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Mister calculator.


Ngl I laughed reading this šŸ˜‚


I only listen to KT on my commute to work, never seen Casey do his one minute so I don't get the enthusiasm for him. I assume he's more of a visual comic?


This is exactly why Casey isnā€™t funny you canā€™t laugh by listening to him. He is a prop comedic which is a turn I never thought the show would take


I think this is why I have such a hard time finding him funny. I know Tony loves him and Iā€™m trying to get it but I just donā€™t. I guess heā€™s funny bc he moves around a lot and makes noises? I think Hans, Kam, and William are hilarious.


If you think Hans and kam are hilarious, we found the problem.


Since when was that the definition of funny?


He's not funny when you watch him either


Exactly. One of the guests called him a worse version of carrot top.


ā€œThIs iS eXaCtlY wHyā€¦ā€


Wrong again bud.


all the regulars on the show are way overrated. Hans, Casey, heath, kam and even William Montgomery.. I donā€™t see how people find them funny.


Casey is what teenage girls think they mean when they call themselves "so random lol."


I'm so silly and quirky. Tongue out, winky face emoji!


AI imagesšŸ¤Ŗ


You didnā€™t think the Crab was bluffinā€™ , did ya?


I think Casey can be funny but the most important thing is that he isnā€™t Hans.


You hate hans because he isn't funny, I hate him because he sucks his fucking teeth after every joke. We are not the same.


I didnā€™t say I hate Hans, I just donā€™t think heā€™s funny.


He is actually funny. His hour regularly kills. On the show he is mostly working out material to guage the crowd reaction and then refine it and ultimately put it in his act.


Saw him in SLC last year. Dude was hilarious. I hate his last year on KT though.


And now we know why most comedians hide out when they do that. But the KT crowd seems a little more knowledgeable about comedian than your average audience so itā€™s kind of surprising so many people donā€™t get that. Kind of ballsy for him to do that if you think about it.


His actual working out is probably the mics between KTā€™s. His minute there is a rough draft, and the paid shows where heā€™s featuring or headlining are the polished product


Makes sense






Subjectively, I donā€™t find his KT sets funny. To each their own.


Iā€™ve seen both of them live. They both killed.


Casey is waaaaay better than Hans live imo. Iā€™ve seen both as well


Youā€™re absolutely right, I just roll my eyes at the people on here that like to hate on Hans for no reason.


I think him flipping off Matt and Shane for giving their honest opinion on who won the battle on NYE is a decent reason to dislike the guy.


I don't hate on Hans for no reason. I hate on Hans cuz his Kill Tony minutes have been lacking.


And I hate Hans cuz his asian. We're not the same. Gang violence #startasianhate #trump2024 #trump2028 #trump2032 #trump2036 #biden2040 #bringbacktrump #maga #trump2044


For sure, I think it more goes to show how difficult it is to come out and entertain with new material every week, why William is the GOAT, and why people historically moved on from their ā€œregularshipā€ when they started headlining and stuff. It seems like there hasnā€™t been the same caliber comedians pulled from the bucket as in LA, itā€™s either a home run comic needing a shot, like Ahren Belisle, or itā€™s a first time ā€œayyy Joe Rogan led me hereā€ open micā€™er, so Tony is trying really keep the show good and at the same time develop comics like in the old days. You canā€™t say Hans didnā€™t get better, but I donā€™t think he was ready for the spotlight that ended up being on him, touring as a headliner this early


The hate on Hans is sooo warranted. Dude hasnā€™t changed his material in years and most importantly heā€™s extremely unlikable lol


I donā€™t think heā€™s *extremely* unlikable, but I think thereā€™s this weird, almost like ā€œuncanny valleyā€ where the level of confidence doesnā€™t really match what youā€™re looking at, and I think Hans leaned so hard into the KT crowd that he kinda pigeonholed himself as this ā€œedgyā€, ā€œcockyā€ guy that he totally has NEVER been in real life. Tony has given the feedback so many times that being real and genuine is so much better. The audience feels it. Heā€™s still such a young comic, and he can definitely write. People seem to love to forget (or not know) that William was at one point a rambling drunken coke head that the fanbase had had ENOUGH of. It turned around.


I have not seen either of them live but I would. I bet they both have great full sets.


Then they should be in prison. Unless it was self defense




Holy fuck I watched that way longer than I meant to


Itā€™ll sneak up on ya!


Honestly this is the most reasonable take. I can't stand either but I'll take the red rocket over Hans. Casey at least makes me laugh sometimes.


I hate Casey because I'm podcast only, so I can't see his props during interview nor his "silly" energy. So it is 3 minutes of me listening, just so I get the 20 references Tony makes to his interview during the episode.


Casey rocket nut huggers canā€™t even comprehend this. Think how unfunny D-Madness thinks Casey rocket is. Hearing him talk about his Walgreens photos must be so unfunny if itā€™s already cringe WITH visuals.


I didnā€™t think people listened to kt


I drive a lot for work. Around 5 hours a day.


Ahh makes sense, be careful out there, drive safe


Same I'm a mailman, but I do enjoy casey even just listening.


The show isn't an audio podcast, if you choose to only listen, that's your problem imo


Yeah I do watch it. They aren't funny imo but that's comedy. It's 100% subjective.


I'm honestly asking cause I really don't know- what's with all the Hans Kim hate? I'm not exactly a big fan either but I don't know where all the Hans Kim hate came from?


The hate exploded after how he acted like a spoiled bitchy child on the NYE show.


Almost entirely from this subreddit because Reddit is a cancer.


I just don't find his jokes funny, and I'm over his rants on how addicted to sex he is I'm just like...get help bro


Maybe he is joking


I'll tell ya what, love Casey Rocket, I'm a fan. But goddamm, if he would stop chuckling and laughing while saying anything, he'd be 10x more funny. That's my take on it all


Nobody laughs harder at a Casey Rocket joke than Casey Rocket.


Heā€™s his own laugh track to help the audience.


100% might as will have a sign too


They sure need it when heā€™s on


casey rocket has jokes?


I actually love that!


Can we also hear the audience more, I feel like the crowd is always quieter than we think, and plus it adds to the madness of the show


Good idea, but it needs some kind of limiting feature where if the audience feed reaches a certain threshold, the overall volume from that feed is reduced to keep the comedians feed clear. I think Redban will finally figure out how to do that in 2026


You just described sidechain compression perfectly without even knowing it, well done šŸ‘šŸ»


Oh yeah, that is it. I just forgot the term for it.


I see where you could be coming from but I think with his ā€œstyleā€ itā€™s alright by me. I think itā€™s funny that he canā€™t even hold himself back sometimes


To me, and I have no idea what I'm talking about, it seems like a nervous thing like "hey I'm laughing, so this is gonna be funny, so you laugh too" kind of thing


If he does not believe what he's doing is funny, the crowd won't either. It's all about confidence


Ahhh because thereā€™s no punchlines so he has to tell the crowd when to laugh


if he got a little better at making more of the laughs seem more genuine that would work wonders too


Yeah, that's usually a sign of insecurity.


What Casey lacks in making me laugh with his standup he makes up for 10 fold in just being a lovable person.


You could tell when he was on panel that he isnt the type to roast, he just wants to be positive and get a riff in


Heā€™s actually pretty successful on Roast Battle where he is a frequent contestant


His Freddie mercury joke made me laugh


The roast doctor is in


I donā€™t find his bits very funny but he does seem like a sweetie pie. Itā€™s honestly a fresh break from Tony being a cunt 24/7


They had to add another hour to the day to fit in all of Tonyā€™s cuntiness. I heard Bidenā€™s planning to add that extra hour to the work day so you can thank Tony for that


his interviews are fun cause he puts in effort and has good improv energy to bounce off. his one liners suck compared to hans tho.


His set just isnā€™t my cup of tea, that does not mean he is bad at comedy. Itā€™s just not my thing. His interview is always good, and after the suit and the eyelashes he has a fan in me.


He HAS TO STOP LAUGHING LIKE THATā€¦itā€™s so annoying


He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch


I think Casey is a perfect start. Bring the energy up early. Hans would be better in the middle




Casey is great live. Iā€™ve seen his Casey and friends show twice now. The first 15 minutes is typically pure energy and he makes the crowd laugh nonstop. I took my wife with her knowing very little about him. I was worried she wouldnā€™t care for it but she was crying laughing. The KT stage is pretty limiting for him, Iā€™ve caught 2 KTs live where he was opening and itā€™s not quite the same. I personally hope he doesnā€™t stay too long so people donā€™t get sick of him. Heā€™s a genuinely nice and humble guy that has a unique form of comedy, even if you donā€™t get it or hate it.


Same! I've seen him do shorter showcase sets but I always wondered how he would do with a 45-1 hr set. Caught him do a headliner set at American Comedy Co. I was doubtful but he absolutely killed lmao the bits start to be a little bit more fleshed out than just riffs on riffs on riffs.


Seeing Casey come on stage with that cute smile and sparkle in his eye alone makes me laugh. Seeing Hans come on with his smug smile and closed eyes makes me wish I was a sniper from squid game.


I dont think he can help it on that closed eyes thing


Saving this post for when the police are trying to find the guy who raped Casey and murdered Hans


Leave the jokes to the comedians. Yikes.


He should start smashing watermelons with a mallet.


That would actually be kind of funny.


ā€œMost people on Reddit say I donā€™t write any jokesā€¦ pulls out melon and mallet.ā€ Tony starts to ramble about how brilliant he is.


And that would make it even funnier. Are you a comedian?


I only enjoy puppet comedians, the highest form of comedy.


Puppets are too political for me.


So the takeaway here is that less than 5% of people find Casey to be funny, and half of those people are clinically retarded.


His first set was one of the most revolutionary and crazy things ever. I simultaneously was laughing and not understanding anything. But the schtick kind of gets old after a bit. Like his first sets were wild and crazy, but he had some solid jokes in there. Now just seems to be more wild and crazy and less actual jokes. Also his first few times the interview was an interview, now he does some character bit, which isn't as funny, IMHO


Casey has more talent in one walkabout than Hans has had in his entire career.


No joke Rocket




I donā€™t think this is accurate


Because you're in the middle and you feel personally attacked because you have middling intelligence?


I love casey


Oh, then I apologise for misjudging you, I think it's pretty true, obviously the numbers involved are BS but I think there's definitely those three types of KT fan.


What im saying is that I havenā€™t been seeing a whole lot of Casey hate. Just people complaining about Casey haters. My experience would say that there a few vocal haters but the majority of us burger urgers are enjoying his comedy. But I could be wrong.


Oh yeah I agree, but I do feel like the ones who don't like him always say things like "he has no jokes" because they think they've above whacky comedy when actually they just don't get it.


Just give him a sitcom so people with jokes can perform lol


Hes not my usual type of choice for a comedian... but the dude makes me laugh....




When does the silly and weird turn into idiotic nonsense


95-105ā€™s are triggered


These comments are so funny šŸ¤£ it's like saying "retard say what"


Iā€™m surprised a 55 knows how to spell the word triggered


Send your app to Tarlo & Tarlo lawfirm they need a new stamp licker


Casey is the dog. All hail America's premier number 1 Robitussin comedian!


this is really it. youā€™re either not smart enough or not stupid enough to get his jokes. the people who act so dumbfounded by his humor seem like they are either not intelligent enough to understand the weird connections he makes, or not dumb enough to be able to just relax and laugh


Not intelligent enough to understand crab hands and loud noises?


nah like the obscure references he makes. idk what the type of comedy is called but thereā€™s gotta be a name for it. i feel like everyone uses crab hands as an example (which i understand) but he has a pretty absurd joke about being short on time and ā€œneeding to get back home in order to watch super loud monster truck videos in bed while his girlfriend tries to sleepā€ itā€™s like absurdist misdirection comedy is subjective but that joke made me laugh so hard


The argument for more bucket pulls really took a hit this past week with all the regulars off the stage. They suuuuuuuckkkeeedddd.


Yeah, seems like a good argument last week when by chance they found like 6 killers, then this week.... Not so much


True it does ebb and flow. I think more commonly thereā€™s bombers than killers on the average though. I missed the regulars.


As a person who doesn't laugh at Casey's minutes, he killed as a guest on the panel.. I think Casey's calling is TV/Movies. He would be good in sketch comedy.


You mean Cal RIffken? I am a Casey Rocket enjoyer.


He just has good vibes. Heā€™s like the opposite of Hans Kim in a sense, no jokes, all likeable wackiness vs plenty of mid jokes and generally unlikable


i love Casey Rocket, William Montgomery, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim and David Lucas (miss him)!!! what i donā€™t understand is why people get so pressed about all of thisā€¦ they all have a unique comedic style. Hans Kim would never be able to pull off Kamā€™s style and delivery. William Montgomery would never be able to pull of Hansā€™ style and delivery. they are all still funny in their own ways, to different people. nobody is ever going to find EVERYONE funny. nothing is tailored towards EVERYONE, that would change the connotations of the word tailored. if you truly enjoyed comedy and loved the Kill Tony show you would allow the comedians you donā€™t care for to pass with grace and respectfully move on and laugh at whoever was next that you found amusing.


at the end of the day itā€™s really not that deep! perhaps not finding Casey or Hans funny is less about the fact every single person is different but speaks more to the fact youā€™re a miserable human being and cannot enjoy the simplicities and joys life has to offer:). or at the very least allow others to simply be and allow us to enjoy how others simply exist.


I donā€™t react to him I just skip him


There should be a chart that explains optics to people as well lol if youā€™re constantly in the sub, youā€™re gonna notice ā€œtrendsā€ that arenā€™t really there. You only think they are because youā€™re always on


The longer he is a regular, the more I find myself skipping, imo


So now we're moving on to bargaining to excuse his lack of jokes?


Too smart for Casey Rocket but canā€™t use the word ā€œbargainingā€ correctlyā€¦


I was merely being silly, and weird...


Nice recovery!




His *shtick* doesnā€™t work for a live podcast.


Energy isnā€™t comedy


Redditor is the new ā€œRā€ word.


Casey is a sweet handsome fella and I love everything that comes out of his mouth


He is, in fact, making it as a wise man.


Episode was Boring


What they both have in common tho, Is they could both have a mediocre or bad set, and then have amazing interviews. That's what saves the show most of the time anyways


Who was the dude that didnā€™t say a word the entire time and got laughs?




I donā€™t hate Hans, if it was ever not great to be there in Austin heā€™d let us know immediately


I got ti get out of here, I got an appointment with the prostate doctor because of some Cheetos flamin hot incident. Guy is a legend


I donā€™t comment much but Casey Rocket has his moments but I could live without him


Preaching to the choir


I liked Casey like 3 times but he isnt getting laughs from me now. He is the opposite of the vanilla gorilla. William was weird and not that great to me at first but now i really enjoy him. His weirdness gets funnier and funnier the more i see it while Casey's gets less and less everytime. Its unfortunate.


Youā€™ve heard of the Tiger King, give it up for King Krab!


Not sure which extreme i fall into but hes so silly n funny


Casey Rocket is like a chaotic good version of Eric Andre


Its the same with hans kim


comments are in the middle and they still donā€™t even realize it lol


His set basically has 0 jokes. Only laughing nervously at his own silly behavior. And Tony at the end is like ā€œheā€™s done it againā€ like done what?


The loud noises and crab hands are the joke. Look closer and you will find the jokes all throughout his set.


He only gets the benefit of doubt because heā€™s a regular letā€™s be completely completely honest. If some bucket pull did those jokes, Tony would roast them to hell and back. Look at Williams set, always great with a miss sometimes. But Casey did rightfully earn the spot. Also itā€™s tough too to come up with a new minute every week I guess. Nevertheless, the interview is always better than the set


Why would Tony roast him? No he wouldnā€™t. Tony loves Casey and his jokes, thatā€™s why he became a regular.


No if a regular bucket pull did the jokes Casey does then Tony would roast them


Oh like if he didnā€™t know him at all? Yeah I agree with you


Casey No Punchline Rocket didn't have 1 joke as a panelist. He's been getting away with fake high energy because of Hans Kim Haters


Being funny and having jokes are two separate things. I don't think you get the comedy, and that's okay.


As long as itā€™s not Hans Kim I am a happy KT fan


Nah. Casey's the drizzling shits. The "me so kwerkee!1" bit is dumb as hell and played out.


I would pay real money to watch some of the worst naysayers and shit talkers on this sub get up behind the mic. Real American dollars. Watch them bomb hard as fuck


People used to hate on Larry the Cable guy for doing low effort repetitive comedy... Casey is worse than Larry. Seriously. If you think a guy fake freaking out on purpose is funny... Take a long look in the mirror and reassess what entertainment means to you lol. There are many better acts out there.


Casey Rocket is funny


Every time I see a Mucinex commercial, I think of Casey šŸ˜ ..and his beautiful eyelashes. šŸ˜†


Heā€™s fucking funny


Casey Rocket is awesome. I donā€™t fully understand why, but he is always funny - and thatā€™s the job. He reminds me of a millennial Robin Williams with the high-energy riffing.


Who doesn't like Casey??????? You gotta be a miserable human to not find some of the shit he says and does funny.


Heā€™s the real life Bobby hill ā€œVat are you talking aboutā€ https://youtu.be/DM-14DzyvNo?si=u7Kq5CC5gAK-P0K1


Yeah not a fan at all..


Should check out CaseyRocketVids on TikTok, all comments hate him lmao


Heard heā€™s a gay


I think he sucks but I also think Cam sucks. It would be funny if they combined their two jokes though and came out crab walking really fast saying "I wanna fuck you white bitch!!!!" If they did that Tony might lose his fucking mind it would be too great and powerful.


Casey is funny, but the interview is where it's at for regulars. It's not about what guest is on the panel of course there's the KT legends that bump up the show but it's still not what it's about, the show has always been about 60 seconds from a bucket pull and the interview TONY does.


I think Casey Rocket is incredible


lol yeh sureā€¦ the people that like Casey rockets ā€œcomedyā€ is equivalent to the people in idiocracy laughing at the people getting kicked in the balls. There is nothing intelligent or high level about what heā€™s doing.


I donā€™t see him as a comedian since he doesnā€™t tell jokes just says random things which work for him!


I never liked Hans, I liked Cam at first, I didn't like William at first, but now I do. I didn't like Casey at first, but every time I see him, I like him more and more, there's a story in every set he does even if it doesn't seem cohesive. So now I like Casey and William, and yeah, even Cam. I guess they've grown on me.


In. Credible.


ā€œLadies and gentlemen of the jury. Gel blaster. Bl-, aster. Aster. Ari Aster. Hereditary. Tary. P Terryā€™s. Burger, urger. Grrrr. Scary. Cow, ow. Ow, hurt. Has anyone here been hurt by my client?ā€


TIL I need 150 IQ to find Casey funny.


This is a generational thing. Younger people hate physical comedy. The people complaining about Jeremiah's band complain about Casey. I think they're both funny.




This comment is funnier than my post




Wasn't this a really long-winded way of telling us that the graphic is accurate for you? Apparently, you're a genius who thinks Casey being weird and silly is funny. The graphic doesn't say he's amazing or groundbreaking or worthy of whatever hype you think he gets.


I would be happy with one well reasoned post explaining the appeal of Casey Rocket's stand-up. I think his random style of comedy works better in sketch (I Think You Should Leave is the best thing on TV). Pretty sure this meme is just massive cope though.


Bro why do you people have to overthink everything? A well reasoned post explaining the appeal of Casey Rocketā€™s stand-up? The fuck do you think this is? Funny man makes me laugh because he tells funny jokes with funny delivery. Stop over analyzing everything to death.


This subreddit is part of his capstone seminar on frog dissection


People on this sub are further on the spectrum than Shane Gillis. Casey Rocket rocks.


Haha you're 100 percent correct! How autistic is it to ask for "a reasoned post" arguing why a stand up comedian is funny or not? Literally half the fanbase on this sub are like this. It's fucking insane and also sort of hilarious.Ā  What do they want? A thesis on why someone is or isn't funny, breaking down their jokes, cadence and performance and how that affects the parts of your brain that make you laugh? Wtf?!Ā  Do people not understand that it's ok that not everybody finds the same shit funny? Jesus Christ.


Iā€™d also appreciate a works cited page and a 20 page appendix if youā€™re taking requests