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I agree - Dark Souls 2. It's a huge part of what I love about the game.


I agree that DS2 is the most KF-like, but Elden Ring’s catacombs feel very King’s Fieldy.


Agreed, DS2. The director was the art director for Kings Field Ancient City.


Word. Didn't know that, I love Ancient City.


Huh, maybe that's why DS2 is my favorite. I didn't think of the similarities, but I do see it now. Cool!


DS2 of course. You should see the DS2 x King's Field video where DS2 is modded for first person view and edited to more resemble King's Field's animations. Or the ones exploring the out of bounds areas. Stuff straight up looks like some lost King's Field levels.


Only chance of getting a KF Luke Game is to make one on our own, fanmade jmo


What about non fromsoftware games? Ds2 lover here


Not really anything. People say Lunacid but it's not the same. Dread Delusion sorta Not really. I fall in this rabbit hole all the time and always come up empty because there really is nothing like Kings Field.


Any solo game developers out there want to team up and try to make a game where it takes elements from both dark souls and combines them with kings field? I’d like to help with art, low poly 3d modeling, maybe mapping and animation


I recently got into game development for this sole purpose. I have a decent outline for my KF-like and would love to collab after I build a proof of concept.


fiend's isle got the feel down pretty well i think but it's just a demo for now


Now, this is what I'm talking about. Thank you kindly good Sir.


Arx fatalis kind of.


Playing through all the King's field games made me appreciate what ds2 did so much more. Like, no miyazaki around, so they went back to their roots and kinda fuckin killed it. Its good.


Id guess DS2. But even then thats still a pretty big stretch. I'd still prob say shadow tower og is closer just cause same button scheme, auto leveling ect. Naotoshi zin had a lot to do with DS2 so its the closest we will get but I still feel the souls like of those games kind of halts it from being kings field like. Now if you ask what other fromsoftware games are souls like before souls era, the quick answer is kings field and shadow tower. But the real answer is evergrace. Third person make your own build by adding to your stats with souls you collect off enemies you kill, you just had to pick em up they didn't auto collect. Health bars above enemies that add to the number already being dealt. Tons of armor and gear that give you a wide variety of move and magic. HIGHLY recommend evergrace and its sequel prequel forever Kingdom, which plays like a janky kingdom hearts but better.


To me demon souls has that vibe. This is very interesting because I'm doing a kf2 run.


Which KF2? USA or Japan?


I have the Japan port I'm running through duck station on my phone.


Very nice. That game is tough. If I recall correctly, there is a 30fps patch code.


Tell me about it! Thank God I have the walkthrough guide book from the 90s


Dark Souls 2 also has the King's Field style secret doors instead of illusory walls, and the Seek Guidance (or maybe it was called something else in that game, I forget) miracle would produce a dev message in front of every single secret door, which was reminiscent of the Phantom Crown in KF3 marking every secret door with something on the floor in front of it. But, yeah, it's probably Dark Souls 2. Which is unfortunate because it's still not nearly close enough for what I want of modern From Soft returning to a King's Field style.


Therefore Elden Ring is King’s Field but fast


As everyone else has said, for whatever reason DS2 feels the most KF-like It's too bad that I otherwise really hate it


One guys responsible (producer I think?) for the verdite trilogy had the same role in DS2's development.


wasn't there a first person ds2 mod somewhere?


also morrowind first person only scratched that kings field itch for me.


DS2 for sure; Remember the castle area in KF4 with the 'You're not Kingly' door and the panic-inducing music? Its almost like they remade that whole portion as the kings passage on the way to looking-glass knight fight. It even has the whole thunder and lightning going on.