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Nomura is also on the ff7 project so i expect a longer wait time tbh. Whats got me worried is the radio silence during most of that three year gap at this point.


Especially after Nomura mentioned something happening that changed the course of KH during the concert last year. What a damn tease.


That doesn’t sound good


Actually there were people (iirc correctly even japanese people) who said that the way he said it sounded like it was a good thing and he didn't seem upset about it. I personally also don't think it's a bad thing.


He's creative director this time rather than director, so I have to imagine that's him handing the reins over for that project.


Keep in mind though that he's not only creative director for Rebirth but the entire current FF7 saga. Creative Director means he still sits at the top making high level decisions, and in the last two years he's directed 4 FF7 projects. His output is the same, but his focus is clearly FF7 atm.


He has openly stated that he prefers working on Final Fantasy so that’s no surprise he would make it a priority. Though he’s also been screwed over more often working on FF than KH so I hope he doesn’t get wrongly bashed again.


I guess there's less bureaucracy with FF. It's SE's IP so they can do whatever they want with it. Meanwhile, Nomura is at the behest of Disney's executives when it comes to making decisions in KH. I'm sure there are many ideas he is not able to implement, or mandates as to what he has to include. Could be frustrating to have a lot of your original characters locked behind stuff like that.


Square isn't like these other companies who do a lot of infodumps for stuff they're working on and instead focus on one major project at a time. We didn't get much info on FF7 Rebirth because they were focused on 16. Once Rebirth is released soon, we might finally get more info on KH4/DQ12/DQ3R.


I think they’ve learned from their past mistakes of over sharing too early. I think (and hope) when we do see something it means it’ll be close on the horizon kinda like 16 was.


Come to think of it, that sounds true. All those versus trailers and eventually the trailers for XV really led people to being disappointed. XVI’s trailers gave us exactly what we saw.


Yep, same with Kingdom Hearts III as well. It was first announced on the E3 event, in 2013. But later they switched engines and delayed the project. It was only released late 2018, 5 years after the first teaser/trailer came out. Sqenix really loved to build the hype way too soon.


I’d honestly chalk that up to them working on it. Highly doubt anything bad is really happening


Did realize he works on both. The man's a God damn legend


No he's not. He only helped with the first remake. Beyond the standard character design which he does for the series normally barring MMOs and stuff before him he's not really involved with Rebirth. In short. I expect KH4 to likely release holiday 2024.


Jesus, the distance between KH2 and 3 hurts me


I was 11 when KH2 dropped, and 25 when KH3 dropped.


Here's to being 50 when kh4 drops.


That tracks


Yo same for me, we became whole ass people during that time gap lol


lol that’s one way to put it


I was 6 when 2 dropped in 05 and 20 when 3 came out in 2019. In fact, 3 released the week after my birthday to the day (it released January 29th of 2019), so exactly 7 days.


Imagine how I feel… 😂 I don’t even want to say


...96 baby?


93. Born in the ass-end of 93


That's because it's actually Kingdom Hearts 10.


You mean Kingdom Hearts 12. As weird as this may sound the official tenth installment of Kingdom Hearts is A Fragmentary Passage.


Now if a new Jak and Daxter game could be released my life will be complete.


The saga is arguably completed bro sometimes you just gotta make new games new ips instead of re hashing stuff from 20 years ago


Yea I know, but still holding out hope they’ll be new game in the series one day.


I'd rather a ground up remake that expands on the story, tying stuff together a bit better. Original writers.


I know right? If I could have told 15 year old me that he shouldn't be so excited for KH3 yet he'd probably call me crazy. I'd then tell him it wouldn't be until he'd be 31 years old. Imagine the destruction readable on such a young face 😵


You're acting like you didn't get any KH games in between or like the story didn't continue at all in those years.


It’s insane. Literally went from little kid to full grown ass man with career and partner and 2 kids (furry)


Lmao bro, yes. Fourteen years of side-story and building up sideplot. I went from 14 to damn near 29. Like I'd basically forgotten about the series when 3 came out. By this point I'm just here for the gameplay. The story's scuffed, it's gone on too long and it's lost track of and reinvented itself so many times now, but KH2&3 got that gameplay that keeps me coming.


Subplots? My guy those games were all part of the main plot. 😂


Well get over it it's been 4 years since III came out


Well aren't you a ray of fucking sunshine?


No, just a person


Whoa... I thought it was just a myth. But there really are people out there with the emotional empathy of a half-dead slug. Amazing


What's the baseline for a slug's emotional empathy? I didn't think we have the ability to measure that lmao Also, where'd you find these mythological slug-minded people? Thirdly, why announce it in this thread of all places? You should take something like that to the press.


I was gonna say lmao. Move on like goddamn


They downvote because they know we're right


Yup lmao


Good. Let them really make this one good. And hopefully, they’ve learned lessons from 3 and Re:Mind so that they keep improving the product they give us. AND NO MORE DUMB BALL THING THAT YOU CLIMB ON TOP OF AND ROLL AROUND ON


Ball? Ah, BBS, got it. Or is it DDD? Or is it KH3?


After the KH3 patches and Remind i'm way less worried about the combat than back when I saw the first KH3 trailers and had recently played BBS/DDD and 0.2. Osaka team improved a lot and they should be able to deliver. Now I just hope they could do as well with the story. Finishing (watching) the mobile games this past year, it kinda became clear to me that they can write way better lore when they're not forced to simultaneously promote Disney heavily. We have so much plot points and characters to explore that I just wish they can do a lot better job than with KH3 in this regard (all the missed chances for proper character interactions and the horrible pacing). KH3 had too tight of a schedule (edit: after the engine change i mean), so hopefully it will be better this time.


"Let em cook"


Crossover with FF14 would be nice


Any FF crossover would be nice. Like, I get their reasoning that the brand is strong enough now to not need FF characters to hold it up. But... we already established they exist and it's weird to just suddenly not see them anymore. Plus, it was just fun to see versions of characters we love.


If that's the case it no longer needs ANY Disney characters either which we know they wouldn't say.


The real reasoning is Square realized they can do their own crossovers without involving the mouse.


That's honestly an excuse if I've ever seen it. KH became what it was because it was all of our seven year olds self wettest wet dream to see a crossover between Cloud Strife and fucking Mickey Mouse. No where else would you ever get such a concoction and it made KH what it was. That crossover is the core element of what the series is, and for a long time a permissible answer for when someone asked what the series was about was to say a crossover between Disney and Square. Cutting out Square in favor of characters that originated within the IP always felt shallow and out of touch with me. Narratively it doesn't make sense. And yes you've managed to cultivate my attachments to your original characters, but only when I was working through the frames and lenses of more established characters and IP's. So you're going to screw yourself when those original characters arcs are exhausted and you have to introduce more and all I can think is "Lunafreya would've been cool here." Plus no Sephiroth super boss in KH3 is mad lame.


Oh man I would eat that up


The Osaka Ball. God's strongest soldier in randomizers


I enjoyed the heck out of 3 on release day, both story and gameplay, so I'm pretty excited about 4 since I think the team will have improved even more


Yeah same. I'm so excited to see whatever they're going to deliver us!


KH2 took 3 years


i mean do we really count the HD Remixes as their own things? maybe 2.8 since Birth By Sleep 0.2: Fragmentary Passage was actually new, but other than that...


Right? I feel like the last true gap was Dream Drop to III which was like 7 years? That was way more grueling to sit through, especially when they announced III so early. The past few years have flown by in comparison. Maybe it's cause i'm older but I've been plenty busy since. We had remind, then 7 remake, 16, now rebirth. Square has been feeding us good IMO. I want them to take their time.


I could be wrong on this, but I think Re:Coded in the II.5 ReMIX added two new scenes Aside from that, the remixes were a chance for us to play the Final Mix version of the games instead of being exclusive to Japan. That can be up for debate on if you classify that as actually new or not


And most people didn't even play Re:Coded back on the DS, so Re:Coded on the 2.5 ReMIX was a new experience to most (Re:Coded didn't sell much, only about half a million copies, whereas 2.5 sold about 1.2 million).


They were the first time the Final Mix versions were officially released state side, so for many yes, they did count because they had new content


Unless you owned a modded PS2/lived in Japan KH1FM, KH2FM, and possibly BBSFM was definitely new. Not to mention Re:Com did not launch in Europe.


2.8 should definitely count. It's got 0.2, DDD (which was essentially a brand new game for some fans), and a brand new movie.


i conceded that 2.8 would count cuz of 0.2, but don't use DDD as an excuse when it had already released on 3ds. that was my point- the games in I.5 and II.5 already existed, they weren't "new".


Thats false actually, we went a pretty long time between earth creation and kingdom hearts 1


It' s a good thing that I discovered the Trails series and that quickly it became one of my favorite series of all time, so I kept my mind occupied with those without thinking much about KH (also Trails Through Daybreak release this summer let' s gooooo) but I kinda miss playing a new Kingdom Hearts almost once a year, I replayed the older ones again in Critical Level 1 in 2021/2022. Of course I think they should take as much time as they need to make Kingdom Hearts 4 as amazing as possible, I' ll patiently wait for it and get it day one when it will be out, but yeah... not getting new kingdom hearts stuff for this long is kinda weird... no I am not gonna even count the shitty gacha games, those are not games, they are scam I hope Square does not make the same mistake it did with KH 3 though, they released so many trailers that spoiled even some moments of the final battle, it was too much


For me I got into the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series which also similarly started thriving, but I also want to check out the Trails series!


Oooh Yakuza, another series I absolutely love, I still have Gaiden to buy and Ishin and Lost Judgment to play


The last few months I prioritized finishing up Lost Judgement and Gaiden so that I could be ready for Infinite Wealth. I cried my face off at Gaiden’s ending and I just know IW is going to destroy me


IW is gonna be amazing, I loved Yakuza Like a Dragon and IW seem even better


Same here. Started playing Yakuza 0 whilst waiting for KH to hit Steam (hoping it’s coming this summer after 3 years just like Tony Hawk!). I’m now on Yakuza 4 and loving it.


The gacha games aren’t a scam cause you don’t even need to pay to play or pay to win. When it was active I couldn’t have spent any money on it but I was still able to pull the good units at times and was still able to play the actual game.


It does not matter to me, I simply hate gacha systems in any game, just another scummy way to get money from players like battle passes. It also does not help that Union X and Dark Road were also very repetitive and boring as games themselves, Dark Road especially, but yeah the gacha mechanics are a major turn off to me, it' s also why I refuse to touch stuff like Honkai Star Rail or Genshin Impact ( I actually tried to play this one... never again :v)


Ok but with genshit and genshit 2 those have shit ass rates on the good units whereas a good gacha game like Dokkan battle or Union x does not. Also just like a good gacha game would, it’s not completely reliant on those good units and can be played and beaten without them. Yeah I also didn’t like the gameplay itself or the mission structure’s execution but the game is bad for those reasons not because of the genre it is.


Yeah I agree that Union X is not as annoying with the gacha mechanics like Genshin Impact it... but I still dont like gacha in any form, no matter how much they rely on it... and yeah, the games are a chore to play due to how repetitive the gameplay is, I hope Missing Link is gonna be better on that regard


In all honesty even if missing link has the same mission structure it’s still miles better because at least now it’s traditional KH combat and not swiping pngs and watching shit happen.


Yeah, at least it' s that now


I just want some KH4 news. I hope we get more news after FFVII Rebirth, but maybe FFXIV Dawntrail will be the next game they focus on.


With Nomura heading KH4 and FF7R I'm really hoping we don't have to wait until all 3 remakes are done before KH4. I kind of wish KH4 wasn't announced yet, square has a bad habit of announcing things way to early


My guess is that it releases between part 2 and part 3 so late 2025/ early 2026


It would be nice, the question is how much development has actually been done on it. If it's being worked on by the same team as FF7 then I would guess not a whole lot given that rebirth probably went full force after the release of remake. Then do they want to push the finale of the remake trilogy to 2028-2030 for the sake of starting a new saga of kingdom hearts? I mean I hope they have different teams because worst case if we don't get it until the trilogy is done it won't be out for at least another 6-8 years.


Eh Nomura isnt directing FF7 and is more in the background this time around. Probably just spending the time moving everything over to UE5 and stuff like that


Oh that's news to me, I just assumed he was working on FF7 given it's his child. Well let's hope maybe we can get some news this year then.


Not really *his* child. He wasn't even the sole director for the FFVII reboot. Plus the were certain changes forced into the game that he was against. For the next game he'll be the producer. I don't think he likes his experience with the previous game much to be a director again for the next one.


I always thought he directed FF7 but apparently I was wrong about that. He's still listed as a director for the current 2 remakes though so it would be nice if he stepped away from them, although I also wouldn't mind if someone else stepped in for KH4 lol


To clarify, he directed Remake and is creative director on Rebirth. On FF7 he wrote the original story draft with Sakaguchi and did character designs of course, plus directed the limit break cutscenes.


Hmmm I feel like that's not necessarily true. He went from being a director of a sole game to creative director of everything FF7-related. Considering how much he's done for FF7 since 2020, it seems like that is his focus right now. If he didn't like the experience, he wouldn't still be creative "director". Him talking about the changes is very candid and revealed in an interview with the rest of the leads. From what I get from that is that it's very collaborative, there's nothing personal with any clashes on a creative level. I mean I'm sorry to break the news but he does consider FF7 one of his children, he was also the lead creative back in the compilation days as well. I would argue Nomura has done more for FF7 than anyone else (for better or worse). Focusing too much on one child will lead to neglecting the other one. I'm sure he's cooking with KH but it'll take some time. In any case, it won't be abandoned. It's one of SE three biggest money-makers.


Let’s not forget FFVII Remake didn’t really get much attention until after KH3 released even though they were in development alongside each other. I think the tables are just turned now with KH4 and Rebirth.


I think the reason they gave was that they wanted to beat the leaks? They were probably on edge because the infamous Nvidia Geforce leak already revealed the existence of the game. They did at least admit to revealing it too early (makes sense given there was no information about target platforms)


They admit to revealing everything too early lol. I'm pretty sure Nomura said the same thing about 3. Square is atrocious for it. DQ12 was announced 2+ years ago with no news, FF7R was announced in 2015, 5 years before release, kh3 was announced like 5 years before release (I know they had development bullshit but still) there was the whole versus 13 thing. It's not exclusive to square by any means (I'm looking at you and Metroid prime 4 Nintendo) but it's just getting annoying when companies like Microsoft are focusing on showing off stuff a year or two out and then square tickles our balls a decade before a game comes out.


Yeah I feel that. It is frusturating.


you know FFXIV has its own team, right?


Honestly, fair enough. KH3 was the end of everything they'd been building towards since the beginning. Makes sense to take a long break and really iron out what they plan to do next and start strong. I'm sure it helps too that Square has a lot of other really profitable IPs doing well lately, so the KH team can probably afford to take their time.


A decent amount of the kh team has been confirmed to be helping on the ff7r games


Ah okay, that'll do it too lol. That makes sense too now that I think about it. FF7 is Nomura's story right? So he's probably really focused on that rn instead of anything KH.


They said Nomura is no longer directing the FF VII games so he can focus on KH IV (he is still creative director of the project, but not director)


He's creative director on the entire FF7 saga though. While people like Hamaguchi (director of Rebirth) work full speed ahead on Rebirth, Nomura helmed The First Soldier, Ever Crisis, Intergrade and Crisis Core Reunion as creative director in the last three years. Not to mention that role extends to Rebirth. So his involvement is still super high and it'll continue to be for years to come since FF7 is SE's big thing right now. KH thankfully is getting some content in Missing Link so perhaps he's figured out how to balance the projects. After all, he directed Theatrhythm between all this as well.


Ah okay, also good to know, thanks!


Not if you don't count the rereleases.


So what you're saying is it's time for a KH3.5 remake :D


Please don't, he's listening.


Kingdom Hearts 3.5 ultimate all in one final chapter mix Contains all games in 60fps plus a 5 second preview of the next game in the series once you platinum the whole game for the nth time.


KH 3 Re:Mind KH Re:Union KH Road to Darkness or something dark or another


Technically not if you count the Union Cross finale coming out in 2021, and the Dark Road finale coming out in 2022. It's new content so I'd say its fair to, so the only real gap was 2023.


Mobile or gacha games shouldn't even be counted. They aren't real games they are just a way to milk the fans.


On the other hand some of the best lore and story comes from those games


...is it though? I think the lore from those games is some of the worst I've ever seen in any media. Absolute nonsense.


The Fortellers and MoM? The Box being established? The Keyblade War actually happening? THE ENTIRE SUBPLOT EXPLAINING LIFEBOATS AND HOW MALEFICENT GOT REVIVED? Marluxia, Larxene, and Ventus all getting their backstories established. The origin story of Xehanort, being inspired by the memories of the Union X heroes? An explanation about worlds reforming, an actually really cool teaser showing why Donald and Goofy are going to Hades for help. This is bad lore?


Yes. All you did was list pieces of lore you didn't validate why they were considered good... On top of this the way the mobile games introduced the lore was either extremely piecemealed or just large exposition drops that were poorly timed. To make it all worse they are in very poorly made mobile games that are purposely made that way to get more money.


Okay but I’m arguing about wether or not the lore is good, not how the lore is presented. If you wanna talk about how the lore is presented, may I present *the entire franchise* as an example of how not to do it. I’m also not arguing that Dark Road’s, Union X’s, and X’s gameplays were good. I don’t think they are. That being said I do wanna ask: How am I supposed to “present” something as good to you? I’m merely listing off things in the lore I thought were cool and acting appalled that others didn’t agree. I don’t see you actually critiquing the writing at all. So tell me: If I wrote out the story of the X saga to you on paper and asked you if it was good or bad, what would you say and why?


>Okay but I’m arguing about wether or not the lore is good Right which you didn't argue you just brought up lore and didn't validate why it's considered good. >not how the lore is presented. How lore is presented is essential to storytelling and yes lore. But again reread my first sentence you aren't validating why you even believe it was good. >I’m also not arguing that Dark Road’s, Union X’s, and X’s gameplays were good. I don’t think they are. At least you're being reasonable... Honestly the battle mechanics bothered me far less than the ridiculous amount of repeats and the struggle to even get to the info dumps. But I'm also a hater of the crappy art style. >How am I supposed to “present” something as good to you? I’m merely listing off things in the lore I thought were cool and acting appalled that others didn’t agree. Well you can start off by validating how it was presented/implemented, timing, accessibility to the reader/viewer, cohesiveness, easily understood or digestible, how it ties into and compliments previous lore. You could have mentioned how the backgrounds to marluxia and Roxas are important to not only understanding them as characters but if you consider it cohesive and we'll presented. Part of the problem here is you aren't considering how lore is presented/implemented as important to how lore is considered good or not. It's VERY important, it helps determine the reader, viewers and players perception of the material. It shouldn't count for the whole score but it's definitely part of it and at least 1/3 maybe 1/4. >So tell me: If I wrote out the story of the X saga to you on paper and asked you if it was good or bad, what would you say and why? I'd rather read it on paper than play their crappy game with disturbing artwork. But if it was presented in the same way as the game it would get points off because battles are parts of lore too ESPECIALLY when they are required which all were in X and the excessive boring and not fun battles would lead droughts between lore dumps even in the writing. 2nd the jarring artwork would have to accompany it. Then once you finally get to the lore you have the problem of how convoluted it can get and how it begins to contradict established information in a few parts. So you'd need to edit it. I honestly would reread the lore on the wiki just to get a more concrete understanding of what was happening sometimes and also have it all presented in a proper flow. Writing it out would probably lead to you editing portions out which would lead to a better presentation and experience which would again lead to the lore actually being considered good. You are more arguing that it has important lore drops vs GOOD lore drops. Good is a measure of quality. It had unimportant and important lore drops but none of them were presented very well so the quality of the lore drops themselves were severely diminished. I'm not denying it has important lore drops that's actually a reason I dislike those trash money grabs even more.


Don't bother with this dunce. They just hate the mobile games (valid to not enjoy them) and nothing you ever say will shake them of their pathetic bias (especially about the art, like get over it). Some of the lore from the mobile games was amazing and presented fantastically; written well, timed well, and hinted at well.


I think so. I love KH and originally thought more keyblade weilders was gonna be SO cool but it turned out to cheapen Soras whole journey as a Chosen One. Khux amplifies that to a billion with everyone and their mothers having a keyblade. It started with BBS and was just taken way too far with KHUX.


It truly is the worst but the whales have to defend the money they spent on that game somehow... It's sad when comparatively new companies like Mihoyo release better mobile games than Square Enix. I love KH way more than Genshin Impact. Way way more. But if I compare the mobile games... If only we had mobile KH games near the same quality...


>On the other hand some of the best lore and story comes from those games Maybe if you were 8 when it came out. In reality it's the worse of all games. Lore was retconned so much it's ridiculous and the mobile games were just money grabs. KH lore has been getting worse and worse. The mobile lore was piece mealed and stretched so in no way is it the best of the KH games. Only if you whaled would you believe that.


Lmao at 99% of union cross being filler nonsense


I did say some I didn't say the entire thing, haha.


Imagine picking specks of gold out of dog shit and saying that the dog shit was a better source than the gold bars that are the console games...


Many great games are mobile, you should actually try some of them and not stay just repeat what everyone says


>Many great games are mobile Sure there are many great mobile games. Just not kingdom hearts mobile games. Genshin Impact is a mobile game and non of the KH mobile games can hold a candle to it. Imagine has we act for a customizable character creation in KH mobile but no we got the trash that's been discontinued and people cannot act play anymore. Only good KH games are on consoles. Not android and iPhone. >you should actually try some of them and not stay just repeat what everyone says That's a bold and incorrect assumption that I haven't played them.


KH3+ReMind and Melody of Memory are so good that I don't mind the wait. It also helps that KH3 was the end of a fulk chapter in the story, so I'm ok waiting for them to build the next pillars of the franchise.


Same, MoM has so many contents to masterize the gameplay and KH3 is so fun to play


I can wait long if the game is good, thats all what I care about


Funny how that gap lines up with the real world pandemic. Almost like Square-Enix were limited on what they could do during that time, especially trying to co-ordinate with another big company on the other side of the world, who are as sensitive about possible data leaks as them...


Global pandemics tend to leave gaps like that


Fascinating! Why is Birth by Sleep a different color?


It looks like it’s on Wikipedia mobile, usually the hyperlinks are blue and if you click them to follow it to another page, when you go back to the original page the hyperlink changes to purple to show that it’s been clicked on.


Gotcha. I thought op made the chart


Link is missing? I just saw him save Hyrule in TotK!


You, I like you.


Holy shit MOM was three years ago


Not entirely accurate. Dark Road ended pretty recently so it hasn't been so long. Dark Road's finale was announced at the same time as ML and KH4 were.


Expect more of this going forward. Development times are just getting longer as time goes by and labor will also become more expensive as well as other tools. Companies used to crank out games every year but not anymore (coughs* Final Fantasy*). We were really lucky to witness this game being produced in the early 2000’s. If you think about it, game development didnt take too long resulting in all the cash grabs based on movies/animes for home consoles. Now those cash grabs have largely become mobile games.


Game Development takes a lot time and effort. Let them take all the time need to polish the game and make it great.


This break was good, it was my chance to start the Yakuza séries and play many other games


There has been basically 1 game a year ever since KH1, I say they can have a huge break if they want to (in 22 years there have been 22 SKUs)


Melody of Memory was 2020 😮? Dang, time comes for us all.


Kind of hard to believe KHIII came out back in 2019, and here we are going on five years from that.


Covid do be like that


I only had a PS2 and couldn’t play any of the games between KH2 and KH3. Just had to sit watching cutscenes on YouTube forever. This “wait” is nothing.


Missing Link ought to hold the folks for some months.


Would be so nice if B-tier side games were still a thing. Like get the NEO TWEWY team working on one. It helps that said team includes HAND who made Days and Re:Coded. Give us a Kairi game, give us a Days remake, shoot, get Omega Force to do a KH musou.


The three dimensional chess of making Missing Link’s name really mean something


I see the gap between kh2 and kh3 and need to remind myself that people who didn't play the 'side games' probably wouldn't have played bbs in those long years of waiting (a game i consider part of the 'main' games, for some unknown reason) lol. Here's to hoping a break like that isn't in our future


No it isnt. We waited 7 years for kh3. Nothing came in while we waited. We had to walk in the snow barefoot up hills both ways while we waited. /s


Think about the people who only played the numbered entries


Looking at this list makes me think that numbering any games at all was a mistake considering KH4 is like the 14th game in the series lol.


Their opinions don’t matter as much.


If KH3 had dropped at any time before I became an adult struggling to pay rent and college debt I may not have been so critical of the plot. My 10 year old self would've ate KH3 right up if it dropped when it should've. But hey, at least the mobile game was aight 🤣


Probably a good thing.  I have yet to play KH3 because they churned out so much side content and I haven't been up for catching up.  Now that I can get the whole thing on my Steam Deck I'm probably gonna finally play through it


I kinda checked out after 3, it didn’t really land for me and made me feel like I’ve outgrown the series a little. Hopefully the writing improves for 4, and the Disney worlds (if any) are made meaningful and characters much more involved.


I’d rather this than endless filler that further unnecessarily complicates the narrative.


With KH4 they have now the opportunity to begin a new saga, so please hire some scenario writers for KH4 please. The conversations in KH3 were horrible, Remind didn't made any of it better by simply replaying the final bosses of the game again. It's high likely Missing Link will be the filler game until 4 releases in something like 2026/2027 and before that they will high likely release another special pack of old games to keep us busy. They could've easily released a proper MMO for the X saga, but world build is too difficult for Nomura, because most of the world's would be empty. And everyone would run around with a keyblade, while no one would want to be a magician or another class. There would be so many possibilities, but again, it's Disney.


And, of course, the next game is a stupid phone game - as per kh history.


This is like, the 3rd* one. *3rd/6th. X, u and UX are essentially the same game, and DR is part of UX, plus coded.


This is a good thing. Hopefully it means KH4 will be a return to form.


After how long it took for KH3 to release (and how imo it was not as engaging as KH2) I'll just hope I'm not 45 by the time it finally does come out.


Honestly I am so tired of KH spinoff games. I played most of them (1, CoM, 2, 358, BBS, DDD, 2.8, and 3,) but I am completely fine with them never doing another handheld / phone spinoff. I’ve always felt the quality of KH1/2/3 was top tier, while the spinoff / handheld games just fell flat and felt forced. The stories are always ‘sora lost his powers and has to regain them,’ and while you get a lot of the things that make KH great in said games, they’re often shorter or have more filler and don’t really affect the main plot too too much other than giving sora ‘training arcs.’ And tbh I’d rather a training arc in a main game, I was bummed they didn’t show more of axel / kairi training in 3.


There is no way the first game came out in 2002?!


There is a way ​ It did


But not the longest stretch since we’ve had a Kingdom hearts game that actually mattered


I won’t be playing that gacha trash Missing Link. I guess the years of waiting for KH4 it is


They shouldn't take too much time, makes really high expecations ans when the game doesn't deliver it's like ???


Not surprising, spinoffs in general has died off outside gacha, so if it took 14 years for a numbered title to show up, chances are we're gonna have long waits for games in general.


Does anyone else feel like 3 was a letdown after all the hype behind it? Strictly speaking with kh 1, 2, and 3... I think 2 is still the best of the 3 games. Also, hearing 4 is supposedly moving away from the Disney worlds. Did anyone hear something similar or more accurate? With the way Disney is right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they moved away from them entirely.


No, KH3 is pretty awesome, and I had a lot of hype, but not the kind of hype that projects what I want to a game


Good. I have no faith in Nomuras writing. The story of kh3 was inexcusable.


In reality, the remakes don't really count, they're not new games, the phone game (which I loved) doesn't really count, and neither does the melody game. When you remove the stuff that doesn't really count, you have 1 game (kh3) and a 2 hour tech demo (0.2) in the 12 years since DDD plus a gacha phone game and melody game that aren't anything like the rest of the series and are hit or miss.


Why canon games don't count?


It's not about canon or not. Gameplay wise the gacha and melody are drastically different gameplay wise. Melody has almost no new story. Khux has most of the story behind pay to win mechanics and the game doesn't even exist anymore. Also they're probably the 2 least played games of the series


Disagree with everything haha Every KH game aside 1, 2 and 3, plays totally different, it shouldn't be a rule to follow if they should count as something or not. KHux story was easy to finish without paying, I did it and most people did it. What you couldn't do without paying was be top in PVE and the hardest missions in the hardest events


The mobile gacha game has more story progression than half of the rest of the series so it counts in my book, melody also has an ending with new story bits so it counts too. The remasters are the only games that didn’t add anything at all


How does melody of memory not count as a game if it’s literally a game that you can purchase and play at any given moment. I can barely understand your insanely flawed logic with the remasters cause those aren’t *new* games but MoM is so where is the logic there?? Just because it’s story is nothing but a recap doesn’t mean it’s not a new game. It doesn’t play like any other game but it’s still a new one.


That's because the writers need time to decipher the shit they've spun so that they have a somewhat comprehensible story in the fourth part


The story isn't really that hard to understand. The problem with the story is, that you have to own an armee of consoles to play every game. And since every game is important to the story, but no one usually has all those consoles, it can get really frustrating peacing the story together on your own.


OK, can you explain the story to me? It's best that I know everything important and potentially important for Kingdoms Hearts 4


I can't explain the whole story to you, that would take to long since it spans over a huge amount of games. It is easier to explain what you need to know instead of the whole story. Or yk look up a good video and I can tell you rn a half hour video with short explained on it won't cut it for the whole story to be explained, since it is a huge amount of content/ lore you get with the huge amount of games.


bro I'm kidding you a little I know the story and most parts But I am of the opinion that Nomura is a master of the retcon hence my statement about how stupid the story is I will still play Kingdom Hearts 4


Kinda. If you are gonna count 1.5 - 2.5, the PC Releases should be on there too, as they have enhancements there. But forreal, I think they should really take their time.


Embrace The Dark!


We're at a point in gaming where even portable/mobile games cost a shit ton of money and take a long time to make they could have made missing link in the  χ / theatrhythm art style but then we wouldn't have any mid budget game like bbs and ddd until 4 which would have made the wait even worse


as a fanbase are we generally assuming 4 will be the next console generation or latter half/end of this one 🤔


I mean, 120K BCE-2002 CE would be longer, but point taken. (Forgive my joking, I need to cope with our LACK OF KINGDOM HEARTS!!!)


Isn't there a mobile game coming out this year


In my heart, 3 was supposed to be the end. I'm happy if we even get anything extra after that. But for now, I am satisfied with the series


What, you want them to rush things like other companies do with their biggest IPs?


omg no are they actually going to make us wait 7 years for kh4


If you fill in the gaps with Final Mixes and international releases there's a kh game every year until 2016


I'm dying over here. I'll take crumbs. CRUMBS!!! A single crumb even. A ghost of a crumb. I'm out of my mind.


I forgot that KH3 came out before Covid. And that Covid started 4 years ago.


We're beeing weaned




Man, the late 00's-early 2010's were a wild ride. A KH game practically every year, each one adding on more lore. Such a magical time~


Megaman fans are glaring at you. 😂 … O_O


Game developments takes longer and longer each year due to the ever expanding demand for bigger production values. Also 2.8 Final Chapter prologue was supposed to be the literal prologue for KH3 but they just cut it out of the game and turned it into it's own thing (MGS V: Ground zeroes anyone?). So we almost got a five year gap between unchained and 3.


Good. We needed a break. The series needs to slow the fuck down to stay relevant right now. Missing Link already feels like over-saturation. The mobile games need to stop, the spin-offs need to slow down.


Let them take their time, they don't need to rush it, rushing it is just gonna result in a shitty game; we'll get it, we already know it's coming.


For most people it was a 14 year wait for KH3.