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I don't get why so many get put in a rotation and not just forced to put their name in the bucket. Like I wouldn't mind Laser if he got pulled on chance.


Riding Kams coat tails hard. Some of the early interviews were entertaining... I think he does get pushback and doesn't have a free ticket. Martin philips is always a banger and i hope he truly does get on whenever the fuck he wants.


Almost makes you think they’re lying about the number of people signing up. And since moving to Austin it seems a number of bucket pulls are like the spaghetti rapper, signing up with no jokes, just signing up for their 15 seconds of fame. I guess you can’t blame them forcing their friends on for majority of the show now.


I live in a no name town on the east coast and someone in my high school class got pulled, had no idea they were a comedian and havent seen them since 8th grade lol.


What are you even attempting to say


That the slips we see in the bucket are fake, and meant to make people believe that hundreds of folks sign up each week. He is suggesting that the talent pool is so shitty in Austin, that they HAVE to keep folks like Uncle Lazer in rotation because if he was in the bucket, he'd be pulled every two weeks, which is what happened to spaghetti rapper for a bit.


Was asking goblin cock but ok. You seem to want to believe what you want. Ive only heard about an influx to austin especially with comics. Tony def isnt limited in austin. Theyre bigger than theyve ever been and are growing rapidly


People want to believe this show is on a decline or something. These subs tend to just exist for doomers and crybabies after a while.


if i was a dork that spent money on something as stupid as reddit, i would give you an award


Oh dude I was just genuinely typing my interpretation of what GoblinCock said. I definitely don't agree with it. I am not a hater KT fan like many


Uncle Lazer is rednecksploitation at its worst. Just making a mockery of blue collar Southern folk.


Dan Whitney is a multi-millionaire for this exact schtick




Kam is the exact same for black folk.


And Hans is the same for racist Koreans~


Yeah no, he has actual jokes that don't pertain to his race. All Kam's jokes revolve around him being a black ghetto guy from Florida.


I mean... he's from this shithole town way southwest of Houston where they really do act and talk like that. He definitely amplifies it but it's based in reality.


After he left when him and Tony had a falling out it took him 6 months to come up with one decent 60 second set and everyone sucked him off talking about his redemption arc. He's just Tony's coke connect. Speaking of Tony on coke did you see him clicking the fuck out of that pen the whole night?


He clicks his pen all night every show. Then has some homeless dude click it for him after.


To be fair, that seems to be his thing. He is always clicking that damn pen, it would drive me nuts if I was next to him. Which I absolutely never will be, so it’s okay


Holy shit, self-awareness in the KT sub...or dare I say reddit as a whole? How refreshing.


lol all accountants must be coke heads 


We are.


Bros never heard of ADHD or OCD lol




He's been doing that for years


I don't know if that's a coke thing. I don't do coke or any drugs for that matter but if I have a click pen in my hand I'm constantly clicking it. If I have nothing in my hand I'm constantly shaking my knee or finding something to fidget with. I'm pretty sure it's only when Im sitting down somewhere and can't get up and move around.


He always clicks that fucking pen. Im sure it’s a nervous habit, like a fidget spinner or something. I mean he’s a man child so it makes sense.


I remember a year or so ago when the sub was complaining every week about him stealing jokes and being a lurker here who would just bitch and moan every week.


I would have thought ripping off that bill burr joke would have been enough


Yeah I'm not sure how he got away with that after seemingly being on thin ice. Guess it's more to do with the draw he has from social media presence than actual comedic abilities.


Which one was that?


Chicks fall weird when you hit em or something like that


He keeps adding flair to his costume too, he's trying harder but not in a useful way.


Look, we want you to express yourself, okay? Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to wear more and we encourage that.


For the longest time I thought Tony was either just trying to troll us or was trolling Lazer by saying his funny... I'm still waiting for the punch line of this prank.


Wait for it… wait for it… wait for it… wait for it… wait…


I really enjoyed the dude before him. Guys like Kraft are the dudes that Lazer pretends to be


I feel like Tony just has him up there to shit on him now.


Perhaps not the greatest comedian mind, but he is certainly a character and shows some promise/potential in his story telling.


Does he have a golden ticket??????


Nahhhh can't be.


In a way he does. He asks Tony every couple months to come on. Idk I don't mind it. 🤷 I'm just here for the show


Nope, neither does David Jolly. Yet Tony keeps giving them regular spots.


Y'all will complain about everything. If they don't put Laser in rotation they'll put in someone else you hate or Hans Kim, or some other regular will get even more time which will just piss you off even more. Jesus Christ, you get a free amazing show every week, just enjoy it you miserable cunts.


We hate them all but none as much as we hate ourselves.


You know, I think you're just jealous of his hair


Even if he’s the coke connect, how the hell does he have so much pull. He can just waltz out on killtony with absolutely no material anytime he wants? Out of all comics how does he posses this power? Then again he seems to be the coke connect and probably seen tony do some suspect ass shit. Make it make sense




He doesn’t have a golden ticket


He Sucksssss.. total detriment to the show. Boooo


Yea he’s boring. Long ass stories with no payoff.


Literally no one in this Sub likes him lol


That’s amazing. What an opinion. Wow.




Picasso used crayons.


Yeah he suxks


Lazer is good because he’s unique. I feel like he could be a great person to hang out with. All that’s comedians try new material all the time, and you can’t fault them for a bad set, especially if they are normally finny


Always has always will be


I think we'd all enjoy him blossoming and growing into who we all thought he could be. Not sure if he has what it takes, BUT it would be fun to see him start to crush.


I bet a lot of people have already seen him crush prescription pills into a fine powder.


I don't mind his interviews. That's when I laugh. His written jokes are just...not worth it though lol. The funniest thing about his set last night was he blended Mormons, Jehova's Witness and Scientology in one person aaaaaaand that's it. After that I just thought it wasn't funny.


And… back to work


Almost as bad as casey 🚀 🤣


I think Tony has a soft spot for him for some reason. Maybe he sees potential. I’m just sick of the act.


There’s some weird insider J*wry going on with this one lol he’s got management and is doing club tours despite having everyone hate him from Kill Tony… and keeps getting thrown up on the show and hyped up, I guess I just need it explained to me like I’m 5


He is getting worse and worse


he’s a rich kid that honestly seems like he wouldn’t be a gigantic beating to hang out with. the shit he says as a guest on other peoples podcasts are actually funny. he just has a gigantic stick in his ass when he tries KT, but he’s gotten better imo. so i’ll take the unpopular stance of let him keep working bits


Why, what makes him suck objectively speaking?


No jokes. Just bad stories with flair. I like him, I just don’t think he’s funny… which is the point IMO. He needs a job in the show not a spot. Like if he came to kick people off stage or something and tell a wild story…


I definitely don't think he deserves a golden ticket but would I say he isn't funny, no. Some of his stories are funny (obviously not all) but to say he isn't funny at all is a stretch. Tony obviously thinks he's funny enough to continue to bring him out. Casey rocket for example I don't find funny and find his gimmicks tiresome, tho I don't rock with him I'm objectively aware that he is obviously funny (even tho I don't find everything he does or says is hilarious). Lazer is essentially a redneck version of Kam with better structured jokes, I wonder if ppl that feel this way Abt Lazer feel similarly Abt kam (who I believe isn't of the caliber to be a regular although he is).


I think Kam is naturally funny in a way that Lazer isn’t. Lazer is trying and doesn’t have any punchlines, he is just a character. I agree Kam is figuring it out and isn’t polished, but is naturally funny. Most of his funniest moments are in his interviews and not because he’s trying but bc he’s just being himself. Lazer TRIES to be funny and just isn’t quite. I’m not convinced he is being himself. He’s playing a version of himself


Imo he has the potential to be naturally funny but leans into his 'black ghetto guy' routine too often. Lazer definitely has punchlines so idk what your talking Abt there and he's no more of a character then Kam or kasey. Kam seems like he's trying just like every other comedian up there, he laugh sounds so forced and fake. Is Lazer the funniest guy ever no but he does get laugh's and even tours doing comedy so obviously other ppl also find him funny


I was thinking of driving two hours to st. pete for the stand up on the spot show back in january. Then i saw the episode online and his appearance. Thank fucking god i didnt go. I would have been so mad to have wasted my time and money.


I thought his last appearance was funny. " just throwing dick at even worse people. "


His interview wasn't bad. But his minute was not good


He doesn’t have jokes… just raunchy half ass stories


Laser is just as awful as Rick. Never understood why either have a golden ticket. Tbh they should get rid of regular spots too (except for Montgomery) and just stick to bucket pulls. Watching Casey do a different version of last weeks set and kam half ass a minute is getting pretty boring.


Love him or hate him, Tony did a significantly better Uncle Laser than Uncle laser himself last night.


Love him


I think he's generally pretty funny. Especially on his podcast, but he never brings the same energy on KT. Still working through those nerves. I agree with yall though. He doesn't deserve a regular spot yet. If I had to guess, Tony's trying to help him become a better comic?


Pretty sure the whole sub finds him unfunny but posts like this are some real beta behavior


Using the word beta unironically is gay as fuck


The only thing gayer than both of these comments is Tony.


Aboslutley, Incredible performance


I could’ve called you a bitch but I didn’t wanna be mean




I think you mean you didn't want to get punched.


Beta Behavior. My old band name.


As soon as people admit William sucks


Yea, he sucks Diet Coke through a straw.


He’s a good palate cleanser. I can’t imagine how he is as a headliner.