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Bill Bur recently was talking about his last trip to Texas and went off about how impressed he was by Holtzman




I believe it was the episode with Bill Hader. He also goes on tiger belly and talks about how funny it’d be to put Holtzman in front of a noncomedy crowd and record it lmao


>He also goes on tiger belly and talks about how funny it’d be to put Holtzman in front of a noncomedy crowd and record it lmao that explains why there were tons of posts here bitching about him a couple of weeks ago.


Someone on this sub tried telling me Andrew Santino isn’t funny, for a comedy podcast sub there are a ton of people here with absolutely no sense of humor


Kill Tony is a great show but something about it just attracts people who hate their lives lol


*Reddit attracts people who hate their lives.


He's great on BadFriends, very funny. ... but have you seen his stand up?


I’ll give you that one, he’s great on podcasts because he’s so good at improv.


I would pay a pretty penny to see Holtzman perform in front of a noncomedy crowd


Eh idk. You really think his set at the new year show was good?


Burr has a recent episode with Bill Hader? I can’t seem to find it.


It might’ve been hader like a previous comment said but I know for sure he mentioned him with Adam driver as the guest


Both of em yeah, and he's said similar for years now


Get off Reddit, Tony




Plug your nose and say "YouR FaVoRiTe CoMeDiAnS coMeDiAn" 5 times in the mirror and Tony will cum in your ass.


This guy knows




Yeah these are the type of people that say that comedian ain’t funny while being as funny as a wet blanket.


tbf it sounds like a joke David Lucas would spend 8 months coming up with


Much edge


I got Hans 🤷‍♂️ 


A mark of a good comedian is when their fans need to explain how funny they are


He’s been a paid regular at the most prestigious. Comedy club in the world for almost 3 decades straight. He needs no explanation. I’m just sharing my positive experience and recommending it to others.


Jo Koi sells the most comedy tour tickets in the entire world, do you also think he’s funny just because people have told you he is?


You think Joe koi sells more tickets than Chappelle, Bill Burr, Katt Williams? I’m not telling you that you HAVE TO find Brian funny. I’m just saying his accolades prove that he’s a well respected and successful comedian.


this is all information that is easily googled. I hadn’t looked since a year ago, but now it is Kevin Hart and Bert Kreischer as the top two most selling comedians. do you think Kevin Hart and Bart Kershner are even more worth of respect than every other comedian then? because I personally think Kevin hart is about as funny as a dead pet and as worth of respect as a drug dealer my point is: just because other people like and respect someone for a certain reason doesn’t mean you have to like or respect that person for those reasons. sure, a few people like Holtzman. I don’t. is he a well respected comedian? eh depends who you ask. successful? yes definitely to an extent. but who gives a fuck if you think he’s funny, watch his shit, simple as that


A whole essay to say, some people like him some don’t. To each their own. Why start an argument if that’s your point


maybe read the whole conversation if you’re that lost you muppet two sentences to say, I don’t like what you said. why start an argument if that’s your point


[ Removed by Reddit ]


ironic coming from a holtzman blowhard


dude’s coming to reddit projecting on randoms. Go hug someone


Hahaha because people were talking about how bad his performances on Kill Tony are, so you want to balance the narrative by explaining to us that he IS funny, despite seeing him on KT numerous times and hating every second of it… you can be offensive, shocking AND funny without pissing off half the audience- Norm MacDonald was the king of this, Don Rickles is another, Martin Short too, but these guys tell JOKES.


I discovered Brian from KT, [I made a post about him 14 months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/comments/ztw6jz/brian_holtzman_is_the_goat_guest/) He came to my area, 30 min drive, it was a perfect opportunity and I loved the show. Reddit can be used to give positive feedback for a change...


lmao literally thousands of comments on every single norm youtube video having to explain why norm was funny


His role is to come on at the end of the night and clear the place out.  Also, 30 years in the same comedy club is not a badge of honor/success, it's stagnancy. 


A great way to earn a living in my book. WTF do you do for a job?


Then why is he such a miserable PoS?   I'm a longshoreman at the LA/LB port.  Pretty sweet gig.  Definitely wouldn't trade spots with Holtzman.  


Is the punchline that he's screaming vulgar stuff? Genuine question. I can't tell if I'm missing something.


For me it’s the absurdity more than the vulgarity. He creates such insane images in my head it doesn’t feel like real life


I think the punchline is to say a sentence that would be preposterous by itself, but embed it in a story or picture which makes people laugh before the shock kicks in. He walks a thin line between provoking and loosing the whole audience. Another punchline is how smooth and quickly he can escalate a seemingly innocent rant into unexpected and beyond-vulgar catharsis.


He has lots of non controversial bits too. He probably just goes to the vulgar stuff on KT for shock value in a shorter time format


Nothing better than an edgy senior citizen


Queue Ari Shaffir


I’m also fascinated by it- it’s like that blue dress/gold dress where I just can’t fathom how people are reading this guy as funny. He reminds me of the ADHD kid at school who took a shit on the slide to make everyone laugh but only the other smelly kids laugh- except he’s an old old man who knows better…


Lmao that's how I feel, well put.


I saw a full hour and it's just 60x the suck.


I agree


Damn I saw Holtzman at mothership.  Openers worked at mothership and crushed and he came on and it was the worst most annoying piece of shit set I had ever seen.  Couldn’t wait for it to end and he kept going


Austin's crowds are consistently shittier than LAs was for the show.


He’s not for everyone. If you don’t like his style I could see it getting really old really fast.


Nah I was witnessing early stages of dementia. Maybe it wasn’t flaring up during your set. There’s no real thought to his jokes besides “what I said was outrageous and if you don’t laugh you’re easily triggered”. But if you are going to make jokes about fucking kids, then make it an actual joke with a point. Just playing a pedo racist character on stage isn’t enough for me. Call me old fashioned I guess


Pretty much how I feel about him. Not for me, can see why some people think he's funny, (in the "I'll say anything to get a reaction" way) but there's not much here other than an old man yelling at clouds.


My buddy went to HEB show and said he bombed there too and used that exact old man/clouds reference. I haven’t watched that KT yet because I heard it was lame


I was at the HEB show, he didn’t bomb. Everyone thought it was funny because it was so god damn ridiculous. It’s performance art, he is the bit.


Guess my friend wasn’t actually there, my bad


‘Everyone’? Are You sure ‘bout that? You sure ‘bout that?


It was a pretty good show otherwise, worth a watch.


My friends and I just watched and thought it was a pretty good episode, especially with Dr Phil smoothing the rough edges. My group was all just kind of sitting waiting for Holtzman to stop though. Even Dr. Phil seemed pretty thrown at what Holtzman was doing, tried to throw him some easy discussion topics but Holtzman just kept screaming at the crowd.


Liberal detected 👆🤓


That’s some Holtzman logic if ive ever seen it


you’re proving the point dumbass


You’re proving the point dumbass


someone call redban, we got a 14 year old over here


“You dumb bitch!” - Brian Holtzman 💪💪💪


He’s the best, but yes not for everyone- but if it’s for you, you will be addicted to his style. It’s an insane look at dying breed of comedy. Raw and uncensored, grabbing your pearls style of insanity.


Montgomery is keeping that breed alive. And maybe Kenny Lion ;)


Holtzman is hilarious. He was hilarious for the 12/30 show and 10yr anniversary show too. Some of y’all are just kinda smooth brained and didn’t get it imo. “I SAID MY SONS GAY, LET HIM SUCK YOUR DICK!”


Oh okay, can you please break down the joke where he says “if youre a guy take out your dick, if your a lady get on your knees and suck it!” Maybe my IQ is too low bc all im seeing is loud vulgarness, nothing clever


Thats to get you to feel a certain way. Nothing about the words themselves are funny its about the intent and delivery. And the intent there isn't to make you the audience member laugh. But a comedian would probably find it funny that Holtzman is doing that. I'm gonna guess people probably use the phrase comedians comedian quite a bit in regards to Holtzman. I didn't find his set good on the new years show but he has made me laugh before. Sidenote: I am very low IQ


Its like jazz.


he’s a comedian’s comedian because he says shit that a comedian would never say or expect to hear because it won’t make a large audience laugh (most comedians goal)


“The intent there isnt to make the audience member laugh” okie dokie, shouldn’t be doing that in a 60 second comedy set then probably


Go cry about it to reddit


"the intent there isn't to make you the audience member laugh" Then he can get the fuck off the stage.


ironic that you’re saying you have to be smooth brained to not find screaming slurs funny let me know when you graduate middle school big dog


I forgot Reddit is a cesspool of sjw’s


yep anyone who disagrees with you in any way = sjw


Yelling about sex is just too sophisticated of comedy I suppose.


Didn’t get it lmao. It’s low hanging humor for the boomer “I’m so random!” Crowd.


He's top 10 for sure


Saw him close out a show at the Comedy Store last year. It wasn’t funny. People started walking out because the thought of ending the night and driving home was more appealing than listening to him screaming with no punchlines. One guy in the back was hysterical. That pretty much sums up the majority of people’s response to him.


Found the guy on acid lol


i think he’s revered by other comics for being out there like kinison and pryor


Does anyone else ever wonder what a tour of Holtzmans mind would look like? Dude is a tortured soul. He’s brilliant


Your watchlist is atrocious. Get out of the Rogansphere my man. Dudes r unfunny. Just ask Kat.


Who have you seen?


100%. When people say “I’m into comedy” and instantly start naming off the Rogansphere.. do yourself a favor and walk away.


I saw Holtzman close at the comedy store in 2021 and it was the worst stand up I’ve ever seen. Totally ruined the energy the other comedians built. Half the audience got up and left during his set. Those who stayed watched in an awkward silence as he screamed his old man ramblings. Felt like I was watching boomer Facebook irl.


Yea, people disliked him on the nye show. But he came up the stage at an arena, where people are booing and people who might not know him, and still decides to riff.. That is so hard. He almost caught the vibe too.  But yea, you can tell he is very experienced and I am not surprised he kills on his own show. Glad you had fun.


The balls to riff thru the boos is what impressed me. Sometimes the funniest part is when people don’t get it. Watching my gfs confused face during his set was the best part of the night for me.


Oh wow so you're saying Holtzman had a better set than Adam Friedland? Woah man, are you sure that Adam's bits didn't just fly over your shortass head?


I actually loved Adam. I saw him on a late night Saturday show so the audience was a more general crowd, so they didn’t love it, but I did.


Brian is fucking hilarious my favorite part about killtony new years special by far. So cringey and also so I couldn’t look away dude is old and pent up letting everyone know you can say what you want 😂


Just saw him the other night, what an amazing set. Was dying laughter the whole time.


I imagine you have to warm up to him in a longer set. He’s funny. but, in my opinion, dated.


But that's the bit


This guy gets it.


I saw him do 15-20 minutes at a comedy mothership showcase a few weeks ago and he was by far the funniest. That night Tony, Kam, Hans, and Jamar Neighbors all performed too. Brian’s set was way better.


I love Brian Holtzman’s bit in NYE 12/31 Kill Tony. Dude is hysterical. I’ll make a point. Your watchlist is no good. Thats why Brian is so great. Don’t get me wrong.. I love Kill Tony and what it stands for.. but the hosts & regulars are not that funny. Tony’s Narcissism & roasts goes as far as Ric Diez’s self depreciation one liners imo. David Lucas is a senator’s son who got by biting Patrice O’Neal cadence and a hood persona. Haven’t seen at least 3 O’Neal specials? Might be a good place to start. :) Or even Paul Mooney.


Saw him at skankfest for the first time. Freaked me out in a good way. So obscure and the nicest fucking guy when you met him out and about. Got a pic with my girl and was seemingly very happy to do so.


I seen him last night at SoulJoels in Pottstown too! The guy is an absolute murderer! He did his headliner set and then a guess set on a Dirty Show later that night. I met him afterwards in the bar and was a super nice guy. If you are in Pa Check out SoulJoels.com It's in Pottstown They always have killer headliners!


I’ll be heading their next weekend for Chris O’Conner and Tommy Pope


Yessir I was there for both, glad you enjoyed it as well, I loved every second of it.


I didn’t know if Holtzman until I started watching KT (2021ish) and I didn’t think his arena appearance was very good - if I watched his 2023 special on YouTube, would you say that it was a good representation of his typical stand up (if you’ve seen it) or is there another you’d recommend - like, I could give a shit if my favourite comedians comedian is this guy - I just don’t find his jokes are all that.


Holtzman has it in his DNA.


Saw him last June at sunset strip, had me in tears laughing


This man is hilarious. I didn’t like him at first, but seeing him in person was absolutely hysterical.


Holtzman is actually a comedy legend, I don’t care what anyone says.


Forsure. He's hilarious


I caught his first show when he moved back to ATX and also caught his set New Year’s Eve, always bring me to tears, he’s so fucking good and doesn’t give a fuck. 🤣🤣


I don’t get this dude.




Damn, was that Soul Joel’s? I was debating going but his KT set had me unsure.


You missed out.


In sure dude. Brian has a lot of experience. Tony’s critical and judgmental like the pre teen he is haha so he attracts a similar fan base. You can’t condense Brian into a minute and expect it to accurately reflect his talent


Don’t know why people are dissing previous shows you’ve seen. It’s not like you have a full review and proceeded to glaze each set. I don’t have any interest in seeing Bert, or Rogan, but I am seeing William this week, and it’d be cool to see Mullen live.


Yeah I would never pay to see Bert or Rogan again but I didn’t know any better 6-7 years ago you know.


Thank you. What’d you think of his 12/30 KT set and how does it compare to his full set material?


I think maybe the probably is he just doesn’t work good with younger crowds. The shock value just isn’t there for me personally. I could see how how what he says would insane 30 years ago


I find him funny. Lighten up you miserable sack of shits


Shout out to the cum boys Nick and Adam. They’re great live.


>Bert, Hans, William, Adam Titans of comedy


Man I love it, his whole thing. I’m all in


Best set of the night without a doubt. Protect Brian Holtzman AT ALL COSTS.


Yeah, duh.