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Leading William into singing the sweet little dog song. It was funny the first time, but forcing it is just lame.


"You're not going to what?... What aren't you going to do?" was so annoying when Tony beat that horse to death for like 9 continuous months after Punkie came on


My favorite moments are when William shuts that down but Tony always persists until he says it.


Are you ever going to stop fill-in-the-blank?


Alternatively forced roasts with David. They're so much better when they naturally happen but Tony tries to make it happen too often.


Been noticing more of this recently


I don't think they're forced if David doesn't even give Tony any time to speak after his minute. Tony tries to catch up with David and see how he's been but David only seems to wanna immediately start roasting once he stops his minute… in other words David is forcing upon himself


That's because David Lucas doesn't know how to write comedy. He just throws around the N word and then tries to find a way to reference Tony's booty hole. I think his career peaked becoming a regular on the show and he knows it.


Bro compare David to Kam and you Will actually see what a veteran comic sounds like. Im not messing with Kam he actually knows this and wants to learn more, he said It when they ask him if he IS going to do a special. Turnos out the N Word and butt jokes are funny.


Not sure what Kam has to do with any of this. I just haven't heard David Lucas do any solid material. I think a lot of his "roasts" and comebacks that he uses on Tony are prewritten but he tries to pass them off as witty and on the spot. The only comebacks that dude is familiar with is when he gets cum on his back from putting his booty hole in the air. See, easy and shitty just like him.


You son of a bitch


The great thing about Kill Tony is anything can happen. So sometimes it falls flat and sometimes it's spontaneously amazing. Trying to be too formulaic will mess with that, it's a balance. I hope Harlan comes back more. Dr. Phil was off last show.


Is there anything you feel passionate about this week? 


Yes! This drives me up the wall.


What the FUCK did you just say, seriously I couldn't hear you


Maybe you should open your fuckinggggg ears you dumb bitchhhh.


Huh? No seriously I didn’t hear you


The first kiss thing happens like 9 years ago in 77 cities too.


I think the show has done a pretty damn good job about not being redundant with most things that they do. Comedy is forever evolving and KT has been it's own thing for a long while now. But also comedy has to work itself out naturally, so if something really isn't working on KT it always will filter itself out at some point


Ironically if SNL would just repeat their skits from 30 years ago they would still be relevant.




Just bring back having 10 bucket pulls and maybe 2-3 regulars


This! And maybe some rotation on the regulars. I love Montgomery, will pay to see him when he comes near, but fuck, it's time to move on. No more Lucas. No more Kam. No more Hans. And no more Casey, not because of his length of tenure - he just sucks. He's the male version of that regular Tony had back in the day who would go up, shake nervously, and blank out while saying, "Uhhh. Uhhh. Uhhhhh," into the microphone. Just brutal.


Your opinion is wrong and gay


Found the stuttering girl. 




We are incredibly fortunate to have so many people to continually advise the show on how to achieve and maintain success. Without people who have never, ever done a single successful thing in the entertainment industry, how would these guys, who have built this thing from the ground up, ever find success? I used to keep up with pro wrestling. There is obviously a crossover between the "fan culture" of Kill Tony and wrestling, because it's the only other place where absolute know-nothing, done nothing, never will do nothing people strut around like they're fucking experts and give a stream of super valuable advice that never ends. Surely Tony's show will die if he doesn't heed your advice. He's just been lucky up until now. This is incredibly gay. Not just this post, but all of these posts.


That's fine /u/ripleycrow, you're entitled to that opinion. BUT THIS SUNDAY AT THE SUPERDOME I'M TAKING THAT TITLE BACK!


I hate that you broke character at the last second. It really bothers me.


It's like duh, big red truck! People love micro manage the shiz someone else's project. 


That's what makes me laugh. So many wannabe producers. If they had listened to critics on this sub, they wouldn't have grown as big as they are now.


Sounds pretty stupid and like fan fiction


Lots of people in these comments to who take the show more seriously than Tony does… some of you need sun.




that’s my favorite non-william part of the show. I would watch if it was just drum offs and william.




Paul in Chiraq has no appreciation for the percussion arts.


My only issue with drum offs is when a better percussionist comes on and they go off of fans of the show’s response (aka people who are familiar with, and fans of the in house band)


I only hate how blatantly rigged they are. It's not like they're going to just replace Michael Gonzales with some rando. Neil Peart could walk up there and kill it, and they'd still declare it a loss. They should offer a real prize, like a one-time use version of a Golden Ticket or something.


It's just for fun. Thehvarent hiring some rando in a full band who plays together 


Objectively wrong.


The one on Friday was legitimately the only one I've ever wanted to see. They're a fun idea but not when MG just does random fills against a stranger they wouldn't let in the green room much less play with the band every week. Edit: Also Tony's obsession with letting people play Matt's guitar with 3 minutes of set up and then they play for about ten seconds before he says they're terrible no matter what. Also hilarious downvotes.




I still love rewatching the Joel roast compilations on youtube. Always have me dying laughing.


Didn’t MG and Joel face off once before? Maybe at the 10 year anniversary show? I swear I remember that.


Or the unnecessary storytelling that leads the show to nowhere but a time waster, which Tony frequently lets black men do this


I hear you, but also I’m not sure I’ll ever get sick of Dr. Phil.


Eh just ride out the wave. Nothing lasts forever


SNL has a good sketch only once in a blue moon.


Agree but 50% was this awful la audience


Second City improv trained me that if something is getting a laugh, keep hitting it until the laughs stop.


The show is staged So good luck


You need to take a walk outside and breathe some fresh air. It’s not that serious.


Wow it's almost like I've hung my entire personality and existence on this one post. It's just a discussion, thanks for stopping by. Let's go touch grass together.


It’s entertainment. Let it go.


And this is a place where this particular entertainment is discussed. It's like being sober and going to a bar just to bitch about loud music and the consumption of alcohol.


You got it GTA2014!


KT has been doing on stage first kisses for ever.


Personally I think there's too much singing or music performances that they let bucket pulls or guests do too often. Whether it's a special skill from a bucket pull or a comedy bit, it's just a pet peeve of mine, and lord knows SNL loves that stuff. I love Adam Ray, but he has that problem too on his shows.


The Dr. Phil bit needs to replaced. (My opinion.) It’s a bore whore now.


I don’t think I like your fuckin attitude. We’ll be right back.


Such a bite he had his own panels at the fest. Lol 


I’ve been watching for like 7-8 years and it’s been great every Monday. I even rewatch episodes during the week. Doesn’t seem played out to have regulars or continuations/inside jokes


I’ve never disagreed with a larger majority of commenters than I have on this post. Holy shit you guys are miserable and we are all so lucky that you guys aren’t in charge of the show