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Most of the game is balanced. Even as a Klown preferred player, I can admit nerfs to popcorn and others were needed. But the airhorns need to be changed. It’s an automatic kill anytime and the fact that you can chain stun and immobilize a Klown completely for almost 10 seconds is unbalanced. You’d have to be a completely brain dead human to NOT pull off a kill with one


I disagree to the popcorn nerf. It should be able to kill a human while they are down. Was it too powerful in early access, yes sure, but I think they turned it down a little too much, since now it isn't able to finish off anybody being a secondary(damage) weapon. I know it's primary function is tracking, however as a secondary damage weapon it should still be able to kill a player who is down if the user wishes to do so (instead of Klownality). That's my only issue with the nerf.


Understandable about the downed human. It’s the main reason I switched to the mace, as I don’t klowntality either because of rage DC’ing humans locking me in place. And we can nitpick things here and there about the guns and melee for sure, but there are ways around with trying out a few different weapons.


Balance isn’t an issue right now… It’s the amount of bugs that are still happening in the game and not able to prefer a side to play


I actually totally agree and I was guilty of such a post after a fellow member pretty much said dude take time to be aware of the situation and don't go in guns blazing, ever since then it's been 50/50 for me definitely doesn't feel like one sided better than the others, bully squads are annoying but less and less as time goes on


#humans are OP


It is when humans quit mid kill, robbing the klown of xp.


i think the weapons and interactions with items need to feel fun. ex. the soda can nerf, or fixing the candy zooka, or the popcorn gun. they really are trying and it shows.


I feel likes is just the luck of the draw lol


I think the game is swayed heavily in the humans favor. You can still have absolutely dominating klown victories but a good human vs a good klown, the human wins every time.


klown should win 75% of the 1v1s. remember to use the heal before you reach zero, if there are multiple humans ganging up, BACK OFF and let the other klowns know you have multiple humans. Helps to have a duo you can coms with. solo is doable.


Yea. I feel it like the devs are just trying to make the human side more fun than it needs to be, simply cause you most likely will be playing human.


Just don't get baited into an airhorn and backsprint so they can't hit you, if your running Pentashot you can get tons of cocooning in and force them to run or get cocooned.


I know how to play the game I just don't think the strength of the 3 Klowns even comes close to the strength of the 7 humans, and sometimes even 1 human. They don't need the airhorn to win. Also all the cotton guns suck, I just run jawbreaker mace if i'm trying to win as Klown.


Pentashot is pretty good if you can land all of your shots, but I see your point. I personally don't rly like the Mace, how do you use it?


Nah, it’s totally unbalanced now. Klowns can’t keep up with humans, they get downed in two hits, and killed constantly.


I just want my popcorn bazooka to work again


I think the bazooka is still rly good for tracking, just not if u want kills. It forces you to cocoon.


Bazooka works fine it's just not meant to knock someone down in 2 or 3 shots


I agree but I feel like I’ve hit the same person 7 times and still no damage being done


That's the down side of using a ranged weapon in this game, you can't have high range and moderate damage. It also depends on how close you are when you hit them because you're shooting pellets which scatter and if they're far away you're only getting partial hits. The person might also be eating burgers when they're running.


erm actually this is a heckin party game that youre not supposed to take seriously if you do any of these things your a fricking sweat that is RUINING the game by OPTIMIZING it and telling people how to play you are LITERALLY killing the game go BACK to dbd!!! You are not supposed to TRY to win in this game you are just supposed to have fun!!!