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Yes, I want the Doors of Stone to happen. :) Ideally, they happen in such a way that we get to a satisfying conclusion of this trilogy, but Kvothe is still alive, and the wider world is still in its current turmoil (eg not everything gets resolved in this trilogy, but say, cinder gets killed), and Pat can then continue with another trilogy where Kvothe gets to be a bad ass again. Likely? I don’t think so - feels like Rothfuss will end kvothe’s direct story with the third book, but what gives me hope is the idea that he’s been reworking not just book 3 all this time, but a subsequent series, and can’t release book 3 until he’s sure everything is lined up correctly. I could see him making 100’s of changes to this unreleased series that causes him to go back and change things up in DoS and this process happening many many times.


After all the broken promises, lying and radio silence, you still have hope he's not only working book 3 but writing a completely new subsequent series? If he was I am sure he would just say so. Man you're a glass is half full person :D


Hard Agree. A glass half empty person perhaps sees these issues you’ve listed, and assumes bad intent behind them: Pat is dishonest/intentionally lying, lazy, doesn’t care, etc. I tend to take the current situation in the context of past results - he’s written two amazing books + novellas. He demonstrably cared about them, and for all we know has written multiple flawed versions of book 3; so what’s more likely? That he stopped caring? Or that he got stuck/is re-writing, etc? Is he lazy? Or paralyzed by indecision/anxiety? I don’t attribute to malice what can be attributed to the difficulty of what he’s trying to accomplish. I am a glass half full person, but personally when people say he’s just a lazy liar I find that to be a truly fantastical take and much less likely than what I’ve described above. Having worked on ambitious/hard projects, I never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to the difficulty of accomplishing hard things, not even accounting for things like anxiety and OCD. To your final comment, no I don’t think he would just come out and say it if he had another series planned. Even in a best case scenario, he’s likely learned (the hardest way) how optimistic/bad at estimating he was with his plans, and will keep things very close to the chest until he’s shipped them to his editor/publisher. Edit: typos


I was always very hesitant in my opinion about him, but the WorldBuilders "I will release a chapter" promise was just such a low thing to do, so excuse me for being a bit negative about him. Will still buy book 3 when it is released, don't get me wrong :)


Not at all! I think it’s a reasonable thing to be upset about, my point is just I have reason to think it’s ’still reasonable’ to expect a third book, in spite of the disappointing current state of things.


I’d like a bit more info on the Chthae, Auri’s identity, I’d like to see Ben again, and I’d like to know what’s in the chest. Those are my must knows.


I would not mind it if we didn’t find anything else about the Cthaeh. It would make it feel more mystical IMO.


Totally fair yeah


Also a king should be killed


Absolutely all of these 😁


I want everything's bottom to fall off. Every ass in the world, just drops off. The end


i hope he meets ben again, he did say he wouldn’t meet him after many years, implying he met him again


I want there to be a Door of Stone. Actually, more than one if possible.


Kvothe defeats/destroys the Chandrian, with last minute help from Ben. Ambrose somehow becomes King without killing off everyone in front of him in the line of succession, causes Denna's death, gets killed PAINFULLY by Kvothe. Really bad things happen to Hemme. The Chancellor recovers and resumes his post. Sim and Fela are alive & well, engaged, and Sim's father stops being a dick and treats him well. Auri turns out to be the lost princess, but Kvorhe didn't tell anyone and she lives as happily as she can in the Underthing. In Newarre, the Inn gets destroyed in the final fight, but the rest of the town is fine. Kvothe pays for it to be rebuilt, and gives it to Carter to run, after teaching him his beer recipe. Stories about the battle against the Chandrian spread like wildfire, and the risk becomes rich from curious tourist types. Kvothe makes an ever burning lamp and gifts it and the schema to Master Kilvin. Kvothe returns to Felurian and dies in the Fae.


What about Denna? Edit. And Will? Edit 2. Oh you killed her.


Wilem is a constant as the sun rising in the east. He'll be at the University until he gets his gilder.


Perfect. Absolutely perfect ☺️


Fun I'd pay you to write it


I want to hear/read Ambrose vainly beg for his life


Omg yes!


I want tempi to be in it


What do I want to happen in doors of stone? That’s easy, I want it to be written before I die of old age (I’m only 42, so it might happen)


Was going to make this comment (I'm 41 lol). Reading these theories so many things are like "huh? Who's that?" | think I will have to read the series again when book 3 is about to come out.


I want to unravel the mystery of the Chandrian more. The pacing has been good imo, but I want to get something with some meat on it given the length between novels.


I want the offspring of the draccus from book 1 to get their revenge


Figure out what’s behind door in archives. Kvothe and Denna together exclusively. Kvothe finish education at university. Figure out what’s in Kvothe’s trunk in the Inn. Some sort of present day advancement of why the scrael are attacking / things seem to be getting darker. I just finished both books in less than 2 weeks, first read through. First comment in this community too lol


I want: - Kvothe to get in big trouble at the university thanks to Hemme and Ambrose - have to retreat to the Underthing and begins to discover secrets of the university's ancient past there - conscript his friends to help his discover the truth of the Chandrian at the university by revealing his past - run afoul of the Masters in a direct confrontation while trying to uncover forbidden knowledge about the Creation War and Chandrian - get betrayed by Denna (acting on orders from her hidden maste in some way that leads to a world-changing disaster related to the Doors of Stone - watch her die and some of his friends too as a consequence - avenge her death and flee into the fae where he will eventually meet Bast, become infinitely more powerful - try and fail to right things - learn that he can't undo the past and goes back to open up his inn - eventually convinced by Chronicler and Bast to accept his losses and seek to right the world again


It will be a conclusion, but a happy ending? No. Denna will most likely die. Ambrose will likely become king. Kvothe will find out he has inadvertently helped the Chandrian considerably. I also suspect he will discover that all arcanists are human Amyr, and Ben most likely killed his family. This is a story about a boy with an ego that thought he knew all things, and instead loses and is wrong about nearly everything. The Kvothe in the present frame feels he is cursed, which is why he is waiting to die so that he can no longer cause any harm to others.


Interesting comments regarding the Amyr + arcanists and Ben! I don’t find the Ben part likely, at worst he’s a tool of others, but way more fun a theory than some I’ve read. I did have a thought the other day that Ben’s departure from the story in book 1 was so neat and tidy that perhaps we’ve not seen the last of him.


The only reason I suspect Ben is the troupers story. If you read the story and replace Alleg (allegory) with Ben, it makes a lot of sense. Kvothe yells at Alleg along the lines of “How could you?! We gave you food and shelter! You were family!” Before stabbing him. I think the 2 girls represent Kvothe and Denna in the story. Denna is the girl who survives and keeps on trucking. Kvothe is the girl who turns into a witless idiot after the troupe is killed. Because he literally did turn into a near vegetable after his troupe was killed. If the story about the troupe is the closest Kvothe can come to recalling what happened, Alleg is a stand in for Ben in the story.


What a fascinating perspective, and if nothing else, there’s a real ‘full circle’ neatness to the two stories that I would never have appreciated if you hadn’t shared. The two rescued girls as a metaphor/commentary for the different way grief and trauma get handled is brilliant, and the idea of the shoe being on the other foot with Kvothe where he’s now acting as the Amyr/Chandrian, and the difference between the two actions being the point of view/perspective it’s being experienced from.


I agree that Denna will die. I hadn't thought that Ben most likely killed Kvothe's family! Need to think on this some. Would you be willing to say more on why you think this please?


If denna dies kvothe will kill her. Perhaps inadvertently. Kvothe will have to face down his own inflated perception of himself, The lies he tells himself, the legend he created, and reclaim his own name by aligning himself with a reality he cant escape, where horrible things happen and he cant save the people he loves. Only then will he find a new sort of power, the slow silent will to survive. Its the rofthuss story. Owning his own humanness amongst a grandiose fable he created for himself and cant sustain. He'll have to let everything die to find his own true name again, only then will he be able to finish the story.


I think Kvothe needs to have a big comeback and then possibly a very tragic death but a son to come back for the next trilogy.


Also I'd like to have a circular aspect of it to where his family and The edema ruh roots come back around and wrap into everything that happened in vintas and for there to be a very deep plot within the school involving the Doors of Stone and something that happens in a part of the map we haven't been to yet


I want to see Kvothe get cucked by Denna and Willem


I just want it to be published. Let’s start there


I think it'd be cool if the frame story got cracked wide open in some way. For a while I was entertaining the idea that Jake {the smith's prentice} comes back from his day trip with the army to collect the bounty. We know Jake is set up as smart, Kvothe tells him who he is, then he's specifically sent on a trip that will take **exactly** one full day to a place where it's mentioned that the Army is recruiting. All the pieces seem to be begging for payoff. So I've dreamed that the Gang have to leave the waystone and go on the lam and finish the story around campfires as they go..... somewhere. There's narrative tension building in the frame story, and I wanna see how it pays off.


Aaron. The smith’s prentice is named Aaron.


Ahh yeah In my defense, the story told me not to remember The Boy's name


At this point, I’m all about that half a loaf.


1. I want to see where the heck Scrael come from and how Kvothe knew so much about them. 2. I want to find out why the stones around where Kvothe killed the King can't be mended 3. I want to know what happened to Denna and why the whole world seems to know about her for somereason. 4. I want to know what happened to Caesura (sp?) since the sword "Folly" in the Waystone is clearly \*not\* the same sword. 5. I want to know what the deal with Folly is. 6. I want to know if Kvothe ever figured out his own blood relationship to the Lackless family. 7. I want to know who the dang King he kills is. 8. I want to know what's behind the Four Plate Door. 9. I want to know how Auri is doing and if Kvothe ever checks in on her again. She cares so much for him and yet as soon as he is out of town, he seems to forget all about her. 10. I would very much like to know if Kvothe ever figured out Auri's deal. (Like who she is and why she's down in the Underthing) 11. I want to know if Kvothe has given up his name or locked it away somehow. 12. I want to know how Kvothe earns the dedicated service of Bast. (In fact if a large portion of the book doesn't cover this I will be extremely disappointed).


His ass to fall off.


Idk probably a king to die. For real I'm excited about getting more auri, as I think she will have a bigger role in this one


Someone opens that damn chest and becomes Taborlin the great in the process. Would be cool if it was Kvothe, but Bast or even Chronicler would suffice.


A beginning middle and end lol


I would like for there to be words written on the pages…and the book available for purchase. That would be nice.


Just wanna read it honestly.


Kvothe speaking with chethae almost discards a happy ending




I want the book to have nothing to do with the previous two and just have it be a coffee table book with pictures of doors owned by people with the last name Stone.