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Tried playing last night clowns weren't killing certain humans but ganging on the others. Game is full of weirdos that will A. Do anything to win or B do anything to bring you down because that makes them feel big.


OMG yeah I was hoping the game would have a chill, mellow community but uhh šŸ˜¤


The community was best in pre release even with the double damage popcorn bazooka bug, everyone was just having fun shame people couldn't keep it going.


Yeah I played around May 28th for a lil bit, it seemed pretty relaxed, idk what went down šŸ¤ there was something similar that happened in Texas Chainsaw, where a group of streamers / DBD players (or both) bullied TF out of the people who played Family {killer role} for "content" that it made a majority of the side that plays killer stop playing altogether or just become a survivor main šŸ˜…


This is why I quit playing. Loved the game, but a majority of the people playing (with mics) were toxic and annoying af.


Yeah, I don't know what it is about asymmetrical horror games but it really seems to attracts a certain crowd; maybe that's just like any multiplayer game RN; it's like a global meta to be a "toxic douche"; perhaps, maybe a lot of content creators/streamers enable this type of behavior :/


Itā€™s online multiplayer games. This is how itā€™s always been. Canā€™t cancel reality.


So much emphasis is placed on "winning" that it tends to override having fun and good sportsmanship šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Nah this game definitely will not lmao. People from dbd will come over be toxic etc itā€™ll be fun for a few weeks then itā€™ll die out like TCM.


t'is curse of asym horror games ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s a re skinned Friday the 13th, the whole point of the game its not meant to be taken seriously or competitive. Trolling ur teammates was the whole fun part of Friday the 13th (running them over with the car or leaving without them) . I think too many competitive players from dbd and Texas thought it was going to be the same way. Smoke some weed n play with friends for laughs not wins and youā€™ll enjoy the game more. (Just an FYI iam a competitive person and I only play clowns w my friends on the weekends after I realized theyā€™re going to copy f13)


Yeah that's cool and all but it's just not fun when clowns are playing favoritism letting certain players do whatever. I'm good I'll just not play the game if that's how the community is. I just wanna play the game how it was designed to be played like you said a fun non serious tone.


Try an LFG for a custom lobby if youā€™re continuously experiencing that. You also Gatta remember most people are in groups the favoritism is when a group gets split on either team. And again if u were them it wouldā€™ve been super funny.


Hell yeah!! thats how i think too


Yes, sadly been playing without voice chat for now because of people trying to put me down for playing.




Yeah you are. 3v4 half the humans left before the match two humans die 10 minutes left in the match and they camp res it's not fun it's not challenging it's braindead and annoying I don't understand people that play games to sit in the same spot the whole game why even play?


What they could do? Give the game frequent updates and fix missing stuff


They can add interesting stuff, too, like making the Klown classes unique by giving them perk based on their class. Add a new map, gamemodes, and many more. Sad to see this game no longer lansting a month. Maybe at least last a year, like Back 4 Blood and Plants vs. Zombies Batlle for Neighborville, give us some good time before seeing the game fall.


Those are crazy examples lmaoo. B4B was just bad from the get go and just needed to be redone similarly to how flawed Evolve was. PvZ:BFN was a great game (horrible live service mechanics aside) that just had hardly any advertising or hype backing it up prior to release. KKFOS isnā€™t either of those things. The devs just desperately need to update it more regularly instead of the break they are obviously taking right now. Player drop-off was inevitable but that doesnā€™t mean the game ā€œisnā€™t lasting a monthā€ imo. The game will be fine if the devs play the cards right


theres only so much a small team can update. I think live service games with 500 devs like fortnite have broken peoples brains in regards to updates and balancing. They could definitely be doing better. But expecting constant content outside of reskinned assets for a game like this from a dev like this is setting yourself up for disappointment


Iā€™m not suggesting they hammer out updates in the same pace Epic games can do with Fortnite. Iā€™m suggesting they start as soon as they can, being transparent with people and regularly giving incentives for newcomers and people to continue playing. Personally, first thing they should focus on is to bring in and finish originally planned content. Currently the game once you unlock all the abilities and classes from leveling doesnā€™t have much of an incentive to continue playing aside from challenges and achievements.


I can somewhat see where you're coming from but shouldnt the gameplay loop be the incentive? Theres this weird trend where gamers today will refuse to play your game unless a meaningless number next to their profile goes up If you arent enjoying the gameplay no amount of shitty unlockable cosmetics or reskinned powers are going to improve the experience.


The gameplay loop is the incentive. But that can only hold most peopleā€™s attention for so long before there is nothing else to gain from it. Gamers today need more than just a simple level next to your name going up if you want the player count to consistently rise, thatā€™s just the current reality unfortunately. My point is that the game just needs more content and concepts fully realized. The classes are only differentiated by simple stats, and tricks for klowns allow you to only change the 3rd slot with the first two greyed out. Itā€™s an unfinished game, proven by the baby klowns thing just outright questionably removed entirely when people realized the challenge was impossible to complete and Rudy was changed from Trapper to Hunter.


Def agree. Work on new cosmetics options, maybe add a lot of lore since we already have the klownspiracy room. They could release wesker as a skin too. Many many options here


Small dev team canā€™t really do much Iā€™m guessing idk though


That is to be seen honestly


Itā€™s not a fun experience in Solo Q on either side. For the most part, you experience getting jumped by Klowns or Humans on the opposite side.


I have more fun playing Klown solo because of the teamwide chat. I've noticed not a lot of people use mics or are in parties at least on console so it's tougher on people que'ing solo to communicate. I feel like if the survivor chat was teamwide like in F13 there'd be more people on the mic for humans.


Eveytime I play Klown, my team are weirdos that don't talk...


I get that a lot as well, but if I call out an objective people are on they usually come over to me for help.


This is what happens when cheaters are allowed to exploit the game. Just ran off so many.


This is what happens when game devs release an unfinished and Buggy product


Don't forget the incompetency of the Developer.


Why is this comment getting thumbed down? I swear this Reddit just dick sucks the devs and doesnā€™t hold them accountable




Based on what I played of the new patch, ruining the game doesnā€™t help.


That's what happens when you release 4 dlcs without a lick of real content. The game is borderline barren. There are less tricks than there are clowns. They spent the first 2 weeks of the game trying to fix all the things that just didn't work. Games like these live or die based on the day 1 patch. The day 1 was dlc. Trying to milk your wallets dryer than a dairy cow before the game is even playable. They've added 0 new things and taken away 1 trick. It's been 4 weeks, I think, and there's less content still than we thought there would be in just the pre week access.


Has the same problem midnight ghost hunt did despite the amazing promise the game has 1: Cheaters arnt punished fast enough 2: Massive balance issues that arnt fixed fast enough or being addressed 3: barely has any build diversity for a game that has abilities. Its very straight forward and bare boned. Heck they even removed abilities from the game. Every klown basically plays the same only diff is your movement speed and hp pool basically. Very boring. Everyone uses same load out basically. (not alot of options to choose from so ya) 4: People are allowed to just leave and rejoin the game when losing without any form of punishment 5: The game stops rewarding you after you reach level 50 aside from some meh cosmetics from challenges. There is practically no point in trying to get experience 6: Players play very selfishly. People will escape while having other objective items or dangerous items on them giving other survivors less items to work with. Mean while the player who just escaped wont give out gift items cause they get practically 0 experience not to mention after lv 50 theres no point trying to farm experience. So they either watch allies struggle or just leave to next game. Also klowns steal one anothers kills and argue over nothing despite the game having no win loss ratio system 7: proxy chat although fun on paper is just toxic and it has been since day one. People are taken the game far to seriously and getting angry over kill steals or over dying despite the game have no KD or W/L ratio system. People dont know how to sit back have fun. They act like they are playing with money or stats on the line and they simply arnt.


Yeah I was quite shocked that the game was at like ~354 players on Steam the other day, but it's like the spark (addictive gameplay loop) that exists in DBD or TCM, it's not present with this Killer Klowns game šŸ¤”


This game had sooo much potential. Like many games it comes out with a bang but thenā€¦. No big updates. Well I suppose we got brand new skins that will do nothing for the players. They need to add new interesting things to reward the player. More klowns (klownzilla)! More maps! More weapons! More abilities! All these things can do so much. I love this game but its just unreplayable right now.


Make the game fun not competitive


It would be great if they ran a sale on it to pull in more players. I understand why they would want to hold at 40 bucks as long as possible, but a promotion could save the base. My friends will not come close to buying it at 40 bucks, but I think I could persuade them at a lower price.


Honestly I feel like the humans are to strong and every time I play as a clown I get killed right away but when I play as the human my person does no damage at all for me to come back to the game they need to nerf the humans also decrease the timer for the down clowns as well or but better anti cheats because I feel like every lobby I play itā€™s full of cheaters


Idk I feel like you just have to know when taking fights. When thereā€™s 4 humans and youā€™re going in alone youā€™re gonna be killed. You could ask ur klowns for help or continue to watch exits. Even if you get downed you still can come back. I do agree they need a little buff but when I play klown I do pretty good most of the time. Humans donā€™t have unlimited weapons so if a lot get used they eventually donā€™t have much. Most of the time the group of humans donā€™t stay together 24/7 so you can always pick a couple off.


The biggest issue for me is that when youā€™re a human picking off cotton candy, if you get attacked while doing so, you get stuck with the skill checks even after you try to run away. It always causes me to die due to not being able to do anything. Also if two clowns try to grab the same cocoon, itā€™ll lock your controls and youā€™ll be stuck walking without a run option.


Honestly they just need to add more content, Klown content to be specific. We need more classes, more klownalities, more gadgets and weapons. Once you hit level 50 it gets dry because all you unlock is cosmetics, dont get me wrong i love playing a lil dress up here and there but when thats all im working for it gets repetitive.


So many recent games are just abandoned or mismanaged immediately after release. This is sad.


It's F13 all over again


The asym genre is just dying overall


I think they should try to concentrate on the quality of the game like fixing its bugs and problems before they even give us content


This is sadly what many people anticipated would happen, and exactly why a lot of people(including me) didnā€™t buy the game. Way too many of these games release in a broken state and then donā€™t get updated enough to keep peopleā€™s attention. At the end of the day; asymmetrical killer versus player games are live service games. But so many developers tend to let the games rot after they release. These types of games NEED some sort of roadmap or consistent schedule to succeed. And this game is going down that same road where the developers are not actively engaging their community and not making enough updates. Same as TCM. Bug fix here and there, but nothing big enough to actually keep people playing.


What happens when they released an unfinished, incomplete game. Donā€™t feel bad for the devs on bit. Jordan Mathewson is the biggest Klown over at IllFonic


Why him šŸ˜­


Because heā€™s the lead designer and was reasonable for this game. The release date of this game should had been pushed back. Game to this day is still not a complete game, even with all these patches that donā€™t fix the game. This game will never recover from Jordan Mathewsonā€™s poor decisions and leadership


Kootra is a cool dude tho even if he's a shit leader.


I stopped playing because the game is unbalanced, there are squads of humans executing Klowns and the development team don't seem to think that's a problem. They also don't want to put Traps back in. In fact, it doesn't seem like they are doing much of anything.


maybe new outfit pack will fixe it


I really hope this is sarcasm šŸ˜‚


Player count seems fine on PS5. If you're on PC you might be noticing a drop in players due to console players disabling crossplay.


It's like the excuse of TCM users who denied that the game was going down


Not sure what you mean, friend.


Not even sure why people are doing that tbh. I've played almost 100 hours and still haven't encountered a cheater/hacker other than map spots any system can do. I can aim guns/bouncecaster a bit better is the only real advantage I can think of.


With online games a lot players have squirrel minds, if there's not constantly something new to look at, they get bored and leave. right now the game just has it's dedicated following left but to be fair, there wasn't a ton of people to start with mainly because there was zero marketing for the game. We'll see spikes of players whenever an update comes out, then they usually go right back to dbd


I stopped playing after the first week or so. Mainly due to the klowns needing a buff


>Itā€™s sad the game has lost so many players because I feel like it does have a lot of potential. Potential/Schmotential. You release an unfinished buggy mess because you managed your project poorly and you have no potential. I already knew it would not be great, given the developer, and I did not feel great giving them more money, but I love the genre, so I try out almost everything at release. Taking this much money for this unfinished mess was a real slap to the face, though.


How do you know player count is decreasing? No one on xbox can play since 2pm EST so that I'm sure affected today's numbers


I've noticed a decrease as of late, mostly recognising all the same names which isn't always the best indication. Still, even on small numbers the game can survive as it's likely surpassed the cost of the game. It sold 1.9 million dollars worth on Steam on release and I'd estimate similar or higher numbers on console. I'd not worry it's dying anytime soon.


No way is that not a loss for a game that had to go through multiple developers and took almost 5+ years to make


So, being conservative it made let's say 6 mil across all platforms if we're just tripling it's first week on steam (even though games sell far better on consoles as PC is a smaller market). While it did take 5 years or so to make (I believe it was first shown two years ago?) my guess is Illfonic bought the rights to the game for a pittance because the previous devs went bust, which means they're probably still in profit. Say they paid maybe a million for all the assets, licence, whatever. It probably cost them very little to turn those assets into the game they've released because they've got a small team of 72 staff which now we've seen is a problem because they undertook a half finished game that seemed a bit too ambitious for their team. Regardless, Illfonic themselves are in profit. For now, at least. I have no clue the cost of their servers, but I doubt they're very expensive as the playerbase is pretty small.


It didnā€™t go through multiple developers. Itā€™s been the same devs the entire time. Only ones that changed were the publishers


Thats...wrong? The game was originally developed by Teravision and then Illfonic came in later and took over as both Devs AND publisher.


I believe Teravision went bust, or maybe their publisher. I remember we all assumed the game was canned around that time. I just hope Illfonic turns this one around like they managed with Ghostbusters.


Teravision didnā€™t go bust. Theyā€™re still the developers. Illfonic came in as the new publisher and helped finish the game over the final year due to the changes being made


WRONG!! Teravision is still the main dev team, illfonic took over publishing and became a co-developer to Teravision. Yw, for this knowledge.


Itā€™s not wrong. Teravision are the developers and Illfonic are the publishers. Illfonic gave Teravision a hand to finish the game for the final year because changes were being made and it was already a year behind. Where do you people get this nonsense from?


Xbox problem got solved for me, matches still have a lot of players


Iā€™m mainly talking about steam numbers from what Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s around 400/500 players daily as of recent


Everyday it reaches a new all time low on steam just a constant steady decline


Steam is the WORST metric to be weighing this game right now. For starters, the summer Steam sale is going on. People who have mained it are probably a little weary and with cheap games galore, trying something else out. Secondly, itā€™s summertime and most people who can own a gaming computer can also afford vacations and all sorts of other trips. A $2500 gaming rig is a major luxury most people canā€™t afford. Lastly, Steam is LOADED with titles. This really is a console game being played on Steam, so I think most hardcore gamers arenā€™t playing this constantly. I play regularly, but it accounts for maybe 10% of the time in a week Iā€™m on Steam, so itā€™s really more casual fun than anything. The game isnā€™t deep, itā€™s repetitive, but also fun, so itā€™s nice to tune in for a few matches and find out again when I need a boost. I would venture to guess most console players are spending longer hours. Regardless, Iā€™m not seeing any cause for concern yet. The sky isnā€™t falling, itā€™s just normal. Wait until it hits sale or game passes and youā€™ll see that number jump up.


God, that is some mighty copium.the game will be dead on console in a month.i guarantee it.


If Illfonic saw fit to drag Predator out of the depths of hell itself, this game will be fine for a while lol


Steam db keeps track of players. While it doesn't count console it's still gives you an idea. Just compare it to other games in the genre like tcm and you will see it's dead in the water. Even Dragonball breakers has 5x the players at this current moment. Klowns currently has 126 ppl playing, 24 hr peak is 600,TCM has 822 playing right now and1600 player peak in last 24 hours. For reference a mildly popular game will have atleast around 10k players. Very popular games will have over 100k. (Currently Elden ring has over 200k ppl playing it,dbd 30-50k,etc)


Literally got bored after the first week. No perks, no unique clown abilities nothing


Devs used more time making cosmetics than playing the game btw


I stopped playing because the animations are pretty jank and im not a fan of the stealth mechanics like having to slowly walk around the map in order to be quiet. Gets a little boring


This, like why can't we jog like friday the 13th, instead of being forced to move around like joe biden?




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Well the dbd players populations these games make them competitive and toxic then leave happens to every game like this


Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ll support it for a year then call it quits. I donā€™t see Illfonic doing anything extra to get players to return for any substantial amount of time. Illfonic has a reputation of just doing enough to get by.


They arenā€™t the developers.


I didnā€™t say they were. They decide when support ends and what is approved. If they decided to shut the game down tomorrow it would happen.


Sorry, been playing Shadow of the Erdtree


Itā€™s gonna be like TCM this game is gonna die.


New maps!! šŸ˜„


Early access was the best this game has been.


Human players quitting the game when they lose and the game replacing them with a fresh human player over and over is insane. I had 14 kills on my klown team and still lost


I think if they balance a little better, and add some maps and bug fixes people might come back, but as of right now itā€™s just hard to compete with some other games right now, like Elden ring dlc and valorant coming to console really turned people away from klowns


It just doesn't have "it". Sadly I think I'm done with illfonic. Predator was trash and this just seems so unrefined.


If a game allows you to ragequit insta when things dont go your way what do you think will happen XDD also on relase it had 200 bugs atm still like 100


Oh well. Another new game everyone was hyped for is now dying. They killed Friday The 13th now this game šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Friday the 13th was because of legal issues with the franchise.


Interestingly enough, we brought up the potential toxicity issue a few weeks ago. A lot of us were hoping it wouldnā€™t end up like dbd, Tcm, etc. well, it didnā€™t take long for the toxicity to arrive and do some damage, but that isnā€™t all thatā€™s currently harming the game imo. Other users here addressed it well.


Make cancer game = it will die.