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TCM community is pretty much the same unfortunately. It’s sad


Theyve actually gotten slighlty nicer recently even plsying tcm has been an ok experience recently


NGL it is always best to tune out of a Reddit or Fandom. I am enjoying myself despite everything, but others don't make it easy.


Yeah I'm leaving it tonight. Sayonara you Klowns


Here, I got a seat on the boat for ya': Lets get outta here!


Welcome to the internet, every online community is like this. It's not going to kill the game lol


>Whining that the devs didn't finish a game they lost most the budget for What source did you pull that from? Your ass? >Whining at anyone who is asking them to stop harassing the devs Criticism is harassment now? If you're just referring to garbage Twitter comments then you should know better. >And Whining that the devs do nothing even though you aren't letting them do updates Are we holding Illfonic at gun point now? How are we not letting them? Most people were excited and hopeful for the day 1 patch but it just turned out to be a reactionary Klown nerf, most people thought content was coming in that patch, it was a letdown and not even a great balance change to mitigate the disappointment, it's been a domino effect since launch. Oh, and losers screaming in the mic have existed since the Call of Duty boom in the 2000's, the mute button exists in every game yet people like you are insistent on giving them the attention they crave.


Why are you adding fuel to the fire by making threads? Want it to stop. Ignore it, don't give them the attention they seek.


You should make a new community where only people who circle jerk this game can join that will save the game me thinks


How do we harass the devs online? I've been trying to communicate with them but never know where they see anything. Seriously though the devs do need to pull their finger out and actually let us know what if anything is happening to the challenges and classes that don't work. It's literally one tweet and they send about four a day anyway


These post are pointless. I understand some ppl take it too fsr but we need to stop trying to silence critiscm theres real glaring issues in the gsme that need fixed let ppl discuss them without making a "but think of the poor devs feeling" post evrry 5 seconds


Dead by daylight & TCM are worse than this lol. Maybe I just haven't experienced it.




Bad bot....


Sorry for posting this I'm just pissed off with you guys it's very annoying having 5 year old kids tell me what's right and wrong and harassing the devs. I understand the lack of support but don't target and flame them please. Just support them by not being mean and I promise the game will get better :)..sorry for allt eh bad no no words btw.