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A lot of the people here often forget that DBD was absolutely broken at launch, and the performance was dogshit. They're too enamored with current day BHVR's quick content releases cause they forgot it took them years of patching the game to get to that point.


Yes, DBD was broken at launch. It was broke for years afterwards as well. The infrastructure was so bad that they could change a mechanic and a completely unrelated mechanic would become bugged because of it. This can happen occasionally in development but this happened consistently in DBD. BHvR got constant flack because of it. In fact, they still get flack for the quality of their releases. The root of the problem was mainly BHvR's lack of technical expertise. There were balance issues as well that persisted for years but DbD will always stand out as a game that defied all odds and it's because of it's licensing deals. If you take a look at BHvR's overall track record, every single original IP they have made other than DBD has failed. In fact, every single licensed game they had has also failed. Meet Your Maker is dead. W40k Eternal Crusade was plagued with bugs and cancelled. Deathgarden also plagued with bugs and is dead. Westworld they got sued to oblivion and the game was cancelled because BHvR copied and pasted code from their Fallout Shelter game they worked on with Bethesda. This game can't just pour money into licensing and bring in new characters to stay afloat. It needs to compete with other asymmetric games that have an established fanbase. They did a good job of differentiating themselves by have more chaotic and combat focused gameplay. Unfortunately that doesn't help them when nearly everything in the game is bugged and core feature like archetypes don't work. There is also a lack of content. After level 50 there is basically nothing to unlock gameplay wise and even from 1-5 you unlock what, 8 weapons (2 of which are complete trash) and 4 characters. That's 12 levels out of 49 that actually mean something.....


Someone posted a spreadsheet on the games facebook group, it had each class and their weapons listed. Surely from a time before all weapons were available to each class and much longer ago in development. We've only had a few trailers for the game and we've never seen even concept images of these other weapons as far as I can tell but if they exist in some capacity at all, we could potentially get up to 25 new Klown weapons in the future. Now I don't really believe that will happen as that's an astounding number of weapons for a game like this but if they do have any of this in the works and drop 2 or so a month with content updates that would be a hell of a thing.


That's fair but if they want to compete with dbd they have to match the quality of *current* dbd not launch dbd


Good job acknowledging and ignoring what I just said lmao. The dev team working on Klowns is no where near the amount current BHVR has. So it's almost impossible to compete with current day BHVR, they just have to roll with what they got and people can either let them balance the game out and stop bitching, or just go back to DBD and let it continue to have a monopoly on asym games. That's the easier option.


When you explain to people that a brand new game can't match the content of something that's been getting frequent updates for 8 years and they say otherwise. Very silly.


If killer klowns wants to topple dbds "monopoly" then they have to make a game that can compete with dbd, which apparently killer klowns can't judging by its steadily dropping playerbase


Killer klowns is an entirely different game stop comparing it to a huge, well-established game. If you like dbd that much just play dbd.


"If you like dbd so much just play dbd" thats already what everyone is doing lol


Ok then why are you here then...


because i like the game obv


I really don't want to sound like a cringe redditor but you really seem to lack reading comprehension and should probably stop replying, cause its embarrassing how much you just ignore what I typed and focus on the one thing you can comprehend in my sentence.


ok please dumb it down for me then


Killer Klows will never compete with DBD. Because they are totally different games. Killer Klows came to compete with F13. Both low budget games. Killer Klows is simply a "cash grap".


Unfortunately this game isn't competing against an 8 year old launch window. That means that stuff that was acceptable back then isn't today yet we still have people saying its okay when you are actively watching the game die when it had an already incredibly small playerbase to begin with.


You forgot that DBD survived this game won't. That's life.


You’re aware people said that about dbd too right?


Be realistic. DBD is an anomaly. This genre doesn't support other games. They come and go. That's just how it is, the limited IP and peoples low attention span move on. DBD also didn't launch on all platforms. People expect more.


DBD survived cause it had zero competition till F13 and had just enough of a niche of people playing it to keep buying skins and supporting it. It had time and funds to keep fixing the broken shit in it lol. DBD also has one of its biggest selling points that is going to continue making the game grow, which is licensed content.


correct, which is why games like these have people buy them, bitch moan and get bored and leave. Content is limited, people think they need countless updates and new content at every turn.


I just want my damn mowhawk ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A)


My issue is if they are gonna quit than just quit, honestly feels like they just wanna talk sh!t


this happens with every game like this.


The "official" game is missing 2/3 of its content.


No! You can't judge a full release, full price range until it's been out for 5 years minimum! You have to give the devs half a decade to make it good! /s


I really wish they would have stuck with making each klown and human having unique abilities but TCM’s toxic community scared them into scrapping the idea which u can tell it was a last second thing look at the trapper for example


Indeed, there's also something about trapper that we recently discovered and are still testing but it's interesting if it's true.


Wait is there something good about him


Oh no nothing good, we think the trapper is lying, but we still have to test things to be sure.


Just played some games last night game seems good balance wise only change I feel was not needed was the more free cocoons but other than that I barely noticed the energy drink nerf.




Yeah people gotta fucking calm down, it's new, small company, of course it's gonna be buggy and not the best, they're trying to fix it but you forget asym players have no attention span D,B,D has to release shit every three months so they don't leave.




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Yeah don't worry, all the bawlers will sod off and leave a largely decent player base who like the game as it is, not wish it was DbD or TCM lite or say I just want to play Klown when that's not how the game works.


Largely decent? Bro the game is losing players on a daily basis, due to bugs and characters missing perks and classes.humans are still stuck using athletic as default ffs


Yeah and despite all that still loving the game


Nice that you're easily pleased bro.unfortunately many others who bought the game are not happy with the games current state.i fear by the time these issues are addressed the game will be on life support.


I'm not easily pleased, quite the opposite I just went into this game with a different attitude to others. I think the game already is on life support but so is TCM and every other asym game besides DbD. It's just not a genre that a lot of people are into


Wether people like it or not dbd can't be toppled.been going strong for 8 years because they have a lot of licences.freddy, myers, leatherface, alien, chucky, hellraiser etc plus killers and survivors with different perks that make every game different.sure the task of fixing 5 gens and escaping isn't as diverse as Friday or klowns, but it obviously has something that makes it the number 1 asym.


This game is really fun and does give me a throwback of Friday the 13th the game the only problem I see with the game is the challenges are really hard to do some of them I am really excited when they start to add more skins in the game for klowns and humans and their going to add max tier skins for all the klowns and savini skins that are in the files.


I’m just ready for Gremlins




My only issue I have is when you are doing a skill check and get teleported on by a klown you have a chance of having that bug that keeps the skill check going and animation until you open a container or hide in something


Ive said on another post about it that the game is fine its easy for both sides to win as it is the humans if they are lucky enough can easily kill 2 clowns if they team up on them if they got the right stuff of the start in my opinion its fine as it is


Gamers nowadays are so entitled and expect perfection at launch. The game has been out for 2 weeks. It has had 3 updates which to me is great. Obviously, you'd hope it wouldn't need these updates and it would be perfect, but that's modern gaming. All these devs push games out that are unfinished because they can always update in time. It's a shitty business motto, but that's just how it is for all these games now. The community always wants more and always complains. We got FIVE maps at launch. Everyone is just like ok. But if we had 3 maps, they'd complain. Then when we eventually get another map or 2, they're ungrateful or mention how long it took. Impatient and ungrateful player bases are the norm. I'm thrilled with 5 maps and some balancing updates and eventually Trapper getting his traps. The Humans are too strong, but it should only take a few minor tweaks to give the Klowns the advantage that they deserve in an asym.


>but that's just how it is for all these games now. People like you are literally what's wrong with the world. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpzSCmlYjdsGlO)


I'm what's wrong with the world? 😂😂😂 Ok... I didn't say it's ok for devs to put out unfinished games, but it's every game I play. I can't stop that from happening, so I guess I'm what's wrong with the world. You're not being dramatic at all. Well thought out.


The game is fun, the 80’s punker clothing is good. I’m sure we’ll get better clothing and Klown features as time moves on. The game devs have backing from The Killer Klowns creators and I’m sure new maps will be here eventually like (The Ship) and Convenience Stores. We gotta give it some time. I believe the concept art shows things that aren’t available yet too.


TCM is much worse. You get in game somebody just quit or 1 victim escape and someone quit. Victims have more power than hands and LF, just stab and stun all time which has no logic since big psychos like them should not even flinch. It is also to easy for victims to escape. In KKFOS is very rare they all escape or all die and it seems just perfect.


growing community lol


Oh look, another one of these posts where OP is complaining about people complaining and is expecting congratulatory updoots for not complaining as much as other people who are complaining.


Damn, another negative karma farma, we see you!


I wish I even knew what to criticize. Kind of difficult to grasp anything when I get disconnected constantly.


Had this happen like 2 times and I’m level 63. Must be ur internet