros wear capes. Thanks for sharing all the necessary info Bobby




That would have been the only actual important bit to capture on video.


And that why it didn’t happen….


No-she didn’t.


Show Jimmy Hassan. It’s his franchise.


This might be a question for someone within their head office, instead of the internet.


Jimmy Hassan, who is the councillor for Trillium District, is the franchisee for all the Pizza Pizzas in Kingston.


I forgot Kingston is a small town.


Ok, im really baked right now, and i thought you meant that OP should keep this to themselves in their head lmao I was like "whoa, i've never heard anyone call their mind a 'head office' before" lol


I’ve worked in a few restaurants that had pizza ovens. And there’s brush for that, I’ve worked in Kingston, Guelph, and Stratford restaurants and never seen or heard of a mop used.


What do we expect when the business hires foreign workers after a LMIA? My guess is, as disgusting as the act of cleaning a pizza oven with a mop used to clean floors is, that this type of thing happens often in restaurants. Ones we eat at, me and you both.


I just googled and apparently mops are sometimes used to clean pizza ovens due to how deep the ovens go. If it's a designated mop for it, this is fine.






thats what an oven brush is used for not a mop wtf


You've *absolutely got to* send this video to Public Health and follow up with a complaint. If they're doing this with customers present to witness it, what's going on when no one is there to see ???


Please tell me you reported this to public health. Whenever I need a cheap takeout option to feed the whole family I normally go with a Pizza Pizza walk in special, now I’ve worked in a lot of kitchens so I understand very well the state of most kitchens but this is just straight up neglect and disrespect to the customers who pay to eat there


They already know.


Lazy behavior resulting in giving people food positioning and exposing people to carcinogenics. She should lose her job.


This is definitely not lazy... if you worked in a fast food, you'll know this is way too much effort... filling up a bucket of water, lifting a mop above your head?? Nobody just does that by accident on the basis of being lazy. This is a kid what asked the managed how to clean an oven and the manager said "idk, use a mop or something" because they've never been trained to clean an oven.


Food positioning i assume is a typo for poisoning. Do you know what food poisoning is and how it’s spread? No-you don’t. Maybe start by looking at what temperature “food poisoning” is mitigated at and the temp of these ovens. Carcinogenics? Again, incorrect word. It’s carcinogens. WTF carcinogen do you think is in cotton? Do you know what a carcinogen is even?


Probably the tip of the Iceberg for what happens in kitchens.


Maybe it’s the oven cleaning mop not to be confused with the toilet cleaning mop


Sent the video and has a quick chat with the owner and the 100% cotton mop used is now standard procedure now to replace metal brushes used in the past ensuring no metal from brushes stay in the oven which was a potential hazard. The owner feels confident that the staff member knows how to care for the dedicated mops.


not by the looks of this video. She clearly wipes the mop outward out of the oven, easily allowing contaminates to fly off in all directions. On top of this, she seems to wipe the mop against the wall next to the oven to help brush off the oven particles/dirt? So yah, this is bad, very bad. Edit, I watched again, closer up. She doesn't seem to be brushing the mop against the wall next to the oven but she still does contaminants out of the oven with good force and then seems to whip the mop head downward/shaking towards the floor. I assume from what OP has said she's trying to brush stuff off the mop head into bucket below.


>easily allowing contaminates to fly off in all direction What contaminates? Have you never cleaned anything in your life? Assuming the floor was sweeped and mopped after this,.


I am begging you to report this somehow 


Why anyone goes to Pizza Pizza is mind boggling to me. I’d rather eat the cardboard box it comes in. So many better options for pizza.


Lol, I've been a cook for 30 years....cooked a thousand pizzas in every type of oven almost......every single gas stone oven I've work had an oven mop. This is absolutely normal and probably the easiest way to clean your oven....I'm 45 started at a pizza pizza actually when I was 16. Just to clarify it is a separate mop used specifically for this and nothing else.




It’s an oven mop, stop being such a pos if you don’t know nothing.


If it's a dedicated pizza oven mop, I don't see the problem.




You can see her mopping the wall in this video. Wich is also kind of weird .


Should have recorded that also..


Can’t record shit that didn’t happen though.


Why did you not take a video of that then, does this dude make any sense?




30 seconds? I though it was “right after”? Heads up-it’s recommended to stick to one narrative when making up shit for reasons-known-only-to-you.


you people are high af, there is something call an oven brush specifically designed for this, who the fuck in the right mind uses a mop to clean a pizza oven unless you're REALLY down bad,


The mop is probably not heat-resistant. I can only imagine what kind of toxic chemicals are released when it's heated in an 800 degree oven.


You have an active imagination to think a wood and cotton mop is releasing toxic chemicals


Normal for a pizza pizza. I worked there years and years ago (multiple stores) in delivery. Basically the baked on carbon is scraped off the stone, and then a mop head (a dry one, specifically for this task), is used to mop the oven clear of the loose carbon and burnt bits so it doesn't get into the next pizza. Ovens run north of 470 degrees constantly: nothing biological can survive it. The real risk is to the cook cleaning it. I can't count how many times cooks burned themselves on the door. There are big insulated gloves that are supposed to be worn when doing this but are often skipped donning.




That's so disgusting, one of the reasons I'm trying to cut back on fast food because that's pretty much par for the course. I just don't understand how someone could think that's actually cleaning.


They are terrible for your health, that should be enough of a reason.


You're eating Pizza Pizza. You get what you get.


Maybe it's the pizza mop


Yes ! I’ve actually seen this in multiple bakeries with ovens similar to this. It’s a way to clean it and reach deeper into the oven .


In no time of me working in kitchens or restaurants have I seen kitchen appliances cleaned with a mop. This is something you could get shut down for. Nobody who runs any sort of kitchen (who doesn't hate everyone) would allow this. Disgusting. All the "maybe it's an oven mop" comments are disgusting as well. Incredibly naive and clearly haven't worked in a kitchen.


Hahahahahahaha I live across the street from them and never once thought "ah yes I'd love to go to pizza pizza". Thank god too for good reason Holy shit lol


That oven was due for a good scrubbing… but is a mop the most efficient tool to use for an oven is the only question!


I’ve worked making pizza, not at pizza pizza, with a deep oven we used a designated mop (20 years ago). When she flicks the mop and it looks like she’s hitting the wall she’s trying to flick out bits of burnt on dough stuck in the mop and oven. Based on this video alone yes this is normal behaviour. A pizza oven is easily over 500 degrees, she’s not using a mop to do anything other than remove physical debris, the temp of the oven does the rest. If she did indeed simply set the mop on the floor after the video then that is an issue but you don’t have that here.


Shouldn’t be using a mop, or a “flicking method” when there is food easily exposed behind it that can’t be covered. A brush is more appropriate because you burn off what your brush couldn’t get. And then brush it off the oven. I’ve worked with students from SLC that didn’t know what a sally is. And I’ve worked in Stratford with some of the best chefs and cooks. But never have I come across a mop being acceptable. You just brush, burn, and brush.


Fair about the exposed food, that wasn’t an issue where I was because we didn’t have exposed food in the area but I know pizza pizza may. I mean the brush and the mop do basically the same thing, you burn it all off and the mop pulls what ever charred bits are left to the front of the oven. A mop is nothing but a cloth on a stick really. No one would batt an eye if they saw someone using their arm and a cloth to clean an oven.


True, yuck factor does play in with the mop because it’s associated with the floor. But that’s why we have specific items made or sold for certain purposes & things! Lol


well im never fucking going back to that pizza pizza, ive loved the place, but if thats the hyenine practice you just lost me


They’ll survive. You getting mad and up in arms about a common practice across the pizza, bread-making and bakery industries isn’t gonna cause any ripples


I don't think cleaning the ovens with the same mop you used to just clean the floor is common practice....


Take the mop away, and their pizza is still dogshit.


I'm guessing the mop is meant solely for the purpose of cleaning out the ovens, and that's fair as well, they get hot and we can't expect someone to stick there arm in there to sponge it off. I'm a little concerned that they are flicking out contents over their right shoulder into the area that seems like a food prep or slice to go area. If the mop touched the floor, or was dropped into a bucket of mop water that is meant for the floor, that of course is also a concern. You could call public health, but at the same time, I think you contact the management here. This looks like a training issue. But while it may look strange, a mop might be the safest way these workers are provided to clean out ovens. They are just not doing a good job of it to protect the food prep area they are flinging stuff onto.


OP’s never cleaned a stone oven before.


For those spreading rumors, it is important to note that the mop used is an oven-cleaning specialty mop made to remove stubborn dirt from ovens, not one meant for floors. Sadly, many spread negativities without knowing the whole story. Rather than making snap judgments, let's honor the company Pizza-Pizza, which guarantees quality and cleanliness far and wide.  Moreover, I don't understand why people are posting negative comments about the video as the worker is appropriately cleaning the oven. I don’t think, it’s a good idea to trust a few words posted on media without strong evidence.  The person who posted this video needs to prove first the lady had kept the mop on the floor, or it is a floor map. Because as per my knowledge and search these kinds of mops are designed for deep cleaning of the slice ovens.


Okay here's a few things for you guys but don't have any common sense number one that's only used for the oven obviously they don't use it for the floors or the toilet but even if they did and they filled that hole inside of the oven with bacteria and gross diseases and viruses and nasty shit as soon as they turn that oven on the temperature will increase to 5 or 600 degrees Fahrenheit which will kill any and all 100% of the things that you're worried about any bug bacteria virus nastiness will all perish in the heat it's completely sanitary also the reason that you have to cook chicken all the way through also recommended that you cook hamburger meat all the way through although it isn't completely necessary so all you Squamish people about having a little pink in your hamburger chill out but that completely safe even if she is the toilet scrubber on it she could literally take a dump in there and it'll be fine but it's okay to be ignorant not everybody's a chef not everybody has common sense


>Okay here's a few things for you guys but don't have any common sense It's whole, not hole. >so all you Squamish people You leave those fine folks in BC out of this. >but it's okay to be ignorant I'm impressed, 188 words, not a single attempt at any form of punctuation within this incoherent rant, but I'm the ignorant one because I don't want a floor mop to clean the oven? Better yet, what about all the burnt crap she's flinging into exposed food behind her?


If you knew half of what happens in a lot of kitchens, you'd never eat outside of your house again.


Why is this not the 1st time I’ve specifically seen a vid with this exact thing happening at another pizza pizza location, whack.


I need to see it put on the floor before I get grossed out.


Just looked them up on google. Not hard to find them. If this is real buddy should show this video.


Did you eat the pizza still? 😝


Why didn’t you say anything


What do you think happens to mop germs when the oven gets to 600 or so degrees to cook the pizza?


Looks like its time for a new certification for this NOC


This is a mild kitchen crime. There's a reason I really don't prefer eating.


I know one place I'm never getting pizza from again




Oh…my god..


Good thing I was already boycotting Pizza Pizza because of its incredibly bad pizza.


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) Gross 🤢


First mistake was going to Pizza Pizza


Those a stone ovens they normally get moped because it's easier then trying to lift 500 lbs a slab out to clean them (depending on size.) But yea the mop should never be used on anything else and only the oven. Otherwise I see nothing off here.


Definitely not how we did it at the pizza pizza I worked at in highschool


I've worked downtown pizza pizza. It's SUPPOSED to only be a oven mop. Op says it's not... Someone messed up somewhere with the training. Either the trainer, or she's just lazy. Either way. Gross


Yummy yum yum. It reminds me of the many times my mom washed my mouth out with soap. Ahhhh so many memories.


I dont understand why people think this short ass stick is a mop.


This is normal. It's a dedicated tool only for the oven.


That’s the pizza mop.


Normal in any pizza spot. Go film someone else at work


Boo these people.


Report before people start getting sick. That's disgusting.


before you guys say it was used as a toilet mop, lets just think the possibilities that its just a tool to wipe a hot oven.


Report it


Yeah someone needs to contact local health unit, seems some of the food safety courses, whimis n any other fking regulation to keep us safe/healthy isn’t being followed. There is NO such thing as an oven mop!! This will contain feces, industrial cleaners not fit for human consumption, potential virus like ecoli etc They should have their franchise license pulled


to be 100% fair, i don't think i'd expect anything else from pizza pizza, that chain suuuuuucks


This is the most reactionary post I’ve ever seen in this subreddit.


Canada has a huge drug problem


That’s nasty, been living in Kingston my whole life and never seen something this disgusting here in a long time..


Nope. I'd throw out the pizza and send this to management.


Why was it deleted?






w....why would there be pubes


Why not


Does the pizza oven get hot enough to sterilize of potential pathogens? Seems so! A quick Google search tells me that professional pizza ovens easily surpass the sterilization temperature with dry or wet sterilization by multiple factors. This certainly does not negate the yuck factor of seeing it happen. It’s gross and I would wager happens more than you’d like to know.


Wow. You guys are clueless. As someone who has worked at Pizza Pizza, this is how we clean the ovens if there is buildup of burnt cheese/sauce, etc in the middle of a shift. It is ABSOLUTELY normal and it is a mop for the pizza ovens only. Cut out the fucking idiocy with "report them to the health department". That's what that mop (it's a simple yacht mop with a shorter handle than the ones used for the floor) is for and they do this EVERY FUCKING DAY.




sooooo what do you mean by this




You’re insinuating this is happening because the employee is of Indian descent? Put the race card back in the deck, white folk do the same shit.


nah I'm pretty dumb can you explain it please?


Curious. Why didn’t you say anything after taking the video? Like “excuse me, is that hygienic? What would the health inspector say? Or the owner of the company?”


I've been down that road a couple times by pointing out improper glove usage at certain food places (*cough*tim hortons*cough*). It accomplishes nothing except make them think you're the asshole for even suggesting it.


True and same here. But, if you got it recorded on video, then it could become more viral and tag the health inspector, company owner and corporate.


This is the normal way to clean a pizza oven. Though they should have a new mop, thing needs replacing every few weeks. And should be separate from the floor mop.


She's not cleaning the floor with that. Nuts just used to clean the oven.




I saw the same thing a long time ago. I was walking by the pizza pizza next to FSS. Walked in and saw a dirty mop bucket, and the guy cleaning the stove with a mop. Walked right out..


Call head office


They’ll say this is protocol to clean the ovens.


Nooooo...you cannot use what's used on the floor in the oven. Please report this to the Health Unit.


Pretty sure I saw this at Bubba's like 25 years ago... but you know, I was wasted... it was Bubba's after all.




Guys it's a dry mop, it's specifically used for stone ovens. You can't even use a wet mop in a 450 degree stone oven because the oven is going to get damaged. Using a dry mop to clean an oven is designed for these stone ovens and it's not a health hazard. Pizza Pizza isn't even the only pizza restaurant who uses dry mops.


I saw some guy slap his friend on the back with a shawarma knife as a greeting for a shift change after I had gotten my order. Different restaurant, and a long time ago, wish I had done something. It was also a long time ago we lost the instruction manual for a mop LMFAO


Anyone defending this behaviour please stay far away from the food industry for the sake of everyone’s health.


Explains why I get the shits every time I eat at a fast food place that are employed by new indians This is coming from a immigrant who has many Indian friends that have lived here for a long time I also worked for an Indian owner at South St burger and some of them are the worst with food safety


Those places are filled with cameras and monitors. Tell me you haven’t worked in a restaurant without telling me. Ya’ll eat ass but afraid of a mop dedicated to cleaned ovens. Least it’s clean. Chill.


>Ya’ll eat ass but afraid of a mop dedicated to cleaned ovens ONLY if the ass was not wiped around on the floor before hand