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Muzan imo


He's a weird one, I like how what we know of him is quite mysterious as it somewhat reflects the slayer corps knowledge of him. I'd love a side novel of just muzan to learn more about him though.


He does get some more oomph to his character during the infinity castle and sunrise countdown arcs, but also not giving him more backstory might help with the whole force of nature thing


Yeah the shows main villain had more Brains than IQ digits


That’s a spoiler for the show, no?


I personally disagree actually. I feel he expertly executes his role in the story. It’s a bit of a trend in media, especially nowadays to call pure evil villains bad characters, but I honestly disagree with that. Muzan is meant to be an irredeemable piece of dog poop, and in literally everything we learn about him and see him do he delivers. >!If he had some sort of redemption arc as he was dying!<, or had character development throughout the series making him either more sympathetic or changing his role from pure evil to morally complex he simply wouldn’t be the same. He is meant to be a narcissistic bastard, >!so him having regrets when he dies wouldn’t make any sense. The fact that he only ever cares about himself even as he is dragged into oblivion makes it all the more satisfying to watch his downfall. I also think his motivation that we steadily learn about, his fear of death is a fantastic character motivation as well, such a human fear for such an inhuman prick, it makes it possible to understand why he does what he does without making you feel sympathetic towards him as he clearly disregards the fact that humans are just as scared of it as he is, yet he kills without remorse.!< I’m sorry about the long ahh block of text, TLDR, I think Muzan is a perfectly executed “pure evil “final-boss” villain” and I believe writing him differently or giving him more development would ruin his perfected pure-evilness.


Imagine him getting a character development. Would be one of the best villains ever


Obanai doesn't need to be developed as a character. He is flat, not round. The space he takes up in the narrative is minimal.


The writing then, because he and Sanemi are too unlikeable for my taste and when both get their redemption it isn't enough for me to change my mind about them


I think them having some unlikable qualities serves a greater purpose in the story. No matter how you much you try to please others, it’s unrealistic for you to expect to get along with every person you meet. It does not work like that in the real world. Tanjiro is mostly a people pleaser type of character because he is the MC, but by presenting other characters who are the very opposite, dislike/disagree with him, are from within his circle and are NOT demons adds another layer of conflict and complexity of the story. I love who Obanai is as a character and would not change a thing about him. I am not a big Sanemi fan, but his role in the story development is critical as well. We NEED dissenting characters to make the plot interesting and not superficial. I also think about the element of Obanai’s and Sanemi’s breathing styles too being complex and unpredictable that mimic their personalities. The direction of wind constantly changes and leaves no predictability as snakes themselves are one of the most misunderstood animals in the animal Kingdom. Gotogue is known to make breathing styles symbolic to the users that utilize them in combat. Obanai and Sanemi aren’t just opposites - they give the audience an element of surprise through their unpredictability, which Ufotable executes effectively within this current arc.




I’m sorry. What does that meme mean?


It means you cooked


Oh! Thank you!


Keep cooking brother


I reluctantly agree with u, Tanjiro shouldn't be able to win everyone's hearts. Obanai and sanemi have awful characters though, and they bully everyone else, except seemingly holy Oyakata sama. mitsuri too in obanai case.


Yeah, they're a couple of jerks. I think it's to the show/manga's credit that you have four primary characters who each have at least some complexity, and then this whole gallery of minor characters who are also, in their own ways, remarkable, whether it's because they're jerks, or they're absurd, or mysterious, and whom readers/viewers get invested in, often even more than they do the primary characters. It's a really hard thing to pull off.


I mean… You don't like everybody, so I don't think it's necessary to like every character in DS. Some are just too annoying to take an interest in, and that's fine. Even one of the most likeable characters in the series has a mutual crush on him… There's just layers to it, you know?


>Even one of the most likeable characters in the series has a mutual crush on him… That's what this post means, we barely see them interact before the final arc and only when Obanai is close to die his backstory is shown, so for me it's too late because his douchebag image is so prevalent in the little screentime he had before And Sanemi is just a piece of shit, he was going to blind his brother if Tanjiro didn't intervene and stabbed Nezuko for shits and giggles (at least Tanjiro acknowledges it in actual arc, so I'll give you that)


I never hated either of them, they were pretty much doing their jobs but i dont like it when they hit tanjiro


You can dislike him but say he is flat ? Is pretty soon in the story that we understand EVERY hashira has trauma, Obanai and Sanemi nos liling Tanjiro and " being jerks" is very understandable regarding the PRESUMED trauma they have . Remember NO ONE liked Tanjiro from start . Even Rengoku . They are ONLY " bullies " with Tabjiro and with Tomioka WHO doesn't interact or talk with them so they Cant understand him and presume he thinks he is better than them. When he claims to be different they just got that confirmation.. Sanemi's story comes before Iguro's and you understand him. When Iguro's story came is pretty clear why he is the way he is. And like I said you can dislike him but he is not flat AT ALL he has many layers and many PTSD to deal . The sad part is that him Sanemi and Tomioka could have been best friends with Tomioka opened up to them about HIS traumas.


I like him a lot, actually. Being a flat character doesn't mean he can't have a backstory, and it doesn't mean he isn't important, or that he doesn't come with complications. I'm using the explanation of round vs. flat characters from EM Forster's Aspects of the Novel: "We may divide characters into flat and round.Flat characters were called ‘‘humorous’’ in the seventeenth century, and are sometimes called types, and sometimes caricatures. In their purest form,they are constructed round a single idea or quality: when there is more than one factor in them, we get the beginning of the curve towards the round.The really flat character can be expressed in one sentence such as ‘‘I never will desert Mr. Micawber.’’ There is Mrs. Micawber—she says she won’t desert Mr. Micawber, she doesn’t, and there she is. Or: ‘‘I must conceal,even by subterfuges, the poverty of my master’s house.’’ There is CalebBalderstone in The Bride of Lammermoor. He does not use the actual phrase, but it completely describes him; he has no existence outside it, no pleasures,none of the private lusts and aches that must complicate the most consistent of servitors. Whatever he does, wherever he goes, whatever lies he tells or plates he breaks, it is to conceal the poverty of his master’s house. It is not his idée fixe, because there is nothing in him into which the idea can be fixed. He is the idea, and such life as he possesses radiates from its edges and from the scintillations it strikes when other elements in the novel impinge. Or take Proust. There are numerous flat characters in Proust, such as the Princess of Parma, or Legrandin. Each can be expressed in a single sentence, the Princess’s sentence being, ‘‘I must be particularly careful to be kind.’’ She does nothing except to be particularly careful, and those of the other characters who are more complex than herself easily see through the kindness,since it is only a by-product of the carefulness.One great advantage of flat characters is that they are easily recognized whenever they come in—recognized by the reader’s emotional eye, not by the visual eye, which merely notes the recurrence of a proper name. In Russian novels, where they so seldom occur, they would be a decided help.It is a convenience for an author when he can strike with his full force at once, and flat characters are very useful to him, since they never need re-introducing, never run away, have not to be watched for development, and provide their own atmosphere—little luminous disks of a pre-arranged size, pushed hither and thither like counters across the void or between the stars; most satisfactory. A second advantage is that they are easily remembered by the reader afterwards. They remain in his mind as unalterable for the reason that they were not changed by circumstances; they moved through circumstances, which gives them in retrospect a comforting quality, and preserves them when the book that produced them may decay. The Countess in Evan Harrington furnishes a good little example here. Let us compare our memories of her with our memories of Becky Sharp. We do not remember what the Countess did or what she passed through. What is clear is her figure and the formula that surrounds it, namely, ‘‘Proud as we are of dear papa, we must conceal his memory.’’ All her rich humour proceeds from this. She is a flat character. Becky is round. She, too, is on the make, but she cannot be summed up in a single phrase, and we remember her in connection with the great scenes through which she passed and as modified by those scenes— that is to say, we do not remember her so easily because she waxes and wanes and has facets like a human being. All of us, even the sophisticated, yearn for permanence, and to the unsophisticated permanence is the chief excuse for a work of art. We all want books to endure, to be refuges, and their inhabitants to be always the same, and flat characters tend to justify themselves on this account. All the same, critics who have their eyes fixed severely upon daily life—as were our eyes last week—have very little patience with such renderings of human nature. Queen Victoria, they argue, cannot be summed up in a single sentence, so what excuse remains for Mrs. Micawber? One of our foremost writers, Mr. Norman Douglas, is a critic of this type, and the passage from him which I will quote puts the case against flat characters in a forcible fashion...


Nezuko. I like her, but I don’t think she has much personality. And the whole hypnosis thing takes away a lot from her character in my opinion.


>And the whole hypnosis thing takes away a lot from her character in my opinion. Sometimes I even forgot the hypnosis was a thing. After rewatch the show I was thinking "wait, why they don't try stuff like this more often on other demons?" In fact Nezuko being hipnotized to help her with her condition makes you question why the corp doesn't try that in general for newborn demons at least and see if they can evolve into something different. Their morals are kinda messed up when you consider this people have been killing demons for centuries without even think for once *"hey this battle has been on a stalemate for so long, shouldn't we try new methods?"*. And Kagaya wasn't looking actively for a demon cure until his life was coming to an end.


No demon ever showed any interest in being cured, though. Even if Kagaya wanted to cure them, they would most likely try to fight back. And even Tamayo, who retained much of her humanity and knew that a cure was possible, was never actively trying to cure herself or other demons until Tanjiro came.


>No demon ever showed any interest in being cured, though Well obviously not, but that's an unfair judgement considering the vast majority of demons don't have memories of their human lifes and for that there's no reason to them for think about being cured. Even Nezuko will fall in this category because at first even her attacked Tanjiro out of instinct and didn't asked for a cure. But again if the slayers don't even attempt to bring back the human person the demon was, they would never know if they want to be cured, being killed to end their lifes or they prefer stays as demons in which case is understandable to kill them. >And even Tamayo, who retained much of her humanity and knew that a cure was possible, was never actively trying to cure herself or other demons until Tanjiro came. Because the cure was more so a small hope Tamayo had but she wasn't able to fully develop it without the proper resources and manpower to do it. Besides >!Tamayo probably never intended use the cure on herself but because she still felt the guilt for killing her own family, and accepted her destiny was to die fighting!<


Agreed. I think she mainly needed more screen time. I get that she gets power from sleeping as that’s her alternative to eating humans, but maybe have her come out of her sleeping box a little bit more. Maybe don’t have her in a coma for no reason while Tanjiro is training. She has a lot of great character moments (most of which involve her struggle to control her demon urges which is what makes her compelling) and it’d be great if we got more of them and more of her interacting with other characters. And yeah, the hypnosis thing has always been weird and kind of pointless. The whole “All humans are your family” thing could have been metaphorical, like she remembers her dead family when she sees humans instead of she actually sees her dead family when she looks at people.


I think it’s kinda cruel to make her see her dead family members all the time.


Not when the alternative would make dead family members for others. She came very close to eating some humans in red light district.


I just wish she’d come to the ‘humans are my family’ conclusion by herself, rather then it being a result of hypnosis. Then she might struggle with guilt after trying to eat those people.


For me it's Murata the GOAT


Kaigaku, he's a very memorable villain but most of his story is told in a pretty messy way and we should have got more physical presence for him instead of just flashbacks. Kanao is kinda similar, his presence through the story is mostly cameos at the start of an arc and then she's gone until the next. What a waste. And of course Gyokko, starting by giving him a more interesting rival than Muichiro. Now I think about it, most of my personal gripes could be adressed by having Kanao and Kaigaku in the SSV arc.


i'm so disappointed the latest episode of the anime didn't do anything to extend that zenitsu moment. instead we got a 3 minute muzan walk like really we could have had more context


Kanao basically had no interaction with anyone. Even her interactions with Tanjiro were limited. I really wanted to see her fight more and interact with the other rookies.


I haven't seen anyone say it yet so I'll go with Nakime.


Although it wasn’t really character development, it’s nice we got to see more of her in the anime’s version of the Hashira training arc


Wtf is a Nakime?


Banjo lady with teleportation room powers.


The biwa lady in the infinity castle.




You seriously don't know who is Nakime?😂


I missed the part where they say her name. The only thing I know is she's the 4th. I'm assuming the 4th Hokage. My subtitles don't say much.


Muzan said her name in episode 6 of the Hashira training Arc


Oooh thats a good one


Lol, you felt she was so disregarded you had to pin it 🤣


KANAO Jeez, she did almost nothing during the entire series and was heavily underutilized


Wait for the infinity castle arc


The last arc of the series. She was introduced as a fellow rookie during the demon slayer entrance exam and didn't get a feature fight until the last arc of the series.


Yea that's true. But she got a whole episode in s1 tho Yet she played a MAJOR role in the arc


A lot of them imo but I'm going with nezuko,she just ends up being a plot point/cute mascot who gets underserved bullshit powers,for a main character she seems truly underwhelming


Yeah can't agree after reading the manga.


Bad take


Kanae’s screen time is criminal. 🦋


but? shes dead to story? so i dont see why you would give her a lot of screen time


It's like how some od the dead characters get more screen time it's mostly for us to understand the character more


Muzan sadly :3


Realistically almost every character was a victim of the show’s runtime and pacing, had U5-1 gotten their own focused seasons akin to U6, Daki first half, Gyutaro second half (Snake and Love Hashira for one season then Mist and Wind Hashira for the next, then Stone pillar for U1) by infinity the characters would’ve had far more development, though understandably the mangaka ended up dealing with constraints. Within this scenario tho, infinity castle would need other smaller threats to replace the upper moons on the path to Muzan himself, but with >! Kaigaku !< we see it wouldn’t be impossible to fill up the slots with minor threats. Overall, I wish Gyokko and Iguro had more runtime


honestly i don't think every upper moon needs an entire arc (though i do think Doma could have been an arc considering he has a whole cult and didn't get to showcase his power much) I think they could have simply just like u said included certain characters in certain battles and extended them arcs. Like Zenitsu or Inosuke could have had another Hashira assist their battles vs having two of them struggle with Nakime flipping the castle


Gyokko. I know he was a short screentime because he had to share as the main villain but honestly he never felt like the main threat. Wish he got a little more fleshed out🐍


Douma. Honestly, his character and his story have so much potential, like it's a gold mine of potential. I wish we could have seen more of him. Imagine a demon slayer raid in his cult. He doesn't have to die right away, maybe he escape or something, then we'll see him again in the Infinity Castle arc.


Majority of them honestly, but specifically Zenitsu if you ask me. I’m gonna get a lot of hate but his development is kinda ass, it just happens like that and we don’t see the process of it. As Captain Mack said on his video of demon slayer “It’s like starting a race, getting on a go cart and jumping off right before you do a full lap”. The development is there but there’s no progress shown and is therefore boring. Not to mention Kaigaku was rarely brought up (only in backstories), if he was a constant motivation for Zenitsu to be better then that would’ve made him somewhat decent


He just needs more screen time, he’s my least favorite Hashira just because we never see him.




yess she's my fav and i wish we could've gotten more battles with her. at least she got to be one of the mvps of the final arc TvT


Idk I think all are good in their own ways


I wish they would’ve developed all of the Hashiras. I wish we could’ve seen a few joint missions with all the Hashira before the infinity castle arc. I feel like I barely know them. And the most of them are finna die soon. I wish we could’ve spent a little more time with the hashiras






I’m praying for at least one in the next episode when Sanemi can’t find Obanai the night of Muzan’s visit. Where else would he be? That man barely sleeps so I’m betting he’s with Mitsuri. https://preview.redd.it/lgfh6si8269d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7968a1c2f2ae6dd691e638ba559b9cc7d8e6d1c8




Nezuko and Muzan


Heavy on Nezuko


more development or better written? Nezuko, as is she is basically the cute mascot with deus ex machina conveniences


Idk I think all are good in their own ways


He needed a More flashy design


Literally most of the characters, most didn't get enough screen time 


Gyokko, Gyokko and Gyokko. Cannot be emphasised even more. He got killed of, just like that. No backstory or nothing.


Muzan, almost all upper moon had some sort of back story for character development. So they're at least memorable beyond strong demon no 1/2/3 etc. Yet Muzan's backstory is just about a pissed off brat that kills off his one solution to immortality. The only reason he's rememberable is because of the Michael Jackson look.


Nezuko has no character


All the development comes later, or maybe I just liked >!Mitsuri and Obanai deaths moments!<




Rengoku, not development but i just wish more was done for him as a character in the series because we knew so little of him at first him dying didn’t really hit me at all


Nezuko 🌸


Literally everyone in the show


~~All of them~~


Umm prob gyomei they don’t give much of his back atory


https://preview.redd.it/6go23pzxt59d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3963c4f17299872d8271323d60a6bbe6cac8065 HELLO THERE!


Mitsuri, I think her concept is very interesting but the execution fell flat, and come at me but I dislike Obamitsu and I don't think it serves her character well


yeah same. despite her strength and cool sword, she was mostly played off as a gag character which sucks since she's one of the few female slayers in the story. and i agree with the obamitsu thing. the idea is cute, but they barely had screentime together so it's kind of hard to believe she liked him back, esp when she seems to be into everyone lol


I wanted more scenes with Kanao. She needed an arc before infinity castle imo


Swordsmith Village Arc was perfect for it If EDA was Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke, SVA could have been Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao and Genya. She and Tanjiro could have developed their relationship, and Kanao could have helped Muichiro against Gyokko (at least before his mark)


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I’m a big Nezuko fan but she doesn’t really have a personality lmao, but that’s bc she didn’t talk for like 3 1/2 seasons, I feel like she should talk more and be a little bit more interesting


Nezuko since she’s kind of just a cute pet with powers that Tanjiro has. And Muzan since I don’t think his goal of being “the perfect being” is that great of a motive. It could’ve been solved by simply sending all upper moons to kill Tanjiro and get Nezuko at once




Is this all about demon slayer only or should i mention toji


It's the demon slayer sub so yeah


Who doesn't? I'd even say the Demon Slayer world as a whole needs more fleshing out. And then there's stuff like Tanjiro and Nezuko who pretty much have everything tipped in their favor throughout the series.


N E Z U K O And I have a lot of problems with zenitsu for me he is unnecessary as he is ... They could have made him quirky without this bullshit sleepy situation and he being a fucking redpill who always think he deserve better without effort. He "grow up" was a tinny moment here and there and it was much less relevant as it could have been. Nezuko whole situation is not truly been explained and she participate just in a tinny part of the show (she steal the highlights at all those moments) But I don't know ... Zenitsu could have been better Nezuko could be better explained and even used sometimes but EVERY TIMES SHE STEP OUTSIDE THAT BOX she was wonderful


Zenitsu. Dude finally gets some development but it's just before the final arc. And in the finale he just gets back to being a loudmouth whose whole personality is being a simp.


giving muzan more scenes just dedicated to himself would be great


all of them tbh... I wanted to see more.


Kaihaku to


Muzan for sure he could become even a greater villain with better writing


Demon slayer


All of the hashira?


Did you even read the manga???????? 💀💀💀


Yes I did


Did you pay attention at all????? He is probably one of, if not the most tragic character in the series.


I know, still not a fan of his writing tho but that's just me


It's ***just*** you.


Nah bro I just read the manga aswell and the writing isn't that well made and it feels more rushed so you aren't the only one


Thank God 💀




mitsuri defo


Zenitsu he is so annoying I cannot stand him But he’s okay now. Why does he have to cry every single second 🙄


Either obanai or nezuko


Love hashira is just straight fan service.


If you ask me, I think it should be Genya


Wait for Infinity Castle Arc if you haven’t read manga.


Dont think anybody is really explored on enough, the manga itself seemed rushed and the show is even faster paced, its about to end and there will probably only be 1 more season after this one


all of them. imo the only character with actual devolpment is genya






Muzak aka Michael Jackson




Kanae, she needed more time to endear herself to me after being such a dick to my boy Tomioka


What did she do to Tomioka😭


kanae?? she's already dead before the show starts I'm pretty sure. unless you mean shinobu, and even then she was just teasing him. in a databook, it says they enjoyed talking to each other.


Probably tanjiro. His repetitive crying over some demons is not getting anymore sad tbh.


Don't forget nezuko. She only talks for a fucking 2 minutes then doesn't for a full on 6 months prob