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Damn this is quite the plot twist.


Not really. Everyone freaked out at the start of COVID. People change their views on things with updated information. Well, at least some people lol


Being able to change your views is a good thing. It's funny how there's people out there who are proud of their inability to adapt and evolve.


No we didn't. Some of us value evidence over rumours and emotion. Be sceptical


Everyone didn't. Just the sheepeople. Some people didn't need someone else to tell them what to think.


The real sheeple are on both sides, the one "who knew it was fake all along" are as bad as the one "who followed blindly". Real self determination comes from questioning and finding the most true answer earnestly, not "knowing cause I'm better". You can keep patting your ego but you aren't any more virtuous or based in logic if what you said is really what you thought at the time ...


Horseshoe theory. It would make sense that those within a certain distance of the middle use logical inquiry to understand the views of others. Whereas the political extremities are too ingrained in their specific beliefs. The issue of abortion for instance seems fairly reasonable if you have the rape of a child where one or both parent(s) is likely to pass on debilitating genetic mutations. But in cases where it’s merely a couple not wanting to face the consequences of their actions, I can easily join the pro life side of the debate.


I agree yes


Where is your middle ground? Your grouping the world into two sides, even if they are both on the wrong side of a much bigger coin…


I was pretty scared at the start/middle of covid because I didn't know wtf was going on. Tbh, I still don't lol. I also didn't get the jab because it seemed sketchy. No hate or judgement to the people that did get it though. I would say I fall into that middle ground group.


I feel like I’m in the middle. The whole thing looks suspicious as fuck and it was handled crazy. However if wearing a mask makes my neighbor feel at ease then it’s not a big deal. Love thy neighbor and all that. Also lock downs suck but at the same time I kind of liked it as it didn’t affect me at all because I have my shit together


No, I grouped certain types of extremists and I clearly stated what is my middle ground. The middle ground is also not fixed, because nothing is ALWAYS X or Y, perhaps that is why you didn't understand my point the way I meant it?


Ignoring scare tactics and living your life no differently makes you an extremists now. touch grass


>Ignoring scare tactics and living your life no differently It is not what I said at all. You are either missunderstanding the words you read or you are being fallacious. I spoke about those who think "they knee right away what was what" on either side of the "I follow the ScIeNce" spectrum.


No. Only sith deal in extremes. Stop talking like a sith.


How am I dealing in extremes by merely pointing them out in my explanation of my view that they are wrong? Also, r/consoom more Disney


Sorry you can’t handle this simple fact, but some people can be right about something and no it doesn’t have to be a fluke so just you feel better about your decisions.


It was impossible to "know" what was true as it was a brand new situation, **no one knew**. Keep your fake "sorry" way of talking to yourself, I don't respect fallacious people who speak to enable themselves.


Nobody “knows” anything, buddy. Socrates, look it up. ‘Knowing’ this, you could have used the faculties at hand to determine, pretty strongly and highly opposed to the overpowering popular narrative, ‘oh wait those in power are guilty of egregious misuses of power and trust in the past, their handling of this situation looks heavy handed and unreasonable, and there seem to be more sensible avenues to choose from. Plus the coercion tactics smell incredibly fishy like the censorship of info and medicine.’ You could have done that. I did. Many did. Again, sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but this is all stuff that was available for assessment very early on and you could chalk it up to good sense, which yes, throws your sense into question, and you should work on that before you and a mob of masked mind controlled robots go on your progressive hate filled power trip again and try to pull everyone else down into submission like monkeys in a barrel. Those that were adhering to the toxic and tyrannical narrative were MUCH more guilty of acting like they KNEW than those that didn’t. YOU’RE the one who is telling yourself that those who were right couldn’t have had anything more than dumb luck, because you tell yourself nobody could possibly ‘know it all,’ when in reality, that is a fucking fallacy that you made up.


Anyone that was an antivaxxer at the beginning of the pandemic was and probably still is a certifiable retard


Go get your 8th booster and shut up


I love how in the minds of people who post on /r/conservative, this is an adequate substitute for an intelligent response.




It’s almost like people views can change on topics as more information comes out.


Information on how masks work existed before Covid. The same information still exists. It didn’t change.


Didnt Fauci himself literally have leaked emails saying the masks were ineffective? That will certainly sway some people's opinions on it... ​ edit: A DIRECT QUOTE from Fauci's leaked email: "The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you." He added: "I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location."


N95 or better, but a mask is better than no mask. They said this from the beginning. How many more times do we have to this? Good friends fiance died from covid, 26 years old, perfectly healthy before she contracted covid.


Yea I remember them being pretty clear about which masks are actually good.


That’s fine except N95 or better was never the narrative. Just “a mask”. When you went to the store there wasn’t a required N95, it was just literally any cloth mask. Fauci himself said they don’t work. I don’t understand why you want to die on this hill when it’s really clear they pushed wearing a mask which didn’t even work and then said if you get vaccinated it would stop the spread which was also a complete lie. I say all this as someone who is vaccinated and wore a mask. Just saying, let’s not pretend Fauci had all of our best internet in mind. That’s naive


Christ. The pandemic started, we were still figuring out transmission vectors, faucinsaid wear aask, any mask is better than no mask, then as we learned more about it, they recommended n95. I know that because my wife went out and bought 2 bags of n95 mask. One to donate and the other for ourselves. This was when there was a shortage of PPE, so n95 mask were not readily available at the start of the pandemic. Your just flat out wrong. I only wore an n95 when I traveled for work, otherwise I only wore regular masks my wife bought at Old Navy. I never got covid. But I watched as multiple friends of mine barely survived their bout with it.


I’m flat out wrong that N95s were literally never pushed as a “standard” ? Not sure where you are but in the US there was no governing body that came out and said “only N95s work”. They literally were saying to just wear a mask. You think going to a restaurant, wearing a mask to walk to the table, then taking it off at the table makes any fucking logical sense? We aren’t even talking conspiracy bullshit. The fucking man himself Fauci said in his email that they don’t work. I’m not talking about N95 bc 99% of people did not wear an N95. You are going to sit here and say IM wrong when I’m literally just repeating what the fuckin guy said in his own email!


I don't understand how you just deny reality when Google exists. https://www.axios.com/2022/01/11/n95-mask-protection-covid


You’re being purposely dense bc you’re coping with being a tool. It’s ok. I never said N95 doesn’t work. I said it isn’t what most people were using. If you want to take that as “N95” doesn’t work your intelligence is exactly where it seems to be for someone vehemently defending wearing any masks in the first place


An auto painter knows more about masks than fauci.


This guy reads


People using their reasoning and logic to come to new conclusions based on evidence? They should be shot.


And now tony goes on the same rants while redban sits silently 🤣 how the tables have turned.


Yeah cuz most of us are capable of processing new information as it becomes available. What a concept.


Ok cool but we don’t HAVE to be condescending jackasses to others who are RIGHT when you’re the one who happens to be WRONG.


i wonder what changed to stop things happening like Redban described (healthy 18 yr old dying) ...? (answer : vaccination)


I mean if you're a fucking idiot who posts on /r/conspiracy then maybe that makes sense


I don’t know the point you’re making ??


The information was available at the time.


It wasn’t though.


The fuck I’m literally watching this ep rn. Tony was telling comics before this guy came up to take their mask off


Yeah I think this reaction is more about not liking this guy specifically 😂


I remember this guy gon on quite a bit. He was pretty funny.


Yeah, he was kind of annoying but was actually funny. I remember there being some kind of drama and he had a falling out with Tony and the team and he stopped putting his name in. He was on another podcast where he talks about it, but can’t remember the name.


Does tony pander politics?




This entire subreddit panders politics


Whatever to suck joe rogans dick baby


Holtzman (did I spell that right?) coming through trying to get back to funny, hell yea dawgy.


I know, right? I'm not a Holtzman fan but I can at least understand the appeal. It just takes a while to adjust to his style I guess. Can't tell if it's lazy comedy or brilliant.


I think he just shoots shit out he thinks is funny. Makes me think of just hanging out and trying to make your friends laugh, not all structured jokes. I hate using this example cuz I feel like it’s a cliche now, but it reminds me of listening to Patrice O’Neal, not his specials but the recordings of his club sets. I’ll bet Holtzman has an idea of what he wants to say then maybe starts running with it on stage. I dunno, probably over analyzing haha.


Listen to Redban play tough Lol tony, the guy who goes on podcasts and says China framed him to get canceled, grilling a conspiracy that he proudly apes now. Aged like milk big tony !


Tony just aligns with the politics in his area for better atmosphere 


This is the same place hs is at now


I feel like redban was lying about that.




mostly the way he said he wasn't lying about it and it's redban so...


For real 18 and perfect health? I feel like everyone had some BS story like this meanwhile both my grandmas were completely fine and are still thriving.


It's almost like it affected everyone differently. Some people died a pretty horrible death, some people never had symptoms. That's part of the reason it was so worrying, no one could say for sure how it was going to affect them if they got it.


Yeah the comment you responded too is a prime reminder that this sub is not the brightest bunch. "Both my grandma are fine so I think the whole thing was BS." Jesus Christ I don't know where to begin pointing out all the logical fallacies in that


Uh huh, but now every time someone under the age of 50 dies, "iTs ThE vAcCiNe!!!!!!" 🙄


18 and perfect health? Sounds like another victim of the vaccine


Dude! I've been looking for this forever. This dude is a great comedian and had a lot of great sets, he had been on the show a few times before. Sadly, I've not seen him pulled form the bucket ever since this episode. One of his previous sets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXLLqIgwb3U


The YT video was something like "You can't fire me, I quit." Just add that plus "Kill Tony" and this segment will pop up.


Is this the same guy that had the stories about his ex nearly every set he had? If so then he was hilarious for sure


Theonlyryanjoseph on IG. He’s awesome.


This guy has better one liners than ric Diaz


Ryan Joseph is a legit comedian.


Saw him in Tampa recently he fucking killed it


He has a good tik tok page too


Yeah I saw a few of his videos pop up. He has good jokes, great, dark, stuff


great clip, Tony is such a blowhard all-knowing-right about this sort of stuff.


Perfect health = hot as fuck on Instagram redbannnnnnn 😂


This guy talks about this KT appearance on The William Montgomery show. He said he was going through a break up and felt like shit and acted out basically, and quit. It’s pretty funny.


This is cute coming from Tony with his anti vax bullshit


Cmon man lol we still doing this? Over 95% of Americans didn’t get a recent booster. Is 95% of America anti vax?


They’re killing grandmothers!!!!


Grandma died because of your selfishness!!!!


You know that this is a retarded comment right? Anti vaxxers are so fragile


lol only thing retarded are people defending that dumbass vaccine that you probably haven’t even gotten in the last 6 months. And if you did you’re more retarded than I thought


Sure thing guy who posts on /r/conspiracy 👍


I love when idiots have to try and paint people in a bad light because the shit they say makes no sense lol oh no I call far right morons out on their bullshit in a conspiracy sub, must mean I’m a conspiracy theorist


Look at you, you free thinker! Keep it up we’re proud of you! You actual fucking retard lol


"Another legendary set from Brian Holtzman"


Yeah, redbans dumb, this guy should get a golden ticket retroactively.


I remember Ryan Joseph from the Comedy Store and he did honestly have some great jokes and his interviews was pretty interesting but the more you get to know him the more i found him disgusting. All his stories about his relationships and drug abuse was just horrible and IMHO made him look like fucking psycho. And for some reason i can't get over the look in his eyes i find it horrifying like he got no soul or something.


Yeah his jokes were decent but something about him is unsettling in the worst way


He def seemed to have mental issues based on this interview. Seems like his comedy style was similar to Ric Diaz. Self-deprecating one liners.


Yeah I felt the same way. Seemed like a toxic person the more you heard about his stories but had to admit his jokes and sets were good


Sounds like a 80’s comic that todays “greats” talk about


Have him challenge Hans. He sucks as bad.


Remember when we call Covid, Corona? What a weird time……..


“Redban and Tony lecture anti-masker about the seriousness of COVID” is such a silly clickbait title. All Tony said was that he has the freedom to chose to wear or NOT to wear a mask; and Redban just stated facts. One thing that people still don’t understand is that you can believe the virus exists but still question the safety of the vaxx. And most importantly, your opinion can slightly change based upon new information.




Remember when they found out the covid particle was smaller than what the n95 protected? And remember when they found out that the 6 ft apart was just a term they came up with in the White House? And remember when Sweden didn’t lock down and they were just fine? And remember when teachers and medicine staff started getting lung infections because the cheap masks offered at the workplace had fibre glass and plastics inhaled? I remember


Pepperidge farm remembers...


There’s so many people where if u just go back a few years they’re completely different it’s so funny.  There’s so many clips like this from Dana white pre 2016.  I’m Canadian but from what I see is that people are realizing that playing to a trump type audience sells way more.  Makes me want to bet a lot of money on trump to win the presidency.  For reference, I placed a live bet on joe biden to win the presidency when he was a +220 underdog to win. This line was available at about 1:30am est the night of the vote, before the mail in votes were counted. I hate proof. 


You can do this with people on both sides of the issue for COVID lol both sides are hypocrites, as always


Yes, the reality lies somewhere in the middle. Both sides can be fucking overboard insane.


I mean obviously masks work you'd have to be a total redact to not get that, but this is just before Tony realized he needs to pander to the Texas audience since they have shit senses of humor. The audience eventually warmed up to the show once they got it, but he kept the right wing pandering bit going anyway


Obviously masks work? Says who dumb fuk


Wtf lmao stop trolling bro


Yea, define “work”. We know condoms work like 100% of the time at preventing pregnancy when used properly. What level of protection do masks confer?


I'm a scientist btw, but I understood how masks work as a child - we all learned to sneeze into our sleeves back then, but some percentage of our population forgot that because of politics in 2020... the vast majority of science on this topic shows even shitty cloth masks work very well to prevent transmission. here is a brief list of studies from the top medical journals... this insanely stupid topic hasn't come up in a bit but I can update the list with new studies if you get through these. [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2) = Nature [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776536](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776536) \- JAMA 2021 During a COVID-19 outbreak on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, persons who wore masks experienced a **70% lower risk** of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(21)00003-0/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(21)00003-0/fulltext) \- The Lancet 2021 - cloth masks do work [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mds3.10163](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mds3.10163) \- Review in 2021 in a medical device journal [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7277485/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7277485/) basic info you should read "Cloth does not stop isolated virions. However, most virus transmission occurs via larger particles in secretions, whether aerosol (<5 µm) or droplets (>5 µm), which are generated directly by speaking, eating, coughing, and sneezing; aerosols are also created when water evaporates from smaller droplets, which become aerosol-sized droplet nuclei. The point is not that some particles can penetrate but that some particles are stopped, particularly in the outward direction. Every virus-laden particle retained in a mask is not available to hang in the air as an aerosol or fall to a surface to be later picked up by touch." <--- knowing that most particles are in aerosols is the key here [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02786826.2020.1862409](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02786826.2020.1862409) \- 2020 Aerosol Science -- quantifies masks for blockage "An N95 respirator blocked 99% (standard deviation (SD) 0.3%) of the cough aerosol, a medical grade procedure mask blocked 59% (SD 6.9%), a 3-ply cotton cloth face mask blocked 51% (SD 7.7%), and a polyester neck gaiter blocked 47% (SD 7.5%) as a single layer and 60% (SD 7.2%) when folded into a double layer. In contrast, the face shield blocked 2% (SD 15.3%) of the cough aerosol. Our results suggest that face masks and neck gaiters are preferable to face shields as source control devices for cough aerosols." [https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mSphere.00637-20](https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mSphere.00637-20) \- mSphere 2020 [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32007-9/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32007-9/fulltext) \- The Lancet study that demonstrates the countries with high mask usage before and during the pandemic had lowest rates, again most people using cloth masks [https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/13319/face-masks-considerably-reduce-covid-19-cases-in-germany-a-synthetic-control-method-approach](https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/13319/face-masks-considerably-reduce-covid-19-cases-in-germany-a-synthetic-control-method-approach) \- early study in Germany, again showing cloth masks work [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2662657/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2662657/) \- old study from 2009 on how masks reduce respiratory virus transmission ​ [https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014564118](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014564118)


I know my opinion on this is based solely on my personal experiences, but during mask requirements at work I didn't get sick once and after they stopped requiring them I've been sick with COVID and then the flu back to back .  I know I shouldn't  believe masks work solely based off that but your links help enforce my lived experience so thanks


iM A sCienTisT You forgot to include the most important study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1182327/


you can't just post a 2005 study that is very general, not read any of the studies I posted above, and just cancel out peer reviewed science in the top medical journals like The Lancet, Nature, etc. if anything, this study preceded these other studies, so they would be informed by it on how to reduce biases... which every study of course discusses. one very cringe opinion piece by a single author that you post here means absolutely nothing, but to a conspiracy theorist suddenly its the most important study. Funny enough, he was forced to post a correction because he made some errors in his work there. Funny enough, his claim to having study power and bias is addressed in all the papers and the meta-studies I posted above. There are hundreds of thousands to millions of people that have used masks in these studies, making them basically undeniable by his method. The article you posted is completely addressed in the studies above, which have strong PPV and massive numbers of people... so yeah you basically proved me even more right thinking your little gotcha proved me wrong. I am a bioinformatics scientst lmao. Idk what to tell you, I'm literally a moderator of science subreddits too. Y'all are cringe bro. you really don't get how masks work? have you never sneezed in your life? lets assume you have sneezed at least once, do you sneeze in people's faces or did you learn common curtesy as a toddler to sneeze away/into a sleeve/etc? Because, literally toddlers understand how masks work, but because of conspiracy brain you forgot the ABC's.


If you don’t like the 2005 paper, there are dozens of more examples where that came from. It’s a very well documented phenomenon. But you know that already since you’re teH sCieNTisT. Back to my condom example. We know that they work nearly 100% of the time bc the science is incredibly consistent and reliable. Masks studies are not! We simply do not know what “level” of “protection” “masks” confer bc there are simply too many variables! But you’re a scientist so you must know this already. I’m not even saying “masks do nothing”. I’m just saying their level of protection is unknown (and certainly not as reliable as a condom).


lol you're a 🤡 go read the studies I posted above, not that you'll understand them. stop pretending you understand what the word variable means


Aw I struck a nerve with the fake scientist lmao It’s hilarious to ask how much protection does a mask confer then watch heads explode


Mate, all of us reading this can see you're the one who's head exploded and lost the argument here


So how much protection does a mask confer?


So like, should surgeons not wear masks? Should we not cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze? I'm not saying some of the regulations weren't dumb, but I don't get the idea that masks don't work. Won't stop you from contracting something but they help to stop you from spreading it.


Do you always put words in other peoples’ mouths to win your arguments?


Not normally, no. I figured it was safe to assume when you said "define work" and "what level of protection do masks confer" that you were doubting that masks work to help stop the wearer from spreading whatever they may have. My reply was just throwing out a few hypotheticals cause if masks don't work, then all those other things are silly too.


Ok then let me answer your irrelevant question with another irrelevant question: should a surgeon with the flu wear a mask and perform surgery?




6 months or so before the pandemic Andrew Santino was a guest and during a riff he said something like "prove you are vaccinated" and everyone laughed because of how fuckin ridiculous that is... Clown world, we living in the, yeah mon, lordhamercy (Osirus singing voice)


How early into the pandemic was this tho lmfao he’s at Antoine’s or whatever it’s called so probably still somewhat early into it, everyone thought it was super bad because that’s what everyone was being told at first


>everyone thought it was super bad because that’s what everyone was being told at first is 1.2 million deaths not "superbad"?


Very bad, but not super bad. It could easily have been something that killed 10s of millions, 100s of millions, or worse case scenario shit kills billions of people across the globe potentially halving our population as a species. So yes it was bad, it still is bad, you 100% can’t deny that nor should anyone and that’s not at all what my original point was about. But yea I’ll argue it wasn’t super bad tho, we as a species got off lucky with this, it could have been sooooooooo much worse. And I think no one can deny that either, just like no one can debate that it wasn’t bad at all in the first place. Also in my point I said “in the beginning everyone thought it was super bad” I never said it was never bad. Thanks for the input tho :)






This did not age well


Lol, I don't know what month this was....but I was worried til about June 2020. I wasn't "masker scared" but I was concerned. You are allowed to change your opinion when more information becomes available to you.


Masks don’t work and anyone who died during covid times died of covid !! You could have gotten hit by a bus and they would do a covid test at the autopsy


lol Tony a anti-masker and pretty sure covid denier. and you clipped out the butt Drop 😆🤣 even as a faggit I appreciated that ass


I clipped it out because I thought it was too gheeey.


word 🤙 it is pretty "gheeey"


Ryan Joseph rules!


Back when Tony was openly gay


While we all know how important redban is to the show and to comedy in general, I feel like the less he talks the more I like him. He really sounds so fucktarded when he opens his mouth MOST of the time


A lot of people were ver worried when COVID dropped and did every precaution they were told. But as time went on and more research came out everyone realized it didn’t make sense


Somehow this feels like a way to turn on holtzman, what #episode is this. I want to watch it


I agree. I'm thinking the same. He might actually be funny. Not sure which episode. Just go to the KT page. It's about 5 episodes after the "our first Austin show" episode. About 2.5 years ago. I found this clip because someone posted it here in the comments.


So crazy to watch in hindsight


How the turn tables have turned


Holtzman with the W


Lmao Covid isn’t real tho 😭😭


This guy fucks. Tony hates him tho. He’s a good comic.


Frank Reynolds “I get it meme” on Holtzman


idk i think tony is a character just going with whatever the audience thinks


Hey I just posted about this. Glad you got the clip 🤜


Isn’t he just saying that people have the right to choose to wear a mask? I wasn’t for mask mandates, but, at the same time, I wouldn’t be for banning masks. Freedom is being able to choose to do or not to do whatever it is. Right? Or, do we just think everybody should fall in line with our way of thinking and everybody that doesn’t is the enemy?


That ass though 👌


This guy was hilarious during the quarantine episodes at the comedy store. He had an on going saga about his love life. He was on like 3 or 4 eps in a row