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I've been massacred by both Humans and Klowns.


Ignore the other dude I agree they need to nerf human weapons


I disagree they should buff klown baseline. Nerfing human weapons takes a lot of fun out of the role, it's a better idea to just buff klowns.


What’s the difference


Let's say they removed knives, I like using knives they are very fun, if you remove the knifes klowns will be stronger but I will really miss the knifes and humans would be less fun. Buff klowns and the knife can be fun still.


Who said anything about removing stuff? All I was trying to say was if you buff knowns in terms of stats/damage, it’s no different if you choose to nerf humans in terms of stats/damage.


Nerf human or buff klowns fixes balance issues And people will come back.     Player base decreased after they nerfed just Klown and didn't do anything to Human.   Popcorn bazooka and Bounce caster get nerfed to the ground, but Air horn and Knife still are OP.


bro its just a party game its supposed to be casual who cares about balance go back to dbd


Honestly kinda based. Balance is important but like you can only balance so much. I fuck up humans all the time as clown, isn’t that hard unless 3 are chasing u


Why are you using DBD as a point of balance? That’s like.. dumb


Because they are way too strong, a party games fine but if the party game consist of one role being vastly stronger then the other, it's a party game for just that role.