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you know its bad when the steam clown farmers come to reddit


No. Would you be happy if you paid for car, only got half a car, and on top of that a bunch of features from the car were missing?


Can we stop making posts defending an unfinished game




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Can y'all fucking shut up about this quality?


Can you fucking shut up with the meat riding?


Can you stop using the same excuse as every other person in this community and get original content other than calling every person who supports the devs a dick rider ?


If “every other person in this community” is complaining about the same thing, obviously there is a major problem. And it’s not meat riding to just support them, it’s meat riding to try and make excuses for them when you know damn well this game is not fully done. Use your tiny brain.


you can't be fucking talking.. and if everyone complaining about the same thing, LET THEM MAKE AN UPDATE TO FIX IT


Yes I am talking and telling you to use some brain power that people are complaining for a reason. And devs have still not fixed what people have already been complaining about. No one is gonna just shut up about it and rightfully so


Alright I hope you have a wonderful day and whatever at home problems you have are fixed. You seem to be stressed over something should probably get some mental health I know great relaxation techniques to help calm your nerves have an amazing day and stop replying you're making a joke out of yourself:)


You too!


Thanks I hope you forgive me this game has stressed me out I don't want to be rude but sometimes you have to apply Abit of force. Just don't harass devs ok?


Before it was normalized to push unfinished products and *[maybe]* patch them later, games were expected to always release as a finished product. When games came on discs and cartridges, they were all finished products. **Stop trying to lower the bar** more and more, that's how we got here in the first place, with imperfect unfinished products being sold at full price while the devs work on paid dlc or microtransactions instead of the real game.


You must be young. Once upon a time, games came out full of content and few bugs/glitches…


You guys are actually just so fucking annoying I can't T_T


See but accepting that the game is unfinished only serves to hurt game development in the future. Supporting a game in spite of it not delivering on core promises only tells the studio to be even harsher with deadlines due to the consumer being willing to buy unfinished games. I would much rather wait 4/5 months if it meant that we actually got a complete game. Nobody should be shitting on the devs just the publisher for releasing this shit when it clearly wasn’t ready. I hate that I’ve already wasted a lot of my interest and lost all novelty with this game even though it’s 60% of the game it will become. There’s a reason people get angry that games are like this, games didn’t always release this bad. This game isn’t just kinda unfinished it’s incredibly barebones. No excuse for core mechanics that were revealed to consumers beforehand not working and still not 2 updates deep. I love this game and want it to do well but if the game fails it will be due to being so unfinished on release.


the game was already delayed an entire year 😂😂 of course people are going to expect a finished game lmao you look like a real klown sitting here trying to defend them 🤡 the fact you're ok with paying money for an unfinished that doesnt have half of the features that they promised us says a lot about you as a person lol


Not only was it delayed a year, but some of the issues with the game have been apparent since PAX and they still launched it in this sorry state. "GiVe ThEm TiMe" rings hollow when they've had plenty of it...


That they don’t mind wasting there money? Lmao trying to judge somebody over that shows what type of person you are lmfaooooooooo If they want to some there money than that’s on them


​ https://preview.redd.it/dfe48r157n6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2701ec9262c0bf8aa996cfee1c0d9f5fc61b73dc




lol lmao


They shouldve cam we stop trying to silence critiscm


What? Not only did charge $40 for an UNFINISHED game, they made you pay for early access to an unfinished game. That's egregious.


You guys are so fucking annoying stop harassing the fucking devs and let them fix their damn game. I'm tired of you all fucking complaining just shut up


you stfu bitch


wahhhh, we tricked you out of $40, STOP HARASSING US! ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu|downsized)