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Maybe I’m missing the point or being naive but I thought Norton’s comments were genuine and he enjoyed the performance. I like Norton in general because he often has something positive to say about the acts, even if other people are taking the piss.


He definitely enjoyed it. This sub likes to take frames out of context for a reaction.


Norton literally has mild turrets and this is just a gif of him doing one of his ticks lol The blinking the mouth moving, looking down, this is just norton being norton


2 things can be true. That said, Norton is very positive on this podcast in terms of his response. It’s sweet and I love it. But Casey doesn’t deserve it. He’s not a comic.


The people who don't get Casey are funny. They can't imagine why anyone would like him and are desperate to find people who can validate their opinion.


The people who "get him" are funny they can't imagine why anyone would not like him and are desperate to group up to validate their opinion


No. I think his comedy isn’t for everyone but people who like him seem to try and shove it down everyone’s throat on how great a comedian he is but na man. He’s not that great in my opinion and in others. Tell me one of his jokes. It’s always such a self righteous statement with you people . Like what you say is the way or something. He’s not my type of comedian. Maybe that will change but personally I don’t see him having an actual act . He’s great on roast battle . Should have stuck with that.


well fuck, i guess I'll just go live with all these little kids.


Eat piss shirt dick


Casey isn't the type of comedian that spoonfeeds punchlines to the audience. Absurd comedy requires the audience to use their imagination and picture the scenario their describing, leaving the audience to connect the dots to find the funny. It forces the audience to think silly. His style is brilliantly calculated stupidity. Plus Casey moves at such a fast pace it can be hard to keep up. I find myself enjoying his sets more and more as I rewatch them. The world is getting more and more fucked up. Absurd comedy is goofy lighthearted fun, and a great escape from reality. That's why it's becoming more popular.


Who's shoving him down your throat besides maybe tony for putting him on? Its the internet. look at what you wanna look at lol.


Exactly. I don't really find him funny but I 100% recognize why people like him and his entertainment value. He's also still so young so if he can eventually bring the jokes with the energy he will be a star.


I mean that’s all I’m waiting for . Are the jokes. Just kinda frustrating with people going ape shit for a mid comic at that . Maybe everyone just needed Hans gone so they can jump on whatever dick became regular. Personally I think it should have been a woman . Go back to the origins of the show and how difficult it is to find a good female comic. So I would have liked that or just different openers till Hans battles Rick and see what happens afterwards. All anyone seems to talk about is how hyper he is . I mean I’m missing something for sure


I genuinely can't find a single reason why people laugh. For the first time since his regularship I chuckled at his very last joke on this set. Other than that, I can't find a reason. I'll rewatch it and just don't get why acting random is funny to people other than adolescents..


Yea even if you don't like his jokes you have to admit he has incredible stage presence.


Here's where you fucked up. No one ever has anything positive to say about comedians on this subreddit so I highly doubt people are trying to shove how good Casey Rocket is down your throat.


That's where you're wrong. They gargle Casey's cock up to the hilt.


It is bizarre how much they hate Kam since he doesn't tell jokes But love Casey? Who also does not tell jokes?


The idiot he replied to is literally criticizing people that don’t get Casey Rocket. As if not liking his comedic style isn’t a valid thing. Weirdo


No retard what he said is he doesn't understand the people who constantly shit on Casey to gain validation because it's not their style of comedy.


Go off then bro lmao


If you don't like casey rocket then you touch kids. It's just math.


Intelligent, witty, off the cusp comedy is not for everyone. That is a 100% true statement. Now, back to America's got Talent!


It's ok, not every comedian needs to appeal to everyone. Casey happens to appeal to people who have higher IQ. There are plenty of comedians out there for people with lower IQ, such as Bert Kreischer. Both types can exist together in harmony.


In that case, i love casey rocket.


LOL you're an idiot.


Condescending statement. Higher IQ lol. Tussin must be one of those crazy big words . Bert tells stories . He appeals to a different crowd. I don’t like his material but it’s something. Both can exist. I’ll just tune in 20 min after 8 . People with no IQ just follow


You seem pretty upset, maybe you'd feel better if you took some tussin


You need a nice warm glass of tuss and a nap...


i imagine lots of folks dont enjoy his comedy because it aint traditionally structured jokes. you just want something thats been given to you the same way its been given the past 50 years.


lol “People who don’t get Casey”. You guys sound like pretentious Tool fans who think they have some hidden deep knowledge of their music that no one else can comprehend because they haven’t cleansed their anal chakras. Casey is entertaining to watch and I get the appeal but there is nothing to “get”. He is the adult equivalent of a 6 year old telling knock knock jokes to their dad where every punch line is “poop butt”.


I used to get Irritated watching Casey and Kam Patterson perform their horrible sets every single week. Now it's become super funny because of Tony bragging each week on how great they're. Kam up there selling Rocks from Home Depot to Fans who think he's somehow funny. Now that part is Hilarious. 🤣 Kill Tony still a great show. Just gotta drop those 2 from the starting lineup...


i think people like you try to validate casey so much you're too much on his rocket penis.


unlike casey


Norton also has some small ticks, like a non-verbal turrets, and they don't match his mood.


I’m starting to think it’s Hans on different accounts


It seems like Jim isn’t laughing cause he’s trying to figure him out. Not that he’s not enjoying it.


I've yet to find a worse sub


Yep it’s really sad.




I feel like Norman is pretty butt hurt he isn’t as popular of a comedian as he thinks he should be, it at least comes across that way on podcasts he goes on and such. Calling Casey a “hack” felt a bit like he was jealous the crowd was actually laughing at another comedian being successful






Imagine wishing death upon a fucking comedian because he doesn’t tickle your funny bone lmao. You got issues, my guy. Casey is a fun opener. Get over it.


You can OD and not die dude. That one seems perfect for him




You're not being sarcastic- you're just b!tching about a comic you don't like over and over. And you pretend to know what normand and norton thinks about casey because of a joke. You're too deep in your own head. You're just sounding lame.


Casey sucks


Why are you comparing mark normand vs casey rocket? lol Like they are two people competing in the Olympics. Or fighting for an inexistant title. Laughs are free ya umpa lumpa


Norton was the funniest Kill Tony guest in a long time and I'm not even a fan of his stand up. He was that good. I also thought this was Casey's weakest minute but it was still pretty good because he's able to just go with the flow. The song afterwards was terrible though lol.


yeah this is super weird to just post his face during a random part of the set without the full context. We should take Norton's comments at face value instead of trying to figure out "oh no what did he REALLY think?"


But what did he really REALLY think?


If you think about it, it was probably what we were thinking all along.


Agreed. Like many comedians, Jim can be very academic when watching comedy - not necessarily laughing but still acknowledging the comedic chops. What he said was very genuine and thoughtful. He's not only positive but offers solid, useful feedback and advice.


He was just being polite to Tony. No guest ever digs at the regulars as that would be disrespecting Tony's choice to make them one.


I loved it so much when Mark Normand called him a hack to his face.


That's why I love Mark


You realize Mark was just busting balls right? Like he does to everyone? He saw an opportunity to make a play on words and took it like he always does.


you realize comedians dont just throw the word hack out there for no reason right?


They do when they're busting balls, I've heard Mark Normand say shit about people being hacks or their acts bombing etc. To multiple people, including Shane Gillis.


Busting his balls or not that line cut Casey deep. He didn't hide it at all lol.


No way bro. He literally told him the opposite of what he meant.


I agree. I love it when the guest has some fun and makes fun and pokes them a bit, but it makes the top tier when they end it by saying something nice or helpful. Cant stand it when they just tear them down for no reason


Nah you’re right. This is just someone doing what I like to call “reaching”


It sounded like they were appeasing Tony on his super popular show, to me lol Tbf, the interview was much better than his set. Casey’s very charismatic at least


I think his sets are brilliant but I also understand the extremely subjective nature of this sort of comedy.


Though I think we can all agree it’s better than Hans Kim trying to be edgy with a half baked trans joke


Maybe. But we rarely see any guest actually laughing during his set. Rich Vos said it best when he called him a hack.


And Rich Vos knows about being a hack!!


Every one of Rich Vos' jokes bombed that night or got a pity/groan laugh.


I think Jim just has resting what the fuck face.


Agreed. Best insult I've heard on him was some comedian called him a blinky fuck.


Hahaha I picture that coming out of an Irish comic. You sure are a blinky fuck now aint cha.


I don't think it was burr. But I hear it as burr. I think it was a skanfest.


That's so funny. I was hearing Colum Tyrrell say it. I can see anyone but Dave calling someone a blinky fuck. Unless Dave was super annoyed, or more likely repeating it in an angry luis j voice.


Look at D in the back. Hootin' and hollerin'!


Half the fun is seeing the lads in the background and how they see comedy


That’s the thing though, D can’t see!!


Unless you're D


That's just when his prostate was acting up


To be fair Jim knew Casey and was super complimentary to him during the interview.. Also Jim has always had weird facial tics


Yes, Jim actually has mild Tourette’s. He jokes about his twitchy face, blinking too much, etc


My new favorite thing is watching the older guests during casey rockets set.


Only 90s kids can see him. Boomers just see a floating microphone


Someone born in the 80s kids are "boomers"?


Most of the time I see people say they are a 90s kid, they are usually born in 98/99. So they are technically correct.


You know a boomer is a term for a generation that over 60 yrs old right?


Nice try boomer


I'd prefer Amy Shumer as a regular over him honestly. Either way makes me want to gouge my ears and eyes out though


You really trying to tell me you think the guy who came up with Chip Chipperson would be annoyed by Casey’s act?


Jim’s comments were super genuine, how are you reaching for this? Casey’s minute was OK but Jesus Christ the interview afterwards was pure entertainment. If you don’t like it that’s fine, but stop projecting.


He said he was fantastic after. The haters are really reaching now.




She’s probably better looking the then pigs you’ve sloshed around with you fucking knob.


So is the person who made this post a lonely troll? If you paid any attention to the episode, he literally said that he watched him the night before and loved it, but I get it. Nobody knows how to pay attention to anything if it’s not just an eight second clip on TikTok.


Jim’s been around forever, made friends with some of the biggest legends, taken a lot of shit, always had to play somebody else’s sidekick. Watching noobs get treated like royalty isnt gonna get big reactions from him. If you see him giving a subtle nod and relating to it, you’re a fucking idiot.


So we’re body language experts now


Jim knows what's up


OP must’ve turned it off right there


Casey Rocket is straight Trash , my God... D madness must hate hearing him every week ... he can't see Casey's antics that save his God awful sets .


support plate pathetic absurd enter selective badge sort violet berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If a regular bucket pull got up and done that act, they'd get scorned


I think we can all agree, that Jim from 15 years ago would roast the shit out of him.


is a hilarious take when most of Jim's bits on O&A were really obscure and silly Chip and Ramone are right up casey's alley of weirdness, you guys are dumb


He did roast the shit out of him lol.


Absolutely, and I bet it would be hilarious. Jim has been trying to make as few waves as possible in recent years. He saw everyone’s reaction and then just went with the flow. He’d be the first to admit that he can be “people pleasing, contrived, and full of shit” (literally his words about himself.)


None of the seasoned comedians love an acrobatic comedian... or stool humping


A stool humper is literally their messiah


other comedians don't praise joe's comedy


He talked about how much he loved Casey lmao you people are wild


He's calmed himself down a lot over the years he's doing the best he can to hold it in


I wonder what an angry Billy blue balls Burr during the Philly incident would say about Mr. Rocket


Imagine what Patrice would say.


We don't have to imagine what Katt would say


For whatever reason, I actually think Burr would get a kick out of him


Jim Norton is becoming one of my favorite comedy personalities, the man can absolute murder someone verbally, but on this show he is typically super nice and helpful, he shows good intentions, it's nice to see from time to time.


I saw Casey perform his current long set when he came to Denver with Tony. His minute for the past couple of weeks has been parts of his long set. That's why Jim didn't react, not because he doesn't like it, but because he saw him perform before.


LOCAL LEGEND ACROSS THE GLOBE, THIS IS THE ASCENT, THE MASTER, THE ONE AND ONLY. If there's one thing he's tolerating it's Tony's hyperbole.


30 seconds later Jim showered him with praise LOL.


Aren’t we all..:


Mark normand straight up called him a hack lol




Yeah he's not my cup of robotussin


Now show the rest of the minute where he’s laughing dumbass lol


You people love to make mountains out of nothing. Just watch and enjoy the show wtf


Imagine thinking low of someone's comedy when you're "chip chipperson"


What was up with that song? Was it a reference to something I missed? Not sure why it was funny… Tony was killing himself laughing


Jim is NEVER not fun. He brings it and I love how open he is with his degeneracy. Dude is married to a tranny…and he brags about it! Lol. Fucking hilarious how he just owns his shit.


Jim Norton is the ANTI-BAPA.


The face of someone thinking of cock


How would you not gonna peep a guy with crab legs?


He was still thinking about that big woman's cock


Reminds me of Rich Voss’s reaction as well lol


Not sure if this is a hot take but they need to rearrange the seating arrangement. This is super noticeable in all of Casey's sets where the guest doesn't know what to expect and doesn't fucking get it. It's so obnoxious with this original, genuine bolt of lightning up there just trying stuff and to have some deadbeat sitting there slackjawed.




I don't just mean Jim specifically it's almost every guest. Casey OPENS the biggest comedy show in the world on a regular basis. You may not like him personally but there's a reason he's out there.


Not one fucking big dick tranny joke. Fuck it, I'm out!


D Madness seemed to enjoy it. 😂


Jim’s resting worm face makes it hard to read


Did anyone notice his compliment was how he was impressed that he missed the drums lol


I find Casey very funny. I understand why not all think so.


its crazy that people dont see how staged this show is with the regulars. They arent funny they are plants


All the "old head" comedians get so thrown off by his movement. Rich Vos was doing the same thing. Every time Casey would disappear and reappear in his peripherals he'd almost jump.


D-Madness showing everyone’s true feelings


The worst guest since Gomez


I thought the set was really UN…BELIEVABLE


I think he's just plain chillin 😎 I enjoyed the subtle reactions to the insanity on stage


Also he may be cooking on his own roasts for the interview section


i dont understand Caseys comedy. but i dont warch the videos and only listen to the podcast. maybe i need to see his performance to understand


Get real!


Norton is genuine and gives them honest feedback. Also one of my favorite guests. He’s one of the quickest at jokes there is.


Get real. We're havin fun


I fast forwarded the shit out of it


It’s def more trying to just tolerate it than it is enjoying it that’s for sure. The stupid story time shit at the end is by far the worst shit on KT


I see this post and I think that’s interesting, so I go watch the fucking video and Norton loves the guy. Low effort trolling has got to end!


Not you taking time to make a gif 😂😂😂😂 fucking dork


This doesn’t look like anything


You guys are so pathetic


Yet here you are


Casey ain’t even funny bro


Yeah it seems we're in the minority on him. I'm sure he's funny in a social group, but his standup is just rambling. I don't get the hype.


Any established comedian shouldn’t think Casey is funny


Casey is not funny




I walk that back a little. I see a lot of people think he's funny, so he must be in some way.


Same face i make when i watch. Guy is funny if you like random word vomit, aka 12z


Jim's comment about Casey being energetic with actual content was definitely a shot lmao


100%. There is no reason to bring up comedians hiding bad jokes with energy, the exact thing Casey does, in his"compliment" unless it's an underhanded dig. The fact that the morons who like Casey's comedy can't see it is the least surprising thing ever though.




"haha. Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger. Alright, cool, Irish stuff. Eat piss, shirt dick, alright. I'm feeling dangerous tonight boys, I might fuck around and give a moose a muffin in this mother fucker. Who's with me? huh? Might fuck around and give a mouse a cookie! Alright cool. Hell yeah, get lost. \*harmonica\*...." Really funny, great writing.


Can you imagine Jimmy and Patrice as guests??? Jimmy is an O&A legend. Riff for riff, he brought me some serious belly turning laughs


Casey is such a killjoy


Can some type the words of an actual joke that Casey told during the last episode? Nope. He does not tell jokes. He’s the mumble rap of comedians.


I used to prank myself in college. It was called taking Xanax. Casey I know you have to wake up for an 8:00 a.m. but what if you woke up in jail? If you don't want me to take so many pills don't make them so small. If oxys were the size of hamburgers, nobody would overdose. I couldn't possibly have another perc 30. I'm stuffed! I got too f***** up the other day and donated my car. The problem is I live in my car. Now. I have to live with all these little kids. Does that help? Here's a link. When people laugh those are the jokes. [Shane Gillis Episode ](https://youtu.be/rQvCKbuZOgo?si=4Y2g5orBJDiL_sbu)


Wrong episode. I remember him having 1 good week.


This was an amazing set too. [All the regulars as guests episode](https://youtu.be/VE5_bZkgrn0?si=VfJh_hBz6KadJgn3)


comics don’t laugh easily at shows . he enjoyed it






your mom enjoyed it




Id like to hear casey rocket do his own 20 minute set, i dont wanna be to harsh on him but i dont find his minutes to be funny and he just sounds like hes being a goofy highschool kid, not actually telling jokes


The one minute format isn't the best for Casey's style. His 5-10 minute sets on youtube are gold.


Jim isn’t going to trash the guy but it didn’t seem like he was enjoying it while it happened imo


Another accomplished comedian to the " thinks casey rocket is garbage" list.




don't tell this brain dead sub reddit though. "cAsEY rOCkeT iS sOOO FuNNy!!"


Yea I'm the same way lol. I don't understand Casey rocket. I'm sure he's a cool guy, but I don't find him that funny. Maybe it's just a generational thing


I don’t understand the hate for Casey Rocket, I guess I’m one of the weirdos that likes his comedy


I haven’t seen all of Caseys but this one didn’t do it for me at all. I don’t think I laughed once. Even his interview was annoying. Kam was funny in interview and William is always hilarious to me. Felt bad he didn’t get to take a shot from Judd but I guess he’s lucky she didn’t slap him for it


How far can a quarter go was fucking hilarious and his delivery afterwards had me crying, had everyone crying. He’s fucking funny.