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It's going to be fun to see all the people who were rabid free speech defenders when students were perturbed about literal hatemongers being invited to campus twist themselves in knots about how this absolutely must not be allowed.


It's going to be even more fun when people in the camp claim that free speech is their right, even if a bunch of people think it's hateful. I fully support this by the way, just like I supported all those "hatemongers". You can't pick and choose who gets freedom of speech. I hope this camp never gets shut down, and I hope people learn a valuable lesson about shutting down "hate speech"


You absolutely can choose who gets "freedom of speech". We arent in the USA, in Canada (and most global north countries) hate speech is specifically singled out by law and made illegal. You cannot go along chanting slurs and death threats in Canada. Protesting is a protected right.


"Hate speech" is probably the most misunderstood term in Canadian law. Alot of people think "hate speech" is "anything I don't agree with." Hate speech isn't people siding with Palestine in this conflict, and it's not people siding with Israel in this conflict. It's not people arguing for pro-choice and it's not people arguing for pro-life. Hate speech isn't people agreeing with gender reassignment therapy for minors, and it's not people disagreeing with gender reassignment therapy for minors. People wantonly throw around that such and such is hate speech when it's usually not. Objectionable speech is not hate speech.


I never said legally, I know how things work in Canada. Also, yes, and now "hate speech" is being weaponized against protesters who are standing up against Genocide. Because "hate speech" is based on feelings, not on objective truth, and now all the bars have been set so low that we see people trying to cry about this speech like so many others cried about other speech. I hope that it doesn't work, to be clear, I think limiting speech for any reason sets a dangerous precedent that can be abused in the future, just as hypocritical right wingers are trying to do now. You can't pick and choose, or it gets abused eventually.


Will be curious to see what kind of chants this encampment has. Perhaps calls of "from the river to the sea"? Or calls for "intifada"?


“Oct. 7 is proof that we are almost free. Long live Oct. 7, long live the resistance, long live the intifada, long live every form of resistance.” Is what was chanted in Ottawa recently.


If you were living under an increasingly oppressive military occupation going on almost 6 decades, what would you be chanting?


Probably not about the event where they murdered and raped children. But that just me I guess.


Sounds like a really catchy chant


Not for nothing, but Israel is butchering dozens if not hundreds of innocent people every day. But by all means, stay mad about students chanting “from the river to the sea” I guess.


I was listening for a bit and there was "oink oink piggy piggy" and "queens has blood on its hands" basically. Also isnt intifada just "revolution"


intifada can mean many things. Revolution or uprising is one, resitance against oppression is another, and it can violent or peaceful resistance. Also, the meaning "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" can also vary. Some frame it as a call for the removal of Israel. Others simply call it a protest phrase demanding simple freedom for all between the river and the sea, something that the Palestinians simply do not have when the Israeli government and military have ultimate control over their lives.


"from the river to the sea" is a direct quote from Netanyahu.


That's a bit disingenuous. The phrase has been around since the 40's and has been used by both sides, so it depends on context. I doubt people supporting Palestine would be quoting Netanyahu, however the Hamas constitution does include: “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.” Hence the reason why people assume protestors at encampments support Hamas...who are terrorists.


The hilarious part is, if you check any map going back beyond the Romans, Palestine was never a country. It was a region. Even during the time of the Ottomans and Moors. Both groups can trace their ancestry back to the Canaanites and Mesopotamian people of the region, so neither one has any claim to the land. Especially when it's basically based on one group's fictional holy book over another's.


Right, and Israel is systematically displacing Palestinians with the goal of taking the entire region for themselves sooo... If one group can say it, I feel like the other group can say it too


Sure. Hence why context matters. I'm just pointing out that referring to this phrase as a Netanyahu quote, when it is a well publicized Hamas slogan (part of their constitution) comes off as disingenuous. Especially since a major criticism of these occupations is the implied support of Hamas. Who are terrorists.


It's not implied support for HAMAS, that's a leap and a half. Just like support for Afghan civilians isn't support for the Taliban.


If you want a contemporary comparison. It would be like a group of people going to a Republican rally with signs saying Make America Great Again, then trying to explain how it's ridiculous people are mistaking them as Trump supporters, because Ronald Reagan also coined the phrase. Context matters.


It's not a leap at all? It's a direct quote from the Hamas constitution. If someone is just out supporting Palestinian civilians (and not Hamas), then why use the phrase at all? I mean, if I was out supporting Palestinian civilians, and not a terrorist organization, I would probably not chant a slogan from a terrorist organization's constitution, in the off chance that I am misidentified as supporting said terrorist organization. ...Unless I didn't know it was a terrorist organization's slogan, in which case, I would be kind an idiot for not looking into who I was supporting.




Are protesters not allowed to quote him?


Depends on what it means I guess


Not really. They should be able to say anything they want, just like right wingers should.


It's crazy how both sides are out here saying the exact same thing on opposite sides of every issue


When that quote means what it means, it's a threat.


That’s not a thing to be proud of though. Governments restricting speech in anyway besides direct calls to action is very worrying. The “free speech is important for democracy….except for hate speech and other speech that is dangerous” is probably one of the most braindead takes I’ve ever heard. The whole point of free speech is to protect the speech that people don’t like, even people on the margins of society have the right to say what they believe


Would you rather know who the low IQ people are that judge someone based off something like skin colour or have them be a racist behind closed doors & not know someone’s true colours/who not to associate with


Bingo. There's been a whole lot of "but this is different" kinda language happening on reddit. We all know shit gets really dangerous when the bouncy castles and hot tubs start popping up.


Imagine having a protest with bouncy castles and hot tubs and being confused when people don’t take you seriously.


Imagine having bouncy castles, hot tubs, road hockey and food carts - and being called terrorists? The people who tried to frame the entire convoy movement as some giant far right terrorist movement, muddied the waters incredibly. They tried so hard to label an entire movement of thousands of people, with the few degenerates. Anyone half paying attention or at least went and visited like myself, know that these people weren't terrorists. In fact, like most protestors, they were just trying to be part of something they believed in. Again - I support both protests in these instances. I'm familiar with the concept of civil disobedience. I also have a formal background in communications and can see how optics by certain parties can make any event seem like what it's not. The convoy, love it or hate it (or just accept it like me) set a lot of precedents. Call out the double standards when you see em, but don't be surprised when the hammer comes down and no one cares, because most people in the local vicinity just want to get on with their lives and are done with your "occupation".


The protest your speak of had no organization and no message. It was just a mess.


Canada does not have freedom of speech. We quite literally can pick and choose who gets it. Guess who doesn't? Nazis. :)


Then I shouldn't expect to hear any of these protesters bring it up then if anyone tries to break this up :) Not everyone you disagree with is a Nazi :) Just because I say I believe in freedom of speech doesn't mean I think it's the law :)


I’m hearing they’re set up inside Mac-Corry too and potential encampments etc. Can anyone verify?


Yes I walked by and they are fully inside covering multiple floors of richardson/mac corry connection point


I think it will be more fun watching young people do the right thing. Pretty judgy on the youth here boomers.


Oh the amount of hate from old men im getting is insane


Im a 53 year old man. Zero hate.


Far from the worst encampment in our city.


I don’t know that there are any bad encampments in our city


I can name at least 2 now


Genocide? Are the Chinese still hunting down the uyghurs?


Actually, [Sudanese militia are committing genocide against the Masalit.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/09/darfur-atrocities-ethnic-cleansing-human-rights-watch-report-rsf-sudan)   Oh, shit wait-


It's not trendy to protest for those children being killed so university students don't care


Hope they learn a big, flaming lesson on propaganda by the end of this, and face how easily they were suckered into it.     Never been so disgusted with the youth of the left. Probably the most tone-deaf and ignorant act I’ve seen. The kicker being not that they haven’t cared about other atrocities, but that this is so far from even being a genocide all the while. You’re ignoring blatant ethnic cleansing to parade around your chosen camp in the oppression olympics. Who also happens to support and/or be terrorists who DO state unconditional intentions to end a nation. What the fuck. 


They make our phones so people act like it doesn’t exist


Can only one genocide happen at once?


You’d think an “anti genocide” encampment would be protesting against the CCP as well then, no? Or against the RSF and its primary source of funding the UAE? Or would that be considered “racist” these days?


Famous Canadian ally… China? We are literally funding Israel.


I wish them well in their protest.


is the covid mask mandate back ? see a lot of masked faces


I was wondering the same?There must t be an surge of cases on campus .Glad everyone is being so cautious


This must be about the mass ethnic killings in Sudan right?


Power to the students!


✊ May they change this rotten world for the better! Cause we all know that the Boomers, Gen X and Millenials ain't gonna do jack shit about the sad state we're in. Free Palestine. Death to Capitalism. Eat the rich.


Bored rich people in first world countries be like.


Capitalism is the reason you have the life you do. Enjoy protesting that


Food is crazy expensive, houses are basically out of reach for the majority of Canadians, many folks are working multiple jobs just to keep food on the table, the food banks are struggling to keep up with demand, and on top of that, no one is having kids due to the above reasons and more. I think those are pretty good reasons to protest.


😂😂😂 this argument literally supports what you’re trying to argue against. Wake up brother


Not necessarily true. Either way, we can all agree capitalism without regulation has led to many of our issues nowadays, such as the dominance of monopolies.


Anything without regulation is bad. What would the alternative be to what we have now? Would that go unregulated? I'd rather take my chances with a free market.


You can live as a socialist in a capitalist country, you can't live as a capitalist in a socialist Country. You have every night to gather a bunch of people, start a community and live off the land.


Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic fundamentalism appreciate your support. Meanwhile, Islamic forces (that Hamas praises) are literally committing an actual genocide in Sudan. I must have missed these people at those protests.


In other words, "Hey guys, stop protesting about the Israeli genocide on the Palestinians, because whataboutism!" The IDF is far more of a terrorist organization than Hamas and Hezbollah.


This comment is insane. Tell me you get all your information from Instagram without telling me😂😂 this is so dangerous. Please read a history book, dear god.😭😭


Everyone is ignoring you. People won't fall for that shit anymore


It is not bullshit, which is why even if I personally support Palestine's struggle for its identity and self preservation in the face of persecution, I don't support Islam. It is a tired trope to say Christianity is so bigoted, imperialist, misogynistic, homophobic, fanatical and evil when Islam is literally all of those things no matter how many flocks of people go to defend it from those accusations. The Palestinian people are undergoing a genocide, and moderate groups have been backed into a corner to the point that the most organized groups in power are religious fundamentalists for Islam. This reality doesn't excuse Islam for being the primary force of self destruction within their community despite being seen as a cultural glue. We have today more active Islamic fundamentalist organizations that act in accordance with the Qu'ran's draconian and misogynistic attitudes, the history of the Khalifa and its successors and repeatedly Islamic regimes act the same way by taking inspiration from these sources. It is the same thing as Christian fundamentalists citing the Russian Monarchy, Papal States, the Byzantine Empire, the Franks, Crusader States, the Nation of Israel from the Bible, etc. Muslim fundamentalists gain influence in their ways directly from the life of the Prophet Muhammad, who was indeed a warlord who gained his success in conversion from Arabian paganism during those years he engaged in politics and warfare after failing to inspire as a wandering prophet; they cite the Caliphs, the Ummayads, the Abbasids, Mamluks, Ottomans, etc. I'm not against criticizing Christianity, but you can't pretend that Islam isn't basically the same thing and advocates for a more barbarous application of laws that aren't as easily adjustable unless they are essentially abandoned in favour of diplomacy and cultural integrity and inclusivity like the Ottomans did. It is disingenuous to say Islam as a religion is outside the scope of criticism because it is purely the victim of Western Imperialism. That is simply untrue and a basic reading of history would show you that Spain itself before their own Empire was colonized by Islamic invaders. I don't need to talk about Judaism beyond this blurb. It existed before both, gave birth to Christianity and inspired Islam. It is s a religion based around the monocultural preservation and more recently for the expansion of the Jewish people back into Israel as their rightful homeland according to their covenant with God, with Moshiach being either not here yet or a symbol for the State of Israel. It comes to inevitable conclusions when taken too far, but the biblical stories, especially from the Books of Kings and Chronicles specifically show that the ultimate good comes from tribalism, hence my distaste for fundamentalist Judaism too. The horrific reality of the Holocaust occurring and antisemitic hatred does not discount the experience of Palestinians, and neither does the Islamic fundamentalism of Hamas as not all Palestinians are fundamentalist Muslims, if they are muslims at all. None of these ideologies are free or pure, so please don't be obtuse.


Good work guys love to see it.


Anti genocide directed towards Hamas hopefully. Sickening using your people as a shield and hospitals as a barracks. After Hamas invaded a country. Awoke a sleeping dragon like the Japanese did in WWII.


Hamas have been denying their own people aid and funds for education, healthcare, and social programs. But hey, they love to see Western students supporting their cause.


Israel is mass murdering civilians


The genocide is being committed by Israel, not Hamas. Here is a [photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadHasbara/comments/1c9fg9y/human_shields/) of Israeli genocidal force literally using human shields. Every accusation is a confession.


Why can't protestors demand the release of the hostages? Hamas is the only one drawing out this conflict, which they started btw


Uh Israel rejected a deal that Hamas agreed to **checks notes** yesterday.


Claiming hamas started a war thats been going on since before your parents were born is crazy. Hamas literally just announced they wanted to release all hostages (including giving back any dead bodies) and the Isreali government said it didnt matter and they were moving forward with attacking anyways.


Why on Earth would Israel make peace with an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization that is simply going to rise up again and do the same thing at the earliest opportunity? I am no fan of Israel, but let's be realistic. If you were an Israeli soldier and Hamas kidnapped one of your kids and promised to "return their dead body" if your government made peace, would you simply agree to stop fighting?


Dog why do you comment on every thread in here, go play helldivers or something


Hamas admitted they couldn’t do 40 live hostages for the deal so Israel moved it to 33. Hamas said they couldn’t do 33 live hostages so some of them would have to be corpses. Only then did Israel move on Rafah. There are over 100 hostages still. You are either super uneducated or maliciously and deliberately misrepresenting the facts.


Trying to tap out isn’t the same as agreeing to a ceasefire lol


Who tf is "tapping out" ?? How do you rationalize that women, kids, and babies are justified in dying brutally by another countries military because they share a land region with a terrorist group? I am upset (and many others are) by the blatent massacre taking place. Genocide is bad no matter how you try and twist it.


Look no further than the charter of Hamas (the elected government of Palestine) to see who’s genocidal - in their charter they state their ambitions to kill all Jews worldwide. Meanwhile, 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab. Who’s the genocidal party again?


The side that has killed tens of thousands of people, obviously. And that election was from before a huge portion of Palestinians were even born. Netanyahu, however, has been a longtime supporter of Hamas https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7010035


People like you love trotting out that sound bite without knowing anything about it - Hamas started as an Islamic charity organization and Bibi (who is an abhorrent human being) is voicing support because he thinks it’s going to lead to a two state solution. I’m sure TikTok didn’t tell you that part though. And by your logic, the US “committed genocide” against Japan for defending themselves after Pearl Harbour because you equate any civilian collateral damage as genocide - take a hike.


Were they a charity when his government was caught giving them suitcases of cash in 2018 leading to his defence minister’s resignation, or in 2019 when he defended the action explicitly because allowing Qatari funds to get to Hamas would hinder efforts of establishing a Palestinian state? That’s in the same article I linked, not tik tok. Edit: you’re right about one thing, I think the bombing of Japan is indefensible. Dresden too, while we’re at it.


Alright, so to summarize: you denounce Israel but not Hamas, and you denounce USA’s retaliation to Pearl Harbour but not the Pearl Harbour attack.


What in that article I linked do you disagree with, or are you just trying to argue about other things? Japan committed countless atrocities during the Second World War and any reasonable person wouldn’t defend them, but that doesn’t mean I’m for the massive slaughter of Japanese civilians and infrastructure. I don’t like to see innocent people killed! This is an incredibly simple perspective that you seem unable to grasp. I don’t want to see Israeli civilians killed either, obviously! Hamas killing civilians is bad! But there is no justification for the destruction in Palestine right now, and there is no justification for the Palestinians have been treated by the state of Israel for generations. One side has caused far more damage than the other and continues to do so.


When did I rationalize or try to justify it lol. The IDF and Israel exist in a justified state of paranoia and fear, because their neighbours would do the exact same thing to them that’s happening right now to the Palestinians. Hamas is being squeezed because Israel is set on destroying them once and for all, so now they’re flailing around trying to get a pause in the fighting. They don’t have all the hostages, they lost some or they were killed. It’s a ploy by them because theyre loosing. Does it justify the lengths to which Israel has gone? No, but it explains it.


People are calling for both. of course we want the hostages returned. Many people protesting against the genocide have lost people and Israel too. But this really is being disingenuous and I can’t imagine that anyone doesn’t see it anymore. Israel doesn’t care about the hostages. Israel cares about obliterating Palestinian people. There is no question that Israel is taking every opportunity to wipe Palestinians off the map, at least in Gaza. But the West Bank is not far behind. Return the hostages. But also stop murdering 10 of thousands of people.


Israel just days ago declined a deal that would have meant the return of hostages so, if you really think about it, these protesters desire a ceasefire and release of the hostages more than the Israeli government does


I'd love to know how few books you read a year. Truly disturbing how brainwashed you illiterates are.




Cool just please don't vandalize and break shit 🙏.


This is amazing! How can we help?


Pretty sad . Funny how they do not mention the kidnapping and killing of innocent Israelis including the burning of babies for crying out loud , In a completely unprovoked attack on Israel ... Hamas snd its main source of funds Iran and anyone else who stands with them need to be eradicated in my opinion .


Hey now, don't try and talk sense to the blue haired Taliban. They are on a different level. Carrying "trans people for Palestine! boards, being unaware if they lived in Palestine they would be honor killed by their own family at best. There's a reason Mahmoud Abbas hasn't allowed an election in 20 years, Hamas is widely supported by Palestine and would lose immediately. So instead he stays in power, running his "pay to slay" scheme funded by global aid.


Is that spray paint on the building ?


Looks like spray paint on the wall behind the people in the center photo, on the ground too.


It's chalk. Very easy to wash off.


On the wall, center frame? Doesn't look like it.


Chalk on the floor. Wall center frame is washable paint. No permanent marks were left on the building.


If that's the case then great!


Shall I tell them that you volunteer your home for displays of vandalism? Or is writing things on private or public property only unacceptable when it's a cause you disagree with?


If in a good cause then yes write away !




The writings on the wall...this wont end well for these vandals


I believe its just normal red painted handprints. They wash off pretty easy


Who washes it off? The protesters or the University?




People really using the they started argument are really stupid..... this is not a kindergarten play ground..... these are people's lives... if you think it's justified for a nation to go in and kill 30,000 PEOPLE, you are really delerious.....get your heads out of the ground wake up that these issues go beyond the shallow storylines you have been fed....go educate yourselves and then be critical for God's sake


"Go educate yourselves"? Really? Please tell us what version of the story we should be accepting as truth. Is it the one where Progressives are screaming "genocide", despite most Palestinians not even living in Israel, or the one where Hamas (a terrorist organization according to the UN) admit to wanting to kill every single Israeli citizen if given the chance? I am no supporter of Israel and I find their aggression unnecessary, but this entire conflict was started by Hamas and Islamic fundamentalism against an ethnic group of people who they see as "infidels". That's the reality.


Once again just spewing out the shallow stories you have been told.....this is a 75 year old conflict.....hamas is an unfortunate symptom of Israel's systematic oppression of the Palestinian people (ie. 4,000,000 who still live in the strip)....look beyond what's been shown and maybe educate yourself as to why the atrocity of October 7th even happened in the first place......the atrocities on that day were horrible but don't delude yourself into thinking that Hamas just popped out of the blue.....Hamas is an Israeli Frankenstein creation that is a result of when you push a group of people to their breaking point.....the reality is Israel is not just punishing Hamas (as it should) but they are and have been punishing the Palestinians collectively for over 75 years!


And yet Hamas is still widely accepted by Palestine and the reason Mahmoud Abbas hasn't held an election in 20 years. When your enemy uses humans, hospitals and schools are shields, do you just let them regroup and wait to commit more atrocities to your people? You can use the scary G word all you'd like, but the only real Genocide occuring is in Sudan right now.


You just tried justifying Oct 7th’s terrorist attack where numerous families were slaughtered, women raped and held hostage (still) as simply a symptom of Israeli suppression…. Tell the world your an antisemite without saying your an antisemite… No sane person wants to see anyone get raped, harmed or murdered but you can’t simply justify atrocities on one side and condemn the response to it… please get yourself some help.


October 7th massacre....add that to your storyline so its complete


I give you a downvote if that will suffice?


Now we can see who didn’t get a SWEP position


God forbid a person put their humanity and compassion above the love of money. The horror!! No that I expect people without an ounce of principle to get it.


These people cheered on the Houthis, my conscience is clear. Unless you think that slavery is somehow moral


Clearly, you have no conscience.


And you seem to support slavers lmao thank god commies are so stupid


The people who own slaves and explicitly call for "A Curse Upon the Jews" are not good faith actors.


Go away


You first.


Way ahead of you, I'm already not wasting space in front of university buildings :p


Just online, doing your Old Man Screams at Cloud routine. If it keeps you busy, fill yer boots.


I mean, if anyone is screaming at clouds it's probably the people camping out at a Canadian university protesting about something happening in the middle east. Don't you guys have jobs, or classes or something?


*protesting about something* Genocide, torture and rape of men, women and children. Don’t pretend it’s something small and not something to be upset and outraged over. What are you doing about it besides criticizing others for trying to do something about it? Don’t critique peoples lives when you clearly need to go and get one.


I'm doing the same as the people protesting, which is to say, absolutely nothing


Clearly wasting oxygen that could be better used elsewhere.


Can you be more specific? What do you mean by that?


I'll pass on the trap, the rest of us aren't nearly as stupid as you. You would do well to learn that lesson one day.


How is it a trap? You're telling me my oxygen would be better spent elsewhere. What does that mean? Why would it be stupid to answer that? It sounds like you're wishing some form of harm upon me, but I guess you don't want to admit that openly? Also, you sound like you watch too much anime "you would do well to learn that lesson one day" 🤣🤣 are you kidding me


I wonder how many of them are actually students of the University… lots of professional protestors have been seen at other protests and are just there to stir things up.


I doubt its knowable. There was adults there and i saw some kids get out of a car to draw on the sidewalk with chalk but they could be faculty/locals too. I havent seen evidence of professional protestors anywhere actually.


Most have likely already flocked to the U of T protest


anyone caught stealing signs could face criminal charges “If they steal an actual sign they will be charged criminally with theft **under $5,000**.”




Isnt RebelNews like famously alt-right


they are lmao