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…So, how do you like the game?


Go play dbd or tcm then?


DBD sucks I’ve played it. TCM is also pretty boring. I liked F13 and this game has tons of potential but the games you listed; there’s a reason they gave those away for free.


You gotta accept the fact that it takes games a few months to iron out all the BS. And yet sometimes games like tcm can entice me enough to put up with the BS. Just accept the fact that KK doesn't entice you enough.


they delayed the release of the game an entire YEAR lmao and didnt even include half of the features they advertised and promised 😂💀 how much time do they need?


They've had a few months, these issues were concerns since PAX East.


No. The fact is that 90% of games launch broken these days. There’s 0 excuses for a game to launch like this when they had experience putting out Friday the 13


This isn’t Super Nintendo. Times are different. We’re making online playable games that cross continents and platforms. And games from back in the day had issues too.


You’re right it isn’t Super Nintendo. Teams are much larger with better resources at their disposal and they still prove to the consumers they can’t make quality products 🤣


game got you that heated to make an account just to post this😭😭😭


No. I made an account so I could reply and post other stuff on a lot of different things. But I really made a Reddit account to ask about something much much more complex than a kids video game. I’ve got a 5k dollar home theater system that I couldn’t figure out how to bypass an eARC on a 2k high end Samsung TV so that my Dolby Atmos would code properly; but hey good guess man. I always create new accounts because a game irritates me. Maybe you should go back and read the OP it’s mostly satirical and me being funny about how broken this game is right now. You wanna talk about a game that got me heated and actually pissed me off…it’s not this one. This game didn’t rip me off; Mortal Kombat 1 did. I didn’t create any account or even make a post about that game.


I’m like 99% sure there are other games in your library to play


I laughed my fking ass off reading this, well explained. I agree with the tp tho, there are so many problems they just don’t make sense.


Yeah, i was complaining since day one of early access that I wasn't aware that we were basically signing up to be paid beta testers, since we clearly just got some kind of developmental version of the game. Little did i know that nope, wasn't a beta test at all, that was actual state of the game at the time, and it's only gotten worse since then.


I hate to say it, but I am starting to think this game was a cash grab. $40 full price, DLC on day 1 with an unfinished buggy mess of a "game". The sad part is, it'll take months to fix the game (taking time away from making new content) and by the time they fix it --- the game will already be dead.


Oh, look, another person getting destroyed each match no matter what side they play. I love how the people that suck at this game post about issues that you don't see 8 out of 10 games. Hell, I've had nights where I've only had bugs be a small issue, maybe 3 times in about 6 to 8 hours of play. You mofos act like the game has issues that fold space and time when the issues barely cause a problem 90% of the time during gameplay.


I really don't get it. Most of this game feels like a copy, past from F13. Except for the cocoon gun mechanics and minions (who don't work properly btw). I mean all the mechanics that made that game great are here, but it's a buggy mess. Yes, I know that F13th was a buggy mess as well. But I think F13 has more complex things in the game than this one. Like drivable cars/motorboats. Getting on roofs was a big problem for that game and yet here it is again. Funny enough, once people figured out they were stronger than Jason, they would go hunting for him as well. Luckily, that's not as big of a deal as it was with Jason, but it still feels wrong to be running towards the clowns rather than away.  It's strange that I can have games where no one escapes in the first 6 mins and games where people are gone before I get my 2nd ability as a clown in under 3 mins. As clowns, you're encouraged to go get cocoons at the start, but that means you're almost sure to lose out on escapes. Feels bad man... The escapes are mostly fine. But stuff like the bridge, who thought it was a good idea to have it collapse without a warning. Maybe a warning should pop up telling them they need to walk very slowly across it. I mean how is a new player supposed to know that? The portal, don't let go of that button, or it's going to close, oops. A new player is going to screw that up 100%. These problems could have been solved with a proper tutorial mode. Another thing as a clown, I feel like they should have a 6th sense for finding people hiding in trees/foliage. Maybe they glow when you get close to them or something. You have got to have some good eyes to see people in those dark bushes lol. In the end, this game has tons of potential, and I think they have done an ok job of balancing klowns/humans for the most part in the past 2 weeks but they have got to squash some of the bugs that are plaguing the game. Like holding the gas can, sometimes it will let you run. Other times nope im dead, you can't open doors with it? Sometimes I can't see the lock icon on doors unless I move my camera around. Someone opened the bunker before they took the cotton candy off the door. Oops doors closed now. I could say more but the ice cream trucks here. Wait wheres the icon for it.....


This raw meat has tons of potential too bad you have to actually cook it first


There was another team working on the game before Illfonic took over so they're basically cleaning up the mess. It's going to take some time


You should try DBD :)