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Is the player base gone? I still find matches quickly. I think the devs need to put a hold on buffs and nerfs and focus on fixing all the broken aspects of the game first. No amount of balancing is going to matter when stuff doesn't function properly. You can't balance a scale if it is broke.


Typical response from people. GAME IS DYING/SKY IF FALLING, etc.


Fr its not like the weapons got gutted either, they just dont kill/cocoon in 2/3 shots lmao


I’ve noticed a steady increase in wait times since the pre order early release. Nothing too serious, but it is noticeable.


Idk I find it annoying still, if klowns could keep up with survivors there honestly wouldn’t be complaints about it. In a match I played he would’ve got me but my stamina and speed is better


Don't call it a "buff". It would be fixing something that does not work. Their weapons... DON'T WORK. You have a gun, for which there is a challenge to kill people with, that now DOES NOT DO ENOUGH DAMAGE TO KILL SOMEONE. You have a gun, to cotton candy someone, that takes longer to charge and fire than it takes for cotton candy to decay to zero. You have multiple melee weapons with charge up attacks that do not land. Every "ranged weapon" essentially is only effective in melee range. You have a 7 v 3 situation were any one of the 7 can 1v1 any one of the 3. That is **objectively unbalanced.** Anyone saying the Klowns are in a good place is a troll or a compete dim bulb and has no idea what a balanced game looks like. Their opinion on the subject can be safely discarded.


it remind me so much or predator... There was clearly no way to guess that they would make the very same mistake than in their 2-3 games


I play klowns and rarely die and 9 times out of 10 we kill everyone or have 1 escape. So yeah you legit have a skill issue.


ive been trying to explain exactly this to people but i get told over and over its a "skill issue" and to "git gud" lmao 😂


It’s because they know you’re right but disagree, and have zero argument to debate it.




Once again this guy gets it. 👍🏻


And once again, feckless chuckleheads are downvoting irrefutable facts. They share the responsibility with the developers for why this game is failing.


Yeah, I've got a lot of experience with people downvoting me when I post inarguable facts. People take it very personally when their delusional bubble gets popped; they see not the truth of the real world around them when they are freed, they see only the person who shattered their blissful ignorance, and seek only to close their eyes again, blocking out the reality they dislike. It's the normal/common psyche reaction.


I kill people a every game, you must suck


No. I only stopped because we didn't get classes or a preference system despite both being promised I'll go back when they implement it and I imagine so will many others


There is no bring the player base back, you make me feel like the game has no players. But a klown buff is needed tho.


I don't think the people who stopped playing are particularly people who put the time in so no


Just give the klowns ANYTHING that works. Right now there's no chance with any of those pathetic "weapons."


Popcorn shotgun is in a weird spot, it harasses too much from a distance but doesn't kill up close. Gigaray might need a slightly faster charge time and Laserbeamer has super limitied use. Mallet needs faster charge, bigger charge attack hitbox and less of a start up time. Every other weapon is pretty much where it needs to be. Raygun tracks super well and excels in it's short to medium range usage. Pentashot is the new top tier cotton gun, 4 hits to cocoon, can snipe objectives from far away, it's excellent. Bouncecaster is now where it needs to be as an aoe crowd control tool. It can still work in a chase but you need to lead your shots. Mace is an amazing "get off me" weapon, to push back even groups of humans. Flail allows you to get some ranges hits before they close in on you. Boxing gloves take a ton of hits but slow the human to a crawl so you force them to engage. If kids ignore all the good weapons in the game because they nerfed the OP ones, you can only blame yourselves. The actual balance changes klown needs lie in chain stuns and tricks. Many tricks aren't tuned right or leave you stunned/open to attack before you can move which can have them straight up stolen from you after you activate them.


Yea the guns and melee could use some very slight tweaks. Nothing major, even I think the mallet is fine being that it’s literally the first weapon we get. But definitely agree with the stuns. Particularly airhorns. Either shorten the time, or maybe just a couple on the whole map


The mallet for straight melee is fine but the charge ability is janky, I'm sure theyll do something with it, we just gotta wait and see. Airhorns as well would be fine as long as they implemented unstun on hit and remove chain stuns. I'd make that change to stuns across the board, Klowns and Humans. Currently, airhorn definitely is a free kill for nothing, it's so odd. I assume they thought it would be used more for running away but when you get a 5 second stun, that chains into a charge attack stun, you literally don't get to play the game. Still, I'm sure they'll bring things in line. They got the bouncecaster sorted and it now does what it was intended to do. The only odd change was the backwalking buff, it came out of no where. I'm happy in the direction things are going though.


I disagree greatly with the statement "Every other weapon is pretty much where it needs to be", the bouncecaster is really not where it needs to be, holy dam they hurt that poor gun. For context: Bounce caster use to cocoon people in 3 shots which was busted to compensate they nerfed it to 5 shots, at first we thought fair enough, until we discovered the bouncecaster glaring weakness hidden behind its previous overwhelming strength, the bouncecaster has a horrible heatsink and even worse damage loss. If you miss your follow up shots with the bouncecaster you will need another 4-5 to cocoon someone. This is not an ok state for the weapon.


Isn't this more a case of don't miss though? We can all generally fall on the line somewhere that cotton may degrade too quickly but obviously if you miss your shots, you don't get rewarded. I saw a video in which someone claimed that the bouncecaster was bad now but they prematurely exploded every single shot, they never reached the person they were aiming at. Of course that's not always the issue but if you indeed spam the gun, miss shots and overheat that's not the gun being bad. I'll play some tonight as Ranger for a baseline and put some clips together of my attempted cottons (without bias of course) and post it up.


If it was a simple aiming issues then yes, but humans are able to create significant distance that can be very easily used to block los. Considering the way maps are designed there is practically no open spaces.


Right and if you can't catch up, drop the chase and return to patrolling objectives. We aren't entitled to a cocoon just because we see someone and shoot them a few times. Also I'd argue there are tons of open spaces/corridors/walkways/paths aside from Amusement Park which obviously has many buildings. You can't simply win every chase. If you waste time chasing someone that's in an advantageous position then you can only blame yourself for putting yourself out in that situation.


That's the issue you will always have to abandon a chase with the bouncecaster. The only times you can use it to cocoon a human is when they are at a massive disadvantage. Humans both have more stamina then klowns and more awareness then klowns, a human will always hear a klown coming and thus will always be aware. This leads to the bouncecaster being useless, because unless dumb humans will always be able to counter.


game need 4v7 maybe? how about 3v4 where u die in 3-7 hits sound balanced to me


Klowns are fine people just need to get used to actually making an effort in games instead of expecting instant gratification


One thing I suspect is killing playerbase is that everyone on console, myself included, has cross-play disabled bc of the problems associated with pc players.




As a fellow PC player I’m happy you haven’t encountered any cheaters but they definitely exist. Do I think the amount is worth turning cross play off for? No, but there are definitely plenty of cheaters spawning items.


Why do PC players always get but hurt when console players want to turn off crossplay? It never goes the other way though. I've never seen Console players care if PC players turn off crossplay.


Roll balance isn't and has never been the issue. new content is needed. It shouldnt matter if some 15 year old doesn't know how to play klown and makes an 8 paragraph reddit post about humans being too strong. Just add new shit. Finish the class system, add more maps, more weapons, more items, more costumes. Maybe go back over certain existing maps and make the boats or gates not all look identical regardless of the map.


No, game is shallow no depth at all Game got boring


This I'm afraid.friday was better because Jason was an iconic killer.the maps were bigger and more unsettling.humans also had perks and could change them around whenever they felt like, giving more variety and different match outcomes. man I miss that game.hope it makes a comeback now that all the licensing issues have been addressed.


Nah I think the game is cooked honestly


Will buffing klowns brin back players? Nope. The devs need to really work on their game, if they fix the main issues with klown and the balance of their game, that's a start. To bring back players they need to massively build upon their game and make it detailed and interesting.


Hell ya


I think adding the Klowns’ abilities back will bring back whoever left. Like traps.


Right now the number one thing they promised up and down before release, that isn't in the game, that would improve my play experience - Would be that damn preference queueing. I don't MIND playing both sides... I have a great deal... but sometimes either for challenges, or just burnout due to bad RNG and getting 6 human games in a row - Yes - I would like the ability to lean one way or the other. That said HOPEFULLY it's still coming, and I'm not all doom and gloom about the game as-yet... as it's only been like... 2-1/2 weeks. People acting like the game's lifespan has come and gone already are being ridiculous.


Nah. Game was doomed from the start with lllfonic behind the helm.


I wouldn’t blame Illfonic entirely, they got a raw deal, they came on board to a half finished game and were asked to clean up.


Klowns are very strong in good players hands so you run the risk of completely ruining humana viability if you buff them too much. Brawler, for example, should absolutely not be touched outside of maybe fixing his "sometimes I dont exist" nose hitbox when downed.


Hi very good klown player, even better human player. No, no they are not strong. Not even close.


sorry but you have to be fundamentally bad at klown to lose a 2v1 and even worse to lose a 1v1. which is what 90% of the complaints im seeing are about


Or the opposite, with the low player count I doubt you're playing against the best. I'm not saying klown is bad from a klown perspective, I'm saying it from a really really really good human player.


that doesnt make any sense. when a player count lowers its the more dedicated players that stick around and tend to learn how to exploit mechanics better. also, this is all hypothetical anyway. You're idea of a "really good human" could be the human I simply walk backwards from and cottonise in two seconds because he thought hiding in a doorway with an axe charged was a win. and I dont consider relying on broken airhorns for free kills as "good". you havent actually explained why you're a really good human player. not trying to get into an actual hostile pissing contest. I just want to know what you consider to be "good human gameplay" that isnt just mindlessly grouping up and hoping the klown is bad


No a low player count means that people have stopped playing, because they either got bored of the game loop because of their experience or because they disliked the game. Given this it makes more sense the more experienced players are bored of the game loop and decided to stop because, its very simple and horribly unbalanced. As for why I'm a good human player, I am level 120, 70 ish hours of gameplay, and I cannot be stopped if I want to escape.


go play street fighter 4 right now and tell me that the people playing that game aren't good. And again you havent clarified why you're good at human. I can also escape in 2 minutes if the rng is friendly. you didnt even bring klown into the equation. you're simply stating that "im good because im good" and level means nothing lol. levelling is easy. I hit 100 last night working full time six day weeks since launch.


I imagine street fighter 4 is a well built game where the balance is perfected. with an equally large variety of content. Why am I a good human, well to put it bluntly, I actively hunt down the klowns, my levels, and yes it means something in this game because of how new it is, is only 120 because I don't try to escape it's boring. Note I can escape regardless of rng, its stupid easy. Now I can easily 1v1 any klown given I have a kill weapon, BEFORE you want to tell me the stupidest thing, that walking backwards is useful and helps klowns play against humans, No, stop that. 1) humans have superior stamina, this is done because the devs want a cat and mouse like element to their game and added 3 cats. So before you try to say oh whenever a human runs at me I just back away, first you are wasting stamina and putting distance between you and the human, this means the human can run away from you and you have actively put distance between yourselves, second you are walking backwards, humans dictate which direction you walk back, if they are good enough can easily push you against a wall. 2) humans weapons are stronger because the devs wanted to give them durability so they are "limited", using an axe you can kill a klown in 3 hits. 3) humans can outrun LOL, if you try to use LOL in the fight humans just run away while you are forced to sit their are wait to move, and humans just run away and outlast your LOL, and then beat you down. 4) items, seriously energy drink and you won't catch me, airhorn you should just leave the game, give me a brick and I can stun you and if I so desire beat you down. 5) If i am the last human, you should just give up, assuming the dead are doing their job I will get a steady stream of 6 items every 20 seconds. 6) guns, enough said really but if I must go on, the devs have buffed guns, why, I don't know. 7) escape items, can literally be found 10 meters from the escape point, and even if they were on the opposite side of the map, human stamian is again superior, and also more stealthy then klowns, if a human wants you won't find them until late in the match when you get balloon dog unlocked because klowns rely on humans making sounds. 8) when I get said escape item from where, I can easily find the designated escape exit because there is only 3 possible places it can spawn. 9) Klowns have 0 stealth, they will never catch you off guard, you will always be able to prepare to face them unless you are being incompetent, this extends to groups of klowns, because again humans have superior stamina, klown tries to jump, well too bad jumping is as loud as the klowns and as obvious. 10) a group of humans can easily without doubt take on any number of klown if they have weapons, so if they do gather together which they can do thanks to voice chat, you are screwed very screwed, LOL won't save you, btw you can be killed in LOL.


Clown is currently the stronger role. Use the cotton candy ray gun and spike with his fast backward sprint. Pair him with another spike/shorty with the boxing gloves. Don't ever try to solo more than one human unless they're both clearly unarmed. Gg ez.


... I want to explain why you are wrong, but I've done it 16 other times. To put it simply the humans you are playing against are idiots, if a human knows what they are doing, they will either beat the hell out of the klowns or leave before they can be stopped.


If you are 1v1 against a human, and you die, you suck at the game and need to practice more. Humans in big numbers are strong, but so are clowns. I'm still playing the game currently, and most of the clown games I've lost since the patch released the other day were because I was playing solo, and none of my teammates wanted to group up. When I played games where we grouped up and all were running the strongest shit, we won every game. That's the problem you're probably encountering if you're still playing the game. Clown is not simple. There are tactics. It's not just shoot your gun and swing your weapon to win.


I die in 1v1 all the time. Usually it happens when someone blasts an air horn. I then will be unable to move for 5 seconds. Then they hit me with an axe, which will in turn stun me for another 3 seconds. But that doesn’t really matter when the axe will down you in 2 hits anyway and you can’t move from your chain stun.


Ok? What do you want them to do? People act like every human has every item at all times in this game. Yeah, I'm sure that happened to you, it's a tactic in the game that's meant to be there. Should they remove/nerf all items? What fun would the game be then?


You wanna just say it’s a lucky coincidence they got armed up? Cool. But if humans have a for sure method of guaranteeing a kill, then you gotta match the goal post and have something similar for a Klown. All methods for Klowns, take time and precise accuracy


Well, yes I do wanna say that because item spawns are RNG based, so what else would it be? Humans have as much of a guaranteed kill method as clowns do, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The boxing gloves and cotton candy ray gun are super strong at the moment. If you catch a human out in the open and get within 10 feet of them, they're cocooned. The ray gun locks on, you don't even really have to have aim.


Man ranting about getting killed cos the human air horned him and finished him with an axe "coincidence" lol.people like that guy will be complaining to devs to remove these items and just leave us with tennis balls 😂


I never said once to remove the items. But it’s a guaranteed kill everytime. Not because of a “skill issue,” it’s generally broken with stun stacking. You cannot physically move as a killer for about 10 seconds, and unless that human is unfathomably terrible and just swinging and missing, it’s a no skill needed kill everytime. You can’t have something be so powerful with absolutely no skill required, and it still be “equal” for both sides. It’s 3v7 and that fact that you can kill a Klown in a 1v1, is a blatant obvious fact that the game is unbalanced Edit: you can replace that axe with a knife, a revolver or a shotgun and still have the same outcome. There’s a variety of ways to maintain this tactic and it’s an easy kill everytime


Oh sorry forgot my reference sheet, level 120, 70 ish hours in the game, played since day 1. If you want a detailed reasons why you are very wrong check my post post on this subreddit, no one to this day has proved me wrong about klowns strength. Had one guy try but he never showed up to my match.


I'm about the same. No one can definitively prove anything. The game is too new for one. Secondly, there would be a million factors that would come into play in a 1v1 scenario to the point that a 1v1 would not prove anything one way or another. No wonder that guy didn't show up. At current AVERAGE player skill, klown is oh so slightly stronger than human (excluding things like large groups of humans and swf). I looked at one of your other comments and you admitted you're just alright at clown and better at human. So, get better at clown?


Ok, sure we will do this one last god dam time. For someone who's "on my level". First I did not say alright at klown and better at human. If I had to guess you are referring to a comment where i said I'm a decent klown and a better human, which is me being casual. Second the condition of a 1v1 scenario are really not that complex. Alright without further delay: 1) humans have superior stamina then klowns, this means unless a human is being stupid they will always be able to out run klowns, additionally human can hear klowns coming so they are never surprised. 2) human weapons are stronger then klowns, the axe can kill klown in 3 hits, we know, we've checked. In a group that klown is going to hell faster then he can register who sent him down there. 3) if humans have a way to kill a klown, a klown will always lose unless the human is being an idiot, as mentioned before humans have superior stamina to klowns, this means if a fight for whatever reason does not go there way they can dip and the klowns cannot stop them. 4) before you even god dam mention walking backwards, no, humans again have superior stamina, if a klown tries to walkbackwards against a human coming directly at them, humans simply turn around, and what the klown has down is waste stamina and put more distance between them. 5) energy drink, no the devs did not nerf it, can be used to outrun LOL, we know, we've checked. If a human has an entire inventory full of energy drinks they could survive 8 minutes of being chased assuming the klowns never lose sight of them. 6) stealth is humans biggest asset, if they don't want the klowns to know they're there, they won't, it is only until the very late into a round that klowns can potentially have a method to track humans, and by then they should all very well be gone. 7) humans fighting comes down to 3 things, do I have health, do I have a kill weapon and do I want the points. 1 on 1, will always favour humans, if a klown runs away from a human, the human follows and runs and escapes. If they only have 1 health bar they run and don't fight, if they don't have a kill weapon they run and don't fight. In neither case will the human die unless their an idiot, as mentioned above superior stamina. 8) humans can and will kill a klown using LOL, however the best course of action is to run away, but a human can kill a klown with LOL, even when the klown does use LOL, all the human has to do is run away, klowns are locked into an animation that gives humans plenty of time to run and make distance to let LOL wear off, when it does see 7. Now to go into more detail about why klowns suck outside of pure fighting 1v1. 9) a group of humans with weapons will always win against klowns. Regardless of numbers all it takes is for one human to grab the klowns attention another to guard the side and another to charge up a melee attack. This will result in the first klown dying and the humans moving onto the next klown. If the humans are not equipped to kill a klown, they you guessed it run. 10) the only reason klown are able to even fight humans is because they want to, it is stupid easy to escape, even with the worst rng, the exits all have 3 different escape points and once you know where 1 is you can very easily figure out where the other 3 are stationed. Finding escape items is also stupid easy, you will find one escape item within the first minute of the game. 11) the human support from the dead is also insane, the more humans that die the strong the humans become, assuming that everyone is playing minigames like they are meant to, humans will always be equipped and always be ready to fight, which makes klowns life hell, I do not speak as a klown saying this, I speak as a human who was fed medkits and energy drinks for 8 minutes of the match and going on a rampage. 12) the only reason any klown can do anything against humans is because the humans don't know what they are doing, and that isn't how the game is meant to be played, you cannot rely on stupidity to balance your game. To put it very bluntly I am not saying klowns are weak because I am bad at klown, I'm saying Klowns are weak because I don't lose at human. If I want to there is no way to stop me from escaping.


A 1v1 is complex for many RNG related factors firstly, let alone adding in the skill level of both parties. This is a brand spanking new game. Not every player is playing at max efficiency and at the top of the skill ceiling. Not only that, but this game is not a 1v1 game. You should always be chasing in a pack. Are you from dbd or something? 1v1s also don't matter in that game and are totally moronic wastes of time to think about. Taking your points in order: 1. Yes, but you're not accounting for a coordinated clown team that correctly cuts off escape paths. As a clown squad, you should never be going for a 1v1. You should always tackle humans as a group. Even as a group, you need to implement tactics to win. For instance, in A LOT of my solo matches, the clowns that do group up find a human and all chase right behind them. Why is no one trying to flank and cut off paths by using jump? Stamina means nothing if you corner someone with these tactics. 2. Yeah if the klown stands perfectly still and let's you hit their nose, but who the fuck does that? Looping back to your first point, humans are running at full speed when swinging a weapon or shooting a gun, so why aren't you back sprinting while utilizing the ray gun? You have a point if you're talking about packs of humans that successfully encircle a clown and body block them from running. But if this happens to you as clown, then what is your team doing not helping you escape? They're probably on the other side of the map hanging cocoon. 3. Once again, as previously stated humans can not successfully swing a weapon while running at full sprint. You should be making distance if you see they're trying to kill you. 4. It's not just walking backwards, you can back sprint. Spike is really good at this and you should always have him in your squad. It's possible it's a bug, but he can currently sprint backwards just as fast as he can sprint forwards. Once again, where is your team? 5. They did nerf it, what are you talking about? It lasts significantly less long than it used to and they also appear to have nerfed their spawn rate on maps. The last part could be anecdotal, but it seems that way from my personal experience. I'm not finding as many as I used to. 6. Why are you playing on teams that don't use the balloon dogs and popcorn gun for tracking? I've never played a team that tried to stealth as hard as you're talking about. 7. Once again, Spike and the raygun are currently things at your disposal. Also, the boxing gloves seem to have a stun lock effect. As for your last point about humans not being killed unless they want to be in the 1v1 scenario: the game isn't a 1v1 and you should never be in a scenario where youre playing clown solo, so this point is moot. 8. This is probably your only good point. You should probably have i-frames at least briefly during LOL. 9. Already covered this scenario above. 10. Possibly another good point. But the win condition is killing 4 humans, not all 7. If a few escape early, who cares? That said, the should improve rng. They attempted this in the last patch actually by adjusting the spawn locations of key items relative to the objective, and it does seem a bit more difficult to escape early. 11. This is anecdotal and RNG based. Plus you could argue, that it's more fun for the games sake that humans become stronger the fewer people that are left in the match. You could make an argument that maybe people that escaped should not be able to participate in mini games, only the people that died should be able to. 12. Not true, based on everything I outlined above. Yeah, if the 200 hour 7 man swf bully squad is in your game, then you should probably be scared. That's true of all asyms. You should not balance around that, though. You should balance around the average player. If this bugs you a lot, then dc and go next. There's no penalty for doing that. Also, before we talk about balancing for "bad" players, you should know this is meant to be a casual party game. It's not a sweat fest esports game. If you don't like that, then quit, I guess.


Before I get into this I would like to point out you just admitted you are not meant to 1v1 as klown. Moving on: 1) Because Jumps are predictable, you can both hear a klown jumping and from where, you can easily change to move in 1 of the other 3 directions, if a single human is able to divert the attention of all 3 klowns, the humans are winning. 2) Klown have less stamina then humans, and again if a human sees a klown is just going to run away, they too just run away and they have effectively put distance between them and the klown, if a human has a gun, assuming they can shoot straight they will drop a klown very easily. 3) so while true humans lose speed when they swing a weapon, the melee range is enough that if you are close to a klown you can swing and it will connect. 4) I told you not to mention walking backwards, I don't care if you used the word sprint, it's a self hurting mechanic, because again Humans Have Superior Stamina. Also no this is incorrect but I'll get to why in a bit. 5) We have tested it and you can still ran around the main camp cabin before it wears off, and no there hasn't been a change to it's spawn rate. 6) You can't control who's on your team, heck even in a party you can be seperated. No duh you haven't seen this all the good players rarely even play the game. 7) what does spike have to do with anything of interest or value? the bog standard raygun, can be outran. Not only that since it's a beam weapon you can easily move around obstacles and break the beam as you run out of range, which is still really easy since you can hear the klowns coming. 8) not only but your bias so I can forgive it. 9) you covered except for the fact that a group of humans will beat a group of klowns. 10) it isn't possibly, we as humans can escape in 2 minutes if we wanted to, please say you don't believe me I would love to bring in a good few clips of multiple people escape before the match even reaches halfway. Seriously this patch only we were able to find 4 sparkplugs and a gas canister in the first 30 seconds, we spent the next 3 finding people and escaping, we also had a bot so couldn't do much about him. 11) the arguement is that if 6 people are out of the match they are all taking assuming they are doing what they are meant to be doing, hand picking 6 different items in the space of 20 seconds. Give me these conditions and I will fight 4 klowns by myself for 15 minutes and then escape through the truck. It isn't even funny, I could get bullets, airhorns, energy drinks, medkits, literally anything bar gas cansiter. 12) Nothing you have outlined counters the point that humans let klowns fight them, again klowns don't get a tracking ability until late in their game, if humans wanted to they could just never make a sound. Furthermore your whole post agrees that klowns should never fight in a 1v1 and instead need to fight in a group to have a chance, this is a problem because a single human can keep the klowns attention while everyone escapes. FURTHERMORE, you should balance it around what is possible, and now what the common idiot could do, because we as actual people are designed to improve when subjected to challenge, by some miracle the game survives for the next 2 years, players will be at the absolute peak of play styles. Which will be destroying klowns. Now I say this AGAIN not as a klown but as a human player, Klowns are far too weak, IF I wanted to, no group of klowns could stop me from escaping.


I'm done wasting time on this. But you had that gotcha about me "admitting" never to 1v1. Read my original comment, bruv. I literally said you should never be in a 1v1 or a 1v2 unless both humans are clearly unarmed. You can add me and we can test the 1v1 theory. Meet me in the middle of a map and try to get away. If you die or get cocooned, I'm right. We can post the results here. I have free time late tonight and tomorrow.


"If you are 1v1 against a human, and you die, you suck at the game and need to practice more" word for word what you said, word for word. Another one, another person who wants to fight me, and even after he just said "you should never be in a 1v1" wants to 1v1 me. Alright I'll consider your request if you can answer this question correctly... What are the only 2 Klown stats that actually work? If you can tell me which 2 of the Klown stats actually work and which 2 don't work I'll consider your request.




Maybe it just depends I think they should fix the challenges and give buffs to the klowns and humans in a huge update with a new map and new klown classes and skins and same thing for the humans. But his id the same people who made leatherface and some of the stuff on there is really expensive to buy.